About the Author



Margaret Wheatley writes, teaches, and speaks about how we can organize and accomplish our work in chaotic times, and willingly step forward to serve. She is cofounder and President emerita of The Berkana Institute.

Since 1973, Meg has worked with an unusually broad variety oforganizations: her clients and audiences range from the head of the U.S. Army to twelve-year-old Girl Scouts, from CEOs and government ministers to small town ministers, from large universities to rural aboriginal villages. All of these organizations and people wrestle with a common dilemma—how to maintain their integrity, focus and effectiveness as they cope with the relentless upheavals and rapid shifts of this uncertain time. But there is another similarity: a common human desire to find a way to live together more harmoniously, more humanely, so that more people may benefit.

She has written several best-selling books: Leadership and the New Science (18 languages and third edition); Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future (7 languages and second edition); A Simpler Way (with Myron Rogers); Finding Our Way: Leadership for an Uncertain Time. Her numerous articles appear in both professional and popular journals and may be down-loaded free from her website. Explore her website for a rich variety of resources: DVDs, articles, Conversation Starter Kits, and other products.


Meg earned her doctorate in Organizational Behavior from Harvard University, and a masters in Media Ecology from New York University. She also studied at University College London, U.K. She has been a global citizen since her youth, serving in the Peace Corps in Korea in the 1960s, and has taught, consulted or served in an advisory capacity on all continents (except Antarctica). She began her career as a public school teacher, and also has been a professor in two graduate management programs (Brigham Young University and Cambridge College).

Meg has received several awards and honorary doctorates. In 2003, The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) honored her for her contribution “to workplace learning and development” and dubbed her “a living legend.” In April 2005, she was elected to the Leonardo Da Vinci Society for the Study of Thinking for her contribution to the development of the field of systems thinking.

She returns from her frequent global travels to her home in the peaceful mountains of Utah; she has raised a large family that is now dispersed throughout the U.S.

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