Keeping Up with the Community

TDD is a continuing exploration. New and better ideas continually arise about how to best practice TDD. I’ve personally sought to regularly incorporate new ideas about TDD over the dozen-plus years I’ve practiced it. My tests and code from 2000 disappoint me, and my tests and code from yesterday disappoint me too. That’s OK, since the cycle of TDD itself is built on the notion of continual improvement.

This section provides you with a few ideas on how to find out what’s new and interesting in the rest of the TDD world.

Reading Tests

Learning how to read code is a worthwhile skill. And an even better way to read code is to first look at the tests that describe it.

Open source projects provide an easy way to learn more about how others practice TDD. You’ll find a wide variety of styles out there, and you’ll no doubt already recognize some bad practices in the tests you read.

Don’t limit yourself to looking only at C++ tests. The core principles of TDD apply equally well to all languages.

Blogs and Forums

Be part of the discussion! The following table describes several active forums and blogs where TDD is discussed often or always:

Site/List Name



Test-Driven Development Yahoo! Group

Email-based discussion forum

Extreme Programming Yahoo! Group

Email-based discussion forum

LinkedIn Test-Driven Development Group

Web-based discussion forum

Agile Otter Blog

Tim Ottinger, coauthor of Agile in a Flash (Agile in a Flash: Speed-Learning Agile Software Development [LO11])

James Grenning’s Blog

The author of Test-Driven Development in Embedded C (Embedded Test Driven Development Cycle [Gre07])

Michael Feathers

The author of Working Effectively with Legacy Code (Working Effectively with Legacy Code [Fea04])

Uncle Bob

The author of Clean Code (Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship [Mar08])

Coding Is Like Cooking

Emily Bache, author of The Coding Dojo Handbook (The Coding Dojo Handbook [Bac12])

Sustainable Test-Driven Development

Authors Scott Bain and Amir Kolsky

Jeff’s Blog

Yours truly

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