Using Factory Settings

Some of the tips in Modern Vim are written on the assumption that you’re running Vim with the “factory settings.” If you want to follow the steps in these tips, you can do so by temporarily moving your Vim configuration to a location where it will be ignored when you start up your editor. For example, you could rename your Vim 8 configuration files like this:

=> $ mv ~/.vim ~/.xvim
=> $ mv ~/.vimrc ~/.xvimrc
=> $ mkdir ~/.vim

After following the tip, you can restore your Vim configuration by moving the files back to their original locations:

=> $ rm -r ~/.vim
=> $ mv ~/.xvim ~/.vim
=> $ mv ~/.xvimrc ~/.vimrc

For Neovim, you could switch to the factory settings by running:

=> $ mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/xnvim
=> $ mkdir ~/.config/nvim

Then you could switch back again by running:

=> $ rm -r ~/.config/nvim
=> $ mv ~/.config/xnvim ~/.config/nvim
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