Chapter 9. Installing OpenStack Swift from Source

Hugo Kuo

Amanda Plimpton

In this chapter, you’ll learn how to get a Swift cluster up and running. We will cover the download and installation of OpenStack Swift direct from source and go into detail about the configuration options. This will provide a foundation for understanding any automation tools you might use during deployment. Chapter 10 covers installing Swift using SwiftStack.

The instructions in this chapter show a fairly generic installation for a small deployment. The exact values you use when you are installing will vary depending on your needs and the physical or virtual machine(s) you are using. There are many configuration options and installation decisions to make; we will note potential land mines, so you can learn from our (sometimes painful) experiences.

User Access Rights

You will need the correct permissions to run many of these commands. Depending on your environment, using an account with sudo access or using sudo su may be the best option.

Downloading OpenStack Swift

The official releases of OpenStack Swift are available on GitHub. For each major release of OpenStack there is a version of Swift.

We recommend deploying and staying current with the latest released version of OpenStack Swift. Given Swift’s frequent release schedule you should check which versions of Swift have been tagged for release on GitHub. Swift tags follow the typical major.minor.release style; for example, 1.13.0.


Depending on your distribution, there might be some dependencies that will need to be installed on your system before we install Swift.

On apt-based systems (Debian and derivatives):

apt-get install git curl gcc memcached rsync sqlite3 xfsprogs 
                           git-core libffi-dev python-setuptools

apt-get install python-coverage python-dev python-nose 
                       python-simplejson python-xattr python-eventlet 
                       python-greenlet python-pastedeploy python-netifaces
                       python-pip python-dnspython python-mock

On yum-based systems (RHEL, Fedora, and CentOS):

CentOS 6 might require the installation of the EPEL repo before installing the dependencies:

#For Centos 6 systems
rpm -Uvh

The following packages will most likely need to be installed:

yum update
yum install git curl gcc memcached rsync sqlite xfsprogs git-core 
                   libffi-devel xinetd python-setuptools python-coverage 
                   python-devel python-nose python-simplejson pyxattr 
                   python-eventlet python-greenlet python-paste-deploy 
                   python-netifaces python-pip python-dns python-mock

After you install the dependencies, you will install the Swift command-line interface and Swift. After installation, you will need to configure and initialize the Swift processes before your cluster and node(s) will be up and running.

Installing the Swift CLI (python-swiftclient)

Install the Swift command-line interface (CLI) from GitHub with the following commands:

cd /opt
git clone
cd /opt/python-swiftclient; sudo pip install -r requirements.txt;
python install; cd ..

Installing Swift

Installing Swift from GitHub is similar to installing the CLI; use the following commands:

cd /opt
git clone
cd /opt/swift ; sudo python install; cd ..

Fedora 19+ users might need to run the following if the installation of Swift fails:

#For Fedora 19+
pip install -U xattr
pip install -r swift/requirements.txt

Copying in Swift Configuration Files

Create a directory for Swift and then copy in the sample configuration files so you can use them as a template during configuration:

mkdir -p /etc/swift
cd /opt/swift/etc
cp account-server.conf-sample /etc/swift/account-server.conf
cp container-server.conf-sample /etc/swift/container-server.conf
cp object-server.conf-sample /etc/swift/object-server.conf
cp proxy-server.conf-sample /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf
cp drive-audit.conf-sample /etc/swift/drive-audit.conf
cp swift.conf-sample /etc/swift/swift.conf

At this point, you should be able to run the swift-init command with the help flag and get the help message:

swift-init -h

This command is similar to service or start|stop; it allows you to start/stop/reload Swift processes. However, don’t try to start Swift up just yet.

Configuring Swift

Before starting the processes, the newly installed Swift needs configuring. You will need to create the builder files, add the drives, and build the rings. After that we will discuss how to set up logging, start services, and check our work.

Adding Drives to Swift

Storing data on hard drives is the fundamental purpose of Swift, so adding and formatting the drives is an important first step.


Swift replicates data across disks, nodes, zones, and regions, so there is no need for the data redundancy provided by a RAID controller. Parity-based RAID, such as RAID5, RAID6, and RAID10, harms the performance of a cluster and does not provide any additional protection because Swift is already providing data redundancy.

Finding drives

First, you need to identify what drives are in your system and determine which should be formatted and which are system drives that shouldn’t be formatted.

From the command line of the machine, run:


It will return something similar to:

Filesystem      1K-blocks       Used    Available       Use%    Mounted on
/dev/sda1       27689156        8068144 18214448        31%     /
none    1536448 672     1535776 1%      /dev
none    1543072 1552    1541520 1%      dev/shm

none    1543072 92      1542980 1%      /var/run
none    1543072 0       1543072 0%      /var/lock

This should list all mounted filesystems. Just note which drive is used for booting so you don’t accidentally format it later; very often it is the sda device mounted on the root / directory. But you can can verify that by poking around in /proc/mounts and finding which directory is the rootfs:

cat /proc/mounts

It will return something similar to:

rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0
none /sys sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
none /proc proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
none /dev devtmpfs
rw,relatime,size=1536448k,nr_inodes=211534,mode=755 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts
rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000 0 0
fusectl /sys/fs/fuse/connections fusectl rw,relatime 0 0
/dev/disk/by-uuid/c9402f9d-30ed-41f2-8255-d32bdb7fb7c2 / ext4 rw,relatime 0 0
none /sys/kernel/debug debugfs rw,relatime 0 0
none /sys/kernel/security securityfs rw,relatime 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime 0 0
none /var/run tmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,mode=755 0 0
none /var/lock tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
binfmt_misc /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc binfmt_misc
rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
gvfs-fuse-daemon /home/joe/.gvfs fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon
rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1000,group_id=1000 0 0

The output tells you that the root filesystem is /, which you know from the df command is mounted on /dev/sda1. That is where the system will boot.

To find out what other block devices the operating system knows about, look in the /sys/block directory. This should list all the block devices known to the system:

ls /sys/block

The command will return something similar to:

loop0 loop3 loop6 ram1  ram12 ram15 ram3 ram6 sda sdd sdg sdj sdm
loop1 loop4 loop7 ram10 ram13 ram19 ram4 ram7 sdb sde sdh sdk
loop2 loop5 ram0 ram11 ram14 ram2 ram5 ram8 sdc sdf sdi sdl

The devices you’re interested in are the ones starting with sd in this output, but other systems might have different prefixes. Also review which filesystems are formatted by running the following, which you might need to run as root:


It will return something similar to:

/dev/sda1: UUID=”c9402f9d-30ed-41f2-8255-d32bdb7fb7c2” TYPE=”ext4”
/dev/sda5: UUID=”b2c9d42b-e7ae-4987-8e12-8743ced6bd5e” TYPE=”swap”

The TYPE value will tell you which filesystem is on the device (e.g., xfs or ext4). Naturally, you should not use ones that have swap as their type.

Labeling drives

It’s important to keep track of which devices need to be mounted to which system location. This can be done with mounting by labels in a separate upstart script created for Swift. Labeling the drive will ensure the drive gets that name every time the OS reboots. If you don’t do this, the next time the OS boots, a device with your data might come up under a different device name. This would lead to all sorts of unexpected behaviors when the cluster reboots.

We suggest not using the fstab file for this purpose. /etc/fstab is used to automatically mount filesystems at boot time. Make sure that the only items listed there are critical for the booting of the machine, because the machine might hang upon boot if it can’t mount a device. This is likely when running a big box full of disks.


Unless you are experienced in and confident about the need for it, do not use “nobarrier.” See The XFS FAQ for more details.

Start building up a list of devices that the system knows about that need to be formatted. Identify all the devices in /sys/bock that are not formatted (or not formatted in the manner specified here).

You should label each device so you can keep an inventory of each device in the system and properly mount the device. To add a label, use the -L option to the mkfs.xfs command. For instance, the following assigns the label d1 to the device /dev/sdb and the label d2 to the device /dev/sdc:

mkfs.xfs -f -L d1 /dev/sdb
mkfs.xfs -f -L d2 /dev/sdc

Go in this manner through all your drives that will be formatted.

Swift uses extended attributes, and the XFS default inode size (currently 256) is recommended.

Notice that we didn’t create device partitions. Partitioning is an unnecessary abstraction for Swift because you’re going to use the entire device.

Mounting drives

The next step is to tell the operating system to attach (mount) the new XFS filesystems somewhere on the devices so that Swift can find them and start putting data on them.

Create a directory in /srv/node/ for each device as a place to mount the filesystem. We suggest a simple approach to naming the directories, such as using each device’s label (d1, d2, etc):

mkdir -p /srv/node/d1
mkdir -p /srv/node/d2

For each device (dev) you wish to mount, you will use the mount command:

// _mount -t xfs -o noatime,nodiratime,logbufs=8 -L_ <dev label> <dev dir>

Run the command for each device:

mount -t xfs -o noatime,nodiratime,logbufs=8 -L d1 /srv/node/d1
mount -t xfs -o noatime,nodiratime,logbufs=8 -L d2 /srv/node/d2

Swift user

After the drives are mounted, a user needs to be created with read/write permissions to the directories where the devices have been mounted. The default user that Swift uses is named swift. Different operating systems have different commands to create users, looking something like this:

useradd swift

Next, give the swift user ownership to the directories:

chown -R swift:swift /srv/node

Creating scripts to mount the devices on boot

The mount commands we ran earlier take effect only during the current boot. Because we need them to run automatically on reboot, we’ll put the commands in a script called mount_devices that contains the mount commands we just ran. This new script should be created in the /opt/swift/bin/ directory:

mount -t xfs -o noatime,nodiratime,logbufs=8 -L d1 /srv/node/d1
mount -t xfs -o noatime,nodiratime,logbufs=8 -L d2 /srv/node/d2
mount -t xfs -o noatime,nodiratime,logbufs=8 -L d36 /srv/node/d36

Next, create an Upstart script in the /etc/init directory called start_swift.conf with the following commands:

description "mount swift drives"
start on runlevel [234]
stop on runlevel [0156]
exec /opt/swift/bin/mount_devices

There are many good resources online that can explain more about Upstart scripts and runlevels.

Be sure the script is executable:

chmod +x /opt/swift/bin/mount_devices

Test the scripts by rebooting the system:


When the system restarts, log on and make sure everything mounted properly with the configuration settings by running the mount command:


You should see something similar to:

/dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro, commit=0)
/dev/sdc on /srv/node/d1 type xfs

Storage Policies

Released with Swift 2.0, storage policies let Swift operators define space within a cluster that can be customized in numerous ways, including by location, replication, hardware, and partitions to meet specific data storage needs. More information on storage policies can be found on the Openstack website.

To implement storage polices, you must create them in the cluster and then apply them to containers. Creating user-defined storage policies is a two-step process. The policies are first declared in the swift.conf file with name and index number. Then their index number is used to create the corresponding builder files and rings.

It’s important to understand that in the absence of user-defined policies, Swift defaults to an internally referenced storage policy 0, which is applied to all containers. There will always be a minimum of one storage policy per cluster as a result. In addition to being the system default, this storage policy 0, named Policy-0, allows for backward compatibility with clusters created before the storage policies feature was added to Swift.

If you want to use a different name for storage policy 0, you can add it to the swift.conf file. It is considered a best practice to add all storage policies, including storage policy 0, to the swift.conf file and explicitly list which policy is the default.

Creating storage policies

Each user-defined storage policy is declared with a policy index number and name. If a policy is deprecated or the default, there are additional fields that can be used. The general format for a storage policy is:

name =
default =
(optional) deprecated=

//Here's an example
name =  level1
(optional) deprecated=yes

The storage policy index, [storage-policy:N], is required. The N is the storage policy index whose value is either 0 or a positive integer. It can’t be a number already in use, and once in use it can’t be changed.

The policy name (name =) is required and can only be letters (case-insensitive), numbers, and dashes. It can’t be a name already in use, but the name can be changed. Before such a change, however, consider how it will affect systems using the current name.

One storage policy must be designated as the default. When defining one or more storage policies, be sure to also declare a policy 0. This makes it easier to manage the policies and prevents errors. As mentioned earlier, if there are no user-defined polices, then the default will be an internally referenced storage policy 0. A different policy can be designated as the default at any time; however, consider the impact it will have on the system before making the change.

When storage policies are no longer needed, they can be marked as deprecated with deprecated=yes rather than being deleted. A policy can’t be both the default and deprecated. When deprecated, a policy:

  • Will not appear in /info
  • Enables PUT/GET/DELETE/POST/HEAD requests to succeed on preexisting containers
  • Can’t be applied to a new container (a 400 Bad Request will be returned)

Although storage policies are not necessary for this installation, we have included some to provide examples of how they are added and used.

To declare a storage policy, edit the swift.conf file in the /etc/swift/ directory. The suggested placement in the file for storage polices is below the [swift-hash] section:

# random unique strings that can never change (DO NOT LOSE)
swift_hash_path_prefix = changeme
swift_hash_path_suffix = changeme

name = level1

name = level2
default = yes

name = level3
deprecated = yes

Once the storage policies are declared, they can be used to create builder files. For each storage policy (storage-policy:N), an object-N.builder file will be created.

Creating the Ring Builder Files

With the devices ready and storage polices created, it is time to create the builder files. You need to create a minimum of three files: account.builder, container.builder, and object.builder. You will also create a builder file for each user-defined storage policy that you are implementing in your cluster.

As their names indicate, these are the files that are used to build the rings that the Swift processes use for data storage and retrieval.

The builder files are some of the most critical components of the cluster, so we will take a closer look at their creation.

The create command

Think of a builder file as a big database. It contains a record of all the storage devices in the cluster and the values the ring-builder utility will use to create a ring.

The help menu for swift-ring-builder shows the format for the create command as:

swift-ring-builder (account|container|object|object-n).builder create
<part_power> <replicas> <min_part_hours>

So the commands we will be running are:

swift-ring-builder account.builder create <part_power> <replicas>
swift-ring-builder container.builder create <part_power> <replicas>
swift-ring-builder object.builder create <part_power> <replicas>
swift-ring-builder object-n.builder create <part_power> <replicas>

The three parameters the create command takes are:

Determines the number of partitions created in the storage cluster
Specifies how many replicas you would like stored in the cluster
Specifies the frequency at which a replica is allowed to be moved

These are critical parameters for a cluster, so let’s dig a bit more deeply into each of these configuration settings before using them.

Partition power

The total number of partitions that can exist in your cluster is calculated using the partition power, an integer picked during cluster creation.


Don’t change the partition power after the cluster is created. A change will result in the reshuffling of every single thing in the cluster. That much data in flight could create vulnerabilities, and the data will be inaccessible for some period of time before the system is repartitioned and the data is moved to where it should be.

The formula to calculate the total number of partitions in a cluster is:

Partition power

For example, if you choose a partition power of 15, the number of partitions your cluster can support is 215 = 32,768. Those 32,768 partitions are then mapped to the available drives. Although the number of drives in a cluster might change, the number of partitions will not.

If your first thought is to choose a very large number, your instinct would be rewarded. Rings are relatively small compared to memory available on modern systems, so it is best to err on the large side. However, you should keep in mind several things if you choose a large number of partitions. Replication might take longer because fewer files will be grouped together in each partition for replication checks. Also, lookups take a fraction longer because the ring gets that much bigger. Lastly, a larger number of partitions means it takes longer to build the ring when making future changes.

To choose the partition power, estimate the maximum number of drives you expect your cluster to have at its largest size. (It might help to have a crystal ball handy.) In general, it is considered good to have about 100 partitions per drive in large clusters.

If you can make that prediction, you can calculate the partition power as follows:

Partition power

Let’s look at an example for a large deployment of 1,800 drives that will grow to a total of 18,000 drives. If we set the maximum number of disks to 18,000, we can calculate a partition power that would allow for 100 partitions per disks:

Partition power

So we judge that a good partition power for this example is 21.

Even if you guess wrong, there is still recourse—it’s always possible to stand up another object storage cluster and have the authentication system route new accounts to that new storage cluster.


The more replicas you have, the more protected you are against losing data when there is a failure. Distributing replicas across data centers and geographic regions protects you even more against hardware failures. The replica count affects the system’s durability, availability, and the amount of disk space used. For example, if you have a replica count of three, then each partition will be replicated for a total of three copies. Each of the three replicas will be stored on a different device in the cluster for redundancy. When an object is put into the cluster, its hash will match a partition and be copied to all three locations of that partition.

You set the replica count for the cluster in each of the builder files using the replicas parameter. When you build a Swift ring, the value of replicas is how many copies of the partition will be placed across the cluster. It is set as part of the ring-building process to any real number, most often 3.0. In the less-common instance where a non-integer replica count is used, a percentage of the partitions will have one additional replica; for instance, a 3.15 replica count means that 15% of the drives will have one extra replica for a total of 4. The main reason for using a fractional replica count would be to make a gradual shift from one integer replica count to another, allowing Swift time to copy the extra data without saturating the network.

Part of partition replication includes designating handoff drives. This means that when a drive fails, the replication/auditing processes will notice and push the data to handoff locations. This dramatically reduces the MTTR (mean time to repair) compared to standard three-way mirroring or RAID. The probability that all replicated partitions across the system will become corrupt (or otherwise fail) before the cluster notices and is able to push the data to handoff locations is very small, which is a main reason why we say that Swift is durable. Depending on the durability guarantees you require and the failure analysis of your storage devices, you can set the replica count appropriately to meet your needs.

Minimum part hours

While a partition is being moved, Swift will lock that partition’s replicas for a period of time to prevent several from being moved simultaneously. Moving multiple replicas at the same time could risk making data inaccessible.

The minimum part hours, configured through the min part hours setting, ensures that only one partition’s replica is moved at a time. It is best to set the hours to something greater than what it takes for the system to do a full partition replication cycle. A good default setting is 24 hours.

To tune the setting, look at the logs of each replicator on each object store. The log will say how long the replication cycle took. Set the minimum part hours to be comfortably out of reach of the longest replication time.

If the cluster experiences an unusual number of drive failures, or if you are making ring changes, it might be worth increasing the minimum part hours setting temporarily because replication times will be increasing. If they increase outside of the minimum part hours setting, you’ll have an increased risk of unavailable data. This setting can be dynamically tuned at cluster runtime to optimize the rate at which ring changes can be made.

Running the create command

Now we are ready to create the builder files.

The commands we will be running are:

swift-ring-builder account.builder create <part_power> <replicas> <min_part_hours>
swift-ring-builder container.builder create <part_power> <replicas> <min_part_hours>
swift-ring-builder object.builder create <part_power> <replicas> <min_part_hours>
swift-ring-builder object-n.builder create <part_power> <replicas> <min_part_hours>

Now that we understand more about the values needed for part_power, replicas, and min_part_hours, please select your values and run the create command. Here for account, container, and object we use a part_power value of 17, replicas value of 3, and min_part_hours value of 1.

For our storage policies, these values may be different. For this example, we will have storage policy 1 provide increased durability by setting its replica count to four. So we would use a part_power value of 17, replicas value of 4, and min_part_hours value of 1.

For storage policy 2, which we designated as deprecated, we will use the default settings. In general, a storage policy will become deprecated after having been in use by the cluster, so there would be an existing ring. Since that is not the case here, we need to be sure one is created for storage policy 2, as later in this installation the proxy server process will try to load it. The proxy server process loads deprecated policies because they are still able to be accessed.

cd /etc/swift
swift-ring-builder account.builder create 17 3 1
swift-ring-builder container.builder create 17 3 1
swift-ring-builder object.builder create 17 3 1
swift-ring-builder object-1.builder create 17 4 1
swift-ring-builder object-2.builder create 17 3 1

You’ll now see account.builder, container.builder, object.builder, object-1.builder, and object-2.builder in the directory. There should also be a backup directory, appropriately named backups.

Don’t lose the builder files

Be sure not to lose these builder (.builder) files! Keep regular backups of them.

To take some mystery out of what was just created, let’s open an interactive Python session and show what is in an object.builder file. The contents are a Python data structure that you can view using a pickle file. Some of the fields will be familiar.

$ python
>>> import pickle
>>> print pickle.load(open('object.builder'))
  '_replica2part2dev': None,
  '_last_part_gather_start': 0,
  'in_part_hours': 24,
  'replicas': 3.0,
  'parts': 262144,
  'part_power': 18,
  'devs': [],
  'devs_changed': False,
  'version': 0,
  '_last_part_moves_epoch': None,
  '_last_part_moves': None,
  '_remove_devs': []

Adding Devices to the Builder Files

Our next goal is to add the drives, their logical groupings (region, zone), and weight. This part of the configuration serves two purposes:

  • It marks failure boundaries for the cluster by placing each node into a region and zone.
  • It describes how much data Swift should put on each device in the cluster by giving it a weight.

With the builder files created, we can now add devices to them. For each node, the storage device in /srv/node will need an entry added to the builder file(s). If a drive is meant to be dedicated storage for a certain data type, it does not have to be added to the other ring builder files. For example, if you have a pair of SSDs that will handle all account and container data, you would add those drives to the account builder file and to the container builder file but not to the object builder file(s).

Entries for devices are added to each file with this format:

swift-ring-builder add account.builder <region><zone>-<IP>:6002/<device>
swift-ring-builder add container.builder <region><zone>-<IP>:6001/<device>
swift-ring-builder add object.builder <region><zone>-<IP>:6000/<device>
swift-ring-builder add object-n.builder <region><zone>-<IP>:6000/<device>

Let’s take a closer look at the information provided before we add the drives.


Swift allows a physically distinct part of the cluster to be defined as a region. Regions are often defined by geographical boundaries; for example, several racks of servers (nodes) can be placed in higher-latency, off-site locations. When a multi-region cluster receives a read request, Swift will favor copies of the data that are closer, as measured by latency. As explained in Swift Architecture, you can configure how replicas get distributed throughout a multi-region cluster using write affinity.

There are no restrictions on the value you choose for the name of your region label. We will use r1 in this chapter to indicate region 1.


Within regions, Swift allows you to create availability zones to isolate failures. The goal of zones is to allow the cluster to tolerate significant outages of large hunks of storage servers. An availability zone should be defined by a distinct set of physical hardware whose failure will be isolated from the rest of the cluster.

In a large deployment, availability zones might be defined as separate facilities in a large data center campus. In a single data center deployment, the availability zones might be different rooms. For a handful of racks in a data center, each rack could represent a zone. Typically, deployments create isolated failure boundaries within a data center by segmenting the power source, the network that is serving each zone, or both.

There are no restrictions on the value you choose for the name of your zone label. We will use z1 in this chapter to indicate zone 1.


You need to specify the IP address of the node for each device. This should be on the network segment designated for internal communication that will allow the nodes in the cluster to communicate with each other via rsync and HTTP.


Each of the account, container, and object server processes can run on different ports.

By default:

  • The account server process runs on port 6002.
  • The container server process runs on port 6001.
  • The object server process runs on port 6000.


Each device in the system has a weight. As described in Distribution of Data, the weight is a number that determines the relative number of partitions a device (drive) will have. It is set as part of the ring-building process. Because this is a relative number, it’s up to the operator to configure the weights that will be used to represent each drive.

For example, if when starting out each drive is the same size, say 2 TB, you could give each drive a weight of 100.0, so that they all have the same likelihood of receiving a replica of a partition. Then, when it’s time to add capacity and 3 TB drives are available, the new 3 TB drives would receive a weight of 150.0 because they are 50% larger. With this weight, each 3 TB drive would recieve 1.5 times as many partition replicas as one of the 2 TB drives.

Another, often simpler, strategy is to use the drive’s capacity as a multiplier. For example, the weight of a 2 TB drive would be 200.0 and a 3 TB drive would be 300.0.

Adding Drives

Now that we’ve covered the parameters you need to specify when adding devices, we’ll go ahead and add our devices to the builder files.

The following adds the first device (d1) to the builder files:

swift-ring-builder account.builder add r1z1- 100
swift-ring-builder container.builder add r1z1- 100
swift-ring-builder object.builder add r1z1- 100
swift-ring-builder object-1.builder add r1z1- 100
swift-ring-builder object-2.builder add r1z1- 100

Then we add the next device (d2) to the builder files:

swift-ring-builder account.builder add r1z1- 100
swift-ring-builder container.builder add r1z1- 100
swift-ring-builder object.builder add r1z1- 100
swift-ring-builder object-1.builder add r1z1- 100
swift-ring-builder object-2.builder add r1z1- 100

Continue this pattern for each device that is being added to the cluster.

Building the Rings

Once all the devices have been added, let’s create the ring files. The rebalance command creates an actual ring file used by Swift to determine where data is placed. The command will need to be run for each ring that you wish to create.

Once the rings are created, they need to be copied to the /etc/swift directory of every node in the cluster. No other action will be needed after that, because Swift automatically detects new ring data every 15 seconds.


When a node that was down comes back online, be sure to provide any new ring files to it. If the node has a different (old) ring file, it will think that data isn’t where it should be and will do its part to move it back to where it’s “supposed” to be.

Here we run the commands to create the four rings:

cd /etc/swift
swift-ring-builder account.builder rebalance
swift-ring-builder container.builder rebalance
swift-ring-builder object.builder rebalance
swift-ring-builder object-1.builder rebalance
swift-ring-builder object-2.builder rebalance

As the command runs, each device signs up for its share of the partitions. During the build process, each device declares its relative weight in the system. The rebalancing process takes all the partitions and assigns them to devices, making sure that each device is subscribed according to its weight. That way a device with a weight of 200 gets twice as many partitions as a device with a weight of 100.

This rebalancing process also takes into account recent changes to the cluster. The builder files keep track of things such as when partitions were last moved and where partitions are currently located. This ensures that partitions do not move around if they’ve already been moved recently (based on what min_part_hours is set to) and that partitions are not reassigned to new devices unnecessarily.

Once the rebalance is complete, you should see the following additional files in /etc/swift:

  • account.ring.gz
  • container.ring.gz
  • object.ring.gz
  • object-1.ring.gz
  • object-2.ring.gz

Copy these files to the /etc/swift directory of every node in the cluster.

Configuring Swift Logging

Next, we will configure RSyslog to start logging for Swift. In this example, we’ll direct all the log files to a single location.

Swift uses RSyslog to help it manage where log messages go. In this example, we will set all the server processes to go to a single log for Swift. In each configuration file there is a setting called log_name. By default, all are set to swift.

Additionally, you can configure external logging and alerting.

Creating the Log Configuration File

Create a configuration file named 0-swift.conf in the /etc/rsyslog.d directory. It will contain one line:

local0.* /var/log/swift/all.log

Since we just created a script that will tell the system to log the all.log file in the directory /var/log/swift, we will need to create that directory and set the correct permissions on it.

This command will create the directory the log files will be created in:

mkdir /var/log/swift

You also need to set permissions on the directory so the log process can write to it. For instance, the following commands do this on Ubuntu:

chown -R syslog.adm /var/log/swift
chmod -R g+w /var/log/swift

The same procedure on CentOS looks like this:

chown -R root:adm /var/log/swift
chmod -R g+w /var/log/swift

Restarting Rsyslog to Begin Swift Logging

To start logging with the new Swift settings, restart RSyslog with the following command:

service rsyslog restart

Configuring a Proxy Server

The proxy server process, as explained in Server Processes, is the connection between your Swift cluster and the outside world. This server process:

  • Accepts incoming HTTP requests
  • Looks up locations on the rings
  • Interacts with the authentication/authorization middleware
  • Forwards requests to the right account, container, or object server
  • Returns responses to the originating requester

Your proxy server should now be up and running.

Setting the Hash Path Prefix and Suffix

The first configuration change to make is to set arbitrary, hard-to-guess strings as the swift_hash_path_prefix and swift_hash_path_suffix settings in /etc/swift/swift.conf.

You add these strings to the pathnames in order to prevent a denial-of-service (DOS) attack. If someone knows the hash path suffix and prefix, he could determine the actual partition where objects would be stored. An attacker could generate containers and objects with that partition and repeatedly put large files to the same partition until the drive was full.

Edit the swift.conf file in the /etc/swift/ directory and add a unique string to swift_hash_path_prefix and swift_hash_path_suffix:

# swift_hash_path_suffix and swift_hash_path_prefix are used as part of the
# the hashing algorithm when determining data placement in the cluster.
# These values should remain secret and MUST NOT change
# once a cluster has been deployed.
swift_hash_path_suffix = RzUfDdu32L7J2ZBDYgsD6YI3Xie7hTVO8/oaQbpTbI8=
swift_hash_path_prefix = OZ1uQJNjJzTuFaM8X3v%fsJ1iR#F8wJjf9uhRiABevQ4

We recommend selecting random strings of at least 32 characters for the prefix and suffix, which should be different.

You can generate a 32-character string fairly easily using a number of different methods. One option might be to run:

head -c 32 /dev/random | base64

Once you have two different strings saved, be sure to keep them secret. These make the partition path reasonably unguessable.

Starting the Proxy Server

Now start up the proxy server process:

swift-init proxy start

Starting proxy-server...(/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf)


If you get an error ending with KeyError: getpwnam(): name not found: swift it means that a user named swift hasn’t been created. Fix this as shown in Swift user.

Setting up TempAuth Authentication and Authorization with Swift

This section covers setting up TempAuth and creating an account on the Swift cluster with it. TempAuth lets you specify accounts in configuration files.

Starting memcached

memcached, short for “memory cache daemon,” is a process that stores data in memory for fast retrieval. More information can be found at the project’s website. Although the project’s official name includes the “d,” we will adopt the common convention of referring to the service as “Memcache,” and to the daemon itself as memcached.

The TempAuth middleware stores tokens in Memcache. If the memcached process is not running, tokens cannot be validated, and accessing Swift generally becomes impossible.

On non-Debian-based Linux distributions, you need to ensure that memcached is running:

service memcached start
chkconfig memcached on

Adding Users to proxy-server.conf

If you look in the file /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf, you can find the section that describes TempAuth:

use = egg:swift#tempauth
# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
# <account> is from the user_<account>_<user> name.
# Here are example entries, required for running the tests:
user_admin_admin = admin .admin .reseller_admin
user_test_tester = testing .admin
user_test2_tester2 = testing2 .admin
user_test_tester3 = testing3

With TempAuth, users are defined in the configuration file itself with the format:

user_$SWIFTACCOUNT_$SWIFTUSER = $KEY [group] [group] [...] [storage_url]

You can create a user and account of your own, by adding a line under the default TempAuth account with the correct information:

user_test_tester3 = testing3
user_myaccount_me = secretpassword .admin .reseller_admin

An optional parameter for the user entry would be to explicitly add the storage URL with port 8080 to the end of the line. This might be needed in some cases, depending on your particular configuration:

user_myaccount_me = secretpassword .admin .reseller_admin <storage URL:8080>

Two configurations must also be set for the account. Locate and set the allow_account_management and account_autocreate options to true in the file:

allow_account_management = true
account_autocreate = true

See the SwiftStack blog for more details on TempAuth configuration.

Starting the Servers and Restarting the Proxy

To access user accounts, the account server process must be started. Now is also a good time to start the container and object server processes. When the proxy server is unable to reach one of the other main server processes, it will return a 503 Service Unavailable.

swift-init account start
Starting account-server...(/etc/swift/account-server.conf)

swift-init container start
Starting container-server...(/etc/swift/container-server.conf)

swift-init object start
Starting object-server...(/etc/swift/object-server.conf)

Then, because we have changed the proxy server process configuration, we will restart the proxy server process:

swift-init proxy restart

Signal proxy-server  pid: 5240  signal: 15
proxy-server (5240) appears to have stopped
Starting proxy-server...(/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf)

Keep in mind that TempAuth is appropriately named as a temporary auth system. Although we are using it here as a quick way to auth with our new Swift cluster, it has several drawbacks that make it less than ideal for production. The first, as you see, is that the proxy server processes must be restarted when adding or removing accounts, and the second is that the credentials are stored in plain text. For more information on auth options with Swift, see Chapter 13.

Account Authentication

Now let’s authenticate the account that was added to TempAuth in Swift using cURL:

curl -v -H 'X-Auth-User: $SWIFTACCOUNT:$SWIFTUSER' -H 'X-Auth-Key: <password>' 

Pass in the $SWIFTACCOUNT:$SWIFTUSER using the X-Auth-User header, and the password using the X-Auth-Key header. If you are successful, the response headers will include the X-Storage-URL and X-Auth Token.

Sending in the authentication:

curl -v -H 'X-Auth-User: myaccount:me' -H 'X-Auth-Key: secretpassword' 

You should get a response similar to:

* About to connect() to localhost port 8080 (#0)
*       Trying ::1... Connection refused
*       Trying connected
* Connected to localhost ( port 8080 (#0)
> GET /auth/v1.0/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (i486-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8k
    zlib/ libidn/1.15
> Host: localhost:8080
> Accept: */*
> X-Auth-User: myaccount:me
> X-Auth-Key: secretpassword
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< X-Storage-Url:
< X-Storage-Token: AUTH_tk265318ae5e7e46f1890a441c08b5247f
< X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk265318ae5e7e46f1890a441c08b5247f
< X-Trans-Id: txc75adf112791425e82826d6e3989be4d
< Content-Length: 0
< Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2013 22:48:40 GMT


If the connection is refused, verify that it was attempting to connect on port 8080 of the localhost address.

The HTTP response contains the X-Auth-Token:

< X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk265318ae5e7e46f1890a441c08b5247f

It will be stored in Memcache so that future storage requests can authenticate that token. Again, to take some mystery out of what we are creating, let’s open an interactive Python session and show what the entry in Memcache looks like:

>>> import swift.common.memcached as memcached
>>> memcache = memcached.MemcacheRing([])
>>> print memcache.get(AUTH_/user/myaccount:me)
>>> print memcache.get(
...    AUTH_/token/AUTH_tk58ad6d3ca1754ca78405828d72e37458)
[1394158570.037054, 'myaccount,myaccount:me,AUTH_myaccount']

Verifying Account Access

Now you’re ready to make your first request. Here we will attempt to list the containers in the account. The system should return a response of 204 No Content because we have not created any containers yet:

curl -v -H 'X-Storage-Token: AUTH_tk58ad6d3ca1754ca78405828d72e37458'
* About to connect() to port 8080 (#0)
*       Trying connected
* Connected to ( port 8080 (#0)
> GET /v1/AUTH_myaccount HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (i486-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8k
    zlib/ libidn/1.15
> Host:
> Accept: */*
> X-Storage-Token: AUTH_tk215c5706a61048c09819cd6ba60142ef
< HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
< X-Account-Object-Count: 0
< X-Account-Bytes-Used: 0
< X-Account-Container-Count: 0
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< X-Trans-Id: txafe3c83ed76e46d2a9536dd61d9fcf09
< Content-Length: 0
< Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 23:23:23 GMT


If the connection is refused, verify that it was attempting to connect on port 8080 of the localhost address.

Congratulations, you’ve created an account in Swift!

Creating a Container

Accounts and containers are just SQLite databases. For each account, there is an account database that contains a listing of all the containers in that account. For each container, there is a container database that stores a listing of all of the objects in that container. Each of these databases is stored in the cluster and replicated in the same manner as the objects.

To create a container in an account, we will use the HTTP verb PUT and append the new container name to the end of the storage URL.

Using the auth token from before, run the following command to create a container called mycontainer:

curl -v -H 'X-Storage-Token: AUTH_tk58ad6d3ca1754ca78405828d72e37458' 
       -X PUT

You should see something similar to:

201 Created

Here’s what is happening behind the scenes:

  • The proxy server process sends a request to the account server process to update the account database with a new container
  • The proxy server process sends a request to the container server process to create the container database record

What’s interesting here is that these account/container databases are simply SQLite databases. In the following example we open the path to one of those account databases with SQLite, list the tables, select the account_stat table, and view the contents. Because we only have one container, it will return the single row with information about the container:

sqlite3 /srv/node/d2/accounts/497/e15/7c7d7a8558f1774e7f06d95094136e15/7c7d7a855

sqlite> .tables
account_stat   container   incoming_sync   outgoing_sync   policy_stat
sqlite> select * from account_stat;
sqlite> .quit

Uploading an Object

Now let’s use the Swift command-line interface (covered in Chapter 4) to upload a file. The command will look like this:

swift -A <AUTH_URL> -U <account:username>  -K <password> upload 
        <containername> <filename>

Notice that the verb is upload, but remember that it is still a PUT request when the swift command sends it to the storage URL. Also notice that the container and file names are at the end of the request, separated by a space.

Let’s try to upload a file:

swift -A -U myaccount:me -K secretpassword 
  upload mycontainer some_file

The request is received by the cluster. First, the cluster figures out where this data is going to go. To do this, the object storage location (account name, container name, and object name) is used with the object ring to locate the nodes with the correct replica partitions. Once the partitions are located, the data is sent to each storage node, where it is placed in the appropriate partition. However, a quorum is required! At least two of the three writes must be successful before the client is notified that the upload was successful. Next, the container database is updated to reflect the new object in it.

Starting the Consistency Processes

As discussed in Chapter 3, many consistency processes need to run to ensure that Swift is working correctly. This section will cover:

  • Configuring and turning on rsync
  • Starting the replicator processes
  • Starting the other consistency processes

Configuring rsync

On Ubuntu:

Edit or create the etc/default/rsync file; add RSYNC_ENABLE=true on one line:


On Centos:

sudo setenforce Permissive
sudo setsebool -P rsync_full_access 1
sudo chkconfig rsync on

Edit or create the /etc/rsyncd.conf file, adding in the following Swift information:

uid = swift
gid = swift
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
pid file = /var/run/

max connections = 25
path = /srv/node/
read only = false
lock file = /var/lock/account.lock

max connections = 25
path = /srv/node/
read only = false
lock file = /var/lock/container.lock

max connections = 25
path = /srv/node/
read only = false
lock file = /var/lock/object.lock

Now it is time to start the rsync service on Ubuntu:

service rsync start

On other xinetd-based systems, simply run (Centos):

sudo service xinetd restart

After the restart, you should test that rsync is running with these debugging commands:

rsync localhost::
rsync localhost::account
rsync localhost::container
rsync localhost::object

Starting the Remaining Consistency Processes

Consistency services can be started individually for a process. Start the replicators as follows:

swift-init account-replicator start
swift-init container-replicator start
swift-init object-replicator start

Alternatively, the consistency services can be started all at once using the the swift-init command with an all option:

swift-init all start

Running the command as this point will start up the auditor, the updater, and the account reaper. If we had not already started the replicators, it would have started them as well.

At this point, all the Swift processes should be running and OpenStack Swift should be fully installed.


Congratulations! Installation is half the battle and if you have followed along this far, you likely have your very own Swift cluster up and running. We hope going through this installation has given you some perspective and understanding of the parts that cooperate to make Swift work. In the next chapter, we’ll look at how to make these processes easier by using SwiftStack’s installation features.

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