Publisher’s Note

Preface: The Future Is Being Shaped Today

Interview: A Talk with a Wide-Ranging Mind

Part I: Economics

ONE: The Changed World Economy

TWO: America’s Entrepreneurial Job Machine

THREE: Why OPEC Had to Fail

FOUR: The Changing Multinational

FIVE: Managing Currency Exposure

SIX: Export Markets and Domestic Policies

SEVEN: Europe’s High-Tech Ambitions

EIGHT: What We Can Learn from the Germans

NINE: On Entering the Japanese Market

TEN: Trade with Japan: The Way It Works

ELEVEN: The Perils of Adversarial Trade

TWELVE: Modern Prophets: Schumpeter or Keynes?

Part II: People

THIRTEEN: Picking People: The Basic Rules

FOURTEEN: Measuring White-Collar Productivity

FIFTEEN: Twilight of the First-Line Supervisor?

SIXTEEN: Overpaid Executives: The Greed Effect

SEVENTEEN: Overage Executives: Keeping Firms Young

EIGHTEEN: Paying the Professional Schools

NINETEEN: Jobs and People: The Growing Mismatch

TWENTY: Quality Education: The New Growth Area

Part III: Management

TWENTY-ONE: Management: The Problems of Success

TWENTY-TWO: Getting Control of Staff Work

TWENTY-THREE: Slimming Management’s Midriff

TWENTY-FOUR: The Information-Based Organization

TWENTY-FIVE: Are Labor Unions Becoming Irrelevant?

TWENTY-SIX: Union Flexibility: Why It’s Now a Must

TWENTY-SEVEN: Management as a Liberal Art

Part IV: The Organization

TWENTY-EIGHT: The Hostile Takeover and Its Discontents

TWENTY-NINE: The Five Rules of Successful Acquisitions

THIRTY: The Innovative Organization

THIRTY-ONE: The No-Growth Enterprise

THIRTY-TWO: Why Automation Pays Off

THIRTY-THREE: IBM’s Watson: Vision for Tomorrow

THIRTY-FOUR: The Lessons of the Bell Breakup

THIRTY-FIVE: Social Needs and Business Opportunities

Afterword: Social Innovation—Management’s New Dimension



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