Spoofing and forging forms

Nowadays, every website has an HTML form to complete for registration so that users can have access to that particular website. Since Internet crime is steadily increasing, how do we validate that the user who completed the form did so through your website? It is therefore necessary to know that no one has spoofed our form submission.

Before, we see how we can protect our forms from spoofing, let us see how we can spoof a form. By following these two ways we can alter the form submission:

  • Forging HTTP requests
  • Spoofing submissions

Forging HTTP requests

We can type our own requests by using telnet to access port 80. So, botheration of generating or modifying forms for every type of attack is overcome by this method as it might just use raw HTTP for alteration of form data. Because of this, we can say that this method has a higher degree of complexity than others.

Forging HTTP requests is a more advanced form of automating attacks.

In the following example, we are requesting to log in to the example forum:

  POST /index.php?act=Login&CODE=01&CookieDate=1 HTTP/1.1
  Host: forums.example.com
  Connection: close
  Referrer: http://forums.example.com/
  Cookie: session_id=7819
  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  Content-Length: 44


To use the preceding mentioned requests, you will need to change a few items, which are:

  • Change myname to be our username
  • Change mypass to be our password
  • Change session_id to the necessary value
  • Change Content-Length to be the new length of the POST data

Spoofing submissions

Let us assume that the following HTML form is located at http://sampledomain.com/form.php:

<form action="/example.php" method="post">
  <select name="browser">
  <option value="chrome">Chrome</option>
  <option value="firefox">Firefox</option>
  <input type="submit">

We assume that we will be able to refer to $_POST['browser'] and it will have a value of either of the two options chrome or firefox. Now, if the user selects chrome, the request will look something similar to the following:

  POST /example.php HTTP/1.1
  Host: sampledomain.com
  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  Content-Length: 8


A user can save the form from the browser to the local machine (desktop or laptop) then open the saved HTML file and make the following changes to it:

  • Modify the action tag so that it now has the full URL to the form
  • Remove the select tag and replace it with a textarea tag in the form

Now our form will look similar to the following code:

<form action=http://sampledomain.com/example.php method="post">
  <textarea name="myvar"></textarea>
  <input type="submit">

The user can now submit any value of $_POST['myvar'] with these simple changes to the form. Moreover, there is no way to prevent the user who manipulated our form from submitting unexpected form variables or anything that can be achieved with an HTML form.

There are solutions available to prevent forms from spoofing. It is from a strict protocol perspective; the only thing we know is that HTTP requests and responses are going back and forth. There is no clear and concise way to determine that a form submission has not been spoofed.

Using the following two ways, we can prevent forms from spoofing as they reduce the possibility of unwanted values that are submitted by following a general architecture for handling data and forms:

  • Shared secrets
  • Setting expectations

Shared secrets

Shared secrets are also referred to as one-time tokens or hashes. We create a secret that is only known by the server and the user. In this, the implementations vary widely but they share the characteristics of being transparent to the users and are difficult to exploit.

One of the implementation methods is that in the user's session, we will store the secret as shown in the following code:

  $secret = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
  $_SESSION['secret'] = $secret;

Now, it can be used as a hidden form variable in the form like:

  <input type="hidden" name="secret" value="<? echo $secret; ?>" />

Every time we display the form, we would regenerate this secret so that the user always has a current and correct secret value. This helps in preventing CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery).

The page which will open can check this by comparing the secret sent by the form with the secret that was stored in the corresponding session variable.

Taking this further, we can even enhance the security of this method by restricting the timeout window rather than relying on the session timeout, which can be too large for your needs.

Setting expectations

An application with a best architecture always assumes that:

  • We are aware of what we are sending out: It means we should keep track of the forms we have uploaded on the website and develop a policy for accepting form submissions, such as time outs, multiple forms per user ID, multiple submissions, and not accepting forms we don't expect. This can be implemented using tokens.
  • We are aware of what the return values will be: It is important, as the <select> field contains certain values, we can get back something totally different, such as PHP code, SQL, or others:
    • To accept the form as valid, we must know the fields we need to have back
    • We must restrict exactly what values we would accept as input
    • We must always minimize taking data from forms or from an external source and using it directly in our database queries or other internal parts of the application
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