
My biggest acknowledgement goes to my wife, Eva, and daughter, Mia, for the endless support, patience, and love they have provided me, and not only during my work on this book. Thanks very much!

My mom, dad, and family played a huge part by supporting me from childhood and helping me to get to this point. Thank you very much!

I greatly appreciate all the friends and colleagues I have had the privilege to work and live with during my career in Slovakia and Ireland. I learned a lot from you, either when I was mentored by you or when I was mentoring you. Thank you very much!

I can’t forget all my nontechnical friends. You’ll probably never read this, but you played, and hopefully will continue to play, an important part in my life. Thank you very much!

Another big part of the acknowledgements for this book belongs to the Apress team. You were extremely helpful in introducing me to the publishing world. Steve Anglin dragged me into this book’s authorship; Mark Powers managed my progress; Matthew Moodie provided editing and suggestions; and Sharon Wilkey, Chris Nelson, and Dhaneesh Kumar enhanced the final form of the content. Thanks very much!

A special acknowledgement goes to Manuel Jordan for his valuable guidance, insight, and technical expertise while creating this content. Thanks very much!

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