Pros and cons of proxy design pattern

It may sound repetitive, but the proxy design pattern is one of the simplest and most useful patterns we can apply in the microservices architecture. As positive points, we can point out the following:

  • Practical data consumption by the application clients
  • Ease of implementation
  • Possibility of good programming techniques at proxy level, such as caching
  • Encapsulation of access to microservices
  • Control and diversion of requests

However, the proxy design pattern can lead to some problems, especially when we are not aware of good practices. The following are the problems related to the proxy design pattern:

  • Bottleneck
  • Inappropriate change of response
  • Obstruction in the identification of overload

Like all other design patterns, the proxy design pattern has both positives and negatives. The most important part is to understand the applicability and focus on good practices, so that this pattern works for the application properly.

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