
Symbols & Numbers

# symbol, text file usage, 606-607

%n variable, 613

@ command, text file usage, 607

1-3AM Group, WAN traffic policy, 213

1st Banner Name option, 583

2nd Banner Name option, 584

7AM-6PM Group, WAN traffic policy, 213


ABEND, 154

Abend Log option, 161

ABORT REMIRROR command, 616


files, 416-417

FTP server, 450-461

iFolder, 427-439

NetDrive, 422-427

NetStorage, 417-422

Virtual Office, 439-450

iPrint control, 308

NDPS Broker, 311

Print Manager, 310

printer roles, 308-310

access control lists, 259-261

Access Log, Apache Web server logs, 387

accessibility features, ConsoleOne, 101-102


ACCESS_SERVER variable, 613


Active Discovery options, 543

ACU (Automatic Client Upgrade), 53

client upgrade, 67-69

adapters, network, NetWare installation, 6

ADD PROGRAM command, 616

Add/Remove Programs option (Control Panel command), 60

Additional Document Directories page (Apache Web server), 388

Address Restrictions, iManager, 256

Administrator Rights options, 592


management interface tasks, 94

ConsoleOne, 94-106

iManager, 95

NWAdmin, 94

name, 10

password, 10

ADMSRVDN command, 367

ADMSRVUP command, 367

Advanced Button option, 19

Advanced Login tab, 539

Advanced Login tab options, 538-541

Advanced Menu Settings tab, 566-582

Advanced Settings tab, 545-566

Advanced Technical Training (ATT), 727

Advanced X509 login, NMAS client installation, 78

AFP (AppleTalk Filing Protocol), 79, 493

configuring access, 84-86

Alert Beep option, Advanced Settings tab, 545

ALERT command, 616-617

Alert message nodes parameter, 667

Alert resource state, 499

ALIAS command, 617

aliases, search sites, 395

Alloc memory check flag parameter, 665

Allocated Memory option, DSTrace, 701

Allow audit passwords parameter, 666

Allow change to client rights parameter, 674

Allow deletion of active directories parameter, 690

Allow LIP parameter, 674

Allow unencrypted passwords parameter, 670

Allow unowned files to be extended parameter, 691

Allow User to Change the Download Directory option, 62

Always use Default Home Directory instead of user’s home directory from eDirectory parameter, 457

AM_PM variable, 611

Anonymous mode, Apache Web server authorization, 379

Anonymous user directory parameter, Web Manager, 459

Anonymous users parameter, Web Manager, 459

AP2WEBDN command

stopping Apache, 117

unloading Apache Web server, 367

AP2WEBUP command

loading Apache Web server, 366

restarting Apache, 117

Apache Web server, 115, 364-365

configuration options, 367-370, 383

Content Management, 388-389

server logs, 387-388

Server Preferences, 383-387

file storage, 370

additional document directory creation, 371-372

document root, 371

user directories, 372-373

installation, 366-367

modules, 375-376

security, 378

authentication, 378

authorization, 379-380

encryption, 380-382

virtual servers, 374-375

Web sites

posting content, 376-377

publishing content, 377-378

APPLET command, 149, 617

AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP), 79, 493

APPLETVIEWER command, 617


Java, running on server, 148-150

NCS, 492-496

Archive needed attribute, data security, 274

Arp entry expiry time parameter, 651

Arp Entry Update Time parameter, 651

asymmetric encryption, 280

ATT (Advanced Technical Training), 727

ATTACH command, 597

attribute map parameter, LDAP Group object, 221

attributes, data security, 269, 273-274

assigning, 276

types, 274-276

Audit log file parameter, Web Manager, 461

Audit NCP option, DSTrace, 701

Audit option, DSTrace, 701

Audit Skulk option, DSTrace, 701

audits, LT Auditor+, 284

Authenticated mode, Apache Web server authorization, 379-380

authentication, 243

Apache Web server security, 378

eDirectory login controls, 251-252

Address Restrictions, 256

Intruder Lockout, 256-258

Login Restrictions, 254

Password Restrictions, 252-254

Time Restrictions, 255

NMAS, 243

graded authentication, 245-246

installation, 246-247

login, 244-245

phases of operation, 243-244

universal passwords, 247-248

enabling, 251

preparing environment, 249

SDI domain configuration, 249-250

Web Manager, 111

Authentication Domains page, NetStorage configuring, 419

Authentication Mode, CIFS configuration page, 83

Authentication option, DSTrace, 701

Authentication Workgroup Name, CIFS configuration page, 83

authorization, 258

access control lists, 259-261

Apache Web server security, 379-380

effective rights, 267-268

explicit rights, 264

inheritance, 261-262

IRF, 262-263

role-based administration, 268

security equivalence, 264-267

Auto clear interrupt statistics parameter, 671

Auto Mount mirrored volume containing inactive device parameter, 689

Auto Reconnect option, 545

Auto Reconnect Timeout option, 546

Auto restart after ABEND delay time parameter, 662

Auto restart after ABEND parameter, 662

Auto Restart Down Timeout parameter, 661

Auto Scan of CDM Modules parameter, 658

Auto TTS backout flag parameter, 686

AUTOEXEC.NCF file, automating RConsoleJ agents, 109

automatic advertisement, time synchronization, 171-172

Automatic Client Upgrade, 53, 62

Automatically repair bad volumes parameter, 689

Average page in alert threshold parameter, 664


b-tree, eDirectory, 178

backing up files, SMS, 351

configuring backup system, 355-358

networks, 12

planning strategy, 351-355

restoring files, 361-362

SBCON.NLM utility, 358-360

Backlinker option, DSTrace, 701

Backlinker process, eDirectory, 697

Bad Server Name Cache Enabled option, 546

Bad Server Name Cache Timeout option, 546

BINARY command, 618

BIND command, 618

Bindery context parameter, 655

biometrics, authentication, 244

Blue Lance, Inc. Web site, 284

Bookmarks, Virtual Office, 446

Boolean operators, IF...THEN command, 602

Boot error log file overflow size option, 163

Boot error log file overflow size parameter, 661

Boot error log file state option, 163

Boot error log file state parameter, 661

BOOT$LOG.ERR error log files, 162

branch offices

appliance, 510

Nterprise Branch Office, 502

configuring, 515-520

installation, 502-514

portal interface, 520-521

BREAK command, 600

BROADCAST command, 619

Broadcast Mode option, 546

broadcasting messages, 147

BROKER.NLM, load switches, 292

brokers, iPrint, 290-292

adding print drivers, 292-293

disabling service, 293-294

Browse entry right, access control list, 259

Browse Files page, NetStorage configuring, 419

browsers, accessing iFolder, 438-439

BSD Socket default Buffer Size in Bytes parameter, 650

Buffers option, DSTrace, 701

Burst Mode option, 546


C (CHANGE) parameter, 599

c1-uninstall, ConsoleOne uninstall, 104

C1START.NCF command, 619

CA (certificate authority), 282

cache memory, server performance, 157-158

Cache NetWare Password option, 547

Cache Writes option, 547

CAN (Certified Novell Administrator), 726

Cancel Desktop Login option, 566

categories, NMAS graded authentication, 245

CBT (computer-based training), 725

CD-ROMs, 322

drives, NetWare installation, 5

server management, 153-154

CDBE command, 619

CDM (Custom Device Module), 146

CDROM load commands, 154


certificate authority (CA), 282


servers, 280-283

Web Manager links, 113

certifications, Novell CNE programs, 725-727

Certified Directory Engineer, 726

Certified Novell Administrator (CNA), 726

Certified Novell Engineer (CNE), 726

Certified Novell Instructor (CNI), 726

CGI (common gateway interface), 389

Change Cache option, DSTrace, 701

Change Password option, 567

Checksum option, 547

child partitions, 188

Choose IP Address at Random option, 62

CIFS (Common Internet File System), 79, 493

configuring access, 81-84

CLA (corporate license agreement), 51

class map parameter, LDAP Group object, 221

classes, NetWare, 725-727

Classic work to do Pre Check Flag parameter, 667

Clear Connections option, 540

CLEAR STATION command, 619

clearances, NMAS graded authentication, 246

CLF (common log format), 115

Client Buffers option, DSTrace, 701

CLIENT directory, 57

Client file caching enabled parameter, 673

Client tab options, 536-537

Client Version option, 536

clients, 53. See also workstations

basics, 55-56

configuration page, 72

configuring, 54

installing, 56-57

from Web Server, 60, 62

removing software, 59-60

software, 57-59

NetDrive, 78-79

NFAP, 79

administrative workstation requirements, 80

AFP access, 84-86

CIFS access, 81-84

mounting exported directory, 89-90

NFS access, 86-89

operating systems, 80

simple password, 80-81

NICI, 76-77

client, 54

NMAS, 77-78

client, 54-55

upgrading, 63

ACU, 67-69

configuration options, 72-74

Dial-up tab, 71

login options, 69-70

NCIMan, 63-66

NDS tab, 70

NetIdentity agent, 74-75

NMAS tab, 71

Novell Client Upgrade Agent, 66-67

Script tab, 70

Close Behind Ticks option, 547

CLS command, 620

Cluster Connection Validation Interval option, 548

Cluster Management view, 498-499

cluster-aware applications, 492

cluster-enable volumes, NCS, 479


naive applications, 493

NCS, 476-477

basics, 478-479

benefits, 477-478

cluster applications, 492-496

Cluster Management view, 498-499

cluster resource, 479

cluster-enabled volume, 479

configuring, 485-489

failovers, 480-481

heartbeats, 480

installation, 481-485

load scripts, 497-498

master node, 479

SBD, 480

shared cluster volumes, 489-492

unload scripts, 497-498

resources, 479

CM (Compatibility Mode), 9-10

CM BUSY command, 620

CM CONN command, 620

CM KILL command, 620

CM STATS command, 620

CN variable, 612

CNE (Certified Novell Engineer), 726

CNI (Certified Novell Instructor), 726

Collisions option, DSTrace, 701

comatose resource state, 499

Command line prompt default choice parameter, 666

Command line prompt time out parameter, 666


interface, Nterprise Branch Office, 520

switches, DSRepair, 716-718

commands, 596-597


console, 144, 615-646


DRIVE, 597-598

Edit menu

Rename, 33

Show Dropped Folders, 33

Where Did It Come From, 33

Where Did It Go, 33

Edit menu (Netscape Communicator), Preferences, 113

File menu

New, 42

Properties of Multiple Objects, 97

Save As, 32

login scripts, 600, 610

BREAK, 600

FIRE, 601


IF...THEN, 601-603

INCLUDE, 603-604



PAUSE, 604



MAP, 598-599

Options menu (Netscape Navigator), Network Preferences, 113

Set Parameters menu

Communications, 158

Error Handling, 162

Novell Storage Services, 157

Start menu

Program Files, 31

Settings, 38, 60

text file usage, 606

# symbol, 606-607

@, 607


EXIT, 608


TERM, 608

WRITE, 609-610

Tools menu (Internet Explorer), Internet Options, 112

TREE, 599-600

Virtual Memory Performance menu, To Swap File Information, 158

workstation environment, 605

SET, 605-606


Comments, CIFS configuration page, 82

Common File System, SET parameters, 647, 650

common gateway interface (CGI), 389

Common Internet File System (CIFS), 79, 493

common log format (CLF), 115

Communication, SET parameters, 650, 655

Communications command (Set Parameters menu), 158

Compare property rights, access control list, 259

Compatibility Mode (CM), 9

compression files, 337-338

management, 338-340

NetWare installation, 7

Compression daily check starting hour parameter, 648

Compression daily check stop hour parameter, 648

computer-based training (CBT), 725

Concurrent remirror requests parameter, 659

condition variables, 475

CONFIG command, 620

Configure New Group option (NoRM), 147


Apache Web server options, 367-370, 383

Content Management, 388-389

server logs, 387-388

Server Preferences, 383-387

DirXML Starter Pack drivers, 529-531

file backup, 355-356

host server setup, 356-358

SMS installation, 356

target setup, 356-358

FTP server, 452-454

general settings, 454-456

log settings, 460-461

security settings, 459-460

user settings, 457-459

iFolder, 431

Global Settings, 432-433

Reporting, 434

System Monitoring, 434

User Management, 433-434

iSCSI, 348

initiator software, 350

iSCSI target software, 349

NCS, 485

cluster node properties, 489

email reports, 488-489

GIPC Stream, 488

IP address, 486

Protocol link, 487

quorum, 486-487

Resource Priority, 488

NetDrive, 424

NetStorage, 419-420

Nterprise Branch Office, 515-520

Tomcat Servlet engine, 390

Virtual Office, 441-446

virtual teams, services, 447-449

connection settings, Web Search Manager, 411

connections parameter, LDAP Server object, 217

console commands, 144, 615-646

activating when hidden, 128

Console display watchdog logouts parameter, 654

ConsoleOne, 91, 95-96

basics, 96

browsing objects, 98

creating objects, 97-98

customizing views, 98-99

finding objects, 98

manipulating objects, 97-98

organizing objects in containers, 96-97

checking for unknown objects, 211

file system rights, 272-273

from NWAdmin, 94

installing, 99

accessibility features, 101-102

existing NetWare servers, 102-103

Linux, 103-104

Solaris, 104-105

Tru64 Unix, 105-106

Windows, 99-101

limitations, 106

NICI client, 76

purging files, 342

RConsoleJ, 107-108

automating agents, 109

proxy server, 108-109

running from workstation, 110-111

target server setup, 108

replica synchronization, 207

salvaging files, 342

synthetic timestamp repair, 205

time variables, 254


ConsoleOne, 96-97

eDirectory, 181

login scripts, 593

Content Management, Apache Web server, 388-389

Context Button option, 541

CONTEXT command, 597

Context option, 541

context search files

AFP access configuration, 84-85

CIFS access configuration, 81-82

Control Panel command (Start menu), 60

Add/Remove Programs option, 60

Convert compressed to uncompressed option parameter, 649

Cool Solutions (Novell), 722

corporate license agreement (CLA), 51

COSTLT20 Group, WAN traffic policy, 213

Country objects, eDirectory, 183

CPU hog timeout amount parameter, 668

CPUCHECK command, 621

crawled indexes, 396-397

Create Entry right, access control list, 259

Create File System right, data security, 270

Creator references, eDirectory trustee reference, 261

CSET command, 621

Current Sessions page, NetStorage configuring, 419

Custom Device Module (CDM), 146

CWD command, 621




defining rules, 180-181

organization, 181

file access, 416-417

FTP server, 450-461

iFolder, 427-439

NetDrive, 422-427

NetStorage, 417-422

Virtual Office, 439-450

Nterprise Branch Office, 505-509

recovery, 320

saving to disk, 321

security, 269

attributes, 273-276

file system trustee rights, 269-273

login scripts, 277

NCP Packet Signature, 277-278

shredding, 332, 342

variables, 611

Data buffer size (KB) parameters, iManager, 455

Data Shredding feature, 321

Database Initialization (DB Init), 694

Database Repair options, DSRepair, 710-711


eDirectory, 178-180

restoring, 352

DAY variable, 611

Daylight savings time offset parameter, 682

Daylight savings time status parameter, 682

Days untouched before compression parameter, 650

DAY_OF_WEEK variable, 611

DB Init (database initialization), 694

Debug Settings page, Web Search Server, 402

Decompress free space warning interval parameter, 649

Decompress percent disk space free to allow commit parameter, 649

default capture, client configuration page, 73

Default Capture tab, 582-584

Default Encoding for Response Pages, Web Search Manager, 404

Default FTP context parameter, Web Manager, 458

Default home directory parameter, Web Manager, 457

Default home server parameter, Web Manager, 457

default login scripts, 594

Default Namespace parameters, iManager, 455

Default Policy Support option, 538

Default Query Encoding, Web Search Manager, 403

default site settings, Web Search Server, 403

general settings, 403-405

index, 408-410

printing, 407-408

search settings, 405-407

security, 410-411

Default time server type parameter, 685

DEL parameter, 599

Delay before first watchdog packet parameter, 654

Delay between watchdog packets parameter, 653

DELAY command, 621

Delay Writes option, 548

Delete Entry right, access control list, 259

Delete Inhibit attribute, data security, 275

Delete Install Files After Install Is Complete option, 62

Deleted files compression option parameter, 650


files, 341

exception to salvageable state, 341-342

purging, 342

salvaging, 342

license certificates, 52

Deployment Manager

iManager installation, 116

in-place upgrade, 25

NetWare installation preparation, 11-12

Prepare for NDS eDirectory 8.7 option, 13-14

Search Tree for eDirectory/NDS versions option, 12-13

NICI client, 76

Developer option parameter, 668

DeveloperNet, 724-725

developers, Novell DeveloperNet, 724-725

device removal detection, NMAS phases of operation, 244


authentication, 244

display, NetWare installation, 6

file backup, 353-354

input, NetWare installation, 6

storage, NetWare installation, 5

DFS (Distributed File Service), 343-344, 468

junctions, 345

management context creation, 344

moving volumes, 345-347

splitting volumes, 345-347

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 223

objects, 228

creating, 228-229

starting services, 230-231

subnet address range objects, 229-230

subnet object creation, 229

settings, client configuration page, 74

DHCP Settings tab, 587-589

Dial-up tab, client upgrade, 71

dialog boxes

Move To, 196

Object Name, 196

Properties of Multiple Objects, 97

differential backups, 352, 358

digital certificates, 281

Direct mode, iMonitor, 136


attributes, 273-274

assigning, 276

types, 274-276

file system planning, 324-326

nonsystem planning, 326-327

quotas, 332

space restrictions, 322

Directory Agent List option, 542

Directory cache allocation wait time parameter, 687

Directory cache buffer nonreferenced delay parameter, 687

Directory caching parameters, 655, 658

Directory message file parameters, iManager, 455

Directory mode, Apache Web server, 367

Directory permissions parameters, iManager, 456

Dirty directory cache delay time parameter, 686

Dirty disk cache delay time parameter, 689

DirXML Starter Pack, 521

basics, 521-523

drivers, 526-528

configuration, 529-531

secondary eDirectory tree, 529

installation, 524-526

password synchronization, 531-532

Remote Loader, 526-528

secondary eDirectory tree, 529

DISABLE LOGIN command, 621

DISABLE TTS command, 621

Disable Windows Password Cache option, 548

Discard Oversize PING Packets parameter, 651

Discard Oversized UDP Packets parameter, 652

discovery, eDirectory, 176

Disk parameters, 658, 660

disk pools, multiple volumes, NetWare installation, 7


failure, server management, 152-153

space, 337

deleted files, 341-342

file compression, 337-340

restricting users, 340

DISMOUNT command, 622

Display Bindery Services Page option, 567

DISPLAY command, 622-623

text file usage, 607

Display Container Page option, 567


display devices, NetWare installation, 6

Display DFS Junction Information Page option, 567

Display Directory Map Object Page option, 567

Display Directory Services Page option, 568


Display incomplete IPX packet alerts parameter, 666


Display lost interrupt alerts parameter, 669

Display lost interrupt alerts threshold parameter, 668


Display NCP bad component warnings parameter, 674

Display NCP bad length warnings parameter, 674

Display NetWare Information Page option, 568

Display NetWare Rights Page option, 568


Display old API names parameter, 668

Display relinquish control alerts parameter, 667

Display Server Page option, 569

DISPLAY SERVERS command, 623

Display spurious interrupt alerts parameter, 669

Display spurious interrupt alerts threshold parameter, 668

Display Tree Page option, 569

Display Volume Information Page option, 569

Display Volume Statistics Page option, 570

Distributed File Service. See DFS

Distributed References option, DSTrace, 701

DNS (Domain Name Service), 223

configuring services, 231

creating objects, 232

DNS Server object, 232-233

DNS Zone object, 233-234

LOAD NAMED command, 234, 236

planning, 231-232

resource records, 234

Print Manager, 296

DNS option, DSTrace, 701

DNS Server objects, 232-233

DNS Zone objects, 233-234

DNS/DHCP services, 223-224

configuring DNS services, 231-236

installing, 224-225

DHCP objects creation, 228-231

DHCP planning, 227-228

DHCP service configuration, 227

planning for, 225-226

setting scope, 226-227

document directories, creating, 371-372

Document Preferences page, Apache Web server, 388

document root, Apache Web server, 371

Domain, CIFS configuration page, 83

Domain Name Service. See DNS

Don’t compress attribute, data security, 276

Don’t migrate attribute, data security, 276

Don’t suballocate attribute, data security, 276

DOS Long Name Support option, 549

DOS Name option, 549

DOS partition

configuring, 14-15

mounting, 335

DOWN command, 623

DOWN option (NoRM), 147

DRIVE command, 597-598


CM, 9

default options, 302-303

DirXML Starter Pack, 526-529

iPrint, adding, 292-293

NetWare 6.5 installation, 6

DS Agent option, DSTrace, 701

DSCAT Contextless Login tab, 74, 589-590

DSRepair, 703-704

command-line switches, 716-718

errors, 718-719

monitor operations, 707-709

repair operations, 709, 714-715

Database Repair options, 710-711

partition operations, 711-713

replica operations, 711-713

Unattended Full Repair, 704-707


checking external references, 208

checking for unknown objects, 210-211

eDirectory time synchronization, 204

eDirectory version verification, 204

replica synchronization, 206

synthetic timestamp repair, 205

DSTrace, 698-702

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. See DHCP


ECBs (event control blocks), 158

ECHO OFF command, 623

ECHO ON command, 623

eDirectory, 176-177

architecture, 178

data organization, 181

database, 178-180

rules defining data, 180-181

context specification, 418

DFS management context creation, 344

DNS/DHCP services, 223-236

DSRepair, 703-704

command-line switches, 716-718

errors, 718-719

monitor operations, 707-709

repair operations, 709-715

Unattended Full Repair, 704-707

iMonitor, 133-134

basics, 135-137

installing, 134

improving performance, 191

LDAP, 215

connecting, 221-223

installing services, 215-221

login controls, 251-252

Address Restrictions, 256

Intruder Lockout, 256-258

Login Restrictions, 254

Password Restrictions, 252-254

Time Restrictions, 255

management, 192-194

monitoring operation, 202-212

partition operations, 194-196

replica operations, 196-199

traffic management, 212-215

tree operations, 199-201

NetWare installation, 10

passwords, simple, 80

processes, 693-694

Backlinker, 697

DB Init, 694

Flat Cleaner, 694-695

iMonitor, 698-702

Janitor, 695

Limber, 696-697

Replica Purger, 696

Replica Synchronization, 695-696

Schema Sync, 697

time sync, 697

RBS services, 120

Search Tree for eDirectory/NDS versions option, 12-13

tree design, 182

ConsoleOne, 98

Leaf object organization, 186-187

lower level organization, 185-186

partitions, 187-188

replicas, 188-192

top level design, 183-185

user, LDAP connection, 223

Edit menu commands

Rename, 33

Show Dropped Folders, 33

Where Did It Come From, 33

Where Did It Go, 33

Edit menu commands (Netscape Communicator), Preferences, 113

effective rights

access control list, 260

authorization, 267-268

file system rights, 272

eGuide service, Virtual Office, 440

electrical power, server protection, 151-152

email, NCS reports, 488-489

Email Settings, Web Search Server services settings, 400

Emulate classic NetWare directory quotas parameter, 675

Emulated Bindery option, DSTrace, 701

Enable debug account and set password, NoRM view, 129

Enable disk read after write verify parameter, 660

Enable file compression parameter, 648

Enable Hardware Write Back parameter, 659

Enable IO handicap attribute parameter, 659

Enable IPX checksums parameter, 673

ENABLE LOGIN command, 623

Enable option, DSCAT Contextless Login tab, 589

Enable SECURE.NCF parameter, 666

Enable Stop-Words Processing, Web Search Manager, 404

Enable Synonym-Enhanced Search Results, Web Search Manager, 404

Enable task zero checking parameter, 673

ENABLE TTS command, 624

Enable UDP checksums on NCP packets parameter, 673


Apache Web server, 380-382

asymmetric, 280

End of daylight savings time parameter, 681

enhanced passwords, NMAS client installation, 78

Entrust certificate Login, NMAS client installation, 78

ENVSET command, 624

Erase file system right, data security, 270

Error Handling command (Set Parameters menu), 162

Error Log, Apache Web server logs, 388

Error Log Settings, Web Search Server services settings, 399

error logs, server performance, 159-164

Error Responses page, Apache Web server, 386-387

error-handling, parameters, 660-662


correction, 320

DSRepair, 718-719

ERROR_LEVEL variable, 613

event control blocks (ECBs), 158

event notification services, 288

events, parameter, LDAP Server object, 218

Execute Only attribute, data security, 274

EXIT command, text file usage, 608

explicit rights, authorization, 264

EXTCHECK command, 624

Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT), 523

external references, eDirectory, 208-209


failovers, NCS, 480-481

Fast volume mounts parameter, 690

FDISPLAY command, text file usage, 608

File delete wait time parameter, 690

File menu commands

New, 42

Properties of Multiple Objects, 97

Save As, 32

File mode, Apache Web server, 367

File permissions parameters, iManager, 456

File scan file system right, data security, 271

FILE SERVER NAME command, 624

File Snapshot feature, 321

file system export, NFS access configuration, 86

file system indexes, 396-397

file system mount, NFS access configuration, 86

File Write Through option, Advanced Settings tab, 551


access, 416-417

FTP server, 450-461

iFolder, 427-439

NetDrive, 422-427

NetStorage, 417-422

Virtual Office, 439-450

attributes, 273-274

assigning, 276

types, 274-276

compression, 321

NetWare installation, 7

DFS, 343-344

junctions, 345

management context creation, 344

moving volumes, 345-347

splitting volumes, 345-347

disk space, 337

compression, 337-340

deleted files, 341-342

restricting users, 340

iSCSI, 347-348

basics, 348

configuring, 348-350

modified list, 321

NSS, 319, 327

architecture, 319-320

creating partitions from NoRM, 327-328

logical volumes, 330-335

mounting DOS partition as NSS volume, 335

repairs, 335-337

storage pool creating, 328-330

volume management concepts, 320-323

SMS, 351

configuring backup system, 355-358

planning strategy, 351-355

restoring files, 361-362

SBCON.NLM utility, 358-360


management, 318-319

planning, 323-327

trustee rights, 269-271

ConsoleOne, 272-273

effective rights, 272

inheritance, 271-272

security equivalence, 272

usage commands, 606

# symbol, 606-607

@, 607


EXIT, 608


TERM, 608

WRITE, 609-610

FILE_SERVER variable, 612

Filtered replicas, 189

creating, 198-199

Filtered Service Type List option

Service Location tab, 544

SLP service registration, 544

FIRE command, 601

FIRE PHASERS command, 601

First Network Drive option, 536

flags, data security, 273

Flat Cleaner process, eDirectory, 694-695

Flush Files Immediately feature, 321

flushing files, 332

Forbidden (HTTP 403) error message, 386

Force Logoff Button option, Advanced Login tab, 541

Form Feed option, Default Capture tab, 583

Fragmented Requests option, DSTrace, 701

FTP Port parameters, iManager, 454

FTP server, 450-452

configuring, 452-454

general settings, 454-456

log settings, 460-461

security settings, 459-460

user settings, 457-459

installation, 452

NetDrive, 423

FTP sessions (maximum) parameters, iManager, 454

FTP user restrictions file parameter, Web Manager, 458

full backups, 358

FULL_NAME variable, 612


Garbage collection interval parameter, 665

Gateway, 8

gateways, 288

General Public License (GPL), 16

General Search Settings page, Web Search Server, 401

General Services settings, Web Search Server, 399-401

General Settings, Web Search Manager default setting, 408

GIPC Stream, NCS, 488

Global pseudo preemption parameter, 670

Global Run queues, 471

Global Settings, iFolder, 432-433

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), 254

GPL (General Public License), 16

graded authentication, 245-247

grafting trees, 201

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), 254

GREETING_TIME variable, 611

group objects, security, 242


Halt system on invalid parameters parameter, 667

HAM (Host Adapter Module), 146

hard disks, NetWare installation, 5


configuration, NetWare installation, 6

virtual servers, 374

Header frame

iManager, 119

iMonitor, 135

NoRM, 126

Health Monitor, NoRM, 156

heartbeats, 480

cluster node settings, 487

HELP command, 624

Hidden attribute, data security, 275

high convergence events, 212

Hold option, Default Capture tab, 584

home page, Web Manager, 111-115

home pages, document root, 371

Host Adapter Module (HAM), 146

Host Intruder detection parameter, Web Manager, 459

hot fix, 322

HOUR variable, 611

HOUR24 variable, 611

HTTP, interface management, NoRM configuration, 131-132

HTTPBIND command, 625

HTTPCLOSEPORT command, 625

HTTPUNBIND command, 625

Hung unload wait delay parameter, 661

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), 364, 413


IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), Web site, 386

ID option, ALERT command, 617

IDCACHE STATS command, 626

identifier variables, 611-613

Idle session timeout (seconds) parameters, iManager, 454

IF...THEN command, 601-603

iFolder, 427-428

client software, 427

file synchronization, 434-437

browser-based option, 438-439

NetDrive access, 439

NetStorage access, 439

installation, 429-430

Java applet, 428

Management console, 431

Global Settings, 432-433

Reporting, 434

System Monitoring, 434

User Management, 433-434

NetDrive, 423

prerequisites, 428-429

server software, 427

Web services, 364

iFolder Storage Provider page, NetStorage configuring, 419

iManager, 95, 116

access control, 310

accessing, 92

Apache Web server installation, 366

basics, 119-120

checking for unknown objects, 211


iPrint broker, 291

NFS export, 88

Print Manager, 294

eDirectory management options, 193

in-place upgrade, 25-26

installing, 116-119

NetStorage, configuring, 419-420

RBS, 120-121

configuring services, 121-122

defining roles, 122-123

Replica Wizard option, 198

RPM configuration, 300

synthetic timestamp repair, 205

Web Search Server installation, 391-392

Web services, 364

Immediate purge of deleted files parameter, 647

iMonitor, 93, 133-134

basics, 135

configuring, 137

interface layout, 135-136

operation modes, 136-137

checking for unknown objects, 210

DSTrace, 698-700

options, 701-702

eDirectory version verification, 203

external references check, 208

installing, 134

replica synchronization, 205

user interface, 193

in-place upgrade, 22-24

basics, 26-27

Deployment Manager, 25

iManager, 25-26

server console, 24-25

Inbound Synchronization option, DSTrace, 701

INCLUDE command, 603-604

incremental backups, 352, 359


creating, 396-397

generating, 397-398

scheduled events, 398

Web Search Server, default settings, 392, 408-410

information parameter, LDAP

Group object, 220

Server object, 216

inheritance, 261-262

file system rights, 271-272

Inherited rights filter references, 261

inherited rights filters (IRFs), 262

Initial Novell Login option, 538

Initialization option, DSTrace, 701

initiator, iSCSI, 348

software loading, 350

input devices, NetWare installation, 6

INS parameter, 599

Inserted option

MAGAZINE command, 631

MEDIA command, 631

Inspector option, DSTrace, 702


Apache Web server, 366-367

DirXML Starter Pack, 524-526

FTP server, 452

iFolder, 429-430

license certificates, 50-51

Migration Wizard, 40

NCS, 481

cluster installing, 482-485

preparation process, 481-482

NetDrive, 423-424

NetStorage, 417-418

NetWare 6.5, 4-5

eDirectory, 10

in-place upgrade, 23-27

NDPS, 11

network preparation, 11-14

new server installation, 14-21

protocol planning, 7-10

SCU, 28-39

server hardware, 5-6

server migration, 39-48

UAL, 48-52

upgrade options, 21-22

volume planning, 7

NLS, 50

Nterprise Branch Office, 502

appliance creation, 509-514

central office data replication, 505-509

User Access Provisioner, 503-505

SCU, 28-29

SMS, 356

Tomcat Servlet engine, 390

Virtual Office, 440-441

Web Search Server, 391-392

integration, DirXML Starter Pack, 521

basics, 521-523

drivers, 526-529

configuration, 529-531

installation, 524-526

password synchronization, 531-532

Remote Loader, 526-529

Interactive screen timeout parameter, 664

internal net number, IPX, 9


hosting maps on Web server, 306

Novell information, 722

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 114, 386

Internet Explorer, publishing content to Web site, 378

Internet Explorer 4, enabling Java, 112

Internet Options command (Tools menu Internet Explorer), 112

Internet Packet Exchange (IPX), 8-9

Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), 286

Internet Protocol. See IP

Intruder List parameter, Web Manager, 459

Intruder Lockout, iManager, 256-258

Intruder log file parameter, Web Manager, 461

IP (Internet Protocol), 8

addresses, NCS, 486

installation along with IPX, 9

planning for NetWare installation, 8

server address, 8

IP WAN Client Validation parameter, 651

IPP (Internet Printing Protocol), 286


iPrint, 286-287

accessing, 300-302

client updates, 304

default driver options, 302-303

client, 300

removing, 302

components, 287-289

configuring, 290

broker, 290-294

creating network printers, 297-298

creating Print Manager, 294-296

manual printer support installation, 300

print pooling, 298

printer support installation, 299

installing, 289-290

location-based printing, 304

hosting maps on Web server, 306

print lists, 304-305

printer maps, 305-306

Map Designer, 304

security, 307

access control, 308-311

levels, 311-312

SSL, 312-313

setting persistence, 307

supported parameters, 303


pages, 289

services, 364

iPrint service, Virtual Office, 440

IPX (Internet Packet Exchange), 8-9

IPX Group, WAN traffic policy, 213

IPX INTERNAL NET command, 626

IPX NETBios replication option parameter, 653

IPX Router Broadcast Delay parameter, 653

IRFs (inherited rights filters), 262-263

iSCSI, 347-350


Janitor option, DSTrace, 702

Janitor process, eDirectory, 695

JAR command, 626


Access Bridge, 101-102

applications, running on server, 148-150


Internet Explorer 4, 112

Netscape Communicator, 113

Netscape Navigator, 113

JAVA -NS command, 150

JAVA command, 150, 626-627

Java Runtime Environment (JRE), 103

JavaServer Pages (JSPs), 389

Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 19, 148

JIT compiler (Just In Time compiler), 149

JRE (Java Runtime Environment), 103

JSPs (JavaServer Pages), 389

junctions, DFS, 345

Just In Time compiler (JIT compiler), 149

JVM (Java Virtual Machine), 19, 148


Keep option, Default Capture tab, 584

Keep-alive time (minutes) parameters, iManager, 455

kernels, preemption, 474

KEYFILE parameter, 625

KF8 OFF command, 627

KF8 ON command, 627

LAN Area object, 214-215

LAN drivers, 146

LANGUAGE command, 628

Largest Ping Packet Size parameter, 651

Largest UDP Packet Size parameter, 652

LASTLOGINTIME command, 610

LAST_NAME variable, 612

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 215, 468

connecting to eDirectory, 221-223

installing services, 215

LDAP Group object, 219-221

LDAP Server object, 216-219

universal passwords, 248

user import, universal passwords, 248

LDAP Contextless Login tab, 7, 586-587

LDAP Group object, 215, 219-221

LDAP option, DSTrace, 702

LDAP Server object, 215-219

LDAP servers, configuring, Nterprise Branch Office, 503

LDAP Stack option, DSTrace, 702

LDRCONAG.NCF, automating RConsoleJ agents, 109

Leaf objects, eDirectory, 181

organization, 186-187

License Certificate objects, 49

license certificates, 50

deletion, 52

installation, 50-51

License Container objects, 49

license service provider (LSP), 48

Licensing Services parameters, 662-663

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. See LDAP

Limber option, DSTrace, 702

Limber process, eDirectory, 696-697


ConsoleOne installation, 103-104

NFS access, 86-89

LIST DEVICES command, 628


LIST PARTITIONS command, 628



list views, 304

Listen Ports page, Apache Web server, 386

Load Balance Local LAN parameter, 650

LOAD command, 629

Load module protected option, 154

LOAD NAMED command, 234-236

Load NCF file protected option, 154

LOAD RCONAG command, 109

load scripts, 497-498

loadable modules, 145

Loading resource state, 499

LOADSTAGE command, 629-630

Local, CIFS configuration page, 83

Local Run queues, 471

Locality objects, eDirectory, 183

location profiles, client configuration page, 72

Location Profiles tab, options, 537

location-based printing, 304

hosting maps on Web server, 306

printer lists, 304-305

printer maps, 305-306

Locking option, DSTrace, 702

Locus option, ALERT command, 617

Log directory parameter, Web Manager, 461

Log File Management option, 161

log files

Web Manager, 115

Web Search Server, 392

Log option, ALERT command, 617

LOGGER.TXT error log files, 162

LOGGERPATH command, 630

LOGGERSAVE command, 630

logical volumes

activation, 320

deactivation, 320

Login attempts for Host intruder detection parameter, Web Manager, 460

Login attempts for User intruder detection parameter, Web Manager, 460

Login disable time after detection parameter, Web Manager, 460

Login Restrictions, iManager, 254


client upgrade, 69-70

customizing user, 247

eDirectory controls, 251-252

Address Restrictions, 256

Intruder Lockout, 256-258

Login Restrictions, 254

Password Restrictions, 252-254

iManager, 253

Time Restrictions, 255

methods, 245

NMAS, 244

scripts, 593-594

commands, 600, 610

conventions, 595-596

creating, 594-595

sequences, 245

assigning user, 247

creating, 247

LOGIN_CONTEXT variable, 612

LOGIN_NAME variable, 612

Looking Glass icon, iManager, 120

Lost Entry option, DSTrace, 702

LSP (license service provider), 48

LT Auditor+, 284


MAC (Media Access Control), 230

AFP access, 84

context search files, 84-85

file access, 85-86

renaming NetWare volumes, 85

NFAP, 79

MACHINE variable, 612

MAGAZINE command, 630-631

MAILTO command, 631

Main Content frame

iManager, 120

iMonitor, 136

NoRM, 127

maintenance, server, 164

displaying server information, 164-165

patches, 165

updates, 165

workstation connection, 165-166

management interface, 94

ConsoleOne, 91, 94-96

basics, 96-99

installing, 99-106

limitations, 106

iManager, 95

accessing, 92

iMonitor, 93

NoRM, 93

NWAdmin, 94

Web Manager, accessing, 91

manual advertisement, time synchronization, 171-172

MAP command, 598-599

mapping, printers, 305-306

Master CNE, 726

master license agreement (MLA), 51

master nodes, MPK, 479

Master replicas, 189

type changing, 197

master watchdogs, cluster node settings, 487

max retransmits, cluster node settings, 487

Maximum concurrent compressions parameter, 649

Maximum concurrent directory cache writes parameter, 647

Maximum concurrent disk cache writes parameter, 689

Maximum directory cache buffers parameter, 687

Maximum extended attributes per file or path parameter, 690

Maximum file locks per connection parameter, 688

Maximum interrupt events parameter, 655

Maximum Log Size, Web Search Manager, 405

Maximum log size (KB) parameter, Web Manager, 461

Maximum number of directory handles parameter, 688

Maximum number of internal directory handles parameter, 688

Maximum outstanding NCP searches parameter, 674

Maximum packet receive buffers parameter, 654

Maximum Pending TCP Connection Requests parameter, 650

Maximum percent of volume space allowed for extended attributes parameter, 690

Maximum percent of volume used by directory parameter, 690

Maximum physical receive packet size parameter, 654

Maximum port parameters, iManager, 456

Maximum Query Duration, Web Search Manager, 404

Maximum record locks parameter, 688

Maximum record locks per connection parameter, 688

Maximum RIP SAP Events parameter, 653

Maximum subdirectory tree depth parameter, 690

MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components), 28

Media Access Control. See MAC, 230

MEDIA command, 631

MEMBER OF “group” variable, 612

membership, quorum, 486


cache, server performance, 157-158

MPK, 474-475

parameters, 663, 665

server, NetWare installation, 5

virtual, server performance, 158-159

MEMORY command, 632

MEMORY MAP command, 632

Memory protection ABEND after restart count parameter, 664

Memory protection fault cleanup parameter, 665

Memory protection no restart interval parameter, 665

Memory protection restart count period parameter, 664

merging trees, 200-201

messages, broadcasting, 147

Messages of type parameter, Web Manager, 461

MFL (modified file list), 353

Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC), 28

migration agents, CM, 9

Migration Wizard, 39-40

destination server, 41-42

installation, 40

NetWare 3.x source server, 42-48

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension), 385

MIME Types configuration file, Apache Web server, 385-386

Minimum compression percentage gain parameter, 648

Minimum directory cache buffers parameter, 687

Minimum file cache buffers parameter, 689

Minimum file cache report threshold parameter, 689

Minimum file delete wait time parameter, 647

Minimum NCP TCP receive window to advertise parameter, 672

Minimum packet receive buffers parameter, 654

Minimum port parameters, iManager, 456

Minimum service processes parameter, 670

MINUTE variable, 611

MIRROR STATUS command, 632

Mirrored devices are out of sync message frequency parameter, 659

Miscellaneous SET parameters, 666-670

MLA (Master License Agreement), 51

MM command, 632

modified file list (MFL), 353

Modify file system right, data security, 270


Apache Web server, 375-376

loadable, 145

MODULES command, 632-633

mod_cache module, 376

mod_dav module, 376

mod_edir module, 376

mod_ldap_auth module, 376

mod_nsn module, 376

mod_perl module, 376

mod_php module, 376

monitoring eDirectory, 202-203

external references, 208-209

replica synchronization, 205-208

schema updates, 209-210

time sync status, 204-205

unknown objects, 210-212

version verification, 203-204

monitoring servers, 155, 157

cache memory, 157-158

error logs, 159-164

virtual memory, 158-159

MONTH variable, 611

MONTH_NAME variable, 611

mount command, 89-90, 633

mounting, volumes

logical, 330-335

memory requirements, 322

Move Object option, DSTrace, 702

Move To dialog box, 196

MPK (multiprocessing kernel), 465-467

load-balancing, 472-473

memory management, 474-475

process preemption, 473-474

PSM, 475-476

running programs, 469-470

services, 467-468

threads, 470-472

MPS (multiprocessor specification), 466

multiple volumes, NetWare installation, 7

multiprocessing, MPK, 467

load-balancing, 472-473

memory management, 474-475

process preemption, 473-474

PSM, 475-476

running programs, 469-470

services, 467-468

threads, 470-472

multiprocessing kernel. See MPK

Multiprocessor parameters, 670-671

multiprocessor specification (MPS), 466

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME), 385

mutex (mutually exclusive lock), 475

mutually exclusive lock (mutex), 475

My Network Places, creating new folder, 420


database, 364

Web services, 412


N (NEXT) parameter, 599

NAAS (Novell Advanced Audit Services), 284

NAME command, 633

Name Context option, Client tab, 537

Name Resolution Order option, 585

Name Space modules, 145

names, NetWare server installation, 6

Native File Access, NICI client, 76

Native File Access Pack, Mac users, 55

Native File Access Protocols (NFAP), 442

native file accesses, universal passwords, 248

NATIVE2ASCII command, 633

NATPs (Novell Academic Training Partner), 725

Navigation frame

iManager, 120

iMonitor, 136

NoRM, 127

NCF files, editing tools, 167

NCIMan (Novell Client Install Manager), 62-66

NCP (NetWare Core Protocol), 465, 671

Packet Signature, 277-278

parameters, 671-674

NCP ADDRESSES command, 633

NCP DUMP command, 633

NCP Engine option, DSTrace, 702

NCP exclude IP addresses parameter, 672

NCP file commit parameter, 674

NCP include IP addresses parameter, 672

NCP over UDP parameter, 672

NCP packet signature option parameter, 673

NCP STATS command, 633

NCP TCP keep alive interval parameter, 672

NCP TRACE command, 633

NCS (NetWare Cluster Services), 466, 476-477

basics, 478-479

benefits, 477-478

cluster applications, 492-493

cluster-enabling, 494

configuring parameters, 495-496

migrating, 496

node assignment, 495

Cluster Management view, 498-499

cluster resource, 479

cluster-enabled volume, 479

configuring, 485

cluster node properties, 489

email reports, 488-489

GIPC Stream, 488

IP address, 486

Protocol link, 487

quorum, 486-487

Resource Priority, 488

failovers, 480-481

heartbeats, 480

installation, 481

cluster installing, 482-485

preparation process, 481-482

load scripts, 497-498

master node, 479

SBD, 480

shared cluster volumes, 489-490

cluster-enabling, 490-491

configuring storage pool parameters, 491-492

storage pool node assignment, 491

unload scripts, 497-498

NDAY_OF_WEEK variable, 611

NDPS (Novell Distributed Print Services), 11, 286

planning, 11

print roles, 308

NDPS broker, 288

NDPS Broker, access controls, 311

NDPSM.NLM, load switches, 295

NDS Bindery QoS Delay parameter, 657

NDS Bindery QoS Mask parameter, 657

NDS bootstrap address, 658

NDS Distributed reference link interval parameter, 657

NDS external reference life span parameter, 656

NDS inactivity synchronization interval parameter, 656

NDS janitor interval parameter, 657

NDS servers status parameter, 656

NDS synchronization restrictions parameter, 656

NDS tab, client upgrade, 70

NDS trace file length to zero parameter, 657

NDS trace filename parameter, 655

NDS trace to file parameter, 655

NDS trace to screen parameter, 655

NDSTTYPS Group, WAN traffic policy, 214

NDS_Sync resource state, 499

NetDrive, 422

adding sites, 425-427

client, 78-79

configuring, 424

iFolder access, 439

installation, 423-424

protocol choices, 423

publishing content to Web site, 378

NetIdentity agent, client upgrade, 74-75

Netscape Communicator, enabling Java, 113

Netscape Navigator, enabling Java, 113

NetStorage, 417

configuring, 419-420

iFolder access, 439

installation, 417-418

managing, 420-422

NetStorage service, Virtual Office, 440

NetWare, classes, 725-727

NetWare Cluster Services. See NCS

NetWare Core Protocol. See NCP

NetWare Crypto License file (.NFK), 19

NetWare Enterprise Web server, replaced by Apache Web server, 365

NetWare Loadable Modules. See NLMs

NetWare OS application, 469

NetWare Peripheral Architecture (NPA), 146

NetWare Remote Manager. See NoRM

NetWare Storage Provider page, NetStorage configuring, 419

NetWare Time Protocol. See NTP

NetWare Users International (NUI), 722

NetWare Web Search Server, 364

Network File System. See NFS

Network Information Service (NIS), 86

Network Operating System (NOS), 21

Network Professional Association (NPA), 727-728

Network Professional Journal, 728

Network Settings page, Apache Web server, 386

Network Time Protocol. See NTP


adapters, NetWare installation, 6

connection commands, 596-597



DRIVE, 597-598

MAP, 598-599

TREE, 599-600

NetWare installation preparation, 11-12

Prepare for NDS eDirectory 8.7 option, 13-14

Search Tree for eDirectory/NDS versions option, 12-13

printing, iPrint, 286-313

security, 238-239

authentication, 243, 246-258

NMAS, 243-246

authorization, 258-268

data, 269-278

NICI, 279-284

user-related objects, 239-243

variables, 612

NETWORK_ADDRESS variable, 612

New command (File menu), 42

New packet receive buffer wait time parameter, 654

New service process wait time parameter, 670

New time with daylight savings time status parameter, 682

NFAP (Native File Access Protocols), 442

network access, 79

administrative workstation requirements, 80

AFP access, 84-86

CIFS access, 81-84

mounting exported directory, 89-90

NFS access, 86-89

operating systems, 80

simple password, 80-81

universal passwords, 249

NFAUUser object, NFAP installation, 87

NFAUWorld object, NFAP installation, 87

.NFK (NetWare Crypto License file), 19

NFS (Network File System), 79

configuring access, 86-89

server, 86

NFSAdmin object, NFAP installation, 87

Ngage services, 724

NICI (Novell International Cryptographic Infrastructure), 412, 468

basics, 279-280

certificate server, 280-282

creating, 282-283

user certificates, 283

client, 54, 76-77

LT Auditor+, 284

NetWare installation, 19

NIS (Network Information Service), 86

NISSERV_<servername> object, NFAP installation, 88

NLMs (NetWare Loadable Modules), 18, 144-147, 471

controlling, 154-155

loading, 154


client, 49

eDirectory objects, 49

Novell Licensing Services, 662

search type parameter, 662

NLSTRACE parameter, 663

NMAS (Novell Modular Authentication Service), 27

client, 54-55, 77-78

Enterprise Edition, 244

graded authentication, 245-246

installation, 246-247


factors, 244

methods, 245

sequences, 245

NICI client, 76

phases of operation, 243-244

tab, client upgrade, 71

Nmid option, ALERT command, 617

nonsystem directories, file system planning, 326-327

NoRM (NetWare Remote Manager), 93, 123-125, 141

basics, 126-127

configuring, 127-132

customizing, 132

console commands, 144

creating NSS partitions, 327-328

eDirectory time synchronization, 204

Health Monitor, 156

installing, 125-126

Java application management, 149

logging controls, 129-131

NetWare installation, 19

report and log file options, 160

SET parameters, 156

viewing active console screens, 147

viewing health log, 129

NOS (network operating system), 21

Not found (HTTP 404) error message, 387

Not Inserted option

MAGAZINE command, 631

MEDIA command, 631

NOT MEMBER OF “group” variable, 612

Not Removed option

MAGAZINE command, 631

MEDIA command, 631

Notify option, Default Capture tab, 584


Advanced Technical Training, 727

CNE programs, 725-727

Cool Solutions, 722

DeveloperNet, 724-725

documentation Web site, 722

information number, 721

Ngage services, 724

technical support, 723-724

training, 725-727

user forums, 722

Novell Academic Training Partner (NATPs), 725

Novell Advanced Audit, NICI client, 76

Novell Advanced Audit Services (NAAS), 284

Novell AppNotes, 723

Novell Certificate Server

NetWare installation, 19

NICI client, 76

Novell Client Install Manager (NCIMan), 62

Novell Client Properties, 535

Advanced Login tab, 538-541

Advanced Menu Settings tab, 566-582

Advanced Settings tab, 545-566

Client tab, 536-537

Default Capture tab, 582-584

DHCP Settings tab, 587-589

DSCAT Contextless Login tab, 589-590

LDAP Contextless Login tab, 586-587

Location Profiles tab, 537

Protocol Preference tab, 585

Service Location tab, 542-544

Single Sign-On tab, 587

Update Agent tab, 590-592

Novell Client Upgrade Agent, 66-67

Novell Connection, 723

Novell Distributed Print Services. See NDPS

Novell International Cryptographic Infrastructure. See NICI

Novell Licensing Services, NLS, 662

Novell Modular Authentication Service. See NMAS

Novell Native File Access Pack. See NFAP

Novell Professional Resource Suite (NPRS), 724

Novell Script for NetWare (NSN), 376

Novell Storage Services. See NSS

Novell Storage Services command (Set Parameters menu), 157

Novell Training Service Partners (NTSPs), 725

Novell Users International (NUI), 727-728

NO_DEFAULT command, 604


NetWare Peripheral Architecture, 146

Network Professional Association, 727-728

NPRS (Novell Professional Resource Suite), 724

NSN (Novell Script for NetWare), 376

NSS (Novell Storage Services), 468

architecture, 319-320

logical volumes

creating, 330-335

mounting, 330-335

parameters, 675-677


creating from NoRM, 327-328

mounting as NSS volume, 335

repairs, 335-337

storage pools, creating, 328-330

volume management concepts, 320-323

NSS ASCII name cache enable parameter, 676

NSS auth cache size parameter, 676

NSS auto locks CD-ROM disc in device parameter, 675

NSS auto update CD9660 volume objects to NDS parameter, 675

NSS buffer flush timer parameter, 676

NSS cache balance enable parameter, 675

NSS Cache Balance Percent command, (Novell Storage Services), 157

NSS cache balance percent parameter, 675

NSS cache balance timer parameter, 675

NSS closed file cache size parameter, 676

NSS command, 634

NSS file flush timer parameter, 676

NSS low volume space alerts parameter, 676

NSS low volume space warning reset threshold parameter, 677

NSS low volume space warning threshold parameter, 677

NSS Management Utility, 18

NSS maximum cache balance buffers per session parameter, 675

NSS minimum cache buffers parameter, 676

NSS minimum OS cache buffers parameter, 676

NSS name cache size parameter, 676

NSS open file hash shift parameter, 676

NSS work to do count parameter, 675

NSSMU (NSS Management utility), 327

Nterprise Branch Office, 502

configuring, 515

file access options, 517

monitoring options, 518-520

options, 515-516

statistics options, 518-520

user access options, 517-518

eDirectory replication, 192

installation, 502

appliance creation, 509-514

central office data replication, 505-509

User Access Provisioner, 503-505

portal interface, 520-521

NTP (NetWare Time Protocol), 20, 168

server management, 173-174

NTSPs (Novell Training Service Partners), 725

NUI (NetWare Users International), 722, 727-728

Number of Copies option, Default Capture tab, 582

Number of Spaces option, Default Capture tab, 583

Number of watchdog packets parameter, 653

NWAdmin, to ConsoleOne, 94

NWTRAP command, 634


obituaries, external references, 208

Object Name dialog box, 196


browsing, 98

creating, 97-98

finding, 98

manipulating, 97-98

name, access control list, 260

user-related, security, 239-243

OFF command, 634

Offline resource state, 500

ONOSPOOF Group, WAN traffic policy, 214

OpenSSH, 364

Web services, 412-413

operating systems, NFAP client requirements, 80

OpLocks, CIFS configuration page, 83

OPNSPOOF Group, WAN traffic policy, 214

optimization, server performances, 155-157

cache memory, 157-158

error logs, 159-164

virtual memory, 158-159

Options menu commands (Netscape Navigator), Network Preferences, 113

organizational roles, security, 242-243

OS variable, 612

OS_VERSION variable, 612

Outbound Synchronization option, DSTrace, 702


P (PHYSICAL) parameter, 599

parameters, SET, 646-647

Common File System, 647, 650

Communication, 650, 655

Directory Caching, 655, 658

Disk, 658-660

error-handling, 660-662

Licensing Services, 662-663

memory, 663-665

miscellaneous, 666-670

Multiprocessor, 670-671

NCP, 671-674

NSS, 675-677

SLP, 677-680

time, 680-685

Traditional File System, 685-691

Partition option, DSTrace, 702

partitions, 181

creating from NoRM, 327-328

eDirectory tree design, 187-188

NSS, 319

operations, 194

creating partitions, 194

DSRepair, 711-713

merging, 195

moving, 195-196

replication, 352

Password Restrictions, 252-254

Password service, Virtual Office, 440


administrator, 10

authentication, 244


DirXML Starter Pack, 531-532

universal passwords, 248

universal, 247-248

enabling, 251

preparing environment, 249

SDI domain configuration, 249-250

PASSWORD_EXPIRES variable, 612

patches, server management, 165

Patterned Deployment, 18-21

PAUSE command, 604, 634

PDC (Primary Domain Controller), 83

Performance Tuning page, Apache Web server, 384-385

Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language), 364, 413

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), 364, 413

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), certificate servers, 280-283

Platform Support Module (PSM), 466-468

PLATFORM variable, 612

plug-ins, 289

POLICYTOOL command, 634

pooling printers, 298

port numbers, IANA Web site, 114

portal interface, Nterprise Branch Office, 520-521

PORTAL.NLM, NoRM view, 128

ports, default assignments, 381-382

post-login methods, 245

Practical Extraction and Report Language (Perl), 413

Preferences command (Edit menu Netscape Communicator), 113

Preferred Network Protocol option, Protocol Preferences tab, 585

Preferred Server option, Client tab, 536

Preferred Tree option, Client tab, 536

preparations for installing NetWare 6.5, 4-5

eDirectory, 10

in-place upgrade, 23-24

completion, 26-27

Deployment Manager, 25

iManager, 25-26

server console, 24-25

network preparation, 11-12

Prepare for NDS eDirectory 8.7 option, 13-14

Search Tree for eDirectory/NDS versions option, 12-13

new server installation, 14

configure DOS partition, 14-15

installing startup files, 15-18

Patterned Deployment, 18-21

SYS volume installation, 15-18

protocol planning, 7-10

SCU, 28

consolidation checklist, 29-30

installation, 28-29

project creation, 31-33

starting consolidation, 37-39

Verification Wizard, 33-37

server hardware, 5-6

server migration, 39-40

destination server, 41-42

Migration Wizard installation, 40

NetWare 3.x source server, 42-48

UAL, 48-50

installation, 50

license certificates, 50-52

upgrade options, 21-22

NetWare 3.x, 22

Windows NT domain users, 22

volume planning, 7

Prepare for NDS eDirectory 8.7 option, 13-14

Previous Install Location option, Update Agent tab, 591

Primary Document Directory page, Apache Web server, 388

primary domain controller address, CIFS configuration page, 83

primary domain controller name, CIFS configuration page, 83

primary domain controller (PDC), 83

primary timeserver, 168

Print Manager, 288

access control, 310

creating, 294-296

Print Result Settings, Web Search Manager, 407

Print services, Web Search Server, 403

printer agents, 288


iPrint, 286-287

accessing, 300-304

components, 287-289

configuring, 290-300

installing, 289-290

location-based printing, 304-306

security, 307-313

setting persistence, 307

NDPS planning, 11

plug-ins, 289

Web Search Server, default settings, 407-408

process preemption, 473-474

processors, speed, NetWare installation, 5

product information, 721-722

Product Update Settings, Web Search Server services settings, 399

PROFILE command, 605

profile login scripts, 593

Program Files command (Start menu), 31

properties, Novell Client, 535

Advanced Login tab, 538-541

Advanced Menu Settings tab, 566-582

Advanced Settings tab, 545-566

Client tab, 536-537

Default Capture tab, 582-584

DHCP Settings tab, 587-589

DSCAT Contextless Login tab, 589-590

LDAP Contextless Login tab, 586-587

Location Profiles tab, 537

Protocol Preferences tab, 585

Service Location tab, 542-544

Single Sign-On tab, 587

Update Agent tab, 590-592

Properties of Multiple Objects command (File menu), 97

property name, access control list, 260

property name variable, 613

PROTECT command, 635

protected address spaces, 154

protection, server, 150

electrical power, 151-152

physical damage, 150-151

PROTECTION command, 635

protocol, planning for NetWare installation, 7-10

PROTOCOL command, 635

Protocol Component Settings option, 585

Protocol link, NCS, 487

protocol preferences, client configuration page, 73

Protocol Preferences tab, 585

Protocol stacks, MPK service, 468

Proxy mode, iMonitor, 136

proxy servers, RConsoleJ, 108-109

Proxy user, LDAP connection, 222-223

prune and graft, partition move operation, 195

PSM (platform support module), 468, 475-476

PSM command, 635

public key infrastructure (PKI), 280

Purge files on dismount parameter, 685, 688

Purge immediate attributes, data security, 275

Purge option, DSTrace, 702

PURGESET command, 635

purging, salvageable files, 342

PVER command, 636

P_STATION variable, 612



Query Settings, Web Search Manager, 405

Quorum wait resource state, 500

quorums, NCS, 486-487

R parameter, 599

race conditions, 474

RAID 0 (data striping), 323

RAID 1 (data mirroring), 323

RAID 5 (data striping with parity), 323

RBS (role-based services), 116

iManager, 120-123

object types, 120-121

RConsoleJ, 107-108

automating agents, 109

proxy server, 108-109

running from workstation, 110-111

target server setup, 108

Read ahead enabled parameter, 689

Read ahead LRU sitting time threshold parameter, 689

Read file system right, data security, 270-271

Read property rights, access control list, 259

Read-only attribute, data security, 274

Read-Only replicas, 189

read-write locks, 475

Read/Write replicas, 189

reboots, server management, 166-167

REBUILD utility, 323, 335-336

RECORD command, 636

reference timeserver, 168

referrals parameter

LDAP Group object, 220

LDAP Server object, 219

Refuse Queries if Potential Hits Exceed, Web Search Manager, 405

REGISTER MEMORY command, 637

registered port numbers, IANA Web site, 114

Registration Filter Scope List option, Service Location tab, 543-544

Reject NCP packets with bad components parameter, 674

Reject NCP packets with bad lengths parameter, 674

relationships, eDirectory, 177

REMARK command, 610

Remirror block size parameter, 659


Remote Loader, DirXML Starter Pack, 526-529

remote locations, Nterprise Branch Office, 502

configuring, 515-520

installation, 502-514

portal interface, 520-521

remote management

NoRM, 123-125

basics, 126-132

installing, 125-126

RConsoleJ, 107-108

automating agents, 109

proxy server, 108-109

running from workstation, 110-111

target server setup, 108

Remote Printer Management (RPM), 299-300

remote upgrades, 26-27



REMOVE PROGRAM command, 638


Removed option

MAGAZINE command, 631

MEDIA command, 631

REMOVEMODULE command, 639

Rename command (Edit menu), 33

Rename entry right, access control list, 259

Rename inhibit attribute, data security, 275

renaming trees, 199-200

repairs, NSS storage pools, 335-337

REPLACE command, 639

Replace console prompt with server name parameter, 667

REPLAY command, 639

Replica frame, iMonitor, 136

replica operations, DSRepair, 711-713

Replica Purger process, eDirectory, 696

Replica Synchronization, eDirectory process, 695-696

Replica Wizard option, iManager, 198

replicas, 181, 188-192

operations, 196-197

adding, 197

changing type, 197-198

deleting, 198

filtered replicas, 198-199

rings, 196

synchronization, 205-208

Reply to get nearest server parameter, 653

Reporting, iFolder, 434


Require email for password parameter, Web Manager, 459

Reserved buffers below 16 meg parameter, 665


RESET NETWORK ADAPTER command, 639-640


RESET option (NoRM), 148

RESET ROUTER command, 640

RESET SERVER command, 640

Resolve Name option, DSTrace, 702

resource access, commands, 596-597



DRIVE, 597-598

MAP, 598-599

TREE, 599-600

resource management services, 288

Resource Priority, NCS, 488

resource records, DNS services, 234

Resource Usage page, NetStorage configuring, 419


advanced technical training, 727

certifications, 725-727

Internet, 722

Novell AppNotes, 723

Novell Connection, 723

Novell Cool Solutions, 722

Novell DeveloperNet, 724-725

Novell Ngage services, 724

NPA, 728

NUI, 727-728

product information, 721-722

technical support, 723-724

training, 725-727

response files, NetWare installation, 16

Response Settings, Web Search Manager, 406

RESTART option (NoRM), 148

RESTART SERVER command, 640

Restart server on address space cleanup failure parameter, 664

restart servers, 147-148

Restore Configuration page, Apache Web server, 383

restoring files, SMS, 351, 355

configuring backup system, 355-358

planning strategy, 351-355

SBCON utility, 361-362

SBCON.NLM utility, 358-360

return on investment (ROI), 412

Rights-Based Search Results, Web Search Manager, 409-410

ROI (return on investment), 412

role-based administration, 268

role-based services. See RBS

ROOT parameter, 599

routers, default address, 8

RPM (Remote Printer Management), 299-300

rsync server, 506

Running resource state, 499


SADMIN user, NoRM view, 129

salvageable files, 341

exceptions, 341-342

purging, 342

salvaging, 342

SAMEAREA Group, WAN traffic policy, 214

SAN (storage area network), 152

iSCSI, 347-348

basics, 348

configuring, 348-350

SAP option, DSTrace, 702

Save As command (File menu), 32

SBCON utility, 355-356

restoring files, 361-362

SBD (split-brain detector), 480

SCAN ALL command, 640-641


scheduled events, 398

Web Search Server, 393

Schema option, DSTrace, 702

Schema Sync process, eDirectory, 697

SCON.NLM utility, 358-360

Script tab, client upgrade, 70

SCSI (small computer system interface), 347

SCU (Server Consolidation Utility), 28

consolidation checklist, 29-30

installation, 28-29

project creation, 31-33

starting consolidation, 37-39

Verification Wizard, 33-37


SDEBUG user, NoRM view, 129

SDI domain, configuring, 249-250

SDIDIAG.NLM, configuring SDI domain, 249-250

SEARCH command, 641

Search List parameter, Web Manager, 458

Search Services settings, Web Search Server, 401-403

search site, creating, 394-395

Search Timeout (Sec) option, 589

Search Tree for eDirectory/NDS versions option, 12-13

searches parameter, LDAP Server object, 218

SECOND variable, 611

secondary timeserver, 168

Seconds Before Timeout option, Default Capture tab, 584

Secure connections only parameters, iManager, 455

SECURE CONSOLE command, 641

security, 238-239

Apache Web server, 378

authentication, 378

authorization, 379-380

encryption, 380-382

authentication, 243

eDirectory login controls, 251-258

installing NMAS, 246-247

NMAS, 243-246

universal passwords, 247-251

authorization, 258

access control lists, 259-261

effective rights, 267-268

explicit rights, 264

inheritance, 261-262

IRF, 262-263

role-based administration, 268

security equivalence, 264-267

data, 269

attributes, 273-276

file system trustee rights, 269-273

login scripts, 277

NCP Packet Signature, 277-278

eDirectory, 177

equivalence, 264-266

dangers, 266-267

file system rights, 272

iPrint, 307

access control, 308-311

levels, 311-312

SSL, 312-313

labels, NMAS graded authentication, 245

login scripts, 593-594

conventions, 595-596

creating, 594-595

NICI, 279

basics, 279-280

certificate server, 280-283

LT Auditor+, 284

user-related objects, 239-240

group object, 242

organizational roles, 242-243

user object, 240-241

Web Search Server, default settings, 410-411

Security services, MPK service, 468

Self property rights, access control list, 259

Self references, eDirectory trustee reference, 261

semaphores, 475

SEND command, 642

Sequential elevator depth parameter, 658

SERIALVER command, 642

server (HTTP 500) error message, 387

Server Admin, Network Settings page, 386

server console, in-place upgrade, 24-25

Server Consolidation upgrade type, 22

Server Consolidation Utility. See SCU

Server Health Log option, 162

server identifier, NFS export, 90

Server log file overflow size option, 163

Server log file overflow size parameter, 660

Server log file state option, 163

Server log file state parameter, 660-661

Server Management Settings, 400

Server Migration upgrade type, 22

Server Name, CIFS configuration page, 82

Server Packets option, DSTrace, 702

Server Personal Log Book option, 161

Server Status page, Apache Web server, 383

Server-side Includes, Network Settings page, 386

SERVER.EXE command, 642


adding to SDI domain, 250

basics, 143-144

console commands, 144

Java applications, 148-150

NLM, 145-147

restart, 147-148

shut down, 147-148

certificate, 280-283

changing name, 624

console, eDirectory, 204

hardware, NetWare installation, 5-6

installation, 14

configure DOS partition, 14-15

Patterned Deployment, 18-21

startup files, 15-18

SYS volume, 15-18

IP address, 8

logs, 387-388

management, 150

boot activities, 166-167

CD-ROMs, 153-154

disk failures, 152-153

maintenance, 164-166

monitoring performance, 155-164

NLMs controlling, 154-155

optimizing performance, 155-164

protection, 150-152

RConsoleJ, 107-111

time synchronization, 168-174

viruses, 153

memory, NetWare installation, 5

migration, 39-40

destination server, 41-42

Migration Wizard installation, 40

NetWare 3.x source server, 42-48

name, NetWare installation, 6

NoRM tasks, 124

subnet mask, 8

Servers option, LDAP Contextless Login tab, 586

Service location, client configuration page, 73

Service Location Protocol. See SLP

Service Location tab, 542-544

Service Pack Install option, 62

service registry services, 289

services settings, Web Search Server, 399

General Service settings, 399-401

Print services, 403

Search Service settings, 401-403

Web Search Synchronization, 403

servlets, 389

SET command, 605-606, 643

SET parameters, 155, 646-647

activating when hidden, 128

Common File System, 647, 650

Communication, 650, 655

Directory Caching, 655, 658

Disk, 658-660

effects on files, 338

error-handling, 660-662

Licensing Services, 662-663

memory, 663-665

miscellaneous, 666-670

Multiprocessor, 670-671

NCP, 671-674

NoRM, 156

NSS, 675-677

SLP, 677-680

time, 680-685

Traditional File System, 685-691

Set Parameters menu commands

Communications, 158

Error Handling, 162

Novell Storage Services, 157

SET TIME command, 643

SET TIMEZONE command, 643

Settings Button option, LDAP Contextless Login tab, 587

Settings command (Start menu), 38

Control Panel, 60

SETUPIP executable, 53

SET_TIME command, 606

Sharable attributes, data security, 275

SHORT_YEAR variable, 611

Show Dropped Folders command (Edit menu), 33

shut down servers, 147-148


Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 451

simple passwords

eDirectory passwords, 80

NFAP, 80-81

NMAS client installation, 78

single reference timeserver, 168

single sign-on, client configuration page, 74

Single Sign-On tab, 587

sites, adding to NetDrive, 425-427

slave nodes, 479

slave watchdogs, cluster node settings, 487

SLP (Service Location Protocol), 9, 468, 677

CM, 9

parameters, 677-680

SLP agent IP address parameter, 678

SLP API handicap parameter, 678

SLP broadcast parameter, 680

SLP close idle TCP connections time parameter, 678

SLP command, 644

SLP DA event timeout parameter, 679

SLP DA heart beat time parameter, 679

SLP debug parameter, 679

SLP event timeout parameter, 679

SLP exclude IP addresses parameter, 677-678

SLP include IP addresses parameter, 677

SLP MTU size parameter, 680

SLP multicast radius parameter, 679

SLP nwserver NLM names parameter, 678

SLP rediscover inactive directory agents parameter, 679

SLP reset parameter, 678

SLP retry count parameter, 679

SLP scope list parameter, 678

SLP TCP parameter, 680

SMACHINE variable, 612

small computer system interface (SCSI), 347


SME (Storage Management Engine), 356

SMS (Storage Management Services), 12, 19, 351

Data Requester, 357

Device Interface module, 357

files, 351

configuring backup system, 355-358

restoring, 361-362

SBCON.NLM utility, 358-360

NetWare installation, 19

planning strategy, 351-352

backup medium, 353-354

backup schedules, 352-353

location of storage backups, 354-355

restore process testing, 355

rotation of backup media, 354

Queue Manager, 357


SMSSTART command, 357


snap-ins, ConsoleOne, 99

snapshots, storage pools, 330

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 451


client installation, 57-59

removing clients, 59-60

software virtual servers, 374

Solaris, ConsoleOne installation, 104-105

source servers, NetWare 3.x, 42-48

source trees

grafting trees, 201

merging trees, 200

Specialist Certificates, 726

SPEED command, 644

Split-Brain Detector (SBD), 480

spooling, network printers, 297

SPX Maximum Window Size parameter, 650

SQL (Structured Query Language), 412

SSI File Extensions, Network Settings page, 386


certificates, Nterprise Branch Office, 504

iPrint security, 312-313

Start menu commands

Program Files, 31

Settings, 38

Control Panel, 60

Start of daylight savings time parameter, 681


startup, server management, 166-167

startup files, installing, 15-18

STARTX.NCF command, 644

Static (Directory Agent List window) option, Service Location tab, 542

Static option, Service Location tab, 542

STATION variable, 612

Statistics log file parameter, Web Manager, 461

Statistics page, NetStorage configuring, 419

Statistics Settings page, Web Search Server, 402

STOP PROCESSORS command, 644

storage, eDirectory, 177

Storage Area Network (SAN), 152, 347

storage devices, NetWare installation, 5

storage drivers, 146

Storage Locations page, NetStorage configuring, 419

Storage Management Engine (SME), 356

Storage Management Services. See SMS

storage pools

activation, 320


configuring parameters, 491-492

node assignment, 491

creating, 328-330

deactivation, 320

NSS, 319

overbooking, 320

repairing, 323

Storage services, MPK service, 468

Store NetWare 5 Conn SCL MLA usage in NDS parameter, 663

Streams option, DSTrace, 702

Structured Query Language (SQL), 412

subnet mask, 8

Subordinate references, 190-191

Supervisor entry right, access control list, 259

Supervisor file system right, data security, 271

Supervisor property rights, access control list, 259

Support Pack option, Client tab, 536

Support Pack Update option, Update Agent tab, 591

support packs, NetWare installation, 12

Suppress Update Prompt option, Update Agent tab, 591

SWAP command, 644-645

Symantec JIT compiler v1.3, 149


iFolder, 434-437

browser-based option, 438-439

NetDrive access, 439

NetStorage access, 439

passwords, DirXML Starter Pack, 531-532

primitives, 475

time, 10

server management, 168-174

Synchronization Settings, Web Search Manager, default setting, 409

synthetic time, eDirectory timestamp, 204-205

SYS volume

installing, 15-18

NetWare installation, 7

TOMCAT4BINTOMCAT4.NCF command, loading Tomcat, 366

System attribute, data security, 275

System Error Log option, 161

System Monitoring, iFolder, 434

System threshold parameter, 671



iSCSI, loading software, 348-349

servers, RConsoleJ, 108


grafting trees, 201

merging trees, 200

target service agents (TSAs), 355

TC4STOP command

stopping Tomcat, 117

unloading Tomcat, 367

TCADMDN command, unloading Tomcat Admin Server, 367

TCADMUP command, loading Tomcat Admin Server, 367

TCP Defend Land Attacks parameter, 651

TCP Large Window Option parameter, 652

TCP Max Port Limit parameter, 652

TCP Path MTU Black Hole Detection and Recovery parameter, 652

TCP Sack Option parameter, 652

TCP UDP Diagnostic Services parameter, 652

TCPIP Group, WAN traffic policy, 214

technical support, 723-724

Template Settings, Web Search Manager, 406-408

templates, Web Search Server, 393

TERM command, text file usage, 608

text editors, NCF file, 167

text files, usage commands, 606

# symbol, 606-607

@, 607


EXIT, 608


TERM, 608

WRITE, 609-610

themes, Web Search Server, 393

Thread Scheduling option, DSTrace, 702

threads, 465, 470-472


SET parameters, 680-685

variables, 611

TIME command, 645

Time Restrictions, iManager, 255

time servers, Advanced button, 20

time synchronization, 10

eDirectory, 204-205, 697

server management, 168-169

advertisement, 171-172

configuring environment, 172

default, 169

NTP, 173-174

TPG, 170

Time Vectors option, DSTrace, 702

Time zone parameter, 685

time zones, 10

TIMECOST Group, WAN traffic policy, 214

timeouts, quorum, 487

timestamps, synthetic, 204-205

TIMESYNC.CFG file, 169

parameters, 172

To Swap File Information command (Virtual Memory Performance menu), 158

tolerance, cluster node settings, 487

Tomcat Servlet engine, 364, 389-390

TOMCAT4 command, restarting Tomcat, 117

Tools menu commands (Internet Explorer), Internet Options, 112

TOS for IP Packets parameter, 651

TPG, 170-171

Trace options, iMonitor, 209

tracing parameter, LDAP Server object, 218

Traditional File System parameters, 685-691

traffic, eDirectory, 212

LAN Area object, 214-215

WAN Traffic Manager, 212-213

WAN traffic policy, 213-214


Advance Technical Training, 727

Novell Training, 725-727

Transaction Tracking System (TTS), 321

Transactional attributes, data security, 275

TREE command, 599-600

Tree option, Advanced Login tab, 540

Tree/Catalog Key Pair option, DSCAT Contextless Login tab, 590

Tree/Name Context Pairs option, Client tab, 537

trees, eDirectory, 10, 199

grafting, 201

merging, 200-201

organization, 10

renaming, 199-200

Trees option, LDAP Contextless Login tab, 586

Tru64 Unix, ConsoleOne installation, 105-106

trustee rights

data security, 269

file systems, 269-271

ConsoleOne, 272-273

effective rights, 272

inheritance, 271-272

security equivalence, 272



TSAs (target service agents), 355

TTS (Transaction Tracking System), 321

TTS abort dump flag parameter, 686

TTS backout file truncation wait time parameter, 686

TTS unwritten cache wait time parameter, 686

TTS$LOG.ERR error log files, 162

Turbo FAT re-use wait time parameter, 691


UAL (user access license), 48-50

installation, 50

license certificates, 50

deletion, 52

installation, 50-51

Unassigned resource state, 499

Unattend File option, Update Agent tab, 591

UNATTEND.TXT files, 68

unattended full repair (UFR), 704-707

Unauthorized (HTTP 401) error message, 386

UNBIND command, 645

Unicode, CIFS configuration page, 83

uninterruptible power supply (UPS), 142

universal passwords, 243, 247-248

enabling, 251

Nterprise Branch Office, 504

preparing environment, 249

SDI domain configuration, 249-250

Universal SmartCard, NMAS client installation, 78


NFAP, 79

NFS access, 86-89

Tru64, ConsoleOne installation, 105-106

UNLOAD command, 146, 645

unload scripts, 497-498

Unloading resource state, 499

Update Agent, client configuration page, 74

Update Agent tab, 590-592

Update Location option, 590


eDirectory, 203-204

iPrint, 304

server maintenance, 165

upgrading, NetWare 6.5, 21

in-place upgrade, 23-27

NetWare 3.x, 22

Windows NT domain users, 22

UPS (uninterruptible power supply), 142

linking to NetWare 6.5 server, 151

UPS_AIO, options, 152

URF (unattended full repair), 704-707

URL Forwarding page, Apache Web server, 88-389

Use Context from Login Service option, DHCP Settings tab, 589

Use FTP for Web publishing parameter, Web Manager, 457

Use old watchdog packet type parameter, 653

Use Server from Login Service option, DHCP Settings tab, 588

Use Strict Registration Filtering option, Service Location tab, 544

Use Tree from Login Service option, DHCP Settings tab, 588

User Access License. See UAL

User Access Provisioner, Nterprise Branch Office, 503-505

User Context option, DHCP Settings tab, 588

user forums, 722

User Home Directories page, Apache Web server, 388

user identification, NMAS phases of operation, 243

User intruder detection parameter, Web Manager, 460

user login scripts, 593

User Management, iFolder, 433-434

user objects, security, 240-241

User Server option, DHCP Settings tab, 587

User Template objects, 241

User Tree option, DHCP Settings tab, 588

user-related objects, security, 239-240

group object, 242

organizational roles, 242-243

user object, 240-241


certificates, creating, 283

customizing login, 247

directories, 372-373

restricting disk space, 340

space restrictions, 322

variables, 612

USER_ID variable, 612


variables, identifier, 611-613

date, 611

network, 612

time, 611

user, 612

workstation, 612

Verification Wizard, SCU, 33-37

VERIFY utility, 323, 335

VERSION command, 646

View Config Report option, 160

View Configuration page, Apache Web server, 383

View Inventory Report option, 161

View Security Report option, 161

views, customizing, ConsoleOne, 98-99

Virtual Hosts page, Apache Web server, 389

virtual memory, server performance, 158-159

Virtual Memory Performance menu commands, To Swap File Information, 158

Virtual Office, 439-440

configuring, 441-444

services, 444-446

installation, 440-441

virtual teams, 447

configuring services, 447-449

managing, 449-450

requesting membership, 450

Web services, 364

virtual search servers, creating, 394-395

virtual servers, 374-375

virtual teams, 447

configuring services, 447-449

managing, 449-450

requesting membership, 450

viruses, server management, 153

VLDB (volume location database), 343

VM garbage collector looks parameter, 663

VM garbage collector period parameter, 663

VMINFO OFF command, 646

VMINFO ON command, 646

VOL$LOG.ERR error log files, 162

VOLUME command, 646

volume location database (VLDB), 343

Volume log file overflow size option, 164

Volume log file overflow size parameter, 686

Volume log file state option, 163

Volume log file state parameter, 685

Volume low warn all users parameter, 691

Volume low warning reset threshold parameter, 691

Volume low warning threshold parameter, 691

Volume TTS log file overflow size option, 164

Volume TTS log file overflow size parameter, 686

Volume TTS log file state option, 163

Volume TTS log file state parameter, 686


DFS, 343-344

junctions, 345

management context creation, 344

moving, 345-347

splitting, 345-347

file system planning, 319, 323-324

directories, 324-326

non-system directories, 326-327

NetWare installation, 7

NSS, 319-320, 327

architecture, 319-320

creating logical volumes, 330-335

creating partitions from NoRM, 327-328

management concepts, 320-323

mounting DOS partition as NSS volume, 335

mounting logical volumes, 330-335

repairs, 335-337

storage pool creating, 328-330



links, eDirectory tree design, 191

traffic policy, 213-214

WAN Traffic Manager, 212-213

Wanman option, DSTrace, 702

Web browser, plug-ins, 289

Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV), 468

Web Manager, 111-112

accessing, 91

installing, 112

configuring, 113-115

Internet Explorer 4, 112

Netscape Communicator, 113

Netscape Navigator, 113

Web Search Manager, 393-394

creating search site, 394-395

generating indexes, 397-398

indexes, creating, 396-397

scheduled events, 398

Web Search Server, 364, 391

basics, 392-393

capabilities, 391

default site settings, 403

general, 403-405

index, 408-410

printing, 407-408

search, 405-407

security, 410-411

installation, 391-392

services settings, 399

General Service settings, 399-401

Print services, 403

Search Service settings, 401-403

Web Search Synchronization, 403

Web Search Manager, 393-394

creating search site, 394-395

generating indexes, 397-398

index creation, 396-397

scheduled events, 398

Web Search Synchronization, 403

Web Server, client installation, 60-62

Web services, 364-365

Apache Web server, 365

configuration options, 383-389

configuring, 367-370

installation, 366-367

modules, 375-376

posting content to Web site, 376-377

publishing content to Web site, 377-378

security, 378-382

storing files, 370-373

virtual servers, 374-375

MySQL, 412

OpenSSH, 412-413

Perl, 413

PHP, 413

Tomcat Servlet engine, 389-390

configuring, 390

installation, 390

Web Manager, 111

Web Search Server, 391

basics, 392-393

capabilities, 391

default site settings, 403-411

installation, 391-392

services settings, 399-403

Web Search Manager, 393-398

Web sites

Blue Lance, Inc., 284

IANA, 386

Novell Advanced Technical Training, 727

Novell Connection, 723

Novell Cool Solutions, 722

Novell DeveloperNet, 725

Novell documentation, 722

Novell Ngage services, 724

Novell patch list, 165

Novell research department, 723

Novell technical support, 724

Novell training, 727

Novell user forums, 722

NPA, 728

NUI, 728

posting content, 376-377

publishing content, 377-378

Internet Explorer, 378

mapped drive, 378

NetDrive, 378

Web-based tools, iManager, 116

basics, 119-120

installing, 116-119

RBS, 120-123

WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning), 423, 468

WebDAV Provider page, NetStorage configuring, 420

Welcome banner file parameters, iManager, 455

Where Did It Come From command (Edit menu), 33

Where Did It Go command (Edit menu), 33

Wildcard Searching Allowed option, DSCAT Contextless Login tab, 589


CIFS access, 81

configuration pages, 82-84

context search file, 81-82

installing ConsoleOne, 99-101

NFAP, 79

Windows NT, upgrading NetWare, 22

WINS Address, CIFS configuration page, 83

Winsock 2 update, Windows 95 workstation NetDrive installation, 423

WINVER variable, 612

Worker thread execute in a row count parameter, 667

workstations. See also clients

environment commands, 605

SET, 605-606


removing printers, 307

server maintenance, 165-166

variables, 612

WRITE command, 602

text file usage, 609-610

Write file system right, data security, 270

Write properties, login scripts, 594

Write property rights, access control list, 259

WRITEIP utility, 53


X509 certificate, NMAS client installation, 78

XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation), 523

XTier framework, NetIdentity agent, 75

YEAR variable, 611

ZENWorks for Desktops, 301

ZENWorks service, Virtual Office, 440

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