Separation of development and operations

I have encountered development environments where developers are expressly forbidden from doing anything at all operational, where traditional development structure is relentlessly battered by the 21st-century web environment. There were caged job roles; you were either a developer or you looked after hosting. They had separate budgets, despite the fact both departments had a clear common destiny.

The result of this kind of setup was that developers and operations technicians never shared knowledge. By combining development and operations (DevOps, if you will) there is not only an effective boost in the quality of the work delivered through a shared knowledge base, but efficiency increases by empowering developers.

In the example I gave, when a site hosted on a company server was hacked or vandalized, all operations would do was restore from a backup. Combining development efforts into this mix not only resulted in vulnerabilities being patched, but also effective measures being put into hosting environments to rectify these issues (be they brute-force plugins or web application firewalls).

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