2. The Attractive Product

Long, long, long before you start thinking about blogs or planning your marketing, you should be asking yourself fundamental questions. Who is the audience for my product? What niche does it fill? How does my product do its job better than any other offering currently on the market? What qualities make my product pop from the competition?

If you cannot answer these questions and, more importantly, articulate those answers in a way that excites people, you probably shouldn’t be developing the product in the first place. These are strong words, are they not? But, they carry great truth: a product without intrinsic cohesive value isn’t worth creating.

Any days of “if you build it, they will come” are over—if they ever existed, which we honestly doubt. Unless you have a good idea of whom you’re building the product for and why people should buy it, you are essentially throwing away effort. Developing a product because it sounds like a good thing to do or because you like the idea of building it means you may create something that is fundamentally unsellable.

You owe yourself and your product a strong business plan that involves market differentiation and customer definition. You should fully understand how your product fits the needs of your future customer base and how it demands their attention. Strategizing is a crucial step in creating a good product. It doesn’t matter if you’re a large corporation or a one-man indie shop. Unless you’re building pro bono (i.e., without interest in making money or finding an audience for your product), you need to balance your own desire for creating a sustainable business with a market demand that powers the exchange of cash or attention for goods.

Product Definition

Although pitching your product to bloggers is one of the last steps of product development, defining your pitch should be one of the first. Knowing what your product is, who it’s for, and how it stands out from the competition should guide you from inception. That pitch explains why you’re creating your product and why it will sell.

By the time you’re ready to pitch, you should long-since know answers to the following questions. These questions define your product and help you understand why you are developing it.

The answers to these questions aren’t just for pitching. They should guide the path of your development. If you’re not asking these questions early (and often) in your design and building process, you’re missing the best opportunity for refining and perfecting a product in advance of its marketing push.

Who Is Your Customer?

Without customers, you’re not in business. You’re just having a go at a hobby. You can’t build a product just because you think it’s cool and expect it to sell. Some do, of course, especially if they are wicked cool, but the vast majority of these attempts don’t sell well at all. Chances are, your project doesn’t fall into that wicked cool category that defines its own audience, and that’s why you need to know to whom you’re selling.

What’s a wicked cool product? A perfect, recent example is the Letterpress app by star developer Loren Brichter. Because Brichter has a great deal of credibility as a developer and designer, and he had previously worked at Apple during the development of the iPhone, many people were anticipating this mystery product from him. The app, which ended up being a freemium-model two-person word game, is actually an experiment by Brichter in using a self-designed UI framework. It’s not only fun to play and visually exciting, but it’s also a way for Brichter to gather data on how people interact with their devices.

Part of your product development is a form of applied empathy. Visualize your customer. Try to understand how you are serving his or her needs and why that customer will want to pay you to do so. The customer doesn’t yet imagine this product is in her future, so it falls to you to do that imagining.

Customers shape your product. It’s pointless to build a graphing calculator for toddlers or Swarovski-studded coupon wallet for Freegans (people who eat food that has been discarded). It’s critical to understand your target users and acknowledge that those users are not always just like you. Their needs are not necessarily your needs. Profile your expected consumer base and try describing your typical users.

Ask yourself why these customers need your product and why they will desire it. Always question whether the product is a proper fit. You shouldn’t be trying to sell Android apps to iPhone users or expect that an app that monitors laptop battery usage will appeal to desktop users.

Do some basic math. How many potential customers fit your customer profile? What percentage of them could you appeal to? Develop the mental model of who is most likely to purchase your product and explain what this solution means for them.

What Problem Does It Solve?

Products have to do something, whether it’s satisfying a need or providing an uplifting experience. Understanding what your product does and how it solves some sort of problem provides another key component in your product definition.

For games, that problem may be as simple as offering engaging entertainment. For battery boosters, it may focus on being away from the office for long periods of time. For accounting software, maybe it targets the needs of smaller shops. For medical uses, it might provide better HIPAA compliance. The answer to this question motivates your product, letting you explain in a sentence or two, the why of your product’s existence.

For Loren Brichter, there were two markets for Letterpress: iOS device users and Brichter himself. He created an app to provide hours of entertainment to the first market and to test his UI framework for the second market.

If there’s no need, there’s no product. There’s nothing that turns off a blogger’s attention more quickly than a product that seems to be a solution to a non-existent problem. Know your need, define that need, and use that definition to explain your product’s story.

How Does It Pop?

Every product should offer some kind of specific appeal that helps it stand out from the competition. It’s vanishingly rare to find trailblazing products without competition in any market or arena. Ideas are cheap and development work is hard. Prepare to jump into a competitive market by expressing how your product differs from the offerings already out there.

A competitive analysis focuses on the features that make your product stand out from the crowd. It lets customers (and reviewers) understand why you can perform a task better than anyone else. Identify the features that differentiate your product and explain how those features distinguish you from the field.

As we discuss later in this book in a short section about Kickstarter, perhaps a good way to determine whether or not a product should deserve further development is to let the court of public opinion have its say. Never discount basic market research.

What Makes a Good Product?

That’s a really good question, and one we ask ourselves a lot. For hardware, the product has to be useful and well made. For applications, the answer is a little more nuanced. TUAW bloggers have seen apps that are spectacularly good that never gain traction in the App Store, and mediocre apps that spend weeks in the top 10. That being said, some common themes run through good products, hardware or software:

They Have Awesome and Easily Understood User Interfaces

Consider the top apps of the last couple of years. Angry Birds has stayed on top of the bestseller list for a long time, partially because anyone can pick it up and immediately “get” how to use the slingshot to fire birds at pigs and structures.

Apple’s Cards app is one of the best apps the company has developed for iOS. It’s easy to use and understand, and it provides anyone with an iOS device a way to create beautiful and unique letterpress greeting cards. Many other apps also excel in this area, but we think you catch our drift here; these are apps that people use a lot because no deep thought is required to understand how they work. They’re self-explanatory and don’t require instructions of any type.

One common theme among bloggers is that they’ve tried a lot of apps and no longer have patience with non-intuitive user interfaces. Up-front user testing well in advance of your first release helps you find out early on in your development cycle whether or not your UI design makes sense.

The same criteria apply to hardware products. With hardware, interfaces mean buttons and knobs, but a simple and elegant interface is no less appreciated. Contrast Apple’s original iPod minimal design with the complex music players that it was competing against. The iPod dominated the market because its touch-wheel interface was easy enough for a child to use.

App-enabled hardware—devices such as blood-pressure meters, scales, and sensors that use an app for input and to capture or analyze readings—brings an entirely new level of potential complexity to the table. Not only do developers need to know how to create a user interface that makes it easy for the hardware to do its job at the user’s bidding, but they also have to be able to “hide” the complex interactions between the device and the hardware.

They Empower Users to Do Something

Whether you are developing hardware or software solutions, your product should allow users to accomplish something meaningful. Developers Nick Watt and Christiane Velen prepared a presentation a while ago that suggested that good apps “play to the strengths of mobile.” That is, they make good use of communications and location-awareness and are designed for spontaneous, focused activity for short periods of use.

As an example, Watt and Velen looked at the Shazam music discovery app (see Figure 2-1). They noted how it is spontaneous in that you launch the app when you hear a song that you want to know the name of. You’re focused on tasks around that song, such as telling friends about it via social networking or buying the song on iTunes.

Figure 2-1. Shazam’s app simplifies music discovery for users.


It makes great use of the communications capabilities of the iPhone by accessing a remote database to tell you what song is playing, providing you with song lyrics for a spontaneous singalong, sharing the song through social media or messaging, and allowing instant purchases. Once you’re done with the app, you move on to something else. This fast, short burst of usage is common with many popular apps.

They Change to Meet a User’s Needs

Successful products add value for the user over time. In the case of apps, they might add new features or provide a superior set of base features that keep the user enthralled with the app. Angry Birds is a perfect example of this.

The first time most users progress through the game, they’re just interested in making it to the next level. The next time around, they minimize the number of birds used to level up, with the goal of getting three stars on each level. Rovio keeps adding new levels and new versions of the app to keep players coming back for more.

Many app developers do a good job of seeking feedback from users of their apps and incorporating new features based on that feedback. Steve notes that he has used the Runkeeper app for a couple of years now to track fitness walks, and the app has evolved over that time. The UI is streamlined and there’s more audible feedback, both things that make the app even easier to use and more useful to him. The app has also grown from working only with Runkeeper’s own website to a solution that is integrated with over 100 partners who use the fitness data captured by Runkeeper.

Erica owns a portable mobile hotspot she uses and loves. Over time, she’s discovered new ways to use the product with various devices that she never imagined at the time she purchased it. From powering her kids’ Nintendo DS networks while in the car to transforming her Kindle Fire reader for Internet access, her hotspot has grown in utility. It’s moved well beyond the laptop aid she originally bought it for.

Successful Developers Know Their Markets

Knowing your market means understanding what motivates buyers to choose your product over competing ones. It means keeping in constant touch with the pulse of the users (through a blog or social networking). You judge their complaints and desires, and evolve the product with features that won’t detract from its focus.

One of the best examples of a development firm that uses social networking to inform potential and existing customers, as well as get feature requests and information about bugs from those customers is Tapbots, LLC (@tapbots). The company’s use of Twitter and App.net is essential in its marketing of the highly successful Tweetbot and Netbot apps, as well as providing a conduit for constant customer feedback.

Even though both Steve and Erica have mixed feelings about Comcast as a service provider, its social-media strategy has been superb. Its “Comcast Bill” (http://twitter.com/comcastbill) account responds warmly and confidently to user complaints to create goodwill through outreach.

They Are Polished

Successful products are fully developed before they go to market, with a complete set of features that reflect a thorough testing process. Great developers don’t ship beta. They ship solid, usable, finished products.

Too many developers misunderstand the classic quote that “real developers ship.” They focus so much on getting a product out the door that they forget that the product has to be worth going out that door.

Don’t create a reputation for producing half-baked, poorly executed items. Quality control matters, and it matters a lot. You already know to never ship a flawed version of your product. We implore you not to ship a sloppy version.

A few weeks of refinement can make a huge difference in the shelf life of your product—hardware or software. Take the time you need to bring your product up to the best standards you possibly can. It’s worth the investment of effort.

They Keep Current

We’ve seen initially successful products fade into obscurity when developers failed to fix minor issues, ignored user feedback, or overwhelmed it with new bells and whistles that made it virtually unusable. Although this is worst in the software world, it applies to hardware as well, especially when proactive firmware updates could keep products active and valuable.

Listen to customer feedback and use that feedback to direct further development. Having real, live customers offers you a view of your product that you can never get through in-house conditions. Responding to them ensures that your product grows and evolves.

Keeping a database of customer feedback and how you responded to it can be a useful tool for updating existing products, fixing bugs, or even creating new products. Freshdesk (www.freshdesk.com) is a good example of such a system that can grow with your company.

They Are Relevant

Think of the intersection between the entire market and your target audience. For example, number of iOS and Android phone users who need an app to track what a newborn baby is doing is really small. The number who would actually use an app like this consistently is even smaller; most would probably (correctly) believe that they’re too busy feeding the baby and changing diapers to futz around with a phone. Good products provide solutions that are relevant to their users and keep being used over time.

Why Good Interface Design Matters

There’s nothing more frustrating than receiving a test device or installing an app, and then trying to figure out what it does or how to perform some function. Some developers have done a good job of making sure that you’re walked through the functionality and UI of the product the first time you use it—this is what we personally like to see. A few “hint stickers” can do a world of good on hardware items. Some developers write good built-in tutorials or help files, which are helpful, but still not as nice as the walkthroughs.

We loathe products that present Byzantine user interfaces and offer no assistance to understand them. Even worse are products that require you to be online to get access to help; we can’t always guarantee that we’ll use a product for the first time when in range of a network.

The best apps and hardware are those that need no explanation at all. You open the package or download the app and intuitively know what to do regardless of the product’s function. Way too often, we see equipment and software that the developer understands, but makes no sense to anyone else.

Avoid bad outcomes by investing in user testing. In many cases, these testers will tell you immediately what they don’t like about your product, and you’ll have your first warning that you need to work to make it usable. (We have some suggestions for beta test services in the following sections.)

For example, there’s a specific type of app that reviewers loathe. Some developers throw together apps on a computer, yet never fully test the app on the device for which it is designed, and especially do not test that app on a multiplicity of devices, testing it across different CPU, RAM, and display conditions. That means that interactions with the app have been tested with a mouse and not with real flesh-and-blood fingers. It makes us scream with frustration.

These apps sometimes have UI features that are too small to be useful with touch interaction, but the developer obviously felt that they were fine because he or she was able to click them with a mouse in a simulator. Trust me, reviewers can tell when you have never tested the app on the device it was designed for and will drag your app over the coals for doing this.

Steve was fascinated with a free iPad app that offered a fully functioning version of Microsoft Office in addition to cloud storage of documents on the popular Dropbox service. His fascination was quickly tempered by the fact that many of the Office UI elements were totally unusable on the iPad multitouch screen; they were simply too tiny for even small fingers to touch accurately. This is a perfect example of a potentially “killer” app being stymied by a poor user interface. He wanted so much to love this app; he did not.

Desktop apps should never migrate to the small screens of mobile devices without considerable thought as to how the user interacts with the app. Even more importantly, these apps should not be shipped without actual user testing taking place.

Refining the Product

Finish is a huge part of the product-review process. By “finish,” we mean a completion of the development process—perfecting as many details as possible to create a product that feels refined and mature. You don’t get second chances in reviewing. The product you deliver for evaluation is the one chance that product gets for its launch.

There are very, very few products that can live up to a philosophy of “we’ll fix that feature later.” The special products granted this exemption are unique. They are introducing something so ground-breakingly useful that reviewers will forgive any early imperfections. In most cases, bloggers will have been beating down your door asking, “Can we get early access to this?” In this case, and only this case, finish is excused.

In one case, a prototype power cord came apart in Erica’s hands as she was working with a wall socket. It still got a positive write-up because we knew we were dealing with early access and the product itself was wicked cool. The manufacturer was apoplectically apologetic and sent over a box of t-shirts and hats, none of which we were allowed to keep. They were all given away.

For all other products, it’s about spit and polish. We expect you to spend as much time tidying up loose ends, addressing small details, debugging and refining your product as you did developing it in the first place. If your instinct is to say, “Let’s throw it out there and see how it does,” we encourage you to stomp on that instinct—and stomp on it hard.

Products cannot find an audience without word of mouth, and few apps and accessories are so outstanding that people will forgive the rough edges of an early launch. Pushing to market too early dooms many promising products. If you cannot schedule in a testing period and user feedback along with time for product refinement, you have made a fundamental error in your business plan.

Consider scheduling a much longer testing period than you anticipate. Testing your product and fixing bugs always takes more time than you think. It’s a good idea to have contingencies, both in time and money, in your project plan. Always build some padding into that plan, and you’ll find that it’s almost always never enough extra days and dollars to get all of your bugs worked out before shipping.

You cannot just say, “I’m bored developing now, let me see if I can earn a few bucks.” Dev burnout is one of the biggest reasons we see so many unfinished uninspiring products cross our desk. It’s an endurance race, not a sprint. That second half of the process, the fixing and finessing, is a crucial component to a successful launch. Turn the polishing part of your job into a fun process, perhaps giving yourself or your team rewards for achieving bug-smashing goals, and you’ll be surprised at how an onerous task can become something your team wants to complete.

“Don’t send in that 85%-done app. Don’t send in an app that’s just so-so. We don’t want to review the same-old same-old that we’ve seen a thousand times before. Find your niche: be something different, or useful or fun. Your app doesn’t have to be beautiful—it just has to be worth going back to over and over.”

—Erica Sadun, TUAW Marketing LiveChat, January 2010

Beta Testing Your App

One good way to judge your market is to include potential users—and bloggers—in your testing. TestFlight (http://testflightapp.com) provides an amazing and free way to invite users to beta test your app and offer you feedback on what you’re doing. Another such service is HockeyApp (http://www.hockeyapp.net/). For bloggers, it’s a way to watch the app evolve from a rough idea to a polished gem.

Beta testing represents a critical part of any product development. It begins when your application or hardware is essentially feature complete, although most developers encourage users to make suggestions to add, expand, or alter features as they test. The point of beta testing is to find and eliminate bugs, to refine the user-facing interface, and to tweak the application for functionality based on user feedback.

In the past, we’ve been apt to write about apps we beta tested over those that we’re totally unfamiliar with, because we feel invested in them. If the idea is good enough, you can ping us for interest even before you’ve gone beyond a prototype.

It’s a pleasure to beta test exciting apps, but don’t be surprised if a blogger declines the privilege. Unless there is something deeply compelling on offer, few bloggers have the time or (honestly) interest to beta test an app that’s just like a hundred or a thousand other apps out there.

Erica: “Don’t have your friends do your beta testing. Select picky OCD people who like to pick nits instead.”

Steve: “I will often beta test apps for my clients, and I give them brutal feedback.”

Erica: “Critical users are your best friends during testing.”

—TUAW Marketing LiveChat, January 2010

Falling in Love with Your Product

Too often, developers become emotionally attached to their products, to the point that they can no longer objectively listen to the important criticism coming back from testers. There are features they “cannot” lose and functions they don’t want to add. Essentially, this boils down to one core failure: forgetting about your audience and using yourself as the development litmus test.

If you are building products for some user base and you aren’t responding to their feedback during testing, you’re failing your product. When your users tell you that your product isn’t hot and that it’s not exciting, listen to them. You can convince yourself that you’re building “the killer app,” but it’s not going to soar without a committed group of end users that are as passionate about your product as you are.

Development includes making hard decisions. Don’t wait for your product to fail and for the inevitable post mortem to understand what features are broken. When testers offer criticism, listen.

Some feedback will be worthless; that’s a basic reality of offering items for testing, but most feedback won’t be. Pick your testers to best represent your eventual users, and then emotionally separate yourself from the feedback you’re hearing. They are criticizing the product, not you.

A good developer treats negative feedback as a treasure, an opportunity to improve and grow a product, especially before launch.


Avoid feature creep. Sometimes, developers think packing a product to the gills with functionality makes it more desirable. It does not. A product that does a job and does it well triumphs over a product that’s overloaded with options. Less can be more, especially when less is clean and well designed and more feels cluttered and confusing. Feature creep can also kill project schedules; there’s always “one more thing” (apologies to the late Steven P. Jobs) to add.

Nondisclosures, Embargos, and Exclusives

Here’s a basic rule of thumb: Don’t ask bloggers to sign nondisclosure agreements. We don’t have the money (out of our own pockets, no less) to hire lawyers to review NDAs, deciding if it’s in our best interests to sign. We have lots of other work waiting for us. When it comes to basic cost/benefit analysis, NDA requests are one of the biggest red flags that suggest we should pick another project to write about.

Most bloggers are happy to keep things informally confidential. We call it the FriendDA principle. We’ll keep mum about what you’re developing, and you can keep us in the loop in advance of a release. If you don’t trust a blogger enough to keep a FriendDA, this is probably not the person you want reviewing your product anyway.

We’re used to honoring embargoes, a ban on publication until an agreed-upon date and time. Many developers prefer to launch a product across numerous sites at once to make the biggest splash. An embargo sets the date and time that blogs are allowed to push the Publish button. And, yes, we can and do mess up embargos occasionally, but that’s due to mistakes, not malice. Always be super clear—with short, easy-to-understand instructions—when requesting embargoed coverage. We won’t be offended.

Be sure to let us know what time zone the embargoed time is based on. Many times, blogger confusion over whether it’s 9 AM PST or 9 AM EST can be the cause of a blown embargo, as in the following case. The developer assumed we understood that he meant 9 AM Pacific Time. We posted it at 9 AM Eastern Time, the home time zone for our blog.

Please pull this story! That story was not supposed to get posted until after 9 AM, please pull it and 404 the page.


There’s a viral humor video (not safe for work) that has made a place in many bloggers’ hearts that talks about honoring an embargo for eternity, thus never writing about the product, ever. This video also offers the classic line, “When every new social media service is revolutionary, it is no longer news,” which is a basic blogging truth.

Do not offer a number of blogs the same embargo, and then allow one site to post information before everyone else. Nothing makes bloggers hate you faster than promising that everyone will hold the same embargo time and date, and then letting one favored site sneak out the information before everyone else. Trust us; bloggers have a long memory and will probably ignore you the next time you offer up information on your latest project.

Bloggers love exclusives. If you have developed a particularly good relationship with a specific site, you may want to offset your embargo to allow an exclusive launch on one site with coverage on other sites following. However, keep the following in mind: Unless your product is really big, important, or in demand, your exclusive offer won’t merit consideration.

With exclusives and embargoes, make sure you specify exactly what terms you’re looking for. At the same time, know that the more restrictions you put upon any idea, the less likely a blogger is to be interested in finding out more in the first place.

“It’s not an exclusive when you send out the same information to every single blog on the ‘net. Exclusive doesn’t mean ‘hot’, ‘worthy’, or ‘exciting.’ It means a story published by only one source.”

—Anonymous (ticked-off) blogger


Do not renege on exclusives. Nothing angers bloggers like promising an exclusive and then seeing posts appear at the same time or (worse!) earlier on other sites. It’s a great way to get your company blacklisted from future coverage. When providing exclusives, make sure you make yourself available for extra interview time, tech support, and so forth. You’re essentially negotiating deeper coverage in exchange for exclusivity. Make it worth both your time and the blog’s efforts.

Competing Against the Big Guys

We’ve mentioned apps that are big, important, and in demand, a.k.a premium apps. When Square Enix releases a new version of Final Fantasy for iOS or Facebook updates its official iPad software, we’re going to be there and we’re going to cover it—end of story. Few smaller developers possess the kind of sway with their apps that Rovio, Disney, and Halfbrick releases take for granted.

For most developers, the challenge is more about gaining market share and attention than managing popularity. They won’t have to worry about fending off bloggers desperate to cover the latest, biggest, and most exciting small changes in an established brand. If you’re reading this ebook, your product probably doesn’t fall into the “premium app” category.

That means your strategy has to adapt itself accordingly.

The difference between reviews of the big-name products and indie ones comes down to passion. An indifferent update by a big developer will be covered, but it’s probably going to be what we call a “quick hit.” It lets people know that an update is available or a new software title has launched, and little else. We need to get it out, we need to get it out fast, and, well, that’s usually about it.

Your product has to compete in this arena by finding its advocate, a blogger who appreciates it, who wants to promote it, and who offers a heartfelt endorsement of it. Bloggers love championing small, but overlooked, products. We’re thrilled when an app or accessory we helped discover finds its audience and goes ballistic in sales.

Finding and promoting deserving products is a big part of blogging appeal. It’s like going fishing and coming home with the 100 pound whopper that didn’t get away. We experience a lot of broken hooks, mosquito bites, and angry sardines (free app idea!) along the way, but catching the big one is utterly addictive.

Blogs offer a great platform for small devs to compete against the big guys. If you have a worthy product and you can convince us to advocate for it, bloggers will be there to help launch and promote it.

Building In Self-Promotion

Bloggers are not the be-all or end-all of product promotion. Word of mouth and good product reviews play important roles for smaller devs. Your product should, as much as possible, help spread its own fame and encourage users to get the word out in a positive fashion.

Take some tips from premium products. Build your apps to do what the big guys do: leverage social networking and offer in-app review-nags. There’s nothing shameful in doing so. At least there isn’t if you add these tastefully and honorably.

Social networking helps promotes apps by creating a Posted From tag along with the app name and a status. Adding Twitter and Facebook buttons into your apps lets users post updates to well-trafficked sites. This lets people know that your app is being used and gives it exposure without spammy “I’m using Product X, you should, too” announcements. Be subtle; avoid the spam.

Use a reminder screen (one that’s not too nagging) to encourage people to leave positive reviews. Your existing user base is a valuable resource, one that you should nurture. Request reviews only after your users have proved their loyalty.

Check first for repeated app use; this is fairly easy to program in. You can measure this by counting launches or tracking time spent in-app. Holding back on Please Rate this App screens until then offers a smart way to push reviews for only your most committed users.

Once past that threshold, encourage the users to point out what they like about your app. Also ask them to suggest features and improvements as part of their reviews. The more thoughtful the feedback, the more valuable it will be both to you and to potential purchasers. Asking for the bad as well as the good helps motivate users beyond the “ugh, I’m being spammed for stars” mentality and gives them encouragement to make the trip to the App Store review form. Do not offer free tote bags for 5-star reviews.

“I never read 1 star or 5 star reviews. A 2–4 star review means the reviewer thought more about it.”

—Greg Hartstein

Always provide “Don’t show this again” and/or “I’ve already rated the app” options. Some apps bug users even after they’ve left reviews. That’s bad, karma-wise. Avoid ticking off your users wherever possible and don’t forget to thank users for their effort if they choose the already-rated option. Perhaps consider a thank-you in the form of a free (to the user) in-app upgrade.

Sadly, you should not expect logic from most App Store reviewers. Anonymity means they tend to be a little more id and a lot less superego than on Amazon (speaking as writers, believe us when we say there’s plenty of id on Amazon.) Encouraging established loyal users to create reviews helps balance that skew.

“Chicken only had two drumsticks defying user expectations that everyone gets a drumstick. One star.”

“Your app has not, to date, created world peace. One star.”

“You said the tool box could be used for fixing stuff. I bought it. Nothing in my house got fixed. One star.”


No matter how much you love her, don’t let your Mom review your app. “This is the best app ever! The developer is one smart cookie!” Astroturfing, the art of emulating a grassroots response by having friends, colleagues, and paid minions add fake positive reviews, doesn’t go down well with purchasers or bloggers. Take the reviews that nature gives you. An orchestrated campaign is usually easy to detect and a quick sign that the app itself probably doesn’t offer the actual value that its “users” are claiming.

Wrapping Up

In this chapter, you read about what makes products stand out and gain notice both in the marketplace and in a blogger’s eyes. Here are a few final points to think about:

• Refinement is a key component of any attractive product. Even products with outstanding concepts rarely dazzle in their beta development. Test, tweak, and test some more. Make sure your product has the best possible finishing details before you ship.

• Listen to your product testers and target audience. They will have insights about using your product that you will never have on your own. If you haven’t read any of Donald Norman’s books (such as The Design of Everyday Things) or web articles on usability and designing for people (jnd.org), do that now.

• Never promise an exclusive to more than one blog. Just don’t.

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