Chapter 11


1. Allama Mohammad Iqbal, the mystical and neo-Hegelian poet (his Ph.D. thesis was on ‘Development of Metaphysics in Persia) who sung for the glory of India, ‘sare jahan se achha Hindustan hamara ’ says, ‘Jamhooriyat aisi tarze hukumat hai, jisme gina karte hai, taula nahin karte’, which roughly means, democracy is a system of rule in which people are counted, not weighed.

2. David Held, Models of Democracy, Polity Press, Cambridge (UK), 1987, P. 1

3. See Held, Models of Democracy, P. 2 and Heywood, Political Theory, P. 221

4. Jain, Political Theory, P. 441

5. Fareed Zakaria, The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy At Home & Abroad, Viking, New Delhi, 2003, P. 18

6. J S Mill, Considerations on Representative Government, in On Liberty and Other Essays, OUP, Oxford, 1991, P. 202

7. James Bryce, Modern Democracies,Chapter 67: ‘Comparison of the Six Democratic Governments Examined’;Chapter 74: ‘Democracy Compared with Other Forms of Government’ &Chapter 75: ‘Oligarchies within Democracies’, as reproduced in David Apter and Harry Eckstein, Comparative Politics: A Reader, Surjeet Pub. Delhi, 1989, PP. 111–123

8. Garner, Political Science and Government, P. 286

9. Garner, Political Science and Government, PP. 286–87

10. Bottomore, Political Sociology, P. 22

11. Vincent, Theories of the State, PP. 111–12

12. Heywood, Political Theory, P. 231

13. Garner, Political Science and Government, P. 285

14. Macpherson, The Life and Times of Liberal Democracy, P. 72

15. Mill, Considerations on Representative Government, P. 302

16. Strong, Modern Political Constitutions, P. 204

17. Strong, Modern Political Constitutions, P. 200

18. Cited in Brian Beedham, Survey Full Democracy - ‘It means government by the people, and we are the people, The Economist, December 21, 1996, P. 5

19. Beedham, Survey Full Democracy, P. 5

20. MacArthur, Historic Speeches, P. 368

21. Heywood, Political Theory, P. 221

22. Beedham, Survey Full Democracy, P. 4

23. Macpherson, The Life and Times of Liberal Democracy, P. 91

24. Some of the features appear in David Held, Models of Democracy, PP. 35 & 70. There are differences within the representative democracy as to its justification whether it is for political equality (Classical Model), protection from authority and groups and their dominance (Bentham' Protective Model), moral and intellectual development (Mill' Developmental Model), political and economic equality (Radical Model), etc. We have mentioned the classical assumptions of the direct and representative democracy.

25. Zakaria, The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy At Home & Abroad, P. 13

26. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 110

27. Held, Models of Democracy, P. 3

28. Garner, Political Science and Government, P. 357

29. Garner, Political Science and Government, P. 361

30. Zakaria, The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy At Home & Abroad, P. 17

31. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 112

32. MacArthur, Historic Speeches, P. 116

33. Dréze and Sen, Economic Development and Social Opportunities, P. 17

34. Haralambos, Sociology, PP. 112–13

35. Haralambos, Sociology, P. 288

36. Verma, Modern Political Theory, P. 152

37. Heywood, Politics, P. 33

38. Haralambos, Sociology, P. 116

39. Lenin, The State and Revolution, P. 17

40. Lenin, The State and Revolution, P. 85

41. Lenin, The State and Revolution, P. 85

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