Nginx Development Toolkit (NDK)

NDK is an Nginx module that makes it easier for the module developers to develop Nginx modules. As you have seen in this chapter so far, there are certain generic tasks that are repetitive as you are developing modules. NDK provides you with some built-in macros and functions that will reduce the amount of code you will have to write to develop a module.

In order to use NDK, you will have to add it as a module just like any other module. If you wish to use the macros and functions provided by this module, you will have to include the ndk.h file in your module source as well.

NDK provides useful utilities such as conf set functions for complex types such as paths and regular expressions, utility methods for NULL checking, returning values, and setting data to zero.

NDK also includes an Auto Lib Core that allows the developers and users to include external libraries in Nginx in a consistent, cross-platform manner.

You can see more details and documentation at

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