
Thanks to everyone at TUAW for all of their support and to all the readers and friends who helped with suggestions and feedback. Special thanks go out to advance readers Zane Revai, Mike Kale, Colin Cox, Robert Jen, Greg Hartstein, TJ Luoma, Maurice Sharp, Kelly Guimont, Michael Jones, David Caolo, and everyone else who pitched in with early feedback and help.

Thanks also to all the people who allowed us to quote them, use their pitches, and interview them as part of developing this book. Special thanks to Melissa Davis for her above-the-call-of-duty feedback and insights.

Thank you to our spouses, for being there, for supporting us, and for being wonderful people. We appreciate you more than we can say.

Finally, we thank Trina MacDonald and the Pearson team who helped transition this book from a little indie-pub-that-could to the polished traditional book you now hold in your hands.

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