Chapter 5. Overview of the Swift API

Jon Solera

This chapter will be most useful to developers and architects considering building a system that includes Swift, or those writing code against an existing Swift installation. In the first section, we’ll offer a conceptual overview of Swift’s architecture as background for understanding what uses Swift is best suited for. In the second section, we’ll see how these theoretical concepts and practical realities influence Swift’s implementation, and thus which applications do best on a Swift platform. In the third and final section, we offer an applied overview of how to work with the Swift API, covering basics such as authentication, data retrieval and storage, and how to update and best use metadata.

What Is an API, Anyway?

API stands for “application programming interface,” which isn’t much more illuminating if you’re not clear on the term. An API is the set of rules for interacting with a software system. An API promises, “If you pass in this type of data in this manner, and if it meets these criteria, then you’ll get back this result; otherwise, you’ll get this type of error.” More loosely, an API is the set of instructions for how to use a software system.

The Swift API is a set of rules that specify what types of HTTP requests you are allowed to send to a Swift cluster, what types of success and failure responses you’ll get back under what circumstances, and what data those responses will contain. We’ll discuss the details of Swift’s API in this chapter.

But before we discuss how to use Swift, we’ll provide a little theory and background that will help explain how Swift works, the design decisions that shaped its implementation, and how those design decisions affect how you use Swift.

The CAP Theorem

No One-Size-Fits-All Storage System briefly introduced the CAP theorem, which we’ll explore here in more detail since it can help us better understand Swift’s architecture.

The CAP theorem, proposed in 2000 by Eric Brewer of UC Berkeley and formally proven in 2002 by Seth Gilbert and Nancy Lynch of MIT, states that it is impossible for a distributed service to simultaneously guarantee consistency (all servers and clients see operations occur in the same order), availability (all client requests receive a response at all times), and partition tolerance (the system is usable even when arbitrary network links are unavailable).

Partition tolerance, or the P in CAP—formally, “the network will be allowed to lose arbitrarily many messages sent from one node to another”—defines our concept of a distributed system. Systems that aren’t partition tolerant are either single-node systems or not useful. The availability guarantee might seem easy—surely a server can simply try to communicate with its peers to update, and return an error code if it doesn’t get a response from them?—but a subtlety makes it more complicated: we don’t know whether the message was lost going from the server to the peer (in which case the peer has the old value), or from the peer back to the server (in which case the peer successfully updated). So when there is no acknowledgment, our original server doesn’t know whether to respond with success or failure!

More recently, other researchers have refined the concepts behind the CAP theorem. At Yale, Daniel Abadi points out that unlike consistency and availability, partition tolerance is not something that a design can choose to trade off: either the system is partition tolerant (i.e., it is a correctly functioning distributed system of some kind), or it is not. What is more precisely of interest is how the system behaves under a network partition, and how it behaves when the network isn’t partitioned. Abadi calls it “PACELC”: during a partition (P), does the system prioritize availability (A) or consistency (C); else (E), if there is no partition, does it prioritize latency (L) or consistency (C)?

Others warn about the use of the term “consistency,” which means something different in the CAP sense—a valid total ordering of operations—than it does in the ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) sense in databases, where it refers to database constraints not being violated.

A discussion of the proof of the CAP theorem (and its interesting edge cases) is beyond the scope of this book, but the theorem provides a simple rationale for why many distributed systems are designed to be either consistent (i.e., transactional, like a distributed database) or available (like Swift) but not both. It should be noted that this is an oversimplification of the result proven by the CAP theorem, and Brewer and others have written about how systems (including Swift) choose to be either consistent or available in some circumstances when they could have both properties. Nevertheless, it is certainly true that maintaining consistency and availability in the face of network partitions is difficult at best, introducing complexity and potential brittleness into the system, and at worst it’s been proven impossible.

Swift is a classic AP system in the CAP theorem’s sense: it provides high availability in the face of partition tolerance, but different clients might see operations in a different order and thus see inconsistent data. In fact, in certain unusual circumstances, it is possible for a single client to write a new value, see the write complete successfully, issue a read for that value, and retrieve the old data. You can successfully create an object, then immediately list the container and not see your object. Given time and sufficiently low system load, Swift is guaranteed to converge to a consistent state. However, applications must be designed to accommodate Swift being in an inconsistent state at times until consistency is restored. This might be a surprise for developers accustomed to ACID database guarantees.

Swift belongs to a class of systems described by the term BASE (basically available, soft state, eventual consistency), an ever so slightly contrived acronym intended to distinguish them from ACID systems. Of those descriptors, eventual consistency is the one that seems to be most challenging to developers accustomed to ACID.

Swift’s Sweet Spot: High Availability, Redundancy, and Throughput

What kinds of applications are good candidates for a Swift-based architecture? What applications won’t work well with Swift?

Due to Swift’s eventual consistency, any application that has a transactional nature or needs ACID guarantees—such as a travel booking system that must ensure that two people never buy the same ticket, or a banking system that must ensure that two transactions don’t withdraw the same money—generally will not be a good fit for Swift. Similarly, if your application requires that clients nearly always see the same data (and if that fails due to timing delays, that clients always agree afterward on the ordering of mixed read and write operations), you should not choose an AP system for your data storage. Although Swift can help guard against conflicts with headers like Etag and If-Unmodified-Since, locking or transactional operations are not the core strength of Swift or any AP system.

On the other hand, Swift excels at high availability, redundancy, throughput—and, of course, capacity. To focus on availability over consistency, Swift has no transaction or locking delays. Large numbers of simultaneous reads are fast. Even large numbers of simultaneous writes complete quickly: each write notes its timestamp, and eventual consistency ensures that even under extreme load, conflicts are resolved after some delay.

Swift is excellent for high availability: if the network is unreliable, a strongly consistent distributed system must grind to a halt, but Swift can continue to store and retrieve data. Having a configurable number of redundant copies of your data means that you can arbitrarily increase Swift’s throughput for heavy loads, or increase Swift’s durability in the face of multiple simultaneous drive failures.

Swift also supports multi-region clusters, where redundant servers are located not on different racks in the same data center, but rather anywhere in the world. Because this requires traffic over high-latency routes, the situation resembles a partitioned network, and the performance of any consistent system necessarily becomes horrible. Swift, on the other hand, not only continues to function, but provides distributed points of presence for low-latency Internet access. Although this is likely to have a negative impact on the resolution time required to regain consistency after each write, many systems are willing to accept that trade-off, which would render a strongly consistent system largely unusable.

In short, if your system is willing to accept the limits of Swift’s eventual consistency guarantees in exchange for the benefits of high availability, redundancy, and throughput (and huge capacity), Swift is likely to be a good choice for your architecture. Examples of excellent uses for Swift include:

  • Storing user data from web applications
  • Parallel non-locking operations on massive Big Data datasets
  • Serving heavy loads such as high-traffic websites
  • Systems whose service level agreements (SLAs) include high availability or guaranteed durability
  • Storing large independent files such as photos or videos
  • Enterprise solutions such as storing shared project data or intranet service data
  • Storing disk-image files such as backup snapshot images or data center machine-provisioning images

Swift API: Background

Fundamentally, Swift is accessed via a RESTful HTTP API. Many developers are already familiar with HTTP and some are familiar with the tricks and traps associated with it. REST is a term that has deviated in common usage from its original and more useful definition. It is often informally used simply to refer to a stateless communication protocol, while the original definition of REST is a much more expansive and powerful term that includes service discoverability and network optimization for servicing requests. Before discussing the Swift API, let’s quickly review the basics of HTTP and REST to ensure consistent terminology.

Review of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Because Swift relies on HTTP verbs and headers for both user metadata and system parameters, it is useful to review HTTP methods. Although many software systems send data over HTTP, they often do so in ad hoc ways. Swift uses the semantics of HTTP (mostly) as the protocol’s authors intended.

When you access a simple static web page in your browser, the browser performs a series of actions on your behalf:

  1. It makes a TCP connection to port 80 of the server.
  2. It issues the basic request for your web page to the server.
  3. It provides a list of client headers to the server.
  4. It receives the status code of the request from the server (e.g., 200 OK or 404 File Not Found).
  5. It receives a list of server headers back from the server.
  6. It receives the data—perhaps some HTML—from the server.
  7. It might process the data based on the headers (e.g., if the headers specify gzip compression, the browser will uncompress the data returned by the server).
  8. Finally, the browser renders the result (e.g., displaying HTML content as indicated by the markup).

Here is a representative HTTP request and response:

GET /path/to/page.html HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Cookie: cookie1=aaa; cookie2=bbb
Connection: keep-alive
X-User-Full-Name: Alice Adams

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2013 23:24:03 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)
Last-Modified: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 21:43:46 GMT
ETag: "b221a-13d-4683fc64ce880"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Set-Cookie: cookie1=yyy; cookie2=zzz
Content-Length: 8317
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block

[content of the web page goes here]

In both the request and response, arguably the most important content is the first line. The first line of the request, GET /path/to/page.html HTTP/1.1, tells the server that the client is issuing a GET request against the URL /path/to/page.html using the HTTP 1.1 protocol. The first line of the response informs the client that the server replied in the HTTP 1.1 protocol and indicated that the request was successful.

After the first line of the request, the client uses request headers to communicate additional information that affects the request, such as what formats, languages, and encodings it is willing to accept, what browser is being used, and some custom information in a header starting with X-. Take note of this convention of reserving the X- header namespace for application-specific purposes—Swift makes heavy use of that feature of HTTP.

The first line of the server response gives its status code and a standard text description, in this case “200” and “OK,” respectively. There are many other status codes for the various success and error conditions, summarized in Getting a Response. Statuses in the 200-299 range are various types of success, while the 300-399 range is used for redirections, the 400-499 range for client errors, and the 500-599 range for server errors. (The informational 100-199 range is less commonly seen by developers and users, though it is actively used.)

After the first line of the response, the server provides some metadata in its headers, such as the length of the content, the date it was last modified, and the fact that the content is compressed with gzip. It also uses headers starting with X- for its own application-specific purposes.

This example showed a GET request, the most common type of request on the Web. GET requests are used to retrieve data. Servers should not interpret a GET request in a way that modifies data, but keep in mind that not all servers are good citizens in all circumstances. (For example, a website might offer users the ability to delete data and, in a poorly implemented system, that might be transmitted to the server as a GET request. While most modern sites would not do this, it has definitely happened in the past and it illustrates that you shouldn’t depend on external systems to follow best practices.)

HTTP supports several other methods (also called verbs) besides GET. The HEAD method retrieves only the headers, not the actual data; it functions like a GET request that omits the data, which can be useful if the data is very large and if we might want to take action based on just the headers. The PUT method is used to store data on servers that support it, under appropriate circumstances, such as when the user is authorized to do so. The DELETE method requests that the server delete the information at the given URL, again depending on authorization. The OPTIONS method asks the server what methods are allowed for the given URL. Web browsers such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome generally don’t expose HTTP methods other than GET and POST to users, but the other HTTP methods can be invoked with command-line tools such as cURL or with client-side Javascript (AJAX). Modern web applications make extensive use of these HTTP methods.

Although the GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, and OPTIONS methods perform very different actions, they have one important common feature: all of them are idempotent. This means that repeated identical requests yield the same result as a single request. For example, if you PUT the same data to the server several times in a row, the result is the same as if you had PUT the data once. If you DELETE a URL several times in a row, again the result is the same as if you had performed a single DELETE. Issuing a GET or HEAD or OPTIONS request doesn’t change the data on the server, so of course issuing several of them doesn’t change the data, either.

The POST method, however, is different. POST is the HTTP method reserved for requests that might not be idempotent. For example, a POST might be used to create a new object, such as a new credit card transaction. If you issue the POST twice, you’ve created two transactions, not one—a very different result indeed!

This carefully structured use of the HTTP verbs was laid out in the original specification of HTTP 1.1 in the early 1990s. However, due to incomplete and revised specifications, early browsers based their protocols on HTTP 1.0 and only implemented GET and POST, leading to websites that only used GET and POST. But starting early in the new millennium, the usefulness of the other verbs has become obvious, and newer web development frameworks such as Rails depend on them.

In today’s web development, nearly all frameworks use HTTP methods beyond GET and POST. Rails and Sinatra are the leading examples in the Ruby world; in Python, Tastypie and Piston are two representative examples among many ways to modernize Django in that regard. (Django itself, unfortunately, predates the common use of extended HTTP methods.) It will come as no surprise that Swift also uses these extended HTTP methods.

Representational State Transfer (REST)

Roy Fielding, one of the authors of the HTTP specification, wrote a PhD dissertation in 2000 introducing his concept of REST. Fielding’s formulation included many interrelated concepts, including service discoverability, an idea of URIs referencing resources, a noun-based protocol in contrast with RPC-style verb-based protocols, caching and proxy behavior, a model of a network optimized for servicing requests, and other insightful observations. Sadly, the term “REST” is frequently misused to refer merely to stateless communication over HTTP, often with a create-read-update-delete (CRUD) API.

Although HTTP is a fine protocol for a service-oriented architecture, and stateless communication between entities provides many benefits (such as better isolation and testability of architectural components), Fielding’s use of the term “REST” encompasses a much wider vision. In particular, the concept of service discoverability is a valuable idea that makes a RESTful service easy to develop against and easy to support across multiple versions with differing capabilities. The interested reader is urged to read Fielding’s very accessible dissertation.

Swift, HTTP, and REST

With that background, explaining the Swift API becomes quite simple. Swift uses a RESTful HTTP API. Data is retrieved with an HTTP GET, stored with a PUT, and deleted with (you guessed it!) a DELETE request. Metadata is stored in headers, so a HEAD request is often useful.

Swift does a better-than-average job of using HTTP status codes correctly, so that a 404 actually means “File Not Found” rather than “something isn’t right somewhere.” Clients may issue any of several extra HTTP client headers, specifying more advanced Swift features to apply to their requests.

Swift uses HTTP server headers to provide clients with many different types of metadata related to the request. As a developer, if you have a way to issue HTTP requests and receive responses (including headers), whether in the form of a Swift client library or a command-line tool such as cURL, you have all you need to start developing against Swift. Unlike many other systems, no special SDK (software development kit) is necessary—plain HTTP is all you need to access all of Swift’s features.

Of course, not every client is authorized for every operation; Alice shouldn’t be allowed to delete Bob’s data, for example. The general problem is that of authentication (verifying who a user is) and authorization (determining what a user is allowed to do), collectively referred to as “auth.” Swift allows system administrators to configure any of several auth systems, depending on their needs. The auth API is versioned, with auth versions 1 through 3 in active use; we will mostly discuss version 1 auth in this book because it is the simplest and suitable for many needs. In version 1 auth, a request is made to the auth system, with the X-Auth-User and X-Auth-Key headers set; if the user gives the correct key (password), then Swift issues a response containing an X-Auth-Token header. That token is used on subsequent requests to prove that the client has successfully authenticated. The response to a successful authentication request also contains an X-Storage-Url header, specifying the root URI of the user’s primary account. Auth requests will be discussed in more detail later in this chapter in Using the Swift API.

Swift’s RESTful HTTP API produces a system that is easy for developers to understand and characterize. Each API call is a single HTTP round trip. With the exception that a valid auth token must be retrieved for use in later operations, each HTTP round trip requires no other knowledge about the system. This ability to control and observe its state makes Swift easier to test and qualify as part of your architecture than other platforms. You can replicate HTTP content with command-line tools such as cURL in order to confirm system behavior, but when building applications, most developers will want to use a Swift library for their preferred language. In the next chapter, we will provide examples from the python-swiftclient library, with some discussion of other language bindings.

Using the Swift API

Although we’ll discuss the Swift API in more detail in later chapters, here we present an overview to help readers understand what the RESTful HTTP API looks like, and to help you see how integrating Swift into an existing architecture can be relatively simple. This section assumes a working Swift installation, a valid username and password, and a storage account for that username available in the cluster.

About Your Swift Cluster

Before you even try to access any data, you might want to get some information about your Swift cluster. What version of Swift is it running? What values are configured for its parameters, such as maximum object size? What features are enabled by middleware in its pipeline? This information is all available via the Swift cluster info API, which can be accessed with a simple GET request to the path /info under the Swift cluster’s base URL. For example, if your Swift cluster’s base URL is, you can get the cluster info with a GET request to the URL The cluster info API is public; no authentication is required.

The response to an info request will be a JSON dictionary such as the following:

  "tempauth": {
    "account_acls": true
  "slo": {
    "max_manifest_segments": 1000,
    "min_segment_size": 1048576,
    "max_manifest_size": 2097152
  "swift": {
    "max_file_size": 5368709122,
    "account_listing_limit": 10000,
    "max_meta_count": 90,
    "max_meta_value_length": 256,
    "container_listing_limit": 10000,
    "version": "",
    "max_meta_name_length": 128,
    "max_object_name_length": 1024,
    "max_account_name_length": 256,
    "max_container_name_length": 256

A Swift client application can retrieve and parse the cluster info, and use the results to determine how to proceed based on the cluster’s advertised capabilities. This is one way in which Swift implements the RESTful principle of discoverability.


With a few exceptions (such as the info request described in the previous section), an authentication token (“auth token”) is a prerequisite for nearly all Swift operations. From a cold start, the first step in a Swift operation is to authenticate and receive an auth token. Because Swift allows administrators to plug in their auth system of choice, the auth URL (that is, the URL to which requests for authentication are sent) is separate from the storage URL (which specifies where data is stored) of the user’s primary account. In order to authenticate to Swift, you need to have the cluster’s auth URL—and, of course, your username and password.

Your authentication request then looks like this:

curl -i -X GET -H 'X-Auth-User: myusername' -H 'X-Auth-Key: mysecretpassword'

In this example, is the auth URL. Generally, Swift traffic should happen over the encrypted HTTPS connection, in order to protect all data on the wire (credentials and tokens for an auth request, or the stored content itself).

The auth system then produces a response. If there is no problem with the Swift installation, and your username and password are correct, then the authentication response code is 200 OK and the response headers will return with the auth token and the storage URL of your username’s primary account, which will look like this:

  X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tkdc764d39fd1c40c9a293cbea142b90d7
  [other HTTP headers]

Auth tokens have a configurable expiration time, with a default of 24 hours. During that period, this auth token will prove your identity to the auth system, which can then check to see whether you are authorized to perform the operation you are requesting. If you present an auth token that was previously working but you receive an HTTP 401 response, then your auth token has likely expired and you should re-authenticate to receive a new token.

The storage URL returned by the auth response is the root of the storage area of the user’s primary Swift account. Account is a bit of a confusing term. In the context of Swift, think of an account as an area where data is stored. Like a bank account, a Swift account may be owned by one person or co-owned by multiple people. A given user, such as Alice or Bob, might have access to multiple Swift accounts, because the cluster might be set up with one account (storage area) per project team, or per service, or any of several other strategies. So the storage URL returned by the auth request is not necessarily the only storage URL that the user may access.

It is even more important to think of Swift accounts as storage areas when considering Swift’s data hierarchy. At Swift’s basic level, an account has containers and a container has objects. Unlike a traditional filesystem, however, containers can’t be placed in other containers, and objects can’t be placed directly in an account without a container. The URL of every object in a Swift cluster looks like, with exactly one account (storage area) name, one container name, and one object name. So it makes sense to emphasize this:


Swift users are identities. Swift accounts are storage areas.

Keep that in mind as we discuss storing and retrieving data, because we will be discussing accounts constantly!

Retrieving Data

Now that you have an auth token, you can issue requests to the storage system. You might have a storage URL from an external source (such as a configuration file, your colleague, or the Swift cluster administrator), but for now let’s assume that you’re interested in the data in your primary account—the storage URL returned by the auth system’s response. If you’ve successfully authenticated as described in the previous section, you might store your token and storage URL in environment variables, which can be used to simplify requests to the storage system. For example, suppose you store your token in the environment variable TOKEN and the storage URL in the environment variable STORAGE_URL. If you’ve already created two containers named my_photos and my_videos in this account, then this might be a request and response:

curl -i -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" "$STORAGE_URL"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Account-Bytes-Used: 458
X-Account-Container-Count: 2
X-Account-Object-Count: 2
[...other headers...]


The 200 response indicates a successful request. If you had tried to access an account for which you did not have authorization, you would receive a 403 Forbidden response. (401 Unauthorized indicates an authentication failure; 403 Forbidden indicates an authorization failure.) Swift provides metadata about the resource in the headers of its response: in this case, you learn that this account has two containers in it, with only one object in those containers, using a total of 458 bytes. After the metadata, the content of the response appears. This request was a GET on an account (storage area) resource; the response is a list of containers in that account.

Swift Header Names Are Case-Insensitive

Swift makes the choice to be case-insensitive with header names, though not with header values. You can pass in x-auth-user: alice or X-Auth-User: alice (or x-aUtH-uSER: alice), and they will all work equivalently. Note that these are all different from X-Auth-User: ALICE, however! The header name is case-insensitive, but the header value must use upper- and lowercase letters properly.

Similarly, if you do a GET on a container (such as $STORAGE_URL/my_photos) rather than on an account as in the previous example, the content of the response would be a list of objects in that container, and the headers of the response would contain metadata about the container such as the number of objects in it. And if you do a GET on an object… well, you retrieve the object, of course! (And yes, you also get metadata in the headers.)

If you are interested only in the metadata, you can use a HEAD request instead of a GET. This avoids the network load of retrieving and sending potentially large objects (or even the potentially large container listing or account listing), and just gives you the information you want.

When you retrieve the listings of an account or a container, you might want them in a format that is easy to parse. You can append ?format=json to your resource’s URL (such as an account’s storage URL) to have Swift return your response in JSON, or ?format=xml for an XML response:

% curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" "$STORAGE_URL?format=json"

  {"count": 1, "bytes": 458, "name": "my_photos"},
  {"count": 0, "bytes": 0, "name": "my_videos"}

% curl -X GET -H "x-auth-token: $TOKEN" "$STORAGE_URL/my_photos?format=json"

    "hash": "0450d6d21f1aa2aa1fe4a354c8e62c8f",
    "last_modified": "2014-01-16T20:01:04.329970",
    "bytes": 458,
    "name": "happy.png",
    "content_type": "image/png"

% curl -X GET -H "x-auth-token: $TOKEN" "$STORAGE_URL/my_photos?format=xml"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<container name="my_photos">

In these examples, observe that with the ?format=… query parameter, a GET request on an account still returns a list of containers, but with some useful metadata included in the data structure. Similarly, a GET request on a container still returns a list of objects in the container, but with useful metadata included in the data structure. In both the JSON and the XML example, the returned data and the implementation of lists and attributes are structured in a manner appropriate to the format. Given a JSON parser or XML parser, it would be easy to parse this data and make use of it.

Storing Data

You save data to a Swift cluster with an HTTP PUT method. This applies not only to the process of adding an object to a container, but also when adding a container to an account. If a Swift cluster administrator wants to add a new account to the Swift cluster, that is also done as a PUT.

In all cases, you execute a PUT to the URL of the resource you want to create, as opposed to the URL of the parent resource or any other scheme. If you want to create a new container called my_music to go along with my_photos and my_videos, issue this command:

curl -i -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" $STORAGE_URL/my_music

A successful PUT creates the container, which didn’t exist before. The -i option lets you see the headers returned by Swift, which look like this:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Last-Modified: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 19:53:21 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 19:53:20 GMT

The 201 response code indicates a successful PUT. You will now see your new container along with the other two, if you issue a GET to the account.

When you PUT an object, you also need to provide the data that will be stored in the object. When developing an application, you will use the methods provided by your Swift library. But we can also do this on the command line with cURL, by uploading a local file as shown in Example 5-1:

Example 5-1. Storing a new object
curl -i -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" $STORAGE_URL/my_music/my_song.mp3 
  -T /tmp/song.mp3

cURL uses the -T filename flag to provide the object data. This use of cURL is suitable for testing, or small scripts. In a more complex software development effort, Swift libraries such as python-swiftclient would provide equivalent functionality with more efficiency by allowing streaming data rather than requiring a file on the filesystem, and not spawning a subshell to run cURL.

Deleting Data

Deleting an object is as easy as you would expect:

curl -i -X DELETE -H "x-auth-token: $TOKEN" 

Swift prevents accidental mass deletion of data by requiring that a container be empty before you can delete it. If you try to delete a non-empty container, you will get an HTTP response of 409 Conflict as shown here:

% curl -i -X DELETE -H "x-auth-token: $TOKEN" $STORAGE_URL/junk_container

HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
Content-Length: 95
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
X-Trans-Id: txe0fa9bced54448ecb3753-0052d84131
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 20:29:37 GMT

  <p>There was a conflict when trying to complete your request.</p>

However, once you delete all the objects in the container, the previous request will succeed. (See Bulk Operations Middleware for an efficient way to delete multiple objects, such as to empty a container.)

Updating Metadata

The HTTP POST method is used to update the metadata of an existing object, container, or account. (For historical reasons, a PUT to a container also updates metadata rather than overwriting it, but this use isn’t recommended.) A POST to an object updates its metadata without the overhead of resending the object’s content. For instance, in Example 5-1, we stored an MP3 file. When someone retrieves it, we might want its Content-Type header to be set correctly. We could have done this in the original PUT, but we can easily update it now:

curl -i -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: audio/mpeg" 

This request results in a few hundred bytes rather than several megabytes of traffic through the system.

In addition to Internet-standard metadata such as Content-Type, Swift also allows and encourages you to set custom metadata on your objects, containers, and accounts. When developing a Swift-based system, consider what metadata might improve your system’s performance, help your users understand what they’re retrieving, or indicate which of several resources is most appropriate. There are so many possible uses for metadata that we can’t begin to discuss them all, but here are a few:

  • Information about authors of a work
  • Image dimensions or audio duration
  • Financial references, such as account number, invoice number, or sales transaction ID
  • Origin of the data in the file
  • Language of the content

Swift enforces some limits on the size of metadata. (These limits are given in the Swift cluster info available at the /info URL.) Metadata is usually much smaller in size than the content of the object, so don’t expect to store megabytes of information in the metadata. However, storing some carefully chosen metadata can provide your system with surprising flexibility to optimize for performance, minimize traffic, or provide a better user experience.


We hope this chapter has given you both some conceptual background on Swift’s architecture and a useful overview of the Swift API. Our goal was to help you understand more fully how Swift is designed and whether it’s a good fit for your needs. If it is a good fit, we hope you’ve been able to get started issuing basic commands. The next chapter focuses on building applications using Swift client libraries, which are more efficient at carrying out extended operations with Swift than the basic commands you’ve learned so far.

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