
Map management includes consideration for where the read/write maps will be displayed so that read-only map users benefit from an up-to-date topology. Possible choices include a dedicated monitor and a virtual network console (VNC).

It’s rare to find default NNM maps that are sufficient to meet user needs, so designated map builders will periodically make initial changes and additional minor changes as needed. For large networks with multiple management stations, it’s critical to share map changes and back up these customizations periodically.

A common home map is the Internet submap, which is the first map the users see when launching ovw. Autolayout is almost always turned off for the Internet submap to retain the icon layout. The map overlay feature is often turned off for the Internet submap so that it remains displayed when users open other submaps.

NNM uses the Bridge-MIB (RFC 1493), MIB II (RFC 1213), the IF MIB (RFC 2233), and the Repeater MIB (RFC 2108) to ferret out how switches, bridges, and repeaters conforming to these standards are connected together.

Onion Peel sells a third-party map management tool capable of enhancing map customization and map appearance.

There is sometimes a need to capture an ovw map when troubleshooting a problem, documenting a process, or sharing information. UNIX, Windows, and Macintosh systems acting as X-terminals for NNM are able to take screenshots and process them with native graphics applications. To capture a map, an NNM map snapshot (pulldown menu Map:Snapshot) can be taken. This creates a named read-only navigable map, rather than a screen capture.

Modern networks increasingly contain special devices such as routers with secondary and software loopback addresses, multihomed hosts, devices with transient IP addresses obtained from DHCP, virtual LANs (VLAN), adapters (such as HSSI) with numerous subinterfaces, and frame relay links. Map customization will maximize NNM’s usefulness to display them.

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