Time Series Analysis


The roots of pandas lay in analyzing financial time series data. Time series are points of data gathered over time. Generally, the time is evenly spaced between each data point. However, there may be gaps in the observations. pandas includes functionality to manipulate dates, aggregate over different time periods, sample different periods of time, and more.

Understanding the difference between Python and pandas date tools

Before we get to pandas, it can help to be aware of and understand core Python's date and time functionality. The datetime module provides three data types: date, time, and datetime. Formally, a date is a moment in time consisting of just the year, month, and day. For instance, June 7, 2013 would be a date. A time consists of hours, minutes, seconds, and microseconds (one-millionth of a second) and is unattached to any date. An example of time would be 12 hours and 30 minutes. A datetime consists of both the elements of a date and time together.

On the other hand, pandas has a single object to encapsulate date and time called a Timestamp. It has nanosecond (one-billionth of a second) precision and is derived from NumPy's datetime64 data type. Both Python and pandas each have a timedelta object that is useful when doing date addition and subtraction.

In this recipe, we will first explore Python's datetime module and then turn to the corresponding date tools in pandas.

How to do it…

  1. Let's begin by importing the datetime module into our namespace and creating a date, time, and datetime object:
    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import datetime
    >>> date = datetime.date(year=2013, month=6, day=7)
    >>> time = datetime.time(hour=12, minute=30,
    ...     second=19, microsecond=463198)
    >>> dt = datetime.datetime(year=2013, month=6, day=7,
    ...     hour=12, minute=30, second=19,
    ...     microsecond=463198)
    >>> print(f"date is {date}")
    date is 2013-06-07
    >>> print(f"time is {time}")
    time is 12:30:19.463198
    >>> print(f"datetime is {dt}")
    datetime is 2013-06-07 12:30:19.463198
  2. Let's construct and print out a timedelta object, the other major data type from the datetime module:
    >>> td = datetime.timedelta(weeks=2, days=5, hours=10,
    ...     minutes=20, seconds=6.73,
    ...     milliseconds=99, microseconds=8)
    >>> td
    datetime.timedelta(days=19, seconds=37206, microseconds=829008)
  3. Add this td to the date and dt objects from step 1:
    >>> print(f'new date is {date+td}')
    new date is 2013-06-26
    >>> print(f'new datetime is {dt+td}')
    new datetime is 2013-06-26 22:50:26.292206
  4. Attempting to add a timedelta to a time object is not possible:
    >>> time + td
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'datetime.time' and 'datetime.timedelta'
  5. Let's turn to pandas and its Timestamp object, which is a moment in time with nanosecond precision. The Timestamp constructor is very flexible, and handles a wide variety of inputs:
    >>> pd.Timestamp(year=2012, month=12, day=21, hour=5,
    ...    minute=10, second=8, microsecond=99)
    Timestamp('2012-12-21 05:10:08.000099')
    >>> pd.Timestamp('2016/1/10')
    Timestamp('2016-01-10 00:00:00')
    >>> pd.Timestamp('2014-5/10')
    Timestamp('2014-05-10 00:00:00')
    >>> pd.Timestamp('Jan 3, 2019 20:45.56')
    Timestamp('2019-01-03 20:45:33')
    >>> pd.Timestamp('2016-01-05T05:34:43.123456789')
    Timestamp('2016-01-05 05:34:43.123456789')
  6. It's also possible to pass in a single integer or float to the Timestamp constructor, which returns a date equivalent to the number of nanoseconds after the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970):
    >>> pd.Timestamp(500)
    Timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000500')
    >>> pd.Timestamp(5000, unit='D')
    Timestamp('1983-09-10 00:00:00')
  7. pandas provides the to_datetime function that works similarly to the Timestamp constructor, but comes with a few different parameters for special situations. This comes in useful for converting string columns in DataFrames to dates.

    But it also works on scalar dates; see the following examples:

    >>> pd.to_datetime('2015-5-13')
    Timestamp('2015-05-13 00:00:00')
    >>> pd.to_datetime('2015-13-5', dayfirst=True)
    Timestamp('2015-05-13 00:00:00')
    >>> pd.to_datetime('Start Date: Sep 30, 2017 Start Time: 1:30 pm',
    ...     format='Start Date: %b %d, %Y Start Time: %I:%M %p')
    Timestamp('2017-09-30 13:30:00')
    >>> pd.to_datetime(100, unit='D', origin='2013-1-1')
    Timestamp('2013-04-11 00:00:00')
  8. The to_datetime function comes equipped with even more functionality. It is capable of converting entire lists or Series of strings or integers to Timestamp objects. Since we are far more likely to interact with Series or DataFrames and not single scalar values, you are far more likely to use to_datetime than Timestamp:
    >>> s = pd.Series([10, 100, 1000, 10000])
    >>> pd.to_datetime(s, unit='D')
    0   1970-01-11
    1   1970-04-11
    2   1972-09-27
    3   1997-05-19
    dtype: datetime64[ns]
    >>> s = pd.Series(['12-5-2015', '14-1-2013',
    ...    '20/12/2017', '40/23/2017'])
    >>> pd.to_datetime(s, dayfirst=True, errors='coerce')
    0   2015-05-12
    1   2013-01-14
    2   2017-12-20
    3          NaT
    dtype: datetime64[ns]
    >>> pd.to_datetime(['Aug 3 1999 3:45:56', '10/31/2017'])
    DatetimeIndex(['1999-08-03 03:45:56', '2017-10-31 00:00:00'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)
  9. Like the Timestamp constructor and the to_datetime function, pandas has Timedelta and to_timedelta to represent an amount of time. Both the Timedelta constructor and the to_timedelta function can create a single Timedelta object. Like to_datetime, to_timedelta has a bit more functionality and can convert entire lists or Series into Timedelta objects:
    >>> pd.Timedelta('12 days 5 hours 3 minutes 123456789 nanoseconds')
    Timedelta('12 days 05:03:00.123456')
    >>> pd.Timedelta(days=5, minutes=7.34)
    Timedelta('5 days 00:07:20.400000')
    >>> pd.Timedelta(100, unit='W')
    Timedelta('700 days 00:00:00')
    >>> pd.to_timedelta('67:15:45.454')
    Timedelta('2 days 19:15:45.454000')
    >>> s = pd.Series([10, 100])
    >>> pd.to_timedelta(s, unit='s')
    0   00:00:10
    1   00:01:40
    dtype: timedelta64[ns]
    >>> time_strings = ['2 days 24 minutes 89.67 seconds',
    ...     '00:45:23.6']
    >>> pd.to_timedelta(time_strings)
    TimedeltaIndex(['2 days 00:25:29.670000', '0 days 00:45:23.600000'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None)
  10. A Timedelta may be added or subtracted from another Timestamp. They may even be divided from each other to return a float:
    >>> pd.Timedelta('12 days 5 hours 3 minutes') * 2
    Timedelta('24 days 10:06:00')
    >>> (pd.Timestamp('1/1/2017') + 
    ...    pd.Timedelta('12 days 5 hours 3 minutes') * 2)
    Timestamp('2017-01-25 10:06:00')
    >>> td1 = pd.to_timedelta([10, 100], unit='s')
    >>> td2 = pd.to_timedelta(['3 hours', '4 hours'])
    >>> td1 + td2
    TimedeltaIndex(['03:00:10', '04:01:40'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None)
    >>> pd.Timedelta('12 days') / pd.Timedelta('3 days')
  11. Both Timestamp and Timedelta have a large number of features available as attributes and methods. Let's sample a few of them:
    >>> ts = pd.Timestamp('2016-10-1 4:23:23.9')
    >>> ts.ceil('h')
    Timestamp('2016-10-01 05:00:00')
    >>> ts.year, ts.month, ts.day, ts.hour, ts.minute, ts.second
    (2016, 10, 1, 4, 23, 23)
    >>> ts.dayofweek, ts.dayofyear, ts.daysinmonth
    (5, 275, 31)
    >>> ts.to_pydatetime()
    datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 1, 4, 23, 23, 900000)
    >>> td = pd.Timedelta(125.8723, unit='h')
    >>> td
    Timedelta('5 days 05:52:20.280000')
    >>> td.round('min')
    Timedelta('5 days 05:52:00')
    >>> td.components
    Components(days=5, hours=5, minutes=52, seconds=20, milliseconds=280, microseconds=0, nanoseconds=0)
    >>> td.total_seconds()

How it works…

The datetime module is part of the Python standard library. It is a good idea to have some familiarity with it, as you will likely cross paths with it. The datetime module has only six types of objects: date, time, datetime, timedelta, timezone, and tzinfo. The pandas Timestamp and Timedelta objects have all the functionality of their datetime module counterparts and more. It will be possible to remain completely in pandas when working with time series.

Steps 1 and 2 show how to create datetimes, dates, times, and timedeltas with the datetime module. Only integers may be used as parameters of the date or time. Compare this to step 5, where the pandas Timestamp constructor can accept the same parameters, as well as a wide variety of date strings. In addition to integer components and strings, step 6 shows how a single numeric scalar can be used as a date. The units of this scalar are defaulted to nanoseconds (ns) but are changed to days (D) in the second statement with the other options being hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), milliseconds (ms), and microseconds (μs).

Step 2 details the construction of the datetime module's timedelta object with all of its parameters. Again, compare this to the pandas Timedelta constructor shown in step 9, which accepts these same parameters along with strings and scalar numerics.

In addition to the Timestamp and Timedelta constructors, which are only capable of creating a single object, the to_datetime and to_timedelta functions can convert entire sequences of integers or strings to the desired type. These functions also provide several more parameters not available with the constructors. One of these parameters is errors, which is defaulted to the string value raise but can also be set to ignore or coerce.

Whenever a string date is unable to be converted, the errors parameter determines what action to take. When set to raise, an exception is raised, and program execution stops. When set to ignore, the original sequence gets returned as it was prior to entering the function. When set to coerce, the NaT (not a time) object is used to represent the new value. The second call to to_datetime in step 8 converts all values to a Timestamp correctly, except for the last one, which is forced to become NaT.

Another one of these parameters available only to to_datetime is format, which is particularly useful whenever a string contains a particular date pattern that is not automatically recognized by pandas. In the third statement of step 7, we have a datetime enmeshed inside some other characters. We substitute the date and time pieces of the string with their respective formatting directives.

A date formatting directive appears as a single percent sign (%), followed by a single character. Each directive specifies some part of a date or time. See the official Python documentation for a table of all the directives (http://bit.ly/2kePoRe).

Slicing time series intelligently

DataFrame selection and slicing was covered previously. When the DataFrame has a DatetimeIndex, even more opportunities arise for selection and slicing.

In this recipe, we will use partial date matching to select and slice a DataFrame with a DatetimeIndex.

How to do it…

  1. Read in the Denver crimes dataset from the hdf5 file crimes.h5, and output the column data types and the first few rows. The hdf5 file format allows efficient storage of large amounts of data and is different from a CSV text file:
    >>> crime = pd.read_hdf('data/crime.h5', 'crime')
    >>> crime.dtypes
    OFFENSE_TYPE_ID              category
    OFFENSE_CATEGORY_ID          category
    REPORTED_DATE          datetime64[ns]
    GEO_LON                       float64
    GEO_LAT                       float64
    NEIGHBORHOOD_ID              category
    IS_CRIME                        int64
    IS_TRAFFIC                      int64
    dtype: object
  2. Notice that there are three categorical columns and a Timestamp (denoted by NumPy's datetime64 object). These data types were stored whenever the data file was created, unlike a CSV file, which only stores raw text. Set the REPORTED_DATE column as the index to make intelligent Timestamp slicing possible:
    >>> crime = crime.set_index('REPORTED_DATE')
    >>> crime
                                      OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                      ...
    2014-06-29 02:01:00     traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2014-06-29 01:54:00    vehicular-eluding-no-chase  ...
    2014-06-29 02:00:00          disturbing-the-peace  ...
    2014-06-29 02:18:00                        curfew  ...
    2014-06-29 04:17:00            aggravated-assault  ...
    ...                                           ...  ...
    2017-09-13 05:48:00    burglary-business-by-force  ...
    2017-09-12 20:37:00  weapon-unlawful-discharge-of  ...
    2017-09-12 16:32:00        traf-habitual-offender  ...
    2017-09-12 13:04:00       criminal-mischief-other  ...
    2017-09-12 09:30:00                   theft-other  ...
  3. As usual, it is possible to select all the rows equal to a single index by passing that value to the .loc attribute:
    >>> crime.loc['2016-05-12 16:45:00']
                              OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ... IS_TRAFFIC
    REPORTED_DATE                              ...
    2016-05-12 16:45:00      traffic-accident  ...          1
    2016-05-12 16:45:00      traffic-accident  ...          1
    2016-05-12 16:45:00  fraud-identity-theft  ...          0
  4. With a Timestamp in the index, it is possible to select all rows that partially match an index value. For instance, if we wanted all the crimes from May 5, 2016, we would select it as follows:
    >>> crime.loc['2016-05-12']
                                 OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ... IS_TRAFFIC
    REPORTED_DATE                                 ...
    2016-05-12 23:51:00  criminal-mischief-other  ...          0
    2016-05-12 18:40:00        liquor-possession  ...          0
    2016-05-12 22:26:00         traffic-accident  ...          1
    2016-05-12 20:35:00            theft-bicycle  ...          0
    2016-05-12 09:39:00   theft-of-motor-vehicle  ...          0
    ...                                      ...  ...        ...
    2016-05-12 17:55:00       public-peace-other  ...          0
    2016-05-12 19:24:00        threats-to-injure  ...          0
    2016-05-12 22:28:00            sex-aslt-rape  ...          0
    2016-05-12 15:59:00   menacing-felony-w-weap  ...          0
    2016-05-12 16:39:00               assault-dv  ...          0
  5. Not only can you select a single date inexactly, but you can do so for an entire month, year, or even hour of the day:
    >>> crime.loc['2016-05'].shape
    (8012, 7)
    >>> crime.loc['2016'].shape
    (91076, 7)
    >>> crime.loc['2016-05-12 03'].shape
    (4, 7)
  6. The selection strings may also contain the name of the month:
    >>> crime.loc['Dec 2015'].sort_index()
                                       OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                        ...
    2015-12-01 00:48:00            drug-cocaine-possess  ...
    2015-12-01 00:48:00          theft-of-motor-vehicle  ...
    2015-12-01 01:00:00         criminal-mischief-other  ...
    2015-12-01 01:10:00                      traf-other  ...
    2015-12-01 01:10:00          traf-habitual-offender  ...
    ...                                             ...  ...
    2015-12-31 23:35:00            drug-cocaine-possess  ...
    2015-12-31 23:40:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2015-12-31 23:44:00            drug-cocaine-possess  ...
    2015-12-31 23:45:00  violation-of-restraining-order  ...
    2015-12-31 23:50:00   weapon-poss-illegal-dangerous  ...
  7. Many other string patterns with month name included also work:
    >>> crime.loc['2016 Sep, 15'].shape
    (252, 7)
    >>> crime.loc['21st October 2014 05'].shape
    (4, 7)
  8. In addition to selection, you may use the slice notation to select a precise range of data. This example will include all values starting from March 4, 2015 through the end of January 1, 2016:
    >>> crime.loc['2015-3-4':'2016-1-1'].sort_index()
                                      OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                      ...
    2015-03-04 00:11:00                    assault-dv  ...
    2015-03-04 00:19:00                    assault-dv  ...
    2015-03-04 00:27:00             theft-of-services  ...
    2015-03-04 00:49:00  traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
    2015-03-04 01:07:00    burglary-business-no-force  ...
    ...                                           ...  ...
    2016-01-01 23:15:00  traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
    2016-01-01 23:16:00              traffic-accident  ...
    2016-01-01 23:40:00              robbery-business  ...
    2016-01-01 23:45:00          drug-cocaine-possess  ...
    2016-01-01 23:48:00       drug-poss-paraphernalia  ...
  9. Notice that all crimes committed on the end date regardless of the time are included in the returned result. This is true for any result using the label-based .loc attribute. You can provide as much precision (or lack thereof) to any start or end portion of the slice:
    >>> crime.loc['2015-3-4 22':'2016-1-1 11:22:00'].sort_index()
                                      OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                      ...
    2015-03-04 22:25:00  traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
    2015-03-04 22:30:00              traffic-accident  ...
    2015-03-04 22:32:00  traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
    2015-03-04 22:33:00  traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
    2015-03-04 22:36:00       theft-unauth-use-of-ftd  ...
    ...                                           ...  ...
    2016-01-01 11:10:00        theft-of-motor-vehicle  ...
    2016-01-01 11:11:00              traffic-accident  ...
    2016-01-01 11:11:00  traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
    2016-01-01 11:16:00                    traf-other  ...
    2016-01-01 11:22:00              traffic-accident  ...

How it works…

One of the features of hdf5 files is their ability to preserve the data types of each column, which reduces the memory required. In this case, three of these columns are stored as a pandas category instead of as an object. Storing them as objects will lead to a four times increase in memory usage:

>>> mem_cat = crime.memory_usage().sum()
>>> mem_obj = (crime
...    .astype({'OFFENSE_TYPE_ID':'object',
...             'OFFENSE_CATEGORY_ID':'object',
...            'NEIGHBORHOOD_ID':'object'}) 
...    .memory_usage(deep=True)
...    .sum()
... )
>>> mb = 2 ** 20
>>> round(mem_cat / mb, 1), round(mem_obj / mb, 1)
(29.4, 122.7)

To select and slice rows by date using the indexing operator, the index must contain date values. In step 2, we move the REPORTED_DATE column into the index and to create a DatetimeIndex as the new index:

>>> crime.index[:2]
DatetimeIndex(['2014-06-29 02:01:00', '2014-06-29 01:54:00'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='REPORTED_DATE', freq=None)

With a DatetimeIndex, a huge variety of strings may be used to select rows with the .loc attribute. In fact, all strings that can be sent to the pandas Timestamp constructor will work here. Surprisingly, it is not necessary to use the .loc attribute for any of the selections or slices in this recipe. The index operator by itself will work in the same manner. For instance, the second statement of step 7 may be written as crime['21st October 2014 05'].

Personally, I prefer using the .loc attribute when selecting rows and would always use it over the index operator on a DataFrame. The .loc indexer is explicit, and it is unambiguous that the first value passed to it is always used to select rows.

Steps 8 and 9 show how slicing works with timestamps. Any date that partially matches either the start or end value of the slice is included in the result.

There's more…

Our original crimes DataFrame was not sorted and slicing still worked as expected. Sorting the index will lead to large gains in performance. Let's see the difference with slicing done from step 8:

>>> %timeit crime.loc['2015-3-4':'2016-1-1']
12.2 ms ± 1.93 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
>>> crime_sort = crime.sort_index()
>>> %timeit crime_sort.loc['2015-3-4':'2016-1-1']
1.44 ms ± 41.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

The sorted DataFrame provides an eight times performance improvement over the original.

Filtering columns with time data

The last section showed how to filter data that has a DatetimeIndex. Often, you will have columns with dates in them, and it does not make sense to have that column be the index. In this section, we will reproduce the slicing of the preceding section with columns. Sadly, the slicing constructs do not work on columns, so we will have to take a different tack.

How to do it…

  1. Read in the Denver crimes dataset from the hdf5 file crimes.h5 and inspect the column types:
    >>> crime = pd.read_hdf('data/crime.h5', 'crime')
    >>> crime.dtypes
    OFFENSE_TYPE_ID              category
    OFFENSE_CATEGORY_ID          category
    REPORTED_DATE          datetime64[ns]
    GEO_LON                       float64
    GEO_LAT                       float64
    NEIGHBORHOOD_ID              category
    IS_CRIME                        int64
    IS_TRAFFIC                      int64
    dtype: object
  2. Select all the rows where the REPORTED_DATE column has a certain value. We will use a Boolean array to filter. Note, that we can compare the a datetime column to a string:
    >>> (crime
    ...     [crime.REPORTED_DATE == '2016-05-12 16:45:00']
    ... )
                     OFFEN/PE_ID  ... IS_TRAFFIC
    300905      traffic-accident  ...          1
    302354      traffic-accident  ...          1
    302373  fraud-identity-theft  ...          0
  3. Select all rows with a partial date match. If we try this with the equality operator, it fails. We do not get an error, but there are no rows returned:
    >>> (crime
    ...     [crime.REPORTED_DATE == '2016-05-12']
    ... )
    Empty DataFrame
    Index: []

    This also fails if we try and compare to the .dt.date attribute. That is because this is a series of Python datetime.date objects, and they do not support that comparison:

    >>> (crime
    ...     [crime.REPORTED_DATE.dt.date == '2016-05-12']
    ... )
    Empty DataFrame
    Index: []
  4. If we want a partial date match, we can use the .between method, which supports partial date strings. Note that the start and end dates (the parameter names are left and right respectively) are inclusive by default. If there were a row with a date on midnight May 13, 2016, it would be included here:
    >>> (crime
    ...     [crime.REPORTED_DATE.between(
    ...          '2016-05-12', '2016-05-13')]
    ... )
                        OFFEN/PE_ID  ... IS_TRAFFIC
    295715  criminal-mischief-other  ...          0
    296474        liquor-possession  ...          0
    297204         traffic-accident  ...          1
    299383            theft-bicycle  ...          0
    299389   theft-of-motor-vehicle  ...          0
    ...                         ...  ...        ...
    358208       public-peace-other  ...          0
    358448        threats-to-injure  ...          0
    363134            sex-aslt-rape  ...          0
    365959   menacing-felony-w-weap  ...          0
    378711               assault-dv  ...          0
  5. Because .between supports partial date strings, we can replicate most of the slicing functionality of the previous section with it. We can match just a month, year, or hour of the day:
    >>> (crime
    ...     [crime.REPORTED_DATE.between(
    ...          '2016-05', '2016-06')]
    ...     .shape
    ... )
    (8012, 8)
    >>> (crime
    ...     [crime.REPORTED_DATE.between(
    ...          '2016', '2017')]
    ...     .shape
    ... )
    (91076, 8)
    >>> (crime
    ...     [crime.REPORTED_DATE.between(
    ...          '2016-05-12 03', '2016-05-12 04')]
    ...     .shape
    ... )
    (4, 8)
  6. We can use other string patterns:
    >>> (crime
    ...     [crime.REPORTED_DATE.between(
    ...          '2016 Sep, 15', '2016 Sep, 16')]
    ...     .shape
    ... )
    (252, 8)
    >>> (crime
    ...     [crime.REPORTED_DATE.between(
    ...          '21st October 2014 05', '21st October 2014 06')]
    ...     .shape
    ... )
    (4, 8)
  7. Because .loc is closed and includes both start and end, the functionality of .between mimics that. However, in a partial date string there is a slight difference. Ending a slice on 2016-1-1 will include all values for January 1, 2016. Using that value as the end value will include values up to the start of that day. To replicate the slice ['2015-3-4':'2016-1-1'], we need to add the last time of the end day:
    >>> (crime
    ...     [crime.REPORTED_DATE.between(
    ...          '2015-3-4','2016-1-1 23:59:59')]
    ...     .shape
    ... )
    (75403, 8)
  8. We can tweak this dates as needed. Below replicates the behavior of the last step of the previous recipe:
    >>> (crime
    ...     [crime.REPORTED_DATE.between(
    ...          '2015-3-4 22','2016-1-1 11:22:00')]
    ...     .shape
    ... )
    (75071, 8)

How it works…

The pandas library can slice index values, but not columns. To replicate DatetimeIndex slicing on a column, we need to use the .between method. The body of this method is just seven lines of code:

def between(self, left, right, inclusive=True):
if inclusive:
lmask = self >= left
rmask = self <= right
lmask = self > left
rmask = self < right
return lmask & rmask

This gives us insight that we can build up mask and combine them as needed. For example, we can replicate step 7 using two masks:

>>> lmask = crime.REPORTED_DATE >= '2015-3-4 22'
>>> rmask = crime.REPORTED_DATE <= '2016-1-1 11:22:00'
>>> crime[lmask & rmask].shape
(75071, 8)

There's more…

Let's compare timing of .loc on the index and .between on a column:

>>> ctseries = crime.set_index('REPORTED_DATE')
>>> %timeit ctseries.loc['2015-3-4':'2016-1-1']
11 ms ± 3.1 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
>>> %timeit crime[crime.REPORTED_DATE.between('2015-3-4','2016-1-1')]
20.1 ms ± 525 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Having the date information in the index provides a slight speed improvement. If you need to perform date slicing on a single column, it might make sense to set the index to a date column. Note that there is also overhead for setting the index to a column, and if you are only slicing a single time, the overhead makes the time for these two operations about the same.

Using methods that only work with a DatetimeIndex

There are a number of DataFrame and Series methods that only work with a DatetimeIndex. If the index is of any other type, these methods will fail.

In this recipe, we will first use methods to select rows of data by their time component. We will then learn about the powerful DateOffset objects and their aliases.

How to do it…

  1. Read in the crime hdf5 dataset, set the index as REPORTED_DATE, and ensure that we have a DatetimeIndex:
    >>> crime = (pd.read_hdf('data/crime.h5', 'crime') 
    ...     .set_index('REPORTED_DATE')
    ... )
    >>> type(crime.index)
    <class 'pandas.core.indexes.datetimes.DatetimeIndex'>
  2. Use the .between_time method to select all crimes that occurred between 2 A.M. and 5 A.M., regardless of the date:
    >>> crime.between_time('2:00', '5:00', include_end=False)
                                        OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                        ...
    2014-06-29 02:01:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2014-06-29 02:00:00            disturbing-the-peace  ...
    2014-06-29 02:18:00                          curfew  ...
    2014-06-29 04:17:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    2014-06-29 04:22:00  violation-of-restraining-order  ...
    ...                                             ...  ...
    2017-08-25 04:41:00        theft-items-from-vehicle  ...
    2017-09-13 04:17:00          theft-of-motor-vehicle  ...
    2017-09-13 02:21:00                  assault-simple  ...
    2017-09-13 03:21:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2017-09-13 02:15:00    traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
  3. Select all dates at a specific time with .at_time:
    >>> crime.at_time('5:47')
                                      OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                      ...
    2013-11-26 05:47:00       criminal-mischief-other  ...
    2017-04-09 05:47:00     criminal-mischief-mtr-veh  ...
    2017-02-19 05:47:00       criminal-mischief-other  ...
    2017-02-16 05:47:00            aggravated-assault  ...
    2017-02-12 05:47:00           police-interference  ...
    ...                                           ...  ...
    2013-09-10 05:47:00              traffic-accident  ...
    2013-03-14 05:47:00                   theft-other  ...
    2012-10-08 05:47:00      theft-items-from-vehicle  ...
    2013-08-21 05:47:00      theft-items-from-vehicle  ...
    2017-08-23 05:47:00  traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
  4. The .first methods provide an elegant way of selecting the first n segments of time, where n is an integer. These segments of time are represented by DateOffset objects that can be in the pd.offsets module. The DataFrame must be sorted on its index to guarantee that this method will work. Let's select the first six months of crime data:
    >>> crime_sort = crime.sort_index()
    >>> crime_sort.first(pd.offsets.MonthBegin(6))
                                        OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                        ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00  violation-of-restraining-order  ...
    2012-01-02 00:16:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2012-01-02 00:47:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-01-02 01:35:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    ...                                             ...  ...
    2012-06-30 23:40:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2012-06-30 23:44:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-06-30 23:50:00       criminal-mischief-mtr-veh  ...
    2012-06-30 23:54:00    traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
    2012-07-01 00:01:00                  robbery-street  ...
  5. This captured the data from January through June but also, surprisingly, selected a single row in July. The reason for this is that pandas uses the time component of the first element in the index, which, in this example, is 6 minutes. Let's use MonthEnd, a slightly different offset:
    >>> crime_sort.first(pd.offsets.MonthEnd(6))
                                        OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                        ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00  violation-of-restraining-order  ...
    2012-01-02 00:16:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2012-01-02 00:47:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-01-02 01:35:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    ...                                             ...  ...
    2012-06-29 23:01:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    2012-06-29 23:11:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-06-29 23:41:00                  robbery-street  ...
    2012-06-29 23:57:00                  assault-simple  ...
    2012-06-30 00:04:00                traffic-accident  ...
  6. This captured nearly the same amount of data but if you look closely, only a single row from June 30th was captured. Again, this is because the time component of the first index was preserved. The exact search went to 2012-06-30 00:06:00. So, how do we get exactly six months of data? There are a couple of ways. All DateOffset objects have a normalize parameter that, when set to True, sets all the time components to zero. The following should get us very close to what we want:
    >>> crime_sort.first(pd.offsets.MonthBegin(6, normalize=True))
                                        OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                        ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00  violation-of-restraining-order  ...
    2012-01-02 00:16:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2012-01-02 00:47:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-01-02 01:35:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    ...                                             ...  ...
    2012-06-30 23:40:00    traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
    2012-06-30 23:40:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2012-06-30 23:44:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-06-30 23:50:00       criminal-mischief-mtr-veh  ...
    2012-06-30 23:54:00    traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
  7. This method has successfully captured all the data for the first six months of the year. With normalize set to True, the search went to 2012-07-01 00:00:00, which would include any crimes reported exactly on this date and time. There is no possible way to use the .first method to ensure that only data from January to June is captured. The following slice would yield the exact result:
    >>> crime_sort.loc[:'2012-06']
                                        OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                        ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00  violation-of-restraining-order  ...
    2012-01-02 00:16:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2012-01-02 00:47:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-01-02 01:35:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    ...                                             ...  ...
    2012-06-30 23:40:00    traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
    2012-06-30 23:40:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2012-06-30 23:44:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-06-30 23:50:00       criminal-mischief-mtr-veh  ...
    2012-06-30 23:54:00    traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
  8. There are a dozen DateOffset objects for moving forward or backward to the next nearest offset. Instead of hunting down the DateOffset objects in pd.offsets, you can use a string called an offset alias instead. For instance, the string for MonthEnd is M and for MonthBegin is MS. To denote the number of these offset aliases, place an integer in front of it. Use this table to find all the aliases (https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/timeseries.html#timeseries-offset-aliases). Let's see some examples of offset aliases with the description of what is being selected in the comments:
    >>> crime_sort.first('5D') # 5 days
                                        OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                        ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00  violation-of-restraining-order  ...
    2012-01-02 00:16:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2012-01-02 00:47:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-01-02 01:35:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    ...                                             ...  ...
    2012-01-06 23:11:00        theft-items-from-vehicle  ...
    2012-01-06 23:23:00  violation-of-restraining-order  ...
    2012-01-06 23:30:00                      assault-dv  ...
    2012-01-06 23:44:00          theft-of-motor-vehicle  ...
    2012-01-06 23:55:00               threats-to-injure  ...
    >>> crime_sort.first('5B') # 5 business days
                                        OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                        ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00  violation-of-restraining-order  ...
    2012-01-02 00:16:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2012-01-02 00:47:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-01-02 01:35:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    ...                                             ...  ...
    2012-01-08 23:46:00        theft-items-from-vehicle  ...
    2012-01-08 23:51:00     burglary-residence-no-force  ...
    2012-01-08 23:52:00                     theft-other  ...
    2012-01-09 00:04:00    traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
    2012-01-09 00:05:00    fraud-criminal-impersonation  ...
    >>> crime_sort.first('7W') # 7 weeks, with weeks ending on Sunday
                                        OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                        ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00  violation-of-restraining-order  ...
    2012-01-02 00:16:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2012-01-02 00:47:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-01-02 01:35:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    ...                                             ...  ...
    2012-02-18 21:57:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-02-18 22:19:00      criminal-mischief-graffiti  ...
    2012-02-18 22:20:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2012-02-18 22:44:00       criminal-mischief-mtr-veh  ...
    2012-02-18 23:27:00        theft-items-from-vehicle  ...
    >>> crime_sort.first('3QS') # 3rd quarter start
                                        OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                        ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00  violation-of-restraining-order  ...
    2012-01-02 00:16:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2012-01-02 00:47:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-01-02 01:35:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    ...                                             ...  ...
    2012-09-30 23:17:00       drug-hallucinogen-possess  ...
    2012-09-30 23:29:00                  robbery-street  ...
    2012-09-30 23:29:00          theft-of-motor-vehicle  ...
    2012-09-30 23:41:00    traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...
    2012-09-30 23:43:00                robbery-business  ...
    >>> crime_sort.first('A') # one year end
                                        OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
    REPORTED_DATE                                        ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    2012-01-02 00:06:00  violation-of-restraining-order  ...
    2012-01-02 00:16:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
    2012-01-02 00:47:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-01-02 01:35:00              aggravated-assault  ...
    ...                                             ...  ...
    2012-12-30 23:13:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-12-30 23:14:00     burglary-residence-no-force  ...
    2012-12-30 23:39:00          theft-of-motor-vehicle  ...
    2012-12-30 23:41:00                traffic-accident  ...
    2012-12-31 00:05:00                  assault-simple  ...

How it works…

Once we ensure that our index is a DatetimeIndex, we can take advantage of all the methods in this recipe. It is impossible to do selection or slicing based on just the time component of a Timestamp with the .loc attribute. To select all dates by a range of time, you must use the .between_time method, or to select an exact time, use .at_time. Make sure that the passed string for start and end times consists of at least the hour and minute. It is also possible to use time objects from the datetime module. For instance, the following command would yield the same result as in step 2:

>>> import datetime
>>> crime.between_time(datetime.time(2,0), datetime.time(5,0),
...                    include_end=False)
                                    OFFENSE_TYPE_ID  ...
REPORTED_DATE                                        ...
2014-06-29 02:01:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
2014-06-29 02:00:00            disturbing-the-peace  ...
2014-06-29 02:18:00                          curfew  ...
2014-06-29 04:17:00              aggravated-assault  ...
2014-06-29 04:22:00  violation-of-restraining-order  ...
...                                             ...  ...
2017-08-25 04:41:00        theft-items-from-vehicle  ...
2017-09-13 04:17:00          theft-of-motor-vehicle  ...
2017-09-13 02:21:00                  assault-simple  ...
2017-09-13 03:21:00       traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...
2017-09-13 02:15:00    traffic-accident-hit-and-run  ...

In step 4, we begin using the .first method, but with a complicated parameter offset. It must be a DateOffset object or an offset alias as a string. To help understand DateOffset objects, it's best to see what they do to a single Timestamp. For example, let's take the first element of the index and add six months to it in two different ways:

>>> first_date = crime_sort.index[0]
>>> first_date
Timestamp('2012-01-02 00:06:00')
>>> first_date + pd.offsets.MonthBegin(6)
Timestamp('2012-07-01 00:06:00')
>>> first_date + pd.offsets.MonthEnd(6)
Timestamp('2012-06-30 00:06:00')

Neither the MonthBegin not the MonthEnd offsets add or subtract an exact amount of time but effectively round up to the next beginning or end of the month regardless of what day it is. Internally, the .first method uses the very first index element of the DataFrame and adds the DateOffset passed to it. It then slices up until this new date. For instance, step 4 is equivalent to the following:

>>> step4 = crime_sort.first(pd.offsets.MonthEnd(6))
>>> end_dt = crime_sort.index[0] + pd.offsets.MonthEnd(6)
>>> step4_internal = crime_sort[:end_dt]
>>> step4.equals(step4_internal)

In step 8, offset aliases make for a much more compact method of referencing DateOffsets.

There's more…

It is possible to build a custom DateOffset when those available do not suit your needs:

>>> dt = pd.Timestamp('2012-1-16 13:40')
>>> dt + pd.DateOffset(months=1)
Timestamp('2012-02-16 13:40:00')

Notice that this custom DateOffset increased the Timestamp by exactly one month. Let's look at one more example using many more date and time components:

>>> do = pd.DateOffset(years=2, months=5, days=3,
...     hours=8, seconds=10)
>>> pd.Timestamp('2012-1-22 03:22') + do
Timestamp('2014-06-25 11:22:10')

Counting the number of weekly crimes

The Denver crime dataset is huge, with over 460,000 rows each marked with a reported date. Counting the number of weekly crimes is one of many queries that can be answered by grouping according to some period of time. The .resample method provides an easy interface to grouping by any possible span of time.

In this recipe, we will use both the .resample and .groupby methods to count the number of weekly crimes.

How to do it…

  1. Read in the crime hdf5 dataset, set the index as the REPORTED_DATE, and then sort it to increase performance for the rest of the recipe:
    >>> crime_sort = (pd.read_hdf('data/crime.h5', 'crime') 
    ...     .set_index('REPORTED_DATE') 
    ...     .sort_index()
    ... )
  2. To count the number of crimes per week, we need to form a group for each week. The .resample method takes a DateOffset object or alias and returns an object ready to perform an action on all groups. The object returned from the .resample method is very similar to the object produced after calling the .groupby method:
    >>> crime_sort.resample('W')
    <pandas.core.resample.DatetimeIndexResampler object at 0x10f07acf8>
  3. The offset alias, W, was used to inform pandas that we want to group by each week. There isn't much that happened in the preceding step. pandas has validated our offset and returned an object that is ready to perform an action on each week as a group. There are several methods that we can chain after calling .resample to return some data. Let's chain the .size method to count the number of weekly crimes:
    >>> (crime_sort
    ...     .resample('W')
    ...     .size()
    ... )
    2012-01-08     877
    2012-01-15    1071
    2012-01-22     991
    2012-01-29     988
    2012-02-05     888
    2017-09-03    1956
    2017-09-10    1733
    2017-09-17    1976
    2017-09-24    1839
    2017-10-01    1059
    Freq: W-SUN, Length: 300, dtype: int64
  4. We now have the weekly crime count as a Series with the new index incrementing one week at a time. There are a few things that happen by default that are very important to understand. Sunday is chosen as the last day of the week and is also the date used to label each element in the resulting Series. For instance, the first index value January 8, 2012 is a Sunday. There were 877 crimes committed during that week ending on the 8th. The week of Monday, January 9th to Sunday, January 15th recorded 1,071 crimes. Let's do some sanity checks and ensure that our resampling is doing this:
    >>> len(crime_sort.loc[:'2012-1-8'])
    >>> len(crime_sort.loc['2012-1-9':'2012-1-15'])
  5. Let's choose a different day to end the week besides Sunday with an anchored offset:
    >>> (crime_sort
    ...     .resample('W-THU')
    ...     .size()
    ... )
    2012-01-05     462
    2012-01-12    1116
    2012-01-19     924
    2012-01-26    1061
    2012-02-02     926
    2017-09-07    1803
    2017-09-14    1866
    2017-09-21    1926
    2017-09-28    1720
    2017-10-05      28
    Freq: W-THU, Length: 301, dtype: int64
  6. Nearly all the functionality of .resample may be reproduced by the .groupby method. The only difference is that you must pass the offset into a pd.Grouper object:
    >>> weekly_crimes = (crime_sort
    ...     .groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='W')) 
    ...     .size()
    ... )
    >>> weekly_crimes
    2012-01-08     877
    2012-01-15    1071
    2012-01-22     991
    2012-01-29     988
    2012-02-05     888
    2017-09-03    1956
    2017-09-10    1733
    2017-09-17    1976
    2017-09-24    1839
    2017-10-01    1059
    Freq: W-SUN, Length: 300, dtype: int64

How it works…

The .resample method, by default, works implicitly with a DatetimeIndex, which is why we set it to REPORTED_DATE in step 1. In step 2, we created an intermediate object that helps us understand how to form groups within the data. The first parameter to .resample is the rule determining how the Timestamps in the index will be grouped. In this instance, we use the offset alias W to form groups one week in length ending on Sunday. The default ending day is Sunday, but may be changed with an anchored offset by appending a dash and the first three letters of a day of the week.

Once we have formed groups with .resample, we must chain a method to take action on each of them. In step 3, we use the .size method to count the number of crimes per week. You might be wondering what are all the possible attributes and methods available to use after calling .resample. The following examines the .resample object and outputs them:

>>> r = crime_sort.resample('W')
>>> [attr for attr in dir(r) if attr[0].islower()]
['agg', 'aggregate', 'apply', 'asfreq', 'ax', 'backfill', 'bfill', 'count',
'ffill', 'fillna', 'first', 'get_group', 'groups', 'indices',
'interpolate', 'last', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'min', 'ndim', 'ngroups',
'nunique', 'obj', 'ohlc', 'pad', 'plot', 'prod', 'sem', 'size', 'std',
'sum', 'transform', 'var']

Step 4 verifies the accuracy of the count from step 3 by slicing the data by week and counting the number of rows. The .resample method is not necessary to group by Timestamp as the functionality is available from the .groupby method itself. However, you must pass an instance of pd.Grouper to the groupby method using the freq parameter for the offset, as done in step 6.

There's more…

It is possible to use .resample even when the index does not contain a Timestamp. You can use the on parameter to select the column with Timestamps that will be used to form groups:

>>> crime = pd.read_hdf('data/crime.h5', 'crime')
>>> weekly_crimes2 = crime.resample('W', on='REPORTED_DATE').size()
>>> weekly_crimes2.equals(weekly_crimes)

This is also possible using groupby with pd.Grouper by selecting the Timestamp column with the key parameter:

>>> weekly_crimes_gby2 = (crime
...     .groupby(pd.Grouper(key='REPORTED_DATE', freq='W'))
...     .size()
... )
>>> weekly_crimes2.equals(weekly_crimes)

We can also produce a line plot of all the crimes in Denver (including traffic accidents) by calling the .plot method on our Series of weekly crimes:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 4))
>>> weekly_crimes.plot(title='All Denver Crimes', ax=ax)
>>> fig.savefig('c12-crimes.png', dpi=300)
weekly crime plot

Weekly crime plot

Aggregating weekly crime and traffic accidents separately

The Denver crime dataset has all crime and traffic accidents together in one table, and separates them through the binary columns: IS_CRIME and IS_TRAFFIC. The .resample method allows you to group by a period of time and aggregate specific columns separately.

In this recipe, we will use the .resample method to group by each quarter of the year and then sum up the number of crimes and traffic accidents separately.

How to do it…

  1. Read in the crime hdf5 dataset, set the index as REPORTED_DATE, and then sort it to increase performance for the rest of the recipe:
    >>> crime = (pd.read_hdf('data/crime.h5', 'crime') 
    ...     .set_index('REPORTED_DATE') 
    ...     .sort_index()
    ... )
  2. Use the .resample method to group by each quarter of the year and then sum the IS_CRIME and IS_TRAFFIC columns for each group:
    >>> (crime
    ...     .resample('Q')
    ...     [['IS_CRIME', 'IS_TRAFFIC']]
    ...     .sum()
    ... )
                   IS_CRIME  IS_TRAFFIC
    2012-03-31         7882        4726
    2012-06-30         9641        5255
    2012-09-30        10566        5003
    2012-12-31         9197        4802
    2013-03-31         8730        4442
    ...                 ...         ...
    2016-09-30        17427        6199
    2016-12-31        15984        6094
    2017-03-31        16426        5587
    2017-06-30        17486        6148
    2017-09-30        17990        6101
  3. Notice that the dates all appear as the last day of the quarter. This is because the offset alias, Q, represents the end of the quarter. Let's use the offset alias QS to represent the start of the quarter:
    >>> (crime
    ...     .resample('QS')
    ...     [['IS_CRIME', 'IS_TRAFFIC']]
    ...     .sum()
    ... )
                   IS_CRIME  IS_TRAFFIC
    2012-01-01         7882        4726
    2012-04-01         9641        5255
    2012-07-01        10566        5003
    2012-10-01         9197        4802
    2013-01-01         8730        4442
    ...                 ...         ...
    2016-07-01        17427        6199
    2016-10-01        15984        6094
    2017-01-01        16426        5587
    2017-04-01        17486        6148
    2017-07-01        17990        6101
  4. Let's verify these results by checking whether the second quarter of data is correct:
    >>> (crime
    ...    .loc['2012-4-1':'2012-6-30', ['IS_CRIME', 'IS_TRAFFIC']]
    ...    .sum()
    ... )
    IS_CRIME      9641
    IS_TRAFFIC    5255
    dtype: int64
  5. It is possible to replicate this operation using the .groupby method:
    >>> (crime
    ...     .groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='Q')) 
    ...     [['IS_CRIME', 'IS_TRAFFIC']]
    ...     .sum()
    ... )
                   IS_CRIME  IS_TRAFFIC
    2012-03-31         7882        4726
    2012-06-30         9641        5255
    2012-09-30        10566        5003
    2012-12-31         9197        4802
    2013-03-31         8730        4442
    ...                 ...         ...
    2016-09-30        17427        6199
    2016-12-31        15984        6094
    2017-03-31        16426        5587
    2017-06-30        17486        6148
    2017-09-30        17990        6101
  6. Let's make a plot to visualize the trends in crime and traffic accidents over time:
    >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 4))
    >>> (crime
    ...     .groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='Q')) 
    ...     [['IS_CRIME', 'IS_TRAFFIC']]
    ...     .sum()
    ...     .plot(color=['black', 'lightgrey'], ax=ax,
    ...           title='Denver Crimes and Traffic Accidents')
    ... )
    >>> fig.savefig('c12-crimes2.png', dpi=300)
    quarterly crime plot

    Quarterly crime plot

How it works…

After reading in and preparing our data in step 1, we begin grouping and aggregating in step 2. Immediately after calling the .resample method, we can continue either by chaining a method or by selecting a group of columns to aggregate. We choose to select the IS_CRIME and IS_TRAFFIC columns to aggregate. If we didn't select just these two, then all of the numeric columns would have been summed with the following outcome:

>>> (crime
...     .resample('Q')
...     .sum()
... )
                    GEO_LON  ...  IS_TRAFFIC
REPORTED_DATE                ...
2012-03-31    -1.313006e+06  ...        4726
2012-06-30    -1.547274e+06  ...        5255
2012-09-30    -1.615835e+06  ...        5003
2012-12-31    -1.458177e+06  ...        4802
2013-03-31    -1.368931e+06  ...        4442
...                     ...  ...         ...
2016-09-30    -2.459343e+06  ...        6199
2016-12-31    -2.293628e+06  ...        6094
2017-03-31    -2.288383e+06  ...        5587
2017-06-30    -2.453857e+06  ...        6148
2017-09-30    -2.508001e+06  ...        6101

By default, the offset alias Q technically uses December 31st as the last day of the year. The span of dates that represent a single quarter are all calculated using this ending date. The aggregated result uses the last day of the quarter as its label. Step 3 uses the offset alias QS, which, by default, calculates quarters using January 1st as the first day of the year.

Most public businesses report quarterly earnings but they do not all have the same calendar year beginning in January. For instance, if we wanted our quarters to begin March 1st, then we could use QS-MAR to anchor our offset alias:

>>> (crime_sort
...     .resample('QS-MAR')
...     [['IS_CRIME', 'IS_TRAFFIC']]
...     .sum()
... )
               IS_CRIME  IS_TRAFFIC
2011-12-01         5013        3198
2012-03-01         9260        4954
2012-06-01        10524        5190
2012-09-01         9450        4777
2012-12-01         9003        4652
...                 ...         ...
2016-09-01        16932        6202
2016-12-01        15615        5731
2017-03-01        17287        5940
2017-06-01        18545        6246
2017-09-01         5417        1931

As in the preceding recipe, we verify our results via manual slicing in step 4. In step 5 we replicate the result of step 3 with the .groupby method using pd.Grouper to set our group length. In step 6, we call the DataFrame .plot method. By default, a line is plotted for each column of data. The plot clearly shows a sharp increase in reported crimes during the first three quarters of the year. There also appears to be a seasonal component to both crime and traffic, with numbers lower in the cooler months and higher in the warmer months.

There's more…

To get a different visual perspective, we can plot the percentage increase in crime and traffic, instead of the raw count. Let's divide all the data by the first row and plot again:

>>> crime_begin = (crime
...     .resample('Q')
...     [['IS_CRIME', 'IS_TRAFFIC']]
...     .sum()
...     .iloc[0]
... )
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 4))
>>> (crime
...     .resample('Q')
...     [['IS_CRIME', 'IS_TRAFFIC']]
...     .sum()
...     .div(crime_begin)
...     .sub(1)
...     .round(2)
...     .mul(100)
...     .plot.bar(color=['black', 'lightgrey'], ax=ax,
...           title='Denver Crimes and Traffic Accidents % Increase')
... )
>>> fig.autofmt_xdate()
>>> fig.savefig('c12-crimes3.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
quarterly crime plot

Quarterly crime plot

Measuring crime by weekday and year

Measuring crimes by weekday and by year simultaneously requires the functionality to pull this information from a Timestamp. Thankfully, this functionality is built into any Timestamp column with the .dt attribute.

In this recipe, we will use the .dt attribute to provide us with both the weekday name and year of each crime as a Series. We count all of the crimes by forming groups using both of these Series. Finally, we adjust the data to consider partial years and population before creating a heatmap of the total amount of crime.

How to do it…

  1. Read in the Denver crime hdf5 dataset leaving the REPORTED_DATE as a column:
    >>> crime = pd.read_hdf('data/crime.h5', 'crime')
    >>> crime
                             OFFEN/PE_ID  ... IS_TRAFFIC
    0          traffic-accident-dui-duid  ...          1
    1         vehicular-eluding-no-chase  ...          0
    2               disturbing-the-peace  ...          0
    3                             curfew  ...          0
    4                 aggravated-assault  ...          0
    ...                              ...  ...        ...
    460906    burglary-business-by-force  ...          0
    460907  weapon-unlawful-discharge-of  ...          0
    460908        traf-habitual-offender  ...          0
    460909       criminal-mischief-other  ...          0
    460910                   theft-other  ...          0
  2. All Timestamp columns have a special attribute, .dt, which gives access to a variety of extra attributes and methods specifically designed for dates. Let's find the day name of each REPORTED_DATE and then count these values:
    >>> (crime
    ...    ['REPORTED_DATE']
    ...    .dt.day_name() 
    ...    .value_counts()
    ... )
    Monday       70024
    Friday       69621
    Wednesday    69538
    Thursday     69287
    Tuesday      68394
    Saturday     58834
    Sunday       55213
    Name: REPORTED_DATE, dtype: int64
  3. The weekends appear to have substantially less crime and traffic accidents. Let's put this data in correct weekday order and make a horizontal bar plot:
    >>> days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday',
    ...         'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
    >>> title = 'Denver Crimes and Traffic Accidents per Weekday'
    >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
    >>> (crime
    ...    ['REPORTED_DATE']
    ...    .dt.day_name() 
    ...    .value_counts()
    ...    .reindex(days)
    ...    .plot.barh(title=title, ax=ax)
    ... )
    >>> fig.savefig('c12-crimes4.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')                 
    weekday crime plot

    Weekday crime plot

  4. We can do a very similar procedure to plot the count by year:
    >>> title = 'Denver Crimes and Traffic Accidents per Year'
    >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
    >>> (crime
    ...    ['REPORTED_DATE']
    ...    .dt.year 
    ...    .value_counts()
    ...    .sort_index()
    ...    .plot.barh(title=title, ax=ax)
    ... )
    >>> fig.savefig('c12-crimes5.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')                 
    yearly crime plot

    Yearly crime plot

  5. We need to group by both weekday and year. One way of doing this is to use these attributes in the .groupby method:
    >>> (crime
    ...     .groupby([crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.year.rename('year'),
    ...               crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.day_name().rename('day')])
    ...     .size()
    ... )
    year  day
    2012  Friday        8549
          Monday        8786
          Saturday      7442
          Sunday        7189
          Thursday      8440
    2017  Saturday      8514
          Sunday        8124
          Thursday     10545
          Tuesday      10628
          Wednesday    10576
    Length: 42, dtype: int64
  6. We have aggregated the data correctly, but the structure is not conducive to make comparisons easily. Let's use the .unstack method to get a more readable table:
    >>> (crime
    ...     .groupby([crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.year.rename('year'),
    ...               crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.day_name().rename('day')])
    ...     .size()
    ...     .unstack('day')
    ... )
    day   Friday  Monday  Saturday  Sunday  Thursday  Tuesday  
    2012    8549    8786      7442    7189      8440     8191
    2013   10380   10627      8875    8444     10431    10416
    2014   12683   12813     10950   10278     12309    12440
    2015   13273   13452     11586   10624     13512    13381
    2016   14059   13708     11467   10554     14050    13338
    2017   10677   10638      8514    8124     10545    10628
  7. We now have a nicer representation that is easier to read but noticeably, the 2017 numbers are incomplete. To help make a fairer comparison, we can make a linear extrapolation to estimate the final number of crimes. Let's first find the last day that we have data for in 2017:
    >>> criteria = crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.year == 2017
    >>> crime.loc[criteria, 'REPORTED_DATE'].dt.dayofyear.max()
  8. A naive estimate would be to assume a constant rate of crime throughout the year and multiply all values in the 2017 table by 365/272. However, we can do a little better and look at our historical data and calculate the average percentage of crimes that have taken place through the first 272 days of the year:
    >>> round(272 / 365, 3)
    >>> crime_pct = (crime
    ...    ['REPORTED_DATE']
    ...    .dt.dayofyear.le(272) 
    ...    .groupby(crime.REPORTED_DATE.dt.year) 
    ...    .mean()
    ...    .mul(100)
    ...    .round(2)
    ... )
    >>> crime_pct
    2012     74.84
    2013     72.54
    2014     75.06
    2015     74.81
    2016     75.15
    2017    100.00
    Name: REPORTED_DATE, dtype: float64
    >>> crime_pct.loc[2012:2016].median()
  9. It turns out (perhaps coincidentally) that the percentage of crimes that happen during the first 272 days of the year is almost exactly proportional to the percentage of days passed in the year. Let's now update the row for 2017 and change the column order to match the weekday order:
    >>> def update_2017(df_):
    ...     df_.loc[2017] = (df_
    ...         .loc[2017]
    ...         .div(.748) 
    ...         .astype('int')
    ...     )
    ...     return df_
    >>> (crime
    ...     .groupby([crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.year.rename('year'),
    ...               crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.day_name().rename('day')])
    ...     .size()
    ...     .unstack('day')
    ...     .pipe(update_2017)
    ...     .reindex(columns=days)
    ... )
    day   Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  ...  Friday  Saturday  Sunday
    year                              ...
    2012    8786     8191       8440  ...    8549      7442    7189
    2013   10627    10416      10354  ...   10380      8875    8444
    2014   12813    12440      12948  ...   12683     10950   10278
    2015   13452    13381      13320  ...   13273     11586   10624
    2016   13708    13338      13900  ...   14059     11467   10554
    2017   14221    14208      14139  ...   14274     11382   10860
  10. We could make a bar or line plot, but this is also a good situation for a heatmap, which is in the seaborn library:
    >>> import seaborn as sns
    >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
    >>> table = (crime
    ...     .groupby([crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.year.rename('year'),
    ...               crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.day_name().rename('day')])
    ...     .size()
    ...     .unstack('day')
    ...     .pipe(update_2017)
    ...     .reindex(columns=days)
    ... )
    >>> sns.heatmap(table, cmap='Greys', ax=ax)
    >>> fig.savefig('c12-crimes6.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')                 
    yearly crime heatmap

    Yearly crime heatmap

  11. Crime seems to be rising every year but this data does not account for rising population. Let's read in a table for the Denver population for each year that we have data:
    >>> denver_pop = pd.read_csv('data/denver_pop.csv',
    ...     index_col='Year')
    >>> denver_pop
    2017    705000
    2016    693000
    2015    680000
    2014    662000
    2013    647000
    2012    634000
  12. Many crime metrics are reported as rates per 100,000 residents. Let's divide the population by 100,000 and then divide the raw crime counts by this number to get the crime rate per 100,000 residents:
    >>> den_100k = denver_pop.div(100_000).squeeze()
    >>> normalized = (crime
    ...     .groupby([crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.year.rename('year'),
    ...               crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.day_name().rename('day')])
    ...     .size()
    ...     .unstack('day')
    ...     .pipe(update_2017)
    ...     .reindex(columns=days)
    ...     .div(den_100k, axis='index')
    ...     .astype(int)
    ... )
    >>> normalized
    day   Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  ...  Friday  Saturday  Sunday
    2012    1385     1291       1331  ...    1348      1173    1133
    2013    1642     1609       1600  ...    1604      1371    1305
    2014    1935     1879       1955  ...    1915      1654    1552
    2015    1978     1967       1958  ...    1951      1703    1562
    2016    1978     1924       2005  ...    2028      1654    1522
    2017    2017     2015       2005  ...    2024      1614    1540
  13. Once again, we can make a heatmap that, even after adjusting for population increase, looks nearly identical to the first one:
    >>> import seaborn as sns
    >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
    >>> sns.heatmap(normalized, cmap='Greys', ax=ax)
    >>> fig.savefig('c12-crimes7.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')                 
    Normalized yearly crime heatmap

    Normalized yearly crime heatmap

How it works…

All DataFrame columns containing Timestamps have access to numerous other attributes and methods with the .dt attribute. In fact, all of these methods and attributes available from the .dt attribute are also available on a Timestamp object.

In step 2, we use the .dt attribute (which only works on a Series) to extract the day name and count the occurrences. Before making a plot in step 3, we manually rearrange the order of the index with the .reindex method, which, in its most basic use case, accepts a list containing the desired order. This task could have also been accomplished with the .loc indexer like this:

>>> (crime
...    ['REPORTED_DATE']
...    .dt.day_name() 
...    .value_counts()
...    .loc[days]
... )
Monday       70024
Tuesday      68394
Wednesday    69538
Thursday     69287
Friday       69621
Saturday     58834
Sunday       55213
Name: REPORTED_DATE, dtype: int64

The .reindex method is more performant and has many parameters for more diverse situations than .loc.

In step 4, we do a very similar procedure and retrieve the year using the .dt attribute again, and then count the occurrences with the .value_counts method. In this instance, we use .sort_index over .reindex, as years will naturally sort in the desired order.

The goal of the recipe is to group by both weekday and year together, which we do in step 5. The .groupby method is flexible and can form groups in multiple ways. In this recipe, we pass it two Series derived from the year and weekday columns. We then chain the .size method to it, which returns a single value, the length of each group.

After step 5, our Series is long with only a single column of data, which makes it difficult to make comparisons by year and weekday.

To ease the readability, we pivot the weekday level into horizontal column names with .unstack in step 6. Step 6 is doing a cross tabulation. Here is another way to do this in pandas:

>>> (crime
...     .assign(year=crime.REPORTED_DATE.dt.year,
...             day=crime.REPORTED_DATE.dt.day_name())
...     .pipe(lambda df_: pd.crosstab(df_.year, df_.day))
... )
day   Friday  Monday  ...  Tuesday  Wednesday
year                  ...
2012    8549    8786  ...     8191       8440
2013   10380   10627  ...    10416      10354
2014   12683   12813  ...    12440      12948
2015   13273   13452  ...    13381      13320
2016   14059   13708  ...    13338      13900
2017   10677   10638  ...    10628      10576

In step 7, we use Boolean indexing to select only the crimes in 2017 and then use .dayofyear from the .dt attribute to find the total elapsed days from the beginning of the year. The maximum of this Series should tell us how many days we have data for in 2017.

Step 8 is quite complex. We first create a Boolean Series by testing whether each crime was committed on or before the 272nd day of the year with crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.dayofyear.le(272). From here, we again use the .groupby method to form groups by the previously calculated year Series and then use the .mean method to find the percentage of crimes committed on or before the 272nd day for each year.

The .loc attribute selects the entire 2017 row of data in step 9. We adjust this row by dividing by the median percentage found in step 8.

Lots of crime visualizations are done with heatmaps, and one is done here in step 10 with the help of the seaborn library. The cmap parameter takes a string name of the several dozen available matplotlib colormaps.

In step 12, we create a crime rate per 100k residents by dividing by the population of that year. This is another fairly tricky operation. Normally, when you divide one DataFrame by another, they align on their columns and index. However, in this step, there are no columns in common with denver_pop so no values will align if we try and divide them. To work around this, we create the den_100k Series with the squeeze method. We still can't divide these two objects as, by default, division between a DataFrame and a Series aligns the columns of the DataFrame with the index of the Series, like this:

>>> (crime
...     .groupby([crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.year.rename('year'),
...               crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.day_name().rename('day')])
...     .size()
...     .unstack('day')
...     .pipe(update_2017)
...     .reindex(columns=days)
... ) / den_100k
      2012  2013  2014  ...  Thursday  Tuesday  Wednesday
year                    ...
2012   NaN   NaN   NaN  ...       NaN      NaN       NaN
2013   NaN   NaN   NaN  ...       NaN      NaN       NaN
2014   NaN   NaN   NaN  ...       NaN      NaN       NaN
2015   NaN   NaN   NaN  ...       NaN      NaN       NaN
2016   NaN   NaN   NaN  ...       NaN      NaN       NaN
2017   NaN   NaN   NaN  ...       NaN      NaN       NaN

We need the index of the DataFrame to align with the index of Series, and to do this, we use the .div method, which allows us to change the direction of alignment with the axis parameter. A heatmap of the adjusted crime rate is plotted in step 13.

There's more…

If we wanted to look at specific types of crimes we could do the following:

>>> days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday',
...         'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
>>> crime_type = 'auto-theft'
>>> normalized = (crime
...     .query('OFFENSE_CATEGORY_ID == @crime_type')
...     .groupby([crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.year.rename('year'),
...               crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.day_name().rename('day')])
...     .size()
...     .unstack('day')
...     .pipe(update_2017)
...     .reindex(columns=days)
...     .div(den_100k, axis='index')
...     .astype(int)
... )
>>> normalized
day   Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  ...  Friday  Saturday  Sunday
2012      95       72         72  ...      71        78      76
2013      85       74         74  ...      65        68      67
2014      94       76         72  ...      76        67      67
2015     108      102         89  ...      92        85      78
2016     119      102        100  ...      97        86      85
2017     114      118        111  ...     111        91     102

Grouping with anonymous functions with a DatetimeIndex

Using DataFrames with a DatetimeIndex opens the door to many new and different operations as seen with several recipes in this chapter.

In this recipe, we will show the versatility of using the .groupby method for DataFrames that have a DatetimeIndex.

How to do it…

  1. Read in the Denver crime hdf5 file, place the REPORTED_DATE column in the index, and sort it:
    >>> crime = (pd.read_hdf('data/crime.h5', 'crime') 
    ...    .set_index('REPORTED_DATE') 
    ...    .sort_index()
    ... )
  2. The DatetimeIndex has many of the same attributes and methods as a pandas Timestamp. Let's take a look at some that they have in common:
    >>> common_attrs = (set(dir(crime.index)) & 
    ...     set(dir(pd.Timestamp)))
    >>> [attr for attr in common_attrs if attr[0] != '_']
    ['tz_convert', 'is_month_start', 'nanosecond', 'day_name', 'microsecond', 'quarter', 'time', 'tzinfo', 'week', 'year', 'to_period', 'freqstr', 'dayofyear', 'is_year_end', 'weekday_name', 'month_name', 'minute', 'hour', 'dayofweek', 'second', 'max', 'min', 'to_numpy', 'tz_localize', 'is_quarter_end', 'to_julian_date', 'strftime', 'day', 'days_in_month', 'weekofyear', 'date', 'daysinmonth', 'month', 'weekday', 'is_year_start', 'is_month_end', 'ceil', 'timetz', 'freq', 'tz', 'is_quarter_start', 'floor', 'normalize', 'resolution', 'is_leap_year', 'round', 'to_pydatetime']
  3. We can then use the .index to find weekday names, similarly to what was done in step 2 of the preceding recipe:
    >>> crime.index.day_name().value_counts()
    Monday       70024
    Friday       69621
    Wednesday    69538
    Thursday     69287
    Tuesday      68394
    Saturday     58834
    Sunday       55213
    Name: REPORTED_DATE, dtype: int64
  4. The .groupby method can accept a function as an argument. This function will be passed the .index and the return value is used to form groups. Let's see this in action by grouping with a function that turns the .index into a weekday name and then counts the number of crimes and traffic accidents separately:
    >>> (crime
    ...    .groupby(lambda idx: idx.day_name()) 
    ...    [['IS_CRIME', 'IS_TRAFFIC']]
    ...    .sum()    
    ... )
             IS_CRIME  IS_TRAFFIC
    Friday        48833     20814
    Monday        52158     17895
    Saturday      43363     15516
    Sunday        42315     12968
    Thursday      49470     19845
    Tuesday       49658     18755
    Wednesday     50054     19508
  5. You can use a list of functions to group by both the hour of day and year, and then reshape the table to make it more readable:
    >>> funcs = [lambda idx: idx.round('2h').hour, lambda idx: idx.year]
    >>> (crime
    ...     .groupby(funcs) 
    ...     [['IS_CRIME', 'IS_TRAFFIC']]
    ...     .sum()
    ...     .unstack()
    ... )
       IS_CRIME              ... IS_TRAFFIC
           2012  2013  2014  ...      2015   2016  2017
    0      2422  4040  5649  ...      1136    980   782
    2      1888  3214  4245  ...       773    718   537
    4      1472  2181  2956  ...       471    464   313
    6      1067  1365  1750  ...       494    593   462
    8      2998  3445  3727  ...      2331   2372  1828
    ..      ...   ...   ...  ...       ...    ...   ...
    14     4266  5698  6708  ...      2840   2763  1990
    16     4113  5889  7351  ...      3160   3527  2784
    18     3660  5094  6586  ...      3412   3608  2718
    20     3521  4895  6130  ...      2071   2184  1491
    22     3078  4318  5496  ...      1671   1472  1072
  6. If you are using Jupyter, you can add .style.highlight_max(color='lightgrey') to bring attention to the largest value in each column:
    >>> funcs = [lambda idx: idx.round('2h').hour, lambda idx: idx.year]
    >>> (crime
    ...     .groupby(funcs) 
    ...     [['IS_CRIME', 'IS_TRAFFIC']]
    ...     .sum()
    ...     .unstack()
    ...     .style.highlight_max(color='lightgrey')
    ... )
    popular crime hours

    Popular crime hours

How it works…

In step 1, we read in our data and placed a Timestamp column into the index to create a DatetimeIndex. In step 2, we see that a DatetimeIndex has lots of the same functionality that a single Timestamp object has. In step 3, we use these extra features of the DatetimeIndex to extract the day name.

In step 4, we take advantage of the .groupby method to accept a function that is passed the DatetimeIndex. The idx in the anonymous function is the DatetimeIndex, and we use it to retrieve the day name. It is possible to pass .groupby a list of any number of custom functions, as done in step 5. Here, the first function uses the .round DatetimeIndex method to round each value to the nearest second hour. The second function returns the .year attribute. After the grouping and aggregating, we .unstack the years as columns. We then highlight the maximum value of each column. Crime is reported most often between 3 and 5 P.M. Most traffic accidents occur between 5 P.M. and 7 P.M.

Grouping by a Timestamp and another column

The .resample method is unable to group by anything other than periods of time. The .groupby method, however, has the ability to group by both periods of time and other columns.

In this recipe, we will show two very similar but different approaches to group by Timestamps and another column.

How to do it…

  1. Read in the employee dataset, and create a DatetimeIndex with the HIRE_DATE column:
    >>> employee = pd.read_csv('data/employee.csv',
    ...     parse_dates=['JOB_DATE', 'HIRE_DATE'],
    ...     index_col='HIRE_DATE')
    >>> employee
                UNIQUE_ID  ...   JOB_DATE
    HIRE_DATE              ...
    2006-06-12          0  ... 2012-10-13
    2000-07-19          1  ... 2010-09-18
    2015-02-03          2  ... 2015-02-03
    1982-02-08          3  ... 1991-05-25
    1989-06-19          4  ... 1994-10-22
    ...               ...  ...        ...
    2014-06-09       1995  ... 2015-06-09
    2003-09-02       1996  ... 2013-10-06
    2014-10-13       1997  ... 2015-10-13
    2009-01-20       1998  ... 2011-07-02
    2009-01-12       1999  ... 2010-07-12
  2. Let's first do a grouping by just gender, and find the average salary for each:
    >>> (employee
    ...     .groupby('GENDER')
    ...     ['BASE_SALARY']
    ...     .mean()
    ...     .round(-2)
    ... )
    Female    52200.0
    Male      57400.0
    Name: BASE_SALARY, dtype: float64
  3. Let's find the average salary based on hire date, and group everyone into 10-year buckets:
    >>> (employee
    ...     .resample('10AS')
    ...     ['BASE_SALARY']
    ...     .mean()
    ...     .round(-2)    
    ... )
    1958-01-01     81200.0
    1968-01-01    106500.0
    1978-01-01     69600.0
    1988-01-01     62300.0
    1998-01-01     58200.0
    2008-01-01     47200.0
    Freq: 10AS-JAN, Name: BASE_SALARY, dtype: float64
  4. If we wanted to group by both gender and a ten-year time span, we can call .resample after calling .groupby:
    >>> (employee
    ...    .groupby('GENDER')
    ...    .resample('10AS')
    ...    ['BASE_SALARY'] 
    ...    .mean()
    ...    .round(-2)
    ... )
    Female  1975-01-01     51600.0
            1985-01-01     57600.0
            1995-01-01     55500.0
            2005-01-01     51700.0
            2015-01-01     38600.0
    Male    1968-01-01    106500.0
            1978-01-01     72300.0
            1988-01-01     64600.0
            1998-01-01     59700.0
            2008-01-01     47200.0
    Name: BASE_SALARY, Length: 11, dtype: float64
  5. Now, this does what we set out to do, but we run into a slight issue whenever we want to compare female to male salaries. Let's .unstack the gender level and see what happens:
    >>> (employee
    ...    .groupby('GENDER')
    ...    .resample('10AS')
    ...    ['BASE_SALARY'] 
    ...    .mean()
    ...    .round(-2)
    ...    .unstack('GENDER')
    ... )
    GENDER      Female      Male
    1958-0...      NaN   81200.0
    1968-0...      NaN  106500.0
    1975-0...  51600.0       NaN
    1978-0...      NaN   72300.0
    1985-0...  57600.0       NaN
    ...            ...       ...
    1995-0...  55500.0       NaN
    1998-0...      NaN   59700.0
    2005-0...  51700.0       NaN
    2008-0...      NaN   47200.0
    2015-0...  38600.0       NaN
  6. The 10-year periods for males and females do not begin on the same date. This happened because the data was first grouped by gender and then, within each gender, more groups were formed based on hire dates. Let's verify that the first hired male was in 1958 and the first hired female was in 1975:
    >>> employee[employee['GENDER'] == 'Male'].index.min()
    Timestamp('1958-12-29 00:00:00')
    >>> employee[employee['GENDER'] == 'Female'].index.min()
    Timestamp('1975-06-09 00:00:00')
  7. To resolve this issue, we must group the date together with the gender, and this is only possible with the .groupby method:
    >>> (employee
    ...    .groupby(['GENDER', pd.Grouper(freq='10AS')]) 
    ...    ['BASE_SALARY']
    ...    .mean()
    ...    .round(-2)
    ... )
    Female  1968-01-01         NaN
            1978-01-01     57100.0
            1988-01-01     57100.0
            1998-01-01     54700.0
            2008-01-01     47300.0
    Male    1968-01-01    106500.0
            1978-01-01     72300.0
            1988-01-01     64600.0
            1998-01-01     59700.0
            2008-01-01     47200.0
    Name: BASE_SALARY, Length: 11, dtype: float64
  8. Now we can .unstack the gender and get our rows aligned perfectly:
    >>> (employee
    ...    .groupby(['GENDER', pd.Grouper(freq='10AS')]) 
    ...    ['BASE_SALARY']
    ...    .mean()
    ...    .round(-2)
    ...    .unstack('GENDER')
    ... )
    GENDER      Female      Male
    1958-0...      NaN   81200.0
    1968-0...      NaN  106500.0
    1978-0...  57100.0   72300.0
    1988-0...  57100.0   64600.0
    1998-0...  54700.0   59700.0
    2008-0...  47300.0   47200.0

How it works…

The read_csv function in step 1 allows to both convert columns into Timestamps and put them in the index at the same time creating a DatetimeIndex. Step 2 does a .groupby operation with a single grouping column, gender. Step 3 uses the .resample method with the offset alias 10AS to form groups in 10-year increments of time. The A is the alias for year, and the S informs us that the beginning of the period is used as the label. For instance, the data for the label 1988-01-01 spans that date until December 31, 1997.

In step 4, for each gender, male and female, completely different starting dates for the 10-year periods are calculated based on the earliest hired employee. Step 5 shows how this causes misalignment when we try to compare salaries of females to males. They don't have the same 10-year periods. Step 6 verifies that the year of the earliest hired employee for each gender matches the output from step 4.

To alleviate this issue, we must group both the gender and Timestamp together. The .resample method is only capable of grouping by a single column of Timestamps. We can only complete this operation with the .groupby method. With pd.Grouper, we can replicate the functionality of .resample. We pass the offset alias to the freq parameter and then place the object in a list with all the other columns that we wish to group, as done in step 7.

As both males and females now have the same starting dates for the 10-year period, the reshaped data in step 8 will align for each gender making comparisons much easier. It appears that male salaries tend to be higher given a longer length of employment, though both genders have the same average salary with under ten years of employment.

There's more…

From an outsider's perspective, it would not be obvious that the rows from the output in step 8 represented 10-year intervals. One way to improve the index labels would be to show the beginning and end of each time interval. We can achieve this by concatenating the current index year with 9 added to itself:

>>> sal_final = (employee
...    .groupby(['GENDER', pd.Grouper(freq='10AS')]) 
...    ['BASE_SALARY']
...    .mean()
...    .round(-2)
...    .unstack('GENDER')
... )
>>> years = sal_final.index.year
>>> years_right = years + 9
>>> sal_final.index = years.astype(str) + '-' + years_right.astype(str)
>>> sal_final
GENDER      Female      Male
1958-1967      NaN   81200.0
1968-1977      NaN  106500.0
1978-1987  57100.0   72300.0
1988-1997  57100.0   64600.0
1998-2007  54700.0   59700.0
2008-2017  47300.0   47200.0

There is a completely different way to do this recipe. We can use the cut function to create equal-width intervals based on the year that each employee was hired and form groups from it:

>>> cuts = pd.cut(employee.index.year, bins=5, precision=0)
>>> cuts.categories.values
IntervalArray([(1958.0, 1970.0], (1970.0, 1981.0], (1981.0, 1993.0], (1993.0, 2004.0], (2004.0, 2016.0]],
>>> (employee
...     .groupby([cuts, 'GENDER'])
...     ['BASE_SALARY']
...     .mean()
...     .unstack('GENDER')
...     .round(-2)
... )
GENDER             Female     Male
(1958.0, 1970.0]      NaN  85400.0
(1970.0, 1981.0]  54400.0  72700.0
(1981.0, 1993.0]  55700.0  69300.0
(1993.0, 2004.0]  56500.0  62300.0
(2004.0, 2016.0]  49100.0  49800.0
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