

accumulated effects 86–87

ACE (autocorrelations) 5, 37–38, 100–101

ACF (residual autocorrelation function) 71

ADF (Augmented Dickey-Fuller) test 31, 32–33

Akaike information criteria (AIC) 41, 61, 66–67

αβT matrix 118–119

α parameters

estimated under restrictions 123–124, 144–145

restrictions on 127–128

TEST statement for hypotheses on 126

testing hypotheses by VARMAX procedure 124–125

ARCH (Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity) effects 49, 101, 176

ARCH-effect testing 73

ARIMA models

See Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models

ARIMA procedure

Dickey-Fuller test and 35

estimating univariate ARIMA models 42

ARMA models

See Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) models

AR(p) models 38–39, 47–48, 49–50, 51–53, 74, 75, 104, 157

Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test 31, 32–33

autocorrelated errors, regression analysis with 13–18

autocorrelations (ACE) 5, 37–38, 100–101

AUTOREG procedure

Cochrane-Orcutt Estimation using 15–16

correction of standard errors with 13–14

Dickey-Fuller test and 35

GARCH models and 149, 158

inclusion of lagged dependent variable in regression 27

reverted regression 23–24

simultaneous estimation using 16–18

Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) effects 49, 101, 176

Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models

about 33, 37, 40, 43

infinite-order representations 40–41

multiplicative seasonal 41

autoregressive models 38–39

Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) models

about 33, 37, 40

infinite-order representations 40–41

autoregressive parameter matrices, prior covariance of 103–105

autoregressive terms, in models 120


Bayesian Vector Autoregressive (BVAR(p)) models

about 103

application of 108

for egg market 108–110

prior covariance of autoregressive parameter matrices 103–105

VARMAX procedure 105–106

BEKK parameterization 167–168, 172

β parameters

estimation with restrictions on 144–145

RESTRICT statement for 126–127

restrictions on 127–128

testing hypotheses on 120–124

testing hypotheses on using VARMAX procedure 122–124

tests for two restrictions on 123

β values, estimates for 135

bivariate case, tests for cointegration relation in 132

BOUND statement 77, 163

Box-Jenkins procedure 33, 35, 37–38

Brocklebank, J.C. 41, 42

BVAR(p) models

See Bayesian Vector Autoregressive (BVAR(p)) models


CAUSAL statement 95, 109

causality tests

for Danish egg market 91–101

estimation of final causality model 99–100

of production series 96–97

that use extended information sets 97–98

of total market series 94–95

CCC (Constant Conditional Correlation) parameterization 165–166, 169–170, 172–173, 176–177

Cochrane-Orcutt Estimation 10–12, 15–16

COINTEG statement 125, 135–136

ECTREND option 116, 122, 126

NORMALIZE=OHIO option 117–118, 122


about 131–132

rank 4 model for five series specified with restrictions 141–145

Stock-Watson test for common trends for five series 139–141

using RESTRICT statement to determine form of models 138–139

cointegration rank 132

cointegration relations 131–132

cointegration tests

in five-dimensional series 133–134

using VARMAX procedure for two price series 132–133

COINTEST=(JOHANSEN) option, MODEL statement 133

conditional variance series 157–158

Constant Conditional Correlation (CCC) parameterization 165–166, 169–170, 172–173, 176–177

CORRCONSTANT=EXPECT option, GARCH statement 169

correlation matrix

of error terms 78

at lag 0 59–60

COWEST=NEWEYWEST option, MODEL statement 14

cross-correlation significance 70



DCC (Dynamic Conditional Correlation) parameterization 166–167, 170–171, 178, 180–183

DFTEST option 46

diagonal elements, prior distribution for 104

Dickey, D.A. 41, 42

Dickey-Fuller tests

about 133–134

applying VARMAX procedure to wage series 46

for differenced series 66

simple applications of 32

for stationarity 63

for unit roots 30–32

in VARMAX procedure 46

vector error correction models and 116–117

DIF option 64, 92

differenced series

applying VARMAX procedure to 46–47

Dickey-Fuller tests for 66

regression models for 19–28


seasonal 35

time series 29–35

distribution, of residuals in VARMA(2,0) model 71–72

Durbin-Watson test 8–10, 49, 73, 116

DWPROB option, MODEL statement 9

Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC) parameterization 166–167, 170–171, 178, 180–183


ECM option, MODEL statement 116, 122

ECTREND option, COINTEG statement 116, 122, 126


accumulated 86–87

of orthogonal shocks 88–89

EGARCH model 162–164

Engle, R.F. 96

error terms

correlation matrix of 78

lag 0 correlation of 83–84

estimated models, properties of 119


of error correction models with VARMAX procedure 116

of model parameters by RESTRICT statement 143–144

with restrictions on α and β parameters 144–145

for β values 135

estimation algorithm 178–180



of final model 100–101

of fourth-order autoregressive model 67–70

fitted model 78–79, 151–153

fitted second-order autoregressive model, roots of 81–82

five series

rank 4 model for 141–145

Stock-Watson test for common trends for 139–141

five-dimensional series, cointegration tests in 133–134

forecasts 82–83

FORM option 172

FORM=CCC option 151, 158

fourth-order autoregressive model, fit of 67–70


Gammelgaard, S. 43

GARCH models

about 30

forms of 158–164

for univariate financial time series 149–155

GARCH statement


OUTHT=CONDITIONAL option 151–153, 182

SUBFORM option 158, 172–173

Gaussian residuals, test for hypothesis of 49

Granger causality tests 63, 95–96

“gray zone” 9


HAC (heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent) 14

Hendry, D.F. 96

heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) 14


null 33

TEST statement for on α parameters 126

testing on α parameters by VARMAX procedure 124–125

testing on β parameters 120–124

testing on β parameters using VARMAX procedure 122–124


IAC (inverse autocorrelations) 71

IACF (inverse autocorrelations) 100–101

ID statement 48

IGARCH model, using VARMAX procedure to fit 153–155

impulse response, plots of 85–86

independent variables, two lags of 25–26

infinite-order representations 59, 84–89

information criteria 41–42

INITIAL statement 127, 171

INTERVAL option 48

inverse autocorrelations (IAC) 71

inverse autocorrelations (IACF) 100–101


Jarque-Bera test 63, 73

Johansen, S. 112, 132

JOHANSEN option 134

Johansen rank tests 63

Juselieus, K. 112, 132


Koyck lag 28

KPSS unit root tests

about 33

application of 34

kth-order autocorrelation 38

Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt, and Shin (KPSS) 33


lag 0, correlation matrix at 59–60

lag correlation, of error terms 83–84

LAG function 11

lagged dependent variable

inclusion of in regression 27

interpreting models with 28

lagged independent variable

inclusion of 22, 24–25

two lags 25–26

LAGMAX=25 option, MODEL statement 93

Litterman, R.B. 103

Ljung-Box test 38, 49

long-run relation 113–114

Lütkepohl, H. 4, 57


MA(q) model 39–40, 50, 51, 53–54, 54–56, 74, 77

matrix formulation, of vector error correction model 113

METHOD=ML option 16, 47, 67

Milhøj, A. 4

MINIC option, MODEL statement 66

minus sign (−) 105

model fit 78–79, 94

MODEL statement 89, 92, 122



DWPROB option 9

ECM option 116, 122

LAGMAX=25 option 93

MINIC option 66

NOINT option 151

NSEASON=4 option 53

NSEASON=12 option 93, 108

PRIOR option 105, 106–108

SW option 140


See also specific types

autoregressive terms in 120

interpreting with lagged dependent variables 28

moving average 39–40

multiplicative seasonal ARIMA 41

for multivariate time series 57–61

with rank 2 135–137

selecting 66–67

for univariate time series 37–42

using RESTRICT statement to determine form of 138–139

VARMAX 58–59, 60–61

Morgan, D.P. 4

moving average models 39–40

multiplicative seasonal ARIMA models 41

multivariate GARCH models

about 165

BEKK parameterization 167–168, 172

bivariate example using two quotations for Danish stocks 168–173

CCC (Constant Conditional Correlation) parameterization 165–166, 169–170, 172–173, 176–177

DCC (Dynamic Conditional Correlation) parameterization 166–167, 170–171, 178, 180–183

multivariate series, modeling with VARMAX procedure 63–79

multivariate time series

about 57–58

modeling with VARMAX procedure 64–67

models for 57–61

multivariate VARMA-GARCH models

about 175–176

estimation algorithm 178–180

for residuals 176–177, 178, 180–183

wage-price time series 176


Newey-West method, adjusting standard deviations with 14–15

NLAG=1 option 16

NLOPTIONS statement, PALL option 178–179

NOINT option, MODEL statement 151

NORMALIZE option 133–134

NORMALIZE=OHIO option, COINTEG statement 117–118, 122, 126

NSEASON=4 option, MODEL statement 53

NSEASON=12 option, MODEL statement 93, 108

null hypothesis 33


ODS (SAS Output Delivery System) 1–2

off-diagonal elements, prior distribution for 104–105


See specific options

ordinary least squares (OLS) 8

ordinary regression models 1–2

orthogonal shocks, effects of 88–89

OUTHT=CONDITIONAL option, GARCH statement 151–153, 182

outliers, identification of 72–74


about 81

forecasts 82–83

infinite-order representations 84–89

lag 0 correlation of error terms 83–84

roots of fitted second-order autoregressive model 81–82


PACF (partial autocorrelations) 100–101

PALL option, NLOPTIONS statement 178–179

parameterized models, for time series 4–5


See also specific types

estimated for vector error correction models 117–120

estimating 67–68

estimation of by RESTRICT statement 143–144

in prior distribution 106–108

restriction of insignificant model 68–70

partial autocorrelations (PACF) 100–101

periods (.) 105

PGARCH model 161–162

plots, of impulse response 85–86

PLOTS=ALL option 46, 64, 70

plus sign (+) 105

portmanteau tests 61, 70–71, 94

price series

applying VARMAX procedure to 50–51

cointegration test for two using VARMAX procedure 132–133

PRINTALL option 46, 47, 64, 70, 156

PRINT=(DIAGNOSE) option 156

prior covariance, of autoregressive parameter matrices 103–105

prior distribution

for diagonal elements 104

for off-diagonal elements 104–105

parameters in 106–108

PRIOR option, MODEL statement 105, 106–108

PROC statement 13


See specific procedures

production series, causality tests of 96–97


of estimated model 119

of final model 128–129

of fitted model 79

p-test 31

p-value 9


QGARCH model 158–159


rank 2 model 135–137

rank 4 model 141–145

REG procedure 1–2, 8–10, 19–20, 22, 23–24, 27, 30–32, 116

regression, inclusion of lagged dependent variable in 27

regression analysis

with autocorrelated errors 13–18

reverted 23–24

for time series data 7–12

regression models

for differenced series 19–28

ordinary 1–2

in time series analysis 2–3

residual autocorrelation, in VARMA(2,0) model 70–71

residual autocorrelation function (ACF) 71


distribution of in VARMA(2,0) model 71–72

multivariate VARMA-GARCH models for 176–177, 178, 180–183

RESTRICT statement 68, 76, 126–127, 138–139, 143–144, 154, 164, 172, 176–177, 180


alternative form of 142

estimated α parameters under 123–124

estimation with on α and β parameters 144–145

of insignificant model parameters 68–70

rank 4 model for five series specified with 141–145

tests for two on β parameters 123

on α and β parameters 127–128

reverted regression 23–24

Richard, J.F. 96

roots, of fitted second-order autoregressive model 81–82


SAS Output Delivery System (ODS) 1–2

Schwarz Bayesian criterion (SBC) 41, 61

seasonal differencing 35

SGPLOT procedure 19–20, 44, 92, 114, 115, 153

shrinkage, toward zero 107

simple regression 115–116

simultaneous estimation, using AUTOREG procedure 16–18

standard deviations, adjusting with Newey-West method 14–15

standard errors, correction of with AUTOREG procedure 13–14

STANDARD procedure 75

standardized series, analysis of 75–77


See specific statements

stationarity 5, 29–30


Stock-Watson test, for common trends for five series 139–141

SUBFORM option, GARCH statement 158, 172–173

SW option, MODEL statement 140


TEST statement 10, 68, 76, 99, 126, 153


See also specific tests

for cointegration relation in bivariate case 132

for differencing time series 29–35

for two restrictions on β parameters 123

TGARCH model 159–161, 172–173

time series

about 3–4

differencing 29–35

model features 4

parameterized models for 4–5

regression analysis for data 7–12

regression models in analysis of 2–3

wage-price 43–45

total market series, causality tests of 94–95


unit roots

about 30

Dickey-Fuller tests for 30–32

KPSS unit root tests 33

univariate ARIMA models, estimating 42

univariate financial time series, GARCH models for 149–155

univariate GARCH models

about 147–149

wage series 155–158

univariate series, modeling with VARMAX procedure 43–56

univariate time series, models for 37–42


VARMA model

See Vector Autoregressive Moving Average (VARMA) model

VARMAX models

about 58–59, 60

building 60–61

VARMAX procedure

See also Bayesian Vector Autoregressive (BVAR(p)) models; causality tests; output; vector error correction models

about 4, 57, 63

AICc and 42

applying to differenced wage series 46–47

applying to number of cows series 51–53

applying to price series 50–51

applying to series of milk production 53–54

applying to wage series 46

Bayesian Vector Autoregressive (BVAR(p)) models and 105–106

BEKK parameterization and 167, 172

CCC models and 166

cointegration test for two price series using 132–133

cointegration tests in five-dimensional series 133–134

DCC models and 167

Dickey-Fuller tests and 35, 46, 66

estimates for β values 135

estimating AR(2) model 47–48

estimating parameters 68

estimating univariate ARIMA models 42

estimating vector error correction models with 116

GARCH models and 149, 158–161

Granger causality tests in 95–96

modeling multivariate series with 63–79

modeling multivariate time series with 64–67

modeling univariate series with 43–56

multiplicative seasonal ARIMA models and 41

Stock-Watson test for common trends 140

testing hypotheses on α parameters by 124–125

testing hypotheses on β parameters using 122–124

using to fit AR(2)-GARCH(1,1) models 157

using to fit GARCH(1,1) model 150–151

using to fit IGARCH model 153–155

using VARMA model for milk production and number of cows 74–79

wage series 155–158

Vector Autoregressive Moving Average (VARMA) model

about 58–59

for Danish egg market 92–94

Danish egg market and 91

distribution of residuals in 71–72

residual autocorrelation in 70–71

using for milk production and number of cows 74–79

vector error correction models

about 111–113

Dickey-Fuller tests and 116–117

estimated parameters 117–120

estimating with VARMAX procedure 116

example 114–117

matrix formulation of 113

properties of final model 128–129

RESTRICT statement for β parameters 126–127

restrictions on α and β parameters 127–128

TEST statement for hypotheses on α parameters 126

testing hypotheses on α parameters by VARMAX procedure 124–125

testing hypotheses on β parameters 120–122

testing hypotheses on β parameters using VARMAX procedure 122–124


wage series 46, 155–158

wage-price time series 43–45, 176

Wiener processes 132


X12 procedure 4

XLAG=3 option 93


zero, shrinkage toward 107

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