How it works...

Each DataFrame column must be exactly one type. For instance, every value in the column aspect_ratio is a 64-bit float, and every value in movie_facebook_likes is a 64-bit integer. Pandas defaults its core numeric types, integers, and floats to 64 bits regardless of the size necessary for all data to fit in memory. Even if a column consists entirely of the integer value 0, the data type will still be int64. get_dtype_counts is a convenience method for directly returning the count of all the data types in the DataFrame.

Homogeneous data is another term for referring to columns that all have the same type. DataFrames as a whole may contain heterogeneous data of different data types for different columns.

The object data type is the one data type that is unlike the others. A column that is of object data type may contain values that are of any valid Python object. Typically, when a column is of the object data type, it signals that the entire column is strings. This isn't necessarily the case as it is possible for these columns to contain a mixture of integers, booleans, strings, or other, even more complex Python objects such as lists or dictionaries. The object data type is a catch-all for columns that pandas doesn’t recognize as any other specific type.

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