Implementing Lazy take

Now that you’ve implemented map, you can have a go at implementing the take method. As its name suggests, Enumerable#take(n) returns the first n elements from the Enumerable. As with the lazy version of map, the lazy version of take also returns a Lax instance, this time wrapping the Enumerable#take method. Here’s how it looks:

 def​ take(n)
  taken = 0 ​do​ |yielder, val|
 if​ taken < n
  yielder << val
  taken += 1
 raise​ StopIteration

The logic for take should be easy enough for you to follow. The interesting thing here is how take signals that the iteration has ended. When taken reaches the limit, a StopIteration exception is raised to break out of the block.

While the use of exceptions for control flow are generally frowned upon, this is exactly how Ruby implements take. take throws an exception once the enumerator takes the right number of elements. That exception is handled inside the constructor.

What should be done once you get all the values you need? Well, nothing much really. All you need is to handle the exception silently in the initialize method:

 def​ initialize(receiver)
 super​() ​do​ |yielder|
  receiver.each ​do​ |val|
 if​ block_given?
 yield​(yielder, val)
  yielder << val
»rescue​ StopIteration

Before you take the code for another spin, here’s what you should have so far:

 module​ Enumerable
 def​ lax
 class​ Lax < Enumerator
 def​ initialize(receiver)
 super​() ​do​ |yielder|
  receiver.each ​do​ |val|
 if​ block_given?
 yield​(yielder, val)
  yielder << val
 rescue​ StopIteration
 def​ map(&block) ​do​ |yielder, val|
  yielder <<
 def​ take(n)
  taken = 0 ​do​ |yielder, val|
 if​ taken < n
  yielder << val
  taken += 1
 raise​ StopIteration

With that in place, let’s try out the code:

 >>​ 1.upto(Float::INFINITY) { |x| x*x }.map { |x| x+1 }.take(5).to_a
 =>​ [2, 5, 10, 17, 26]

If you get [2, 5, 10, 17, 26], then you should pat yourself on the back. If not, go back and review your implementation carefully.

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