Handling radio buttons

Radio buttons are normally used as option fields on a web page, that is, they are normally grouped together to present a series of choices to the user allowing them to select one per group. Things such as marital status, favorite food, polls, and so on are practical uses of these buttons. Capturing their submission is quite similar to dealing with checkboxes, just that we will only have one entry per submission for each radio group. Our sample at http://sampleapp.jmeterbook.com/radioForm/index has only one radio group, allowing users to identify their marital status. Hence, after recording this, we will only have one entry submission for a user.

Let's follow the given steps:

  1. Go to http://sampleapp.jmeterbook.com/radioForm/index.
  2. Enter a name in the textbox.
  3. Enter your marital status.
  4. Click on the submit button.

Viewing the HTML source of the page (right-click anywhere on the page and select View Page Source) will normally get you the IDs that the server expects to be returned for each option presented on the page. Armed with this information, we can expand our input test data, allowing us to run the same scenario for more users with varying data. As always, you can use a Post-Processor component to further eliminate the need to send the radio button IDs to your input feed. Handling a drop-down list is no different from this scenario. Handling all other forms of HTML input types, for example text, text area, and so on, falls under the categories we have explored so far.

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