Moving Newly Discovered Devices to Their Proper Container

During a normal day, NNM will discover a few new devices such as servers, Ethernet switches, routers, and subnets. Assuming the Internet submap is customized, it will display a new object holding area at the bottom of the window where new routers and subnets will be placed. In large NNM implementations many collection stations export new devices to the management station where the Internet submap’s new object holding area receives all new routers and subnets recently discovered.

Map maintenance involves moving these new devices to their proper container icon. Assuming that the map builder is aware of network changes, the presence of new icons is expected and the proper location is obvious. If not, then some additional information should be collected. Begin by dragging the icon out of the new object holding area into the Internet submap. NNM will draw connections to subnets that contain this device’s interfaces. Look at the device name and drag its icon into the proper container. If these clues are not enough, telnet to the device and study the login banner for clues. If that isn’t helpful, use the MIB browser and query the device’s system group for the location and contact fields. Some network administrators have been known to define these fields so others will benefit from it.

A final nugget: “Never customize the default map.”

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