Updating MainViewModel

In order to move the navigation functionality from MainPage to MainViewModel, we will need to add two new Command properties—one for creating a new log entry and another for viewing the details of an existing log entry:

      public class MainViewModel : BaseViewModel
// ...

Command<TripLogEntry> _viewCommand;
public Command<TripLogEntry> ViewCommand
return _viewCommand
?? (_viewCommand = new Command<TripLogEntry>(async (entry) => await ExecuteViewCommand(entry)));

Command _newCommand;
public Command NewCommand
return _newCommand
?? (_newCommand = new Command(async () => await ExecuteNewCommand()));

async Task ExecuteViewCommand(TripLogEntry entry)
await NavService.NavigateTo<DetailViewModel, TripLogEntry>(entry);

async Task ExecuteNewCommand()
await NavService.NavigateTo<NewEntryViewModel>();

// ...

With the Command properties in place on MainViewModel, we can now update MainPage to use these commands instead of using the Xamarin.Forms navigation service directly from the page:

  1. Create a private MainViewModel property named _vm in the MainPage class that simply provides access to the page's BindingContext, but is casted as a MainViewModel:
      public class MainPage : ContentPage
MainViewModel _vm
get { return BindingContext as MainViewModel; }

// ...
  1. Replace the Navigation.PushAsync method call in the ItemTapped event handler for the entries ListView with a call to the ViewCommand:
      void Trips_ItemTapped(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) 
var trip = (TripLogEntry)e.Item;

trips.SelectedItem = null;
  1. Replace the Clicked attribute on the New ToolbarItem element with a Command attribute whose value is a binding to the NewCommand:
      <ToolbarItem Text="New" Command="{Binding NewCommand}" />
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