
A, B

  1. Anonymousfunctions

  1. Ansible

    1. Vagrant configuration

    2. web-based configuration tool


  1. Closures

  2. Codingstandards

    1. See alsoPHP-FIG

    2. definition

    3. PHP Code Sniffer

      1. configuration options and methods

      2. custom standard

      3. IDE integration

      4. installation methods

      5. PHP_CodeSniffer

      6. PHPStorm installation

      7. Squizlabs

      8. validation results

    4. phpDocumentor

      1. class documentation

      2. code documentation tool

      3. DocBlock sections

      4. installation methods

      5. non-structural comments

      6. structural elements

      7. targets

      8. uniform code comments

D, E

  1. Dependency management

    1. composer

      1. additional packages

      2. autoloader optimization

      3. autoloading

      4. command line tool

      5. composer.json file

      6. constraints

      7. installation

      8. local wide execution

      9. lock file

      10. packages global installation

      11. package versions

      12. remove command

      13. require vs. require-dev

      14. significant release

      15. stability

      16. system-wide execution (global)

      17. update command

    2. constraints

      1. exact version

      2. hyphen

      3. range

      4. wildcard

    3. packagist

    4. PEAR and Pyrus

      1. overview

      2. pear download statistics page

      3. PECL

    5. significant release

      1. caret operator

      2. tilde operator


  1. Frameworks

    1. benefits

    2. Laravel 5

      1. application logic

      2. controllers and routes

      3. database

      4. directory structure

      5. display results

      6. installation

      7. quickstart app page

      8. resources/views directory

    3. micro-frameworks

      1. Lumen

      2. PHP

      3. Silex

      4. Slim

      5. use of

    4. overview

    5. SF2

      1. application directory structure

      2. bundles

      3. controller

      4. database

      5. demo

      6. display results

      7. installation

      8. Linux and OS X

      9. view name and folder structure

      10. Windows

    6. use of

    7. Zend Framework2

See(Zend Framework 2)

G, H, I, J, K

  1. Git

    1. branches

      1. and commit

      2. creation

      3. files

      4. meaning

    2. configuration

    3. conflict resolution

    4. gitg

      1. installation

      2. repository view

    5. GitHub GUI

      1. installation

      2. repository view

    6. gitignore

    7. history

    8. ignore file

    9. initial commit

    10. merging

      1. branches

      2. meaning

    11. PHPStorm

      1. menu entries

      2. repository sub-menu entry

    12. pull command

    13. push command

    14. remove files

    15. repository

    16. SourceTree

      1. installation

      2. repository

    17. stage and commit changes

    18. stash command

    19. tagging

      1. annotated tags

      2. lightweight tag

    20. undoing changes

      1. amend option

      2. file reset

      3. hard reset

      4. mixed reset

      5. soft reset

      6. un-stage


  1. Laravel 5

    1. application logic

    2. controllers and routes

    3. database

    4. directory structure

    5. display results

    6. installation

    7. quickstart app page

    8. resources/views directory

M, N, O

  1. Micro-frameworks

    1. Lumen

    2. PHP

    3. Silex

    4. Slim

    5. use

P, Q, R

  1. PECL

    1. APCu extension

    2. PEAR/Pyrus

      1. global utilities

      2. use of

    3. pecl command

    4. pecl command

  2. PHP-FIG

    1. basic coding standard

      1. character encoding

      2. class constants

      3. files

      4. method names

      5. namespaces and class names

      6. PHP tags

      7. properties

      8. side effects

      9. structure

    2. coding style guide

      1. abstract, final and static

      2. classes

      3. closures

      4. constants true, false and null

      5. control structures

      6. files

      7. foreach statement

      8. for statement

      9. if, elseif, else

      10. function calls and methods

      11. indentation

      12. keywords

      13. lines

      14. method arguments

      15. namespaces and declarations

      16. omissions

      17. properties

      18. PSR-2 specification

      19. structure

      20. switch, case

      21. try catch block

      22. while, do while

    3. standards recommendations

  3. Puppet provisioner

    1. configuration management system

    2. default.pp file

    3. default.pp file

    4. directory structure

    5. manifest and modules

    6. Vagrantfile

    7. web-based configuration tool

S, T, U

  1. Symfony 2 (SF2)

    1. AppBundle directories

    2. application directories structure

      1. creation

      2. demo application

      3. functions

    3. bundles

    4. controller

    5. database abstraction layer

    6. demo application

    7. display results

    8. installation

    9. Linux and OS X

    10. view name and folder structure

    11. Windows

V, W, X, Y

  1. Vagrant

    1. Ansible, Bash and Puppet

      1. Ansible tool

      2. configuration

      3. final tasks

      4. Puppet configuration

      5. shell provisioner

    2. commands

    3. environment

      1. LAMP box

      2. networking

      3. remove command

      4. setup VM

      5. shared folders

      6. Vagrantfile

      7. virtual machine (VM)

      8. VM setup

    4. installation

    5. Phansible

      1. Ansible configuration tool

      2. Templates

    6. plugin system

      1. Ansible Local

      2. Host Manager

      3. Librarian Puppet

      4. Providers

      5. Share

    7. PuPHPet

      1. access system

      2. custom configuration

      3. Puppet configuration tool

    8. steps

    9. Vagrantfile

    10. VirtualBox

  2. Version control system

    1. Bitbucket

      1. remote repository

      2. SSH key

    2. GitHub

  3. Version controlsystem

  1. Virtualized development environments

    1. approaches

    2. benefits

    3. Vagrant



  1. Zend Framework 2

    1. controller

    2. database

      1. credentials configuration

      2. model layer

      3. service manager

      4. table creation

    3. directories

    4. functions

    5. installation

    6. modules

    7. query and display

    8. results

    9. skeleton application

    10. view name and folder structure

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