

access to funds as requirement for business travelers, 93-94

accessories for home offices, choosing, 79-85

accountability, as obstacle to working Out of Office, 69-71

achieving balance in work and personal life, 139-140

Adams, Douglas, 147

adaptability, importance of, 130-132

advantages of working Out of Office, 31-32

childcare, 44-45

community involvement, 37

control of the environment, 32-35

cost savings, 37-38

flexibility, 48-49

recruitment, 47-48

reduced stress, 35-37

setting your own working hours, 41-43

airports, 15

“always on” technology, advantages of, 127-128

Amon, Faith, 78

Asaro, Adrienne, 76

assigning value to time, 145-146

availability, controlling, 99


Baier, Mary, 77


achieving in work and personal life, 139-140

defining, 139

and multitasking, 141-142

setting priorities, 140-141

work/life integration, 142-143

benefits of working Out of Office, 31-32

childcare, 44-45

community involvement, 37

control of the environment, 32-35

cost savings, 37-38

flexibility, 48-49

recruitment, 47-48

reduced stress, 35-37

setting your own working hours, 41-43

Blackberry smartphone, 123

BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics), 10, 100

Box, 181-182

Bram, Thursday, 76

Branson, Richard, 146

Breaker, 186-187

Brewster, 112-113

breaking your rules, 134-136

building relationships with clients, 60-61

business cards, trading, 111

business travelers, 91

availability, controlling, 99

eating on the road, 101-102

essential items, 91-97

access to funds, 93-94

Internet connectivity, locating, 61-62

loss of business data, preparing for, 92

luggage, selecting, 118-119

maintaining your health, 100-102

organization, 107-114, 117-120

receipts, collecting, 119

rewards for traveling, 102-104

BYOD (bring your own device), 35


CamCard, 111

Capollupo, Adrienne, 162

Carrol, Edward, 56

challenges to working Out of Office, 51

accountability, 69-71

childcare, 55-57

client offices, 21-23

culture change, 25-26

distractions, 14-16

domestic chores, 59-60

interruptions, 57-58

isolation, 14, 62-63

lack of family support, 52-54

meetings, 11-12

need for team contact, 24-26

personality type, 9-14

pets, 54-55

space restrictions, 17-21

support tasks, 63-64

technology, 64-66


as benefit of working Out of Office, 44-45

as obstacle to working Out of Office, 55-57


accessories for home offices, 79-85

luggage, 118-119

VAs, 63-64

workspaces, 20-21

Citrix, support for Out of Office work, 27

cleaning your workspace, 109

client offices, as obstacle to working Out of Office, 21-23

Clooney, George, 34

cloud computing, 46

Dropbox, 114

iCloud, 183

Microsoft SkyDrive, 183

Coffee Break, 185

coffee shops, 15

Cole, Kenneth, 24

collaboration tools

Box, 181-182

Dropbox, 179-180

iDoneThis, 182

collecting receipts, 119

Neat Receipts, 177-178

communal work spaces, 162


impact of technology on, 123-124

sharing your rules, 133-134

“unplugging,” 124-125

community involvement, as benefit of working Out of Office, 37

company-supplied computers, 85-86

Consear, Pam, 42

contingency plans for work interruptions, 57-58

control of the environment, as benefit of working Out of Office, 32-35

controlling availability, 99

Cooper, Arthur, 84

corporate support for Out of Office workers, 27

cost savings, as benefit of working Out of Office, 37-38

co-working spaces, 19, 162-163

creating a rule set, 129-136

breaking your rules, 134-136

importance of flexibility, 130-132

indispensible versus valued employees, 129-130

sharing your rules, 133-134

work ethic, 132-133

culture change

as obstacle to working Out of Office, 25-26

office politics, 35


deadlines, managing, 40

Dell, Michael, 146

desks, choosing, 82

diets, maintaining on the road, 101-102


as impetus for in-office work, 165

as obstacle to working Out of Office, 14-16, 57-58

support tasks, 63-64

technological solutions to, 14

tuning out, 16

domestic chores, as obstacle to working Out of Office, 59-60

Dropbox, 46, 114, 179-180

Drucker, Peter, 2


eating on the road, 101-102

education, assigning value to, 146

efficiency, impact of technology on, 125-127

electronic data, managing, 114

email versus face-to-face interaction, 160

employee retention, 163-164

ergonomics, 79

establishing priorities, 39-40, 140-141


opportunity cost, 128

receipts, collecting, 119

writing off, 108-109


FaceTime, 173-174

face-to-face interaction

versus email, 160

need for, 12

family support as challenge to working Out of Office, 52-54


importance of, 130-132

jelly working, 62

in performing daily tasks, 150-152

and priorities, 143-144

of work arrangements, 161

flexible working hours as benefit of working Out of Office, 41-43

FOMO (fear of missing out), 123

Foursquare, 98

furnishing your office, 79-85

room planners, 114-116


Gates, Bill, 146

Glass project, 128

Google Docs, 45

Google Glass project, 128

Google Hangout, 174-175

GoToMeeting, 175-177

Grafman, Jordan, 141

Grid-It, 119



maintaining, 100-102

sources of stress, 35-37

hiring VAs, 63-64

home-based workers, 1, 73-88

Horowitz, Shel, 82

hot desking, 19

hotels, 15

as workspace, 23

hotspots (Wi-Fi)

security of, 61-62

Hussein, Ruksanah, 78


iCloud, 183

iDoneThis, 182

indispensible versus valued employees, 129-130

information workers, 2

in-office work, transitioning to, 155-168

reasons for, 159-160

integration, whole life approach to, 142-143

Internet connectivity

on company-owned computers, 87

effect on urban drift, 74

locating, 61

interruptions as obstacle to working Out of Office, 57-58


as obstacle to working Out of Office, 62-63

isolation as obstacle to working Out of Office, 14

IT support as obstacle to working Out of Office, 64-66

Itkoff, Adam, 41


jelly working, 62

Jobs, Steve, 146

Kale, Sheila, 165

knowledge workers, 2


lack of control in public spaces, 18-19

lack of family support as challenge to working Out of Office, 52-54

lack of routine as source of stress, 42

laptop computers, 116-117

power chargers, 119

Ledbetter, Donna, 101

lighting, importance of, 77

locating Internet connectivity, 61

location of office as indicator of status, 26

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (Sillitoe, Alan), 62

loss of business data, preparing for, 92

luggage, selecting, 118-119


Mac-and-Cheese effect, 45

MacDonald, Steven, 159

Maiden Voyage, 95-97

maintaining health, 100-102


deadlines, 40

electronic data, 114

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 148

Mayer, Marisa, 86

McCaskey, Katie, 74

McPherson, Lori, 77


as obstacle to working Out of Office, 11-12

parts of, 159


FaceTime, 173-174

Google Hangout, 174-175

GoToMeeting, 175-177

Skype, 172-173

Microsoft SkyDrive, 183

Microsoft Word, 45

Mikolski, Pavel, 35

Miller, Jacque, 93

Miller, John, 80

Miller, Kim, 165

Miriani, Briana, 77

mobile devices

advantages of “always on” technology, 125-127

Mophie Helium charging case, 178-179

multitasking, 141-142

multiuse space, 17


Nagel, Eric, 81

Neat Receipts, 177-178

need for team contact as obstacle to working Out of Office, 24-26, 100


obstacles to working Out of Office, 51

childcare, 55-57

client offices, 21-23

culture change, 25-26

distractions, 14-16

domestic chores, 59-60

interruptions, 57-58

isolation, 14, 62-63

meetings, 11-12

need for team contact, 24-26

personality type, 9-14

pets, 54-55

relationship building, 66-69

space restrictions, 17-21

support tasks, 63-64

technology, 64-66

OCR (optical character recognition), 111

office politics, 35

office space

location of as indicator of status, 26

renting, 22

opportunity cost, 128, 148

organization, 107-114

for business travelers, 117-120

managing electronic data, 114

receipts, collecting, 119

room planners, 114-116

storage, 117

workflow, 114-117

Out of Office, corporate support for, 27


Pearce, Robert, 94

Pearson, Carolyn, 95

personal life, balancing with work life, 139-140

personality type

as obstacle to working Out of Office, 9-14

work style self-assessment, 27-29

pets as obstacle to working Out of Office, 54-55

Phone Stack, 126


for in-office work, 155-168

for work disruptions, 57-58

Pottery Barn room planner, 115

power chargers, 119

Mophie Helium charging case, 178-179

preparing for loss of business data, 92

priorities, establishing, 39-40, 140-141. See also time management

Pritchser, Jamie, 43

productivity, impact of technology on, 125-127

productivity assistants

Breaker, 186-187

Coffee Break, 185

RescueTime, 183-184

public spaces, lack of control in, 18-19


Racoma, Lidia Varesco, 160

Ramirez, Dan, 84

receipts, collecting, 119

Neat Receipts, 177-178

recruitment as benefit of working Out of Office, 47-48

reduced stress as benefit of working Out of Office, 35-37

relationship building

as critical skill set, 60-61

as obstacle to working Out of Office, 66-69

renting office space, 22

RescueTime, 183-184

Research in Motion, 123, 104

retaining Out of Office workers, 163

retention as benefit of working Out of Office, 47-48

returning to in-office work, 155-168

reasons for, 159-160

rewards of traveling, 102-104

Rogers, Wes, 46

room planners, 114-116

rule set, creating, 129-136

breaking your rules, 134-136

importance of flexibility, 130-132

indispensible versus valued employees, 129-130

sharing your rules, 133-134

work ethic, 132-133

rural drift, 74


saving money as benefit of working Out of Office, 37-38

scanning business cards, 112

scheduling domestic chores, 59-60

security of Wi-Fi hotspots, 61-62


accessories for home offices, 79-85

luggage, 118-119

self-discipline, tuning out distractions, 16

separating work and domestic life, 78, 166

setting priorities, 39-40


rule sets, 133-134

SkyDrive, 183

Skype, 172-173

smartphones, 97-99, 125-127

“always on” technology, advantages of, 125-127

apps, 113

Blackberry, 123

managing electronic data, 114

Mophie Helium charging case, 178-179

power chargers, 119

unplugging, 124-125

social-oriented workers, 9-14

solopreneurs, 1, 8

accountability groups, 70

loss of business data, preparing for, 92

relationship building, 68-69

sources of stress, 35-37

space restrictions as obstacle to working Out of Office, 17-21

Steele, Dayna, 83

storage, 117

storing business cards, 111


lack of routine as source of, 42

managing deadlines, 40

sources of, 35-37

support tasks as obstacle to working Out of Office, 63-64



assigning value to, 145-146

flexibility in performing, 150-152

prioritizing, 143-144

work/life integration, 149-150

tax implications of home offices, 77

team contact

building relationships with clients, 60-61

as obstacle to working Out of Office, 24-26

technological solutions to distractions, 14


advantages of “always on,” 127-128

BYOD, 35

cloud computing, 46

iCloud, 183

Microsoft SkyDrive, 183

collaboration tools

Box, 181-182

Dropbox, 179-180

iDoneThis, 182

domestic home automation, 88

email versus face-to-face interaction, 160

impact on communication, 123-124

impact on multitasking, 141-142

impact on productivity, 125-127

as obstacle to working Out of Office, 64-66

smartphones, 97-99

version control for documents, 45


FaceTime, 173-174

Google Hangout, 174-175

GoToMeeting, 175-177

Skype, 172-173

telecommuters, 1, 8

time management

assigning value to time, 145-146

changing points of reference, 147

domestic chores, sheduling, 59-60

flexibility of time, 143-144

opportunity cost, 148

productivity assistants

Breaker, 186-187

Coffee Break, 185

RescueTime, 183-184

tasks, performing, 150-152

trading business cards, 111

trading vacation days for Out of Office work style, 161

transitioning to in-office work, 155-168

reasons for, 159-160

traveling, rewards of, 102-104, 100

tuning out distractions, 16


Uber, 98

Up in the Air, 34

urban drift, 74


vacation days, trading for Out of Office work style, 161

value, assigning to time, 145-146

valued versus indispensible employees, 129-130

VAs (virtual assistants), 63-64

Vavrinak, Mandy, 76

Vercillo, Kathryn, 62

version control for documents, 45


FaceTime, 173-174

Google Hangout, 174-175

GoToMeeting, 175-177

Skype, 172-173


websites, 100, 100, 104, 100

Weintraub, Haralee, 80

Westberg, Kirsten, 44

whole life approach to balance, 142-143

Wi-Fi hotspots, security of, 61-62

work ethic, importance of, 132-133

work life, balancing with personal life, 139-140

work style self-assessment, 27-29

workflow, 114-117

room planners, 114-116

working from home, 73-88

accessories for home offices, choosing, 79-85

expenses, 108-109

organization, 107-114

tax implications, 77

time management, changing points of reference, 147

workout schedules, maintaining on the road, 100-101

workshifters, 1, 8


choosing, 20-21

cleaning, 109

communal, 162

co-working, 19

co-working spaces, 22-23

hot desking, 19

hotels, 23

organization, 110-114

renting, 22

room planners, 114-116

storage, 117

writing off expenses, 108-109


Yahoo!, 156

Zbar, Jeff, 79

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