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It is possible to insert a new column into a specific place in a DataFrame besides the end with the insert method. The insert method takes the integer position of the new column as its first argument, the name of the new column as its second, and the values as its third. You will need to use the get_loc Index method to find the integer location of the column name.

The insert method modifies the calling DataFrame in-place, so there won't be an assignment statement. The profit of each movie may be calculated by subtracting budget from gross and inserting it directly after gross with the following:

>>> profit_index = movie.columns.get_loc('gross') + 1
>>> profit_index

>>> movie.insert(loc=profit_index,
value=movie['gross'] - movie['budget'])

An alternative to deleting columns with the drop method is to use the del statement:

>>> del movie['actor_director_facebook_likes']
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