name resolution

The process of converting one type of computer name to another to facilitate communication. Some names such as hostnames and NetBIOS names are used by people but not by computers. Name resolution is the process of converting the names that people use into names and addresses that computers and network devices can use.


A command-line tool that you can use to manage NetBIOS name information and display statistics and details regarding current IP connections.


A command-line tool that is used primarily to view network settings on a computer.


A simple, fast protocol with very little overhead that is sometimes used in very small networks that have no security concerns. NetBEUI is based on NetBIOS communications.

NetBIOS name

A name or names unique to a computer that define the computer and/or services that it can provide for the network. NetBIOS names must all be unique within a network. They can be a maximum of 15 characters in length. The system automatically adds the 16th character to create additional NetBIOS names associated with services that the computer can perform for the network.


A network diagnostic for Microsoft clients that displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections.


A full-featured server operating system produced by Novell that is used in many organizations today.

NetWare Core Protocol

A connection-oriented protocol primarily responsible for providing a connection between the clients and the services on a Novell network.

NetWare File Services

A connection protocol that works using a request response mechanism and is proprietary to Novell NetWare servers and clients.

NetWare Link State Protocol (NLSP)

A routing protocol that is part of the IPX/SPX suite of protocols. NLSP uses link state announcements between routers to build accurate and up-to-date routing tables.

NetWare Loadable Module (NLM)

Add-on software from Novell that has been used to enhance the productivity and security of its servers and clients.


A group of computers that are connected to share hardware and software resources.

Network Address Translation (NAT)

An Internet standard process that allows the user of one set of IP addresses internally for a company and completely different IP addresses for the perimeter devices exposed to the Internet. All internal addresses are converted to an external address before any information or requests are sent out of the network.

Network File Systems (NFS)

A file system developed and used by Sun Microsystems that allows all network users to access shared files stored on computers of different types.

network ID

The subnet ID contained in an IP address.

network interface card (NIC)

A hardware device that enables a computer to communicate on a network.

Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)

A protocol that runs at the Application layer of the OSI model and is used to connect computers to newsgroup servers that utilize the Usenet system.

network printer

A copy of software that is used to control a print device that is not attached to the computer to which the copy of the software is installed.

Network Time Protocol (NTP)

A protocol that works at the Application layer of the OSI model and synchronizes time between computers on a network.


A command-line tool that you can use to test hostname resolution and to verify that a computer is registered in the DNS server(s) of a network.


A protocol developed by Microsoft that emulates the IPX/SPX protocol and is therefore installed with CSNW and GSNW installations. NWLink can also be installed on its own.

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