
In this chapter, you experienced hands-on, nitty-gritty TDD. Did you work through the code on your own? If so, you implemented a Soundex class that you could almost introduce into a production application. If not, open your editor and build the Soundex class. Learning by writing code is more effective than reading code.

Ready to really learn TDD? Go again! Test-drive the Soundex class a second time, but this time do it on your own, without reading this chapter (unless you get stuck). What happens if you introduce the Soundex rules in a different order? What if you consider a different style of programming? What happens if, for example, you implement each rule as a separate function that transforms input text and build a Soundex implementation by chaining together a series of transforms?

When you’re ready to move on, Chapter 3, Test-Driven Development Foundations takes a step back and looks at TDD from a more holistic stance. It presents fundamental definitions for TDD and provides strategic as well as tactical advice for success.

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