Chapter 2

  1. Here’s an implementation that uses our version of Array#each:

     class​ Array
     def​ each
      x = 0
     while​ x < self.length
     yield​ self[x]
      x += 1
     def​ map
      res = []
      each { |x| res << ​yield​(x) }

    Here, we make use of the element that is yielded from each iteration of each and collect each element into res.

  2. Here’s a possible implementation:

     class​ String
     def​ each_word
      x = 0 ​# => 0
      words = self.split
     while​ x < words.length
     yield​ words[x]
      x += 1
  3. Your final code should look something like this:

     class​ File
     def​, mode, &block)
      file = ​new​(name, mode)
     return​ file ​unless​ block_given?
    1. Does run require a block to be passed in?

      Yes. There is no block_given?, and yield is called without any conditionals.

    2. How is the return result of the block used?

      The return result of the block is compared with :exit.

    3. How could this code be called?

      The key here is that the block passed has exactly one argument: ​do​ |session|
       # do something with session
  4. The only change is to the Schema class:

     module​ ActiveRecord
     class​ Schema
     def​ self.define(version, &block)
      instance_eval &block
     def​ self.create_table(table_name, options = {}, &block)
      t =, options)
     yield​ t

    Let’s take a look at the DSL again:

     ActiveRecord::Schema.define(​version: ​20130315230445) ​do
      create_table ​"microposts"​, ​force: ​​true​ ​do​ |t|
      t.string ​"content"
      t.integer ​"user_id"
      t.datetime ​"created_at"
      t.datetime ​"updated_at"

    In the outermost block, (ActiveRecord::Schema.define do ... end), we instance_eval it in the context of the Schema class. That’s because the create_table method used in the block body is a class method.

    The innermost block, create_table do ... end, takes a block with a single parameter. That parameter is a Table object. We can do yield t, or t.instance_eval &block would achieve the same effect.

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