Chapter 10
Perfect Phrases for Delegation


Delegation—getting work done through others—is one of the most underused tools of managers. Good delegation involves phrases that are clear, complete, accepted, and understood.

Perfect Phrases to Encourage Buy-In

Sure, it may be their job, but if employees are motivated, they will do their job much better than if they are not. Use the phrases below to encourage them to do their best—not because they have to, but because they want to.

image There is an opportunity here for you to . . .

image This project needs to be done right. That’s why I’m bringing it to you.

image I’m asking you to do this because I know I can trust you.

image I know how busy you are. However, I have a request.

image I have a project I can only trust my very best (rep, manager, engineer) with.

image I need your help.

image I have a project that is outside your usual area that I think you will enjoy.

image What this project means to you is . . .

image This project will help you by (benefit), and it will also help the team by (benefit).

image I’ll make sure my manager knows you made a difference when I really needed you.

Perfect Phrases for Clear Delegation

Here are some items to include when delegating. Clarity up front saves time and error.

image I need (item) by (date) because . . .

image I have written out instructions. Let’s go over them together.

image The deadline is (date), the quality specifications are (specs), and the budget is (budget).

image Of these three, the priority in this project is (priority).

image An example of what it will look like is (example).

Perfect Phrases to Ensure Understanding of an Assignment

Once we explain a task, it’s helpful to make sure our employees’ understanding matches ours. Use Perfect Phrases to confirm.

image What questions do you have off the bat?

image What did I leave out?

image What would you like reviewed?

image What will your first step be?

image Let me make sure my instructions are clear. What is your understanding of what I told you?

image What questions remain?

image What ideas do you have about (aspect of job)?

image If you were required to question this assignment, what questions would you have?

Perfect Phrases to Elicit Input When You Delegate

Some employees hesitate to tell us if they find our directives confusing, our ideas ill advised, or their workload too heavy to take on a new task. Use Perfect Phrases to elicit input.

image Do you see a better way of doing this?

image What do you see as a challenge here?

image Does this work for you?

image Will your current workload let you complete this on time?

image Please ask me a few questions about this assignment.

image When will you have that for me?

image Please update me on how this is going by the end of the week.

image Is there anything that might interfere with getting this done?

image What do you need from me to be able to complete this?

image This project takes priority. Let me know if something else will need to slide to complete this.

Perfect Phrases to Eliminate Reverse Delegation

Even if you’ve never heard of reverse delegation, chances are you’ve experienced it. It’s when we delegate a project and somehow it ends up back on our own desk. Use these Perfect Phrases when an employee attempts to pass the assignment back to you.

image I’ll coach you through, but I won’t do this for you. What do we need to go over?

image What have you tried so far?

image What have you considered that you haven’t tried?

image What can I do to help you complete this on your own?

image If you’re having trouble completing this, I probably haven’t been as clear as I need to be. I gave this to you because (reason), and I want to keep it in your court as much as possible. So let’s see what I can do to support your doing this yourself.

image If you need training to complete this on your own, figure out what training you need and let me know if you need my support in getting it.

image This is a learning experience I want you to have so you can master these skills. I am willing to invest the time in having you learn how to complete this project on your own.

Perfect Phrases to Refuse an Employee Request

How comfortable are you saying no? Most people aren’t very comfortable and that shows up either as overly apologetic or overly harsh language. These phrases will help you decline requests in a gracefully assertive way.

image I’d like to say yes, but I can’t because (reason). Here is what I can do for you.

image It’s a great idea that I can’t approve because . . .

image I know (request) is important to you. I can’t approve it because . . .

image I can’t say yes to that right now, but we can review the situation and see what you can do that would let me approve that in the future.

image What a great idea! I can’t do that, but wish I could.

image No, but thanks for asking.

Perfect Phrases to Credential Employees

Sometimes team members need our credentialing to get the job done. Perfect Phrases help delegates get the cooperation they need to be effective.

image When (Name) asks for something, I expect you to give it to (her, him).

image (Name) is in charge of (project). Please give (him, her) your full cooperation.

image (Name) speaks for me.

image (Name) is working on an important project for me. Please give (his, her) requests the same priority you give mine.

image (Name) is taking over this project and has the authority to make decisions. Please refer questions to (her, him).

image I have given (Name) the authority to run this project as (he, she) deems appropriate.

image If (Name) asks you for help on this project, please make it your priority.

image When (Name) opens (her, his) mouth, my voice comes out.

Perfect Phrases for Follow-Up on Delegated Projects

If your employees struggle with a project or get behind schedule, they may try to cover their behinds rather than be up front. Minimize unpleasant surprises by scheduling follow-up meetings or putting follow-up on the agenda of previously scheduled meetings.

image Be prepared to update me on this in our weekly meeting.

image Let’s check in (date) to see how this is going. If you have questions before then, let me know.

image Please update me on quality, budget, and deadlines.

image What can I do to support your work?

image Is there anything that might interfere with your successful completion of this project?

image Are you getting the cooperation you need?

image Do you need help to complete this on time?

image Are things working out the way we thought they would?

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