Transactional tasks

Now, in the following code, we can see a managed executor service that works with a transactional runnable object:

public class MyTaskWithTransaction implements Runnable {
private int id;
private MyTransactionScopedBean bean;
public void run() {
try {
foundTransactionScopedBean = bean.isInTx();
} catch (Exception e) {

As seen in the previous sections, we can use a @Transactional annotation to define a transactional method. This can be done on the threads as well. This class injects the following managed bean:

public class MyTransactionScopedBean implements Serializable {
public boolean isInTx() {
return true;

The @TransactionScoped annotation is a new normal scope class introduced in JTA 1.2 and indicates the annotated object to work only inside a transaction. Now, you can try to execute this code:

private MyTaskWithTransaction taskWithTransaction;

After we use the submit method, we will get the foundTransactionScopedBean field to true.

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