To get the most out of this book

To get the most out of this book, you should have a working knowledge of the Xamarin platform and Xamarin.Forms toolkit as well as experience with .NET.

In order to follow along with the code throughout this book, you will need to have Visual Studio and Xamarin installed on your Windows or Mac machine. Although the examples throughout this book are shown in Visual Studio for Mac, everything shown can also be done in Visual Studio for Windows. If you are using a Windows machine, you will need a Mac running Xamarin on your network to serve as a build host to build and deploy iOS apps. For details on setting up a Mac build host or any other requirements for setting up a Xamarin development environment, visit

In Chapter 6, API Data Access, you will need a Microsoft Azure account in order to follow along with the examples to create a basic API using an Azure App Service.

Throughout this book, there are several tools and libraries used, which are obtained from NuGet via the Visual Studio package manager.

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