Deleting Unwanted Maps

When users are not discouraged from creating NNM maps at will, they will usually leave them on the system for indefinite periods. To list the maps on an NNM system, use this simple command:


This lists the maps and their owners. The consequences of having a lot of maps on an NNM system include:

  • larger database

  • longer backup time

  • out of control users

  • longer ovw -mapcount duration

  • longer ovtopofix -a duration

  • reduced overall NNM performance

  • discovery problems

Obviously, the fewer maps, the better. There is no particular reason to have a map named default, although a token map by that name is created for you. You can prevent users from creating their own maps by removing the corresponding registration files. A side effect of this is that each time you update NNM, the registration files will probably change and you have to revisit them to institute your changes. This is a very complex process. Refer to “Controlling Map Access” in Chapter 9 of the Managing Your Network with HP OpenView Network Node Manager manual.

Sometimes users unintentionally create a map by incorrectly typing the name of the map they want to open. You can help your users avoid this mistake by creating a system alias for ovw, one which you automatically create for them and which is defined in their login environment. For example, if the proper name of the map is “bellevue” then the proper alias command is:

					alias ovw /opt/OV/bin/ovw -ro -map bellevue

As long as the user types the ovw command they will execute the alias and thus open a read-only copy of the “bellevue” map.

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