
This chapter is a summary of the best practices introduced throughout the book.

Platform sizing must be done before deployment. The platform must be scalable to avoid a poor user experience and prevent costly downtime during a box swap. Information for platform sizing can be obtained during NNM product evaluation. Table 16-1 on page 254 will aid you in system sizing.

ITO is a great tool for managing the managers. It lets you automate a lot of system monitoring tasks to increase your efficiency. It also reduces downtime by detecting problems before they can affect the user community.

Menu management is important because it increases the stability of the NNM system while ensuring that various user types have all necessary functionality.

Project management is a necessary skill that helps keep a project on track by detecting when critical path activities are placing the entire schedule at risk.

A dedicated system administrator is an essential team member to handle the sheer amount of work and provide the strong technical expertise needed to support a large NNM rollout.

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