The Top 10 Signs You Need to Read Moms Mean Business

1. You worka lot. You’re working longer hours and making less money than you want to. The lack of money causes you to work even harder in hopes of figuring out how to generate more income. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle that you see no end to.

2. Your kids can’t tell time. You want to be a good mom and you have visions of raising smart cookies, but your kids have learned from you that “Just a minute!” means the vast period of time between when they ask you for something and when you’re actually able to stop working to answer them.

3. You have no idea what we mean by “self-care.” Those friends of yours who get regular spa treatments? Well, you just can’t relate to them at all. The closest you’ve come to self-care lately involves roaming the aisles at the grocery store while checking work e-mails on your phone.

4. You think sleep is for the weak. You learned when you had your first baby that sleep is something you can do without. Now that the kids sleep through the night, it’s the perfect time to get caught up on your work. Sure, it takes a while for the computer key impressions to wear off your face since you often fall asleep on the keyboard, but it’s no big deal.

5. You don’t have time to plan your time. Planning is great for people who don’t have a lot going on. Your work keeps you so busy that things like business planning and marketing strategies are luxuries you certainly can’t aspire to any time soon.

6. You forgot your husband’s name. Yes, of course, you can remember it when you really try, without even having to look at his driver’s license. But, mostly he’s someone you really hope to reconnect with at some point, and until then, his name takes up too much mental space for you to recall on a regular basis, especially since you have to keep all those children’s names straight.

7. Your friends don’t even try to get together with you anymore. It’s okay. Really. They will likely still be there for you when you come up for air. In the meantime, who needs the support and laughter that only girlfriends can provide?

8. You can’t figure out what to make for dinner. After making 1,347 decisions today about everything from whether your daughter can sign up for hockey class after school, whether you should sign up for the flexible home heating program, to how you are going to source the materials for your product when your favorite vendor has gone out of business, you just don’t have it in you to make one. More. Decision. Dry cereal for dinner is nutritious. It says so right on the box.

9. You can’t remember why you thought this was such a good idea. You put on a good face when those family members and neighbors ask you why you want to run your own business, but truthfully, you realize that your answers have just become a habit, like saying “Hello?” when the phone rings. You must have thought this business was a really good idea at some point. Right now, though, you’ve never been more exhausted in your life.

10. You’re ready. You have a business or an idea for one and you’re ready to move forward in a deliberate way to create the successful and happy life you deserve.

Let’s get started.

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