Chapter 3. Designing Content Personas

These days, everyone is either building an audience or being an audience. Someone, somewhere in the world is thinking up content that will appeal to you as you read this. You are someone’s target audience.

Let’s stop there for a second: what makes you a desirable target for a brand creating content for the web? Perhaps the answer is that you are within a certain age group. Maybe you just had your first child, or recently were married. For all they care, you might be a heavy-metal t-shirt collector. As long as you are the type of buyer that would be interested in their product, you are the muse. That’s right: you.

Now, go back and think about your content. Who is looking for your product? If content is the product, how can you design it in a way that resonates with this person? Look at your product as if it were not yours at all:

What is your product used for?

Where is your product being used?

How often is your product being used?

Who is using your product most frequently?

These are the types of questions that will help you to define your audience.

Defining Your Content Personas

Personas are fictional people with very real needs that you design to serve as placeholders. Instead of thinking of “all brides-to-be,” for example, you begin thinking about “Sophie”—a persona that represents a collection of some of the common traits you have spotted among the audience at which you are aiming.

Content personas became my best friend seven years ago. I remember sitting in my cubicle at National Geographic headquarters, utterly confused and under-caffeinated. I barely had a boyfriend, but here I was, somehow pretending to relate to mommy bloggers and child-bearers everywhere on the globe. It was my responsibility to discover and package social content in a way that moms and dads would be delighted to sit with their toddlers and watch any of Natgeo Kids’ TV shows. Here I am, staring at baby elephants in the African savanna and a couple of globetrotting pigs. What on Earth could I do?

Here is what: analyze these followers up to the tiniest data point I could find and try to come up with a “human” character with whom I could actually talk. Many creators and managers fail to recognize that they cannot write, edit, or shoot in a vacuum. Have you have ever felt lonely when creating content? (I see you. Appreciate the honesty.) You are creating something that someone, somewhere will find and consume. Failing to design content personas makes it difficult to create something that resonates. It is like that aunt who keeps giving you ugly socks for your birthday. Not resonating, auntie. Not. Resonating.

I followed through on my approach until I eventually created two very concrete personas:

The working, professional mom who places a premium on spending quality time with her toddler, and making everything related to his upbringing faster and easier.
The super-invested, full-time mom who wants her son/daughter to be the best at absolutely everything, lead a healthy lifestyle, and develop every single talent.

Talking to Sarah and Jessie was significantly less painful than sitting there talking to myself. Content became more diverse and engaging. The brand’s voice became more genuine and KPIs trended positively. The lesson there is to avoid outsmarting or simplifying your audience. Human beings are complex information consumers: they have active needs, passions, and preferences. They lead different lifestyles—some that you will never be able to empathize with unless you dive deep in qualitative and quantitative data. And that is precisely the point of persona research.

How to Get Started with Content Persona Research

There is always a temptation to ignore persona research when you think that you either are a part of or know your target audience perfectly. I am sad to report that this is never the case.

Just because you are a designer, for example, that does not mean that your brand’s particular audience of designers is interested in your personal content needs. Assuming the opposite makes sense for lifestyle, opinion, fitness, and fashion bloggers, whose platforms are largely built on admiration for their individual personalities. Even then, personal brands should also make sure they are constantly monitoring their platform for emerging trends and tastes. They, too, need to prioritize content persona research.

If you are managing a corporate brand, please go beyond your individual perspective and engage in thorough persona research with an open mind. I am not saying that you should ignore your unique outlook, because that is probably why the company hired you in the first place. What I am saying is that it is dangerous to base an entire strategy on that single outlook, and robust content production processes are grounded on a profound knowledge of the brand’s audience.

B2B Versus B2C Content

As you go through the exercises in this chapter, it is important to understand that your business model will largely dictate the type of persona you will create:

B2B personas
These personas are appropriate for brands whose revenue model hinges on B2B transactions. Popular B2B personas include corporate buyers, managers at every level, and entrepreneurs. Because corporate purchase processes are often lengthier and involve more individuals, it is crucial that you identify who the key decision maker is. It is probable that the gatekeeper you have detected makes such decisions with collaborators’ inputs, but at the end of the day someone must pull the trigger. For the sake of B2B content personas, focus on the individual within the corporate chain that is most interested and entitled to acquire your offer.
B2C personas
These personas are developed when your business caters to end users directly; hence, they are described as a B2C model. B2C personas represent individuals who often make consumption decisions on their own. Because they act outside of the corporate ladder, consumers’ purchase processes are often swifter and less cumbersome.

Four Steps to Discover and Design Personas

Let us take a look at a few simple steps to begin your persona research. What I am going to share is a lean method that you can complete in-house. Feel free to explore independent vendors or consultants if this isn’t something that you can work on directly at the moment. If you do have the time and bandwidth, read on.

We arrive at personas only after looking at various sources of data. Both quantitative and qualitative information contribute to constructing personas.

Step 1: Start with Existing Data

Look at existing quantitative data that has been collected automatically. Look at sources like your website analytics package and social network insights. If your website and profiles have been around for a while, chances are you will find a wealth of data waiting to be analyzed. The tracking we installed in Chapter 2 should provide valuable data after a few weeks, depending on the number of visitors who visit your site. You can also try advanced tools like heat mapping to reveal common behavior patterns among your readers.

What to collect here

You should look to gather demographic and psychographic data, click reports, and cohort data.

Step 2: Conduct Nethnography

You might have heard of ethnography as a research method. Essentially, it is about observing behaviors in the environments in which they develop from an insider’s perspective. Nethnography, then, is taking this research method to the context of the internet, observing your readers where they normally hang out online—forums, discussion boards, blog comment sections, customer support tickets/emails, social media groups (LinkedIn and Facebook work great). What are they saying and how? What words are they using? What problems are they running into frequently? What frustrates and excites them? Are there any lifestyle traits that seem to pop up across the board?

What to collect here

Glean representative comments, standout discussions, common terms and expressions, frequent problems (as expressed by certain users), interesting conversations, and illustrative blog posts. This last data source is fascinating in that researchers used to have to collect physical diaries or journals to obtain this type of information. Known as diary studies, we now can emulate these tools looking at subjects’ online journals, or blogs. Collect as much text as you can because it is raw material for an interesting analytical method called content analysis, which I will describe in a moment.

Step 3: Try Ethnography

Time to go outside—as in, the real world. Drop this book and find a physical spot where you’re likely to find your convertible readers. Think about places where they work, buy, play, or potentially view your content. If you are speaking to a business audience (i.e., creating B2B content), consider attending the types of events or conferences that are popular within that industry. Observe silently and take lots of notes. Just like in step 2, the goal here is to perceive without intervening. Understand without questioning. For this observation technique to be effective, you should literally blend with the background. As far as I am concerned, you are now a hyper-realistic piece of wallpaper. A trompe-l’œil, or trick of the eye.

Are you dying to intervene? Ask? Play? I like you already. You also can try a variant of the ethnographic method called participant observation. Infiltrate a group where you’re likely to find your audience. Attend that sports match, go to that design conference, join that book club. Go ahead. Just make sure you respect the privacy of other members and are transparent about your intentions.

If you want to try an interesting variation, consider analyzing your readers’ artifacts. Artifacts are just objects that comprise part of people’s physical and social environments. With prior consent, analyzing the content and layout of items like desks, backpacks, and purses can be an excellent starting point to discover commonalities.

What to collect here

For this, you want to collect personal notes, environment photos, object photos, any interesting artifacts. You can also draw your observations as maps, where a certain reader’s journey is clearly depicted. This is called behavioral mapping, and many kinds of designers have been using it to synthesize human activity.

Step 4: Ask

Ask and you shall receive. One-on-one interactions can reveal powerful insights. Find convertible readers who are either currently looking at your content or that of a close competitor. Do not be intimidated by your lack of practice interviewing people: we are naturally wired to learn. As social beings, we are born with the ability to empathize with others’ pains and gains. We can connect with our peers, and conducting effective interviews is just a matter of some committed preparation and practice. If an unstructured interview sounds challenging, you can always use a given set of questions. If this is all sounding terrifying at this point, feel free to create a structured questionnaire and use that as a way to survey your readers.

What to collect here

Gather up transcripts, questionnaire answers, audio, photos, videos, or a combination of any or all of them.

Synthesizing Personas

If you have followed the preceding four steps correctly, you should be drowning in evidence. This is good; stay with me. What you will do now is 1) refine the raw data you have so that it isn’t nearly as overwhelming, and 2) find affinities/similarities in what you found so that we can design some actual personas.

Refine All This Fuzziness

Let’s begin with all those data reports from step 1. At this point, you can complement what you found with secondary research. Industry reports, whitepapers, journal articles, books, and third-party studies can be valuable sources of information—especially when you are trying to find out more about the demographic group you have discovered.

After identifying patterns in the raw data you have collected (steps 2 through 4), adding a layer of third-party information can help characterize the group you are about to target. Secondary research enriches the picture of your target persona by providing complementary data points that others before you have identified. Going back to Sarah and Jessie, the “mom personas” I mentioned earlier in this chapter, it was extremely useful to pair my insights with the following:

  • Existing industry reports about Millennial moms

  • Media articles about the rise of the working mother

  • Market information about products that simplify motherhood

  • Social trends around motherhood in the workplace

  • Statistics on mommy bloggers

These sources of secondary research, combined with the primary data that I was collecting, gave a fuller picture of the two personas I was targeting with my content efforts.

Nailing Down Personas: Affinity Diagramming

Affinity is an awesome word. Chemists use it to describe what happens when particles cannot help but crash into one another and combine. And that is exactly what we are trying to do with all these data points we have found: cluster them up into meaningful personas. Here’s the basic roadmap that we’ll follow:

  1. Split individual insights into single sticky notes. (Think of “insights” as specific findings that you came across.) Use one note per insight.

  2. On a large board or wall, paste all the sticky notes in a way that you can still move them around.

  3. You guessed it: now you move them around. Find insights that share some kind of need, pain point, or characteristic. A “pain point” can be any particular situation, issue, or limitation shared by various individuals. The logic here is to cluster together findings that seem like they refer to the same person.

Soon, you will find yourself looking at two or three large buckets. Look closely, because those buckets are soon to become your reader personas.

Get Creative: Name and Design Reader Personas

Here comes the fun part. You get to name these newfound fictional people who have real needs. Experienced researchers suggest going for names that carry a certain connotation that fits the persona. Maria, for instance, points to a Hispanic ancestry. Charlotte carries a certain elite tone. Agnes sounds slightly older than Emily, and so on.

Naming them isn’t a petty suggestion. Whenever you are thinking about a potential reader for a specific piece, now you will imagine an actual being with needs and wants rather than sitting alone thinking about a group of sticky notes. Picking names humanizes these personas in a way that makes them useful for content ideation.

That being said, you will need a one-pager to remind yourself and other content creators who it is that you are all aiming for. Synthesize your personas using the template in Figure 3-1. This profile summary is what most people understand as personas. It is how you will keep track of the main data points collected and the most actionable traits of this hypothetical reader.

Use this template to help create your personas
Figure 3-1. Use this template to help create your personas

Buyer Personas Versus Reader Personas

Now that you understand the importance of conducting rigorous persona research, I have one more note of caution. There is a difference between content as a means to close a sale versus content as the product itself. This distinction is crucial at the outset of your persona research study. Although amusing, nobody cares about your one million unique visitors if none of them would ever be willing to pay for what you sell.

When your content is serving as a bridge to close the sale of a different product, you might find that the characteristics of those reading you differ from those who buy from you. One of your goals as a strategic content manager is to minimize this discrepancy. Think about it: do you want to spend countless hours and resources creating content for readers who are not going to sustain your business in the long run? Nailing down your buyer personas involves figuring out who this ideal user is, and then going for that user with everything you have.

Similarly, when your content is the actual product, you might find that those who consume your free pieces are not necessarily interested in your paid pieces. In this case, try to understand who those buyers actually are. Who is willing to leave money on the table after they have benefited from your free content? After you determine that buyer profile, she should become your main objective when creating content—your convertible reader persona. Let’s stop on the word convertible for a second; that is, someone you are able to convert. You want to craft content that attracts consumers within that profile and encourages them on to the next stage, such as purchasing your product.

Convertible Reader Personas

Your reader won’t always be at the exact point in time at which the need for your product is most active. Sometimes, you must nurture this persona over time in order to convert him when the time comes. Other times, this persona isn’t directly the purchaser; he is a “gatekeeper” to certain communities. Gatekeepers are convertible reader personas because they, too, are potential purchase drivers.

The goal of designing convertible reader personas is to find people whose demographic and psychographic characteristics make them potential buyers, whether that is now, in a few weeks, or even months, and whether they are buying directly or strongly influencing someone else’s decision.

Every business identifies one or more activities that lie at the core of its survival. These positive conversion actions are completed by users (visitors, readers, viewers) during their experience with your product (site, content, app). Figure 3-2 illustrates how a content piece like an article could become a step within your visitors’ larger conversion funnel.

Sample content conversion funnel
Figure 3-2. Sample content conversion funnel

Every time you are producing content, you are betting on a certain reader to complete a specific action at some point in time. All sales funnels are different. You need to understand yours and connect it to your content production process. This is the only way to connect content production with a true return on investment.

As you begin developing new content for the personas you are targeting, it is important to realize that not all of them are created equal. Even within a group of individuals that share certain affinities (i.e., your fictional persona), there are levels of engagement that dictate how they interact with your content. You should plan for both low- and high-engagement readers by offering content in various formats in order to maximize success. We discuss how to achieve this in the next sections.

Low-Involvement and High-Involvement Readers

Put simply, a reader won’t experience content the same way when completely distracted in scrolling mode as they do when being utterly immersed in research mode. The first kind of user is passively waiting for a shiny object to catch his attention, whereas the second—more proactive—user is laser-focused on an issue that needs solving.

The first user is under a condition typically known in marketing as low involvement. He isn’t particularly invested in any kind of decision-making process. When presented with the type of content you are offering, he will react (click, like, or comment) based on impulse. There is no complex, time-consuming evaluation of alternatives in which he checks out other sites for the information you are supplying. You just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

The second user has an active need that has put him in a more invested content research mode. He requires a specific kind of information, and bases his conscious decision to consume on clear criteria like length, quality, and reputation of the content pieces at hand. When analyzing buying behavior, marketers label this condition as high involvement. The reality is no different when looking at the content consumption experience: some users are actively searching for information, whereas others are passively ingesting it.

Why is this important? Because depending on their level of involvement, your audience members will be interested in different types of content. Those in a condition of low involvement will be drawn to you because of something we call peripheral cues:1 pictures, music, shiny objects. Meanwhile, those who are highly involved will be persuaded by more central cues: factual information, long-form articles, in-depth analysis. Whenever you are pitching a content piece to your audience, you will always need to rely on either a peripheral or central route to persuasion. Sometimes it is both.

As you read this, it is highly probable that you have already arrived at a mental image of what these two types of users look like for your case. Understanding the difference between these two content consumers will affect your strategy in powerful ways. It is the first step in succeeding both in short- and long-term content production. No longer will you become frustrated when someone hurts your bounce rate with a two-second visit, or wonder why someone else spent 10 minutes looking at that one article.

Table 3-1 outlines a few of the key differences between the two ends of what is, essentially, a spectrum of possibilities. Your content consumers will sometimes start from a condition of low involvement and gradually become so captivated by the content that the experience migrates toward the other end of the spectrum. In other words, readers who were not really into it consumed it, and are now suddenly obsessed—with the topic, the content piece, and conducting further research. At any given point in time, most users will fall somewhere between those two ends of the spectrum.

Table 3-1. Types of content consumers
  Low-involvement content consumer High-involvement content consumer
Typical traffic sources Social Search
Typical length of time spent on site Short Long
Typical forms of engagement Likes Shares, comments
Crucial design consideration Supporting graphics Legibility
Content that typically appeals to the user first Peripheral cues: pictures, music Central cues: facts, long-form

It is crucial to consider both low- and high-involvement users when you are creating the pieces with which they will interact. With low-involvement content consumers, the challenge is capturing their interest so that they can spend longer periods of time exploring your content. With high-involvement content consumers, it is all about serving the type of depth they are after in a way that satisfies their needs and triggers repeat visits.

1 These ideas are part of a theory called the Elaboration Likelihood Model developed by Richard E. Petty and John Cacioppo in the mid-1980s. It is widely used in advertising, ecommerce, and other spaces where persuasion needs to be fully understood and optimized.

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