
Many thanks to my students. I wrote this book to be a complement to the time you spend in my classroom. I hope you and the educators who use this book find it a means to great creative ends. There have been many of you who’ve shaped not only my teaching, but also my humanity. You make it obvious that I found the right career.

This book was written and built with Adobe InDesign. I am so grateful to Douglas Waterfall, InDesign engineer and architect, who is responsible for so much in the program that is wonderful, and Chris Kitchener, the product manager who’s overseen the product’s great development for the last years.

Thank you, Bob Peterson, for being mindful of the better things in Life and inspiring me with your fine photography and humanity.

In fact, thanks are owed to all my friends and adopted family, for tolerating my neglect. We’ll talk soon.

To my wife, Carla Fraga, I owe more than gratitude. No one deserves such a wonder, let alone me. Thanks for letting me share your life.

Thank you too, reader, for choosing this book.

Steve Laskevitch

July 2014

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