Debugging tools

All developers write bugs. The tools that we use to figure out what went wrong are a big part of our tool kit. Visual Studio has powerful debugging tools built in, but sometimes what is provided in the Visual Studio box isn't enough. For those situations, there are many tools available, but Fiddler and Silverlight Spy are incredibly important tools.


Fiddler acts as a web proxy to inspect network traffic. This is a tool that a lot of web developers and Silverlight developers depend on to get the network traffic right. This tool can be found at the following URL:

To make Fiddler work with the Windows Phone 7 emulator, follow the instructions found on the following blog entry:

Silverlight Spy

XAML is a powerful tool. Once a developer gets over the hump of learning how it works, it is as easy to work with as HTML. Sometimes though it is important to know what is going on in the inside of a running application. That is where Silverlight Spy comes in handy. With Silverlight Spy, we can look at the entire UI tree, monitor events, extract XAML, view statistics, and more. Silverlight Spy is not a free tool though, but it is definitely worth the cost. It can be found at the following URL:

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