Mac OS X Server

A server product from Apple that is designed to provide resources to many types of clients using the TCP/IP protocol suite.

Management Information Base (MIB)

The database that is used to store information gathered by the SNMP protocol.

man-in-the-middle attack

An attack in which a person first intercepts data that is being transferred between two computers and then retransmits the data to the intended recipient after reading and sometimes even changing the data.

Media Access Control (MAC) address

A hexadecimal address encoded on most network devices that consists of an assigned number that identifies the manufacturer and a serial number assigned by the manufacturer.

media tester

A device used to test a cable by sending a current through each wire of the cable to determine whether the wire can carry the current from end to end within the cable.

mesh topology

A network topology that is not often used; more likely to be used in regard to networks than with individual computers. Each component of the mesh has multiple connections to other components.

Microsoft Client

Software built into all Microsoft operating systems since Windows 95. This software provides a method of networking computers using a common client.

Microsoft Office

A suite of applications designed to assist users in performing business-related tasks.

Microsoft Windows Installer

A group of programs and services that are used to assist in the installation of Windows software.

mirrored volume

A fault-tolerant disk configuration that duplicates data on two separate hard disks.


A device used to transfer information through regular telephone lines by converting digital information into analog information in the form of sounds. The term stands for modulator/demodulator.


Microsoft's variation of the CHAP protocol, which provides even greater security for authentication of Microsoft clients.


A strong form of remote access authentication that can be used only by Windows 2000 Professional and later clients or by Windows 98 clients using a VPN. This protocol provides for mutual authentication of clients and servers using certificates.

MTRJ connector

A relatively new type of fiber-optic connector that looks similar to an RJ-45, but that has a very rugged and durable design.

multiboot installation

An operating system software installation that includes two or more operating systems installed on the same computer within different partitions.

multifactor authentication

Any type of authentication scheme that uses more than one type of proof of identity. Proof of identity can be something that a person knows (password), something that a person has (smart card), or something that a person is (biometric).

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