© Agus Kurniawan 2018
Agus KurniawanPractical Contiki-NGhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3408-2_6

6. Networking

Agus Kurniawan1 
Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Contiki-NG comes with rich network-stack features to allow communication with others. In this chapter, we will explore the available network features on the Contiki-NG platform. Several scenarios will be provided to enable practice with implementing projects-based Contiki-NG, either in physical motes or in mote simulations.

The following is a list of topics that will be covered in this chapter:
  • Networking in Contiki-NG

  • Working with network simulation using COOJA

  • IPv6 networking

  • Routing on Contiki-NG

  • IPv6 Multicast

  • Working with Contiki-NG NullNet

  • Working with a 6LoWPAN network

  • Building a RESTful server for Contiki-NG

Networking in Contiki-NG

Contiki-NG still uses a traditional OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) stack to implement the Contiki-NG Network Protocol stack, called NETSTACK , to communicate among nodes. The Contiki-NG NETSTACK is shown in Figure 6-1. In this figure, we can see that the Contiki-NG NETSTACK implements four layers, as follows:
  • Network layer (NETSTACK_NETWORK)

  • MAC layer (NETSTACK_MAC)

  • RDC (Radio Duty Cycling) layer (NETSTACK_RDC)

  • Radio layer (NETSTACK_RADIO)

The Network layer (NETSTACK_NETWORK) in an OSI layer can be represented as Application, Transport, Network, Routing, and Adaptation. I will introduce each layer in the next section.
Figure 6-1

Contiki-NG Network Protocol stack

In NETSTACK implementation, Contiki-NG provides network libraries. You can find them in the <contiki-ng>/os/net folder. You can see this folder in Figure 6-2. The following is several code-sample implementations for Contiki-NG NETSTACK:
  • Application layer: http-socket.c, websocket.c, websocket-http-client.c, and mqtt.c

  • Transport: udp-socket.c and tcp-socket.c

  • Network & Routing: uip6.c and rpl.c

  • MAC: mac.c and csma.c

I recommend you review and learn the code for the Contiki-NG network stack, found in the <contiki-ng>/os/net folder. Thus, you will get more knowledge about how Network project builds Contiki-NG system.
Figure 6-2

NETSTACK code implementations in Contiki-NG

Network Layer

Contiki-NG relies on an IPv6 stack. All TCP/UDP sockets in Contiki-NG use uIP (uip.h and uip6.c from <contiki-ng>/os/net/ipv6), which implements for IP, UDP, and TCP protocols in minimized models.

Currently, the network layer contains two sublayers, the upper IPv6 layer and the lower adaptation layer. These sublayers run on the top of IEEE 802.15.4 with Time-Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH).

Regarding routing, Contiki-NG applies RPL (Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks (LLNs)), which adopts the RFC standard, RFC 6550. RPL develops a routing graph from the root node or AP (Access Point). If the routing graph has a form as cyclic graph and is built from a root node, it is called a DODAG (Destination Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph). A DODAG routing graph form can be seen in Figure 6-3.
Figure 6-3

DODAG routing graph form

RPL routing in Contiki-NG supports three directions of traffic, as follows:
  • Upward: from any node toward a root

  • Downward: from the root to any node

  • Any-to-any: flows among arbitrary pairs of nodes in the DODAG graph

For RPL implementation, Contiki-NG provides RPL classic and RPL lite. RPL classic is the original Contiki RPL implementation, called ContikiRPL. I recommend you read the ContikiRPL paper on this site: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1042739/FULLTEXT01.pdf .

You can find code implementations for both RPL classic and RPL lite in Contiki-NG. RPL classic can be found at /net/rpl-classic and RPL lite at /net/rpl-lite from the Contiki-NG code root. See them in Figure 6-4.

The nullnet library from Contiki-NG can be used to test your packet from upper to lower layers. This library can be found at <contiki-ng>/os/net/nullnet.

MAC Layer

The MAC layer is designed to address collisions in packet traffic and to apply back-off if there is traffic. Contiki-NG applies CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance) for MAC layer implementation. Contiki-NG uses CSMA/CA on the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. You can see program implementation in the <contiki-ng>/os/net/mac folder.

In the CSMA/CA algorithm, a mote will sense the medium before sending packets. If another mote is sending a packet, the mote will apply back-off with a certain value depending on the RDC layer. If the medium is free, the mote will send packets that have been prepared by the network layer.

Contiki-NG also provides nullmac for testing that is a part of nullnet from the network layer. nullmac will forward packets from the upper layer to the radio driver and vice versa.
Figure 6-4

RPL classic and lite libraries in Contiki-NG

RDC Layer

The Radio Duty Cycling (RDC) layer saves energy by allowing a node to keep its radio transceiver off most of the time. Contiki-NG supports the ContikiMAC protocol based on the principles behind low-power listening. ContikiMAC uses Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) that is a part of the MAC layer of the IEEE 802.15.4e-2012 amendment.

Radio Layer

The radio layer is the lowest layer in the Contiki-NG NETSTACK. The radio layer is handled by radio module from the Contiki-NG mote. Most radio layers work on the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol mechanism.

Network Simulation Using COOJA

In Chapter 1, we learned how to work with COOJA to build a Contiki-NG simulation. In this section, we will continue to apply COOJA to create a network simulation. For this simple demo, we will use the same scenario as in Chapter 4. We will perform broadcasting among Contiki-NG motes.

To implement the demo, we will perform the following tasks:
  • Create a simulation project.

  • Add a UDP server mote.

  • Add UDP client motes.

  • Run the simulation.

Each task will be performed in the following sections.

Creating Simulation Project

The first step is to create a simulation project using COOJA. From your platform Terminal, you can run the COOJA tool. For instance, I run it from Ubuntu Linux. You can type these commands:

$ cd contiki-ng/tools/cooja
$ sudo ant run
After it has executed, you should get the COOJA application that is shown in Figure 6-5.
Figure 6-5

COOJA application

To start a new simulation, you can click File ➤ New simulation, shown in Figure 6-6.
Figure 6-6

Create a new simulation in COOJA

Then, you should get the dialog that is shown in Figure 6-7. Fill in the simulation name with default settings on the Advanced Settings panel. For instance, I fill in the simulation name with My simulation.
Figure 6-7

Fill in simulation name and other settings

If done, you can click the Create button to create the simulation.

After that, COOJA will create a new simulation for you. Figure 6-8 shows a simulation dashboard from COOJA. Now you are ready to configure the simulation.

In the next section, we will add a UDP server mote to our simulation.
Figure 6-8

Cooja with simulation dashboard

Adding UDP Server Mote

In this section, we will add a mote as the UDP server. This mote will listen to incoming messages. Once a message is received from a client, the UDP server will reply by sending that message. For the demo, we will use a mote with the Sky platform type.

To add a new mote on COOJA, go to Add Motes ➤ Create a mote type ➤ Sky mote. You can see this menu in Figure 6-9.
Figure 6-9

Adding a new mote

You will get the dialog shown in Figure 6-10. You can fill in the description of the mote. Then, set the Contiki firmware from the UDP server, udp-server.c. You can find udp-server.c in the <contiki-ng>/examples/rpl-udp/ folder. Click the Browse button and navigate to the udp-server.c file.
Figure 6-10

Add the UDP server mote

After selecting the udp-server.c file, you can compile this file to ensure there are no errors in the program. Click the Compile button to compile the program. If it succeeds, you should see the successful compilation on the Compilation Output tab, shown in Figure 6-11.
Figure 6-11

Compile the UDP server mote

If you have compiled the program, you can click the Create button. Then, you should get the dialog that is shown in Figure 6-12.
Figure 6-12

Configure the mote number and its position

In this scenario, we only add one mote for the UDP server. You can fill in 1 for the “Number of new motes” field and select Random positioning for the “Positioning” dropdown.

If done, you can click the Add Motes button. You should see this mote on the Network panel in the simulation dashboard. You can see it in Figure 6-13.
Figure 6-13

UDP server is deployed on COOJA

Next, we will add some motes for the UDP client. We will perform this task in the next section.

Adding UDP Client Motes

After we have created one UDP server mote, we can create some UDP client motes. For this demo, we will add five motes. To add a new mote, you perform this task as in the previous section.

For a UDP client mote, you can put udp-client.c as the Contiki firmware. You can find it in the <contiki-ng>/examples/rpl-udp/ folder. You can see the UDP client program in Figure 6-14.
Figure 6-14

Adding UDP client mote

Then, you should compile the UDP client firmware to ensure there are no errors in the program. You can click the Compile button. You can see my successful compilation from the UDP client in Figure 6-15.
Figure 6-15

Compiling UDP client mote

You can add motes to the Network panel by clicking the Create button in the dialog shown in Figure 6-15. After clicking, you should get the dialog that is shown in Figure 6-16. For this demo, fill in 5 in the “Number of new motes” field. All fields are default values.
Figure 6-16

Adding five UDP client motes

After filling in the number of motes, you can click the Add Motes button. Then, you should see five UDP client motes in the Network panel in the simulation dashboard. Now you have six motes in the simulation, shown in Figure 6-17.
Figure 6-17

Deployed UDP client motes on COOJA

Running a Simulation

Once we have added the UDP server and client motes into the COOJA simulation, we can run the simulation. To do so, click the Start button on the Simulation Control dialog, as shown in Figure 6-18. If you don’t see this dialog, you can open it by going to Simulation ➤ Control panel.
Figure 6-18

Starting a simulation

After clicking the Start button, you should see the packet network and graphic simulation on COOJA. You can see it in Figure 6-19.
Figure 6-19

A simulation is running on COOJA

If the distance between motes is far, some motes probably won’t connect or receive UDP messages. You can change the mote location so each mote can be connected.

Now you can run the simulation again. You should see a graphic simulation on COOJA. A sample of the simulation can be seen in Figure 6-20.
Figure 6-20

Changing mote location

IPv6 Networking

IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) is the Internet’s next-generation protocol, designed to replace the current protocol, IP Version 4 (IPv4). Most network systems still use IPv4 to communicate with other systems. Sample IP addresses from IPv4 and IPv6 are shown here:

// IPv4
// IPv6
To test whether your network uses IPv4, IPv6, or both, you use a browser and navigate to http://test-ipv6.com . Based on IPv6 and IPv4 statistics from http://ipv6-test.com/stats/ , IPv6 penetration in the market still does not dominate. Figure 6-21 shows a comparison of protocol support for IPv6 and IPv4. For instance, on July 2017, IPv6-only dominates at about 54.7 percent.
Figure 6-21

Comparing IPv4 and IPv6 protocol support worldwide

For more learning material about IPv6, I recommend you read some textbooks or technical articles related to IPv6 technology. This book does not cover IPv6 technology in any depth.

Contiki-NG can work with an IPv6 network by default. Contiki-NG projects provide uIP as the network stack implementation for IP, UDP, and TCP protocols included in the basic ICMP protocol. The uIP library can run on constrained devices, such as Tmote Sky/TelosB, TI cc26xx/cc13xx, Firefly, RE-mote, and Orion.

For our IPv6 demo on Contiki-NG, we can perform testing using a Contiki-NG shell (NG shell). To enable an NG shell for your program, you should add a shell module to your Makefile file:

MODULES += os/services/shell

Then, you can compile and upload to your mote. Since the shell module needs more space, you should use a mote platform that can handle NG shell spaces. In this demo, I use a TI CC2650 LaunchPad board.

For testing, we need two motes at least. Upload your project; for instance, hello-world with NG shell enabled. After uploading Contiki-NG firmware onto the boards , we can remote into the NG shell from a serial terminal.

For instance, I remote into the TI CC2650 LaunchPad via the /dev/ttyACM0 port:

$ make TARGET=srf06-cc26xx BOARD=launchpad/cc2650 login PORT=/dev/ttyACM0

Open a new Terminal window. Then, perform a serial remote on the second mote. For instance, my second mote runs on the /dev/ttyACM2 port:

$ make TARGET=srf06-cc26xx BOARD=launchpad/cc2650 login PORT=/dev/ttyACM2

After connecting to the NG shell, we can perform some tests related to IPv6 operations. You can check the current IPv6 address on each mote. You can type this command in the NG shell:

> ip-addr

You should see an IPv6 address for each mote. Next, you can perform a ping to one of the motes. For instance, I perform a ping on a mote with the IPv6 address fe80::212:4b00:d77:6f82:

> ping fe80::212:4b00:d77:6f82

You should get a response from ping operations. Last, our mote can discover its neighbor. By default, Contiki-NG enables UIP_ND6_AUTOFILL_NBR_CACHE to be discoverable. You can perform this command to discover a mote’s neighbor:

> ip-nbr
All these operations can be seen in Figure 6-22.
Figure 6-22

IPv6 testing via Contiki-NG shell

Routing on Contiki-NG

Routing is the process of moving packets across a network from source to destination. This process is usually performed by dedicated network devices, such as routers and computers. Routing is a key feature of the Internet. Routing topics as a research area is still popular. Some researchers propose algorithms to address routing problems. In this section, we will review routing and how to implement it in the Contiki-NG platform.

Introducing Basic Routing

We already know that routing is applied to address how the packet is delivered from one point to another. Consider the paths depicted in Figure 6-23. For instance, we want to send a packet from A to D. Which path do you want to take?
Figure 6-23

Data network flow on some motes

Figure 6-23 shows a number of path options to send a packet from A to D. We can take one of three path options: A-B-D, A-D, and A-C-D. Which one is the best path? This is a challenge.

When selecting a path, you must consider what your goal is and what your success criteria are. We can define a cost for each path. Then, we can select the best path with the lowest cost. Battery usage can be one of the cost parameters when you want to perform a certain routing algorithm.

That is one routing issue. Unfortunately, this book does not focus on routing algorithms. I recommend you read about routing topics in textbooks or technical articles. We will use the current routing algorithms that are applied in Contiki-NG.

Single-Hop and Multi-Hop Networking

When a packet is transferred from the source to the final destination, it probably goes through a number of network devices. In networking, we will find a term called a hop. Hop is a term used to describe the different network devices a packet has to go through to reach its final destination point.

We can categorize networking models by the number of hops, such as single-hop and multi-hop networks. To better understand these network models, see the network topology depicted in Figure 6-24. A single-hop network would be pointed to the A-D path. The packet is sent from A to D through a single router.

Multi-hop networks send a packet through two or more networks to reach its final destination address. From Figure 6-24, we can see that the E-F path is considered a multi-hop network.
Figure 6-24

A network topology

The Contiki-NG platform supports both single-hop and multi-hop networks. Depending on your network design, your Contiki-NG program should be aware of single-hop and multi-hop networks.

Routing on Contiki-NG

Currently, Contiki-NG supports two RPL routing methods: RPL classic and RPL lite. RPL classic is the original Contiki’s RPL implementation, called ContikiRPL. If you want to read further about ContikiRPL, I recommend you read this paper: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1042739/FULLTEXT01.pdf . Otherwise, Contiki-NG applies RPL lite for default RPL implementation.

Since Contiki-NG applies RPL lite by default, we test RPL. For instance, we have two motes for testing. Enable NG shell on your program. You can use the hello-world program with NG shell enabled. Flash this program to all motes.

Now you can access the Contiki-NG motes via NG shell. First, test an RPL root on the first mote. You can type this command:

> rpl-set-root 1

Then, you can check the RPL status using this command:

> rpl-status

You also can check the RPL route table that is applied on this mote. Type this command:

> routes
You can see my program output that has performed those tasks in Figure 6-25.
Figure 6-25

RPL operations on the first mote

Next, you also can check the RPL status and its routes on another mote. You can type these commands in the NG shell:

> rpl-status
> routes
A sample of the program output is shown in Figure 6-26.
Figure 6-26

RPL operations on the second mote

IPv6 Multicast

We can categorize data communication based on how the data is transferred. There are three models in data communication: unicast, broadcast, and multicast.

Unicast describes communication where a piece of information is sent from one point to another point. In the Unicast model, there is one sender and one receiver. Network protocols–based TCP transport such as http, smtp, ftp, and telnet support the unicast transfer mode.

Broadcast is a communication model where a piece of information is sent from one point to all other points. In this model, there is still one sender, but the information is sent to all connected receivers. There may be no receivers. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) uses broadcast to send an address resolution query to all computers.

Multicast describes communication where a piece of information is sent from one or more points to a set of other points. In this model, there may be one or more senders. The information is distributed to a number of receivers.

The main difference between multicast and broadcast is to provide opt-in option for receivers. The receiver that wants to receive data should register to gain access to the sender. This registration will inform the network that you are interested and have opted in to receiving data. Otherwise, the receiver never receives the data. To compare how unicast, broadcast, and multicast send packets, see Figure 6-27.
Figure 6-27

Unicast, broadcast, and multicast

To work with IPv6 multicast in a Contiki-NG project, you should add the multicast module to your project. You can add this script in the Makefile file:

MODULES += os/net/ipv6/multicast

We also activate RPL classic routing on the Contiki-NG project. You can add this script into the Makefile file:


For testing, we can use a program sample from Contiki-NG. We can use the multicast project from the <contiki-ng>/examples/multicast/ folder. For this demo, we need at least three motes. One mote is deployed for sink.c and another mote is deployed for root.c. The rest should be flashed for intermediate.c.

After deploying all programs to the motes, you can try to remote in to each mote. In general, the sink.c program will listen for incoming messages from root.c. Before listening for the message, the sink.c program should join the existing multicast group by calling the join_mcast_group() function. This program listens on port 3001:

if(join_mcast_group() == NULL) {
    PRINTF("Failed to join multicast group ");

The root.c program will send a UDP message every second. This is done by calling the uip_udp_packet_send() function. The intermediate.c program does not join the existing multicast group. Since the intermediate.c program has been activated for RPL classic routing, this program can forward any multicast message.

The demo of the multicast project can be seen in Figure 6-28. You can see the program output from the sink.c and root.c programs.
Figure 6-28

Multicast demo on Sky mote

If you don’t have three motes or more, you still can simulate this project using COOJA. You can open the <contiki-ng>/examples/multicast/multicast.csc file in the COOJA application. There are eight motes in this simulation. After loading the project into COOJA, you can run the multicast simulation. You can see the simulation output in Figure 6-29. You can see all messages from the motes in the Radio Messages window.
Figure 6-29

Multicast demo on COOJA tool

Contiki-NG NullNet

If you want to investigate a packet among Contiki-NG network stack layers, you can use NullNet. To work with NullNet, add this script to the Makefile file:


If you want to send data, you should the data and its size in the nullnet_buf and nullnet_len variables, which are pre-defined from net/nullnet/nullnet.h. Then, send the data by calling NETSTACK_NETWORK.output(NULL). To receive packets from NullNet, you call the nullnet_set_input_callback(callback_func) function with the passing callback function.

For this demo, you can run program samples from the <contiki-ng>/examples/nullnet folder. There are two demos: broadcast and unicast. You can run these programs on motes directly or in the COOJA application. You can see my program output in Figure 6-30 on a mote from the demo samples on Contiki-NG motes.
Figure 6-30

NullNet demo on Sky mote

You can also test this program demo using COOJA. Just select the nullnet-broadcast.csc and nullnet-unicast.csc files from the COOJA application. After they are loaded, you can run these demos and see radio messages from COOJA application and review pack flow.

6LoWPAN Network

6LoWPAN is an acronym for IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks. 6LoWPAN is an open standard defined in RFC 6282. This standard enables WSN motes to communicate with other systems via an Internet network.

In this section, we will learn the basics of 6LoWPAN and how to implement it on the Contiki-NG platform.

A Brief Introduction

6LoWPAN is a network standard used to enable WSN motes to communicate with external networks, such as Internet networks. 6LoWPAN uses IPv6 as the identity for all motes. A 6LoWPAN network is shown in Figure 6-31.
Figure 6-31

6LoWPAN network

WSN networks apply IPv6 for all communication. Each mote can communicate with the other motes. If one mote wants to communicate with an external system, such as a server, computer, or any legacy application in a different network, the mote just sends a message as usual. The 6LoWPAN router will take responsibility for communication between internal and external networks.

A 6LoWPAN router will record all addresses from motes and other network devices that are connected to the 6LoWPAN router. If an external system such as a server sends a message to one of the WSN motes in the WSN network, the 6LoWPAN router will forward the message to the mote. Otherwise, 6LoWPAN will inform the requester of failure.

In a network-stack view, we can compare a 6LoWPAN network to a WiFi network from the OSI layer side. You can see this comparison in Figure 6-32.

As you can see in Figure 6-32, 6LoWPAN works on the data-link layer in the OSI model. This standard uses IEEE 802.15.4 for physical layer implementation. In the upper layer of the 6LoWPAN, this standard applies IPv6 on RPL.
Figure 6-32

Comparing WiFi and 6LoWPAN to OSI model

In the next section, we will try to implement 6LoWPAN on Contiki-NG.

Implementing a 6LoWPAN Network on Contiki-NG

Contiki-NG implements the 6LoWPAN network stack via an RPL border router that acts as a 6LoWPAN router. You can see a network diagram in Figure 6-33 for implementing 6LoWPAN on the Contiki-NG platform. You can put the RPL border router on a computer or a Raspberry Pi or any network device.

How do you implement an RPL border router in Contiki-NG?

Basically, you need a Contiki-NG mote as the RPL border router mote. This mote will work as a bridge to serve all requests from motes in the WSN network or network devices from an external network. To create an RPL border router mote, you should add the rpl-border-router library into your project. You can add this script to your Makefile file:

MODULES += os/services/rpl-border-router

Then, run a program, called tunslip6, from Contiki-NG. You can find it in the <contiki-ng>/tools/ folder. This tool will communicate with a mote that has already been deployed as an RPL border router via serial port. You can type this command:

$ sudo ./tunslip6 <prefic> -s <serial_port>
<prefic> is a prefix from the IPv6 address that will assign to all motes on the RPL border router application. <serial_port> is a serial port from the mote running the RPL border router program.
Figure 6-33

Implementing 6LoWPAN network on Contiki-NG

For this demo, we can run a program sample from the <contiki-ng>/examples/rpl-border-router/ folder. This project includes an RPL border router and web server modules. We need at least two motes to simulate the 6LoWPAN router and its communication.

Compile this project and flash it to one of the Contiki-NG motes. After it has been deployed to the mote, you can work remotely on the non–border router mote to see the assigned IPv6 address.

Last, you should run the tunslip6 program on the computer/Raspberry Pi to which the RPL border router mote was attached. You can run this command on the rpl-border-router project:

$ make TARGET=srf06-cc26xx BOARD=launchpad/cc2650 connect-router

After being executed, that command will run tunslip6 with a default port. You should probably change the values for the target mote platform and its serial port.

By default, the RPL border router has an IPv6 address of fd00::1/64. You can change it in your Makefile. For instance, if you define the prefix of your IPv6 address as fd00::1/64, all motes within the WSN network will be assigned as fd00::xxxx. In this demo, my mote is assigned as fd00::212::4b00::d77::6fd2.

Now you can ping the mote using the assigned IPv6 address from your computer. For instance, type this command:

$ ping6 fd00::212:4b00:d77:6fd2

This program will get a response from the target mote because this mote can communicate with the computer through the RPL border router. You can see the program output in Figure 6-34. I ping my mote from Linux Ubuntu. It shows my computer can contact the Contiki-NG mote.

If you do not see a list of IPv6 addresses from your motes, you can restart your RPL border router application, tunslip6. Then, see the list of IPv6 addresses from the motes.
Figure 6-34

Performing ping on one of the Contiki-NG motes from a computer

If you use a program sample from <contiki-ng>/examples/rpl-border-router/, you should get the web server within the program. You can test by opening a browser and navigating to http://[ip6_address_from_mote]. You can see my browser output in Figure 6-35.
Figure 6-35

Accessing web server on Contiki-NG mote from computer browser

If you have another mote, you can upload the Contiki-NG firmware to that mote. Then, the RPL border router will detect it. If you open a browser and navigate to the IPv6 address from the RPL border router mote, you should show its neighbor. You should see the IPv6 address from that mote. For instance, you can see it in Figure 6-36.
Figure 6-36

Displaying mote neighbor on RPL border router

You can also test it by performing a ping. For instance, the target mote is fd00::212:4b00:6083. We can perform a ping as follows:

$ ping6 fd00::212:4b00:6083

You should get a response from that mote. You can see it in Figure 6-37.

Sometimes you don’t see the IPv6 address from a new mote in your browser (Figure 6-36), but you know the local IPv6 address of the new mote. You can verify it by remoting into the mote with the local IPv6 address. For instance, the IPv6 address is fe80::212:4b00:6083. Now, change the prefix to fd00::xxx. The new IPv6 address shows fd00::212:4b00:6083. Try to ping it.

If you still have problems in which motes are not detected by the RPL border router, you probably need to restart the RPL border router mote.
Figure 6-37

Performing ping on other mote in WSN network from computer

6LoWPAN Implementation using COOJA

In the previous section, we learned how to implement 6LoWPAN on a physical device from a Contiki-NG mote. In this section, we want to implement 6LoWPAN on a simulation platform through the COOJA tool.

For this demo, we will use the program sample from the <contiki-ng>/examples/rpl-border-router/ folder. First, you can run the COOJA application. Create a new simulation project.

Next, you should add a new mote with the Sky platform. You can set <contiki-ng>/examples/rpl-border-router/border-router.c for the Contiki firmware, shown in Figure 6-38.
Figure 6-38

Add RPL border router into COOJA

You can compile this Contiki firmware. If there is no error, you can click the Create button. In this demo, you will create one mote.

The next step is to add the serial socket tool to the mote. You can do this by right-clicking on the mote. Then, you will see the context menu shown in Figure 6-39. Select Mote tools for Sky 1 ➤ Serial Socket (SERVER).
Figure 6-39

Add serial socket tool on RPL border router mote

You should now see the dialog shown in Figure 6-40. You can run it by clicking the Start button. We use the default listen port, 60001.
Figure 6-40

A serial socket dialog to set a listen port

Next, you should run tunslip6 from the <contiki-ng>/tools/ folder. You can open Terminal and navigate to <contiki-ng>/tools/. Then, you can run this command:

$ sudo ./tunslip6 -a aaaa::1/64
Tunslip6 will run and connect to the RPL border router from a mote within the COOJA application. You can see the program output from tunslip6 in Figure 6-41.
Figure 6-41

Running tunslip6 program on local computer

Once tunslip6 is running, you can run the simulation on COOJA. This makes the mote run. You can see the IPv6 translator of the mote from tunslip6 in Figure 6-42.
Figure 6-42

Detecting IPv6 address on tunslip6 tool

You should see the IPv6 address of the COOJA mote in Terminal. For instance, my mote IPv6 address is aaaa::212:7401:1:101. Now, you can open a new Terminal. Then, try to perform ping6.

You can type this command:

$ ping6 aaaa::212:7401:1:101
You should get responses from your COOJA mote. You can see my ping6 response in Figure 6-43.
Figure 6-43

Pinging a mote from computer

To get more practice, you can run a web server program on a new mote in COOJA. Then, you can access that web server from a browser on a local computer.

Build Your Own RESTful Server for Contiki-NG

You have learned how to build a 6LoWPAN with RPL border router. In this section, we will build a simple project based on 6LoWPAN. We will develop WebSense, which publishes sensor values to the web server. Since a Contiki-NG mote has limited resources, it cannot serve many requests. To address this issue, we can implement a middleware server—for instance, a RESTful server.

Each mote will send a result of sensing to the RESTful server. Then, the RESTful server will take over to distribute the data to all requesters. A RESTful server can run on top of a proven web server, such as Apache, nginx, and IIS.

WebSense is shown in Figure 6-44. Each mote can communicate with the RESTful server through the 6LoWPAN router. A client that wants to consume sensor data should open a connection to the RESTful server through WebSocket.
Figure 6-44

Logic design for the WebSense project

A client system will be implemented using HTML5 with WebSocket API. Sensor data will be visualized in the HTML5 application. Also, the WebSense RESTful server will apply Node.js.

We will implement this WebSense project in the next section.


First, we should have two mote devices. One mote will be used for the 6LoWPAN router. The rest will be applied for WebSense node implementation.

Since our RESTful server uses Node.js, your computer should install Node.js runtime. You should install all required libraries to run Node.js. Type these commands:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential

We will use Node.js LTS version. For instance, I use Node.js LTS 6.x. You can install it by typing these commands:

$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs

The next step is to develop a program for the project. We will do so in the next section.

Implementing the Demo

We will implement the WebSense project as shown in Figure 6-45. It is a physical design from our demo. We deploy the RPL border router into one of the motes. This mote will be attached to a computer that will deploy Node.js too. This project will use real mote devices. You can also use COOJA for testing.

Computers and server machines should be connected to a network in order to simulate sensor data visualization.
Figure 6-45

Implementing WebSense project

To implement this demo, we will perform the following tasks:
  • Implement 6LoWPAN router.

  • Develop a program for WebSense node.

  • Develop a program for RESTful server.

  • Test the project.

Each task will be presented in the following sections.

Implementing 6LoWPAN Router

To implement the 6LoWPAN router, we deploy the RPL border router module into the mote. In a previous section, you learned about 6LoWPAN router implementation. We will use it again in this project.

Select one of the motes to become a 6LoWPAN router. Attach it into a computer and run connect-router or run tunslip6 programs manually with specific port and address settings.

Writing a Program for WebSense Node

In this section, we will develop a program for the WebSense node. The goal of this program is to serve all requests for sensor data. Technically, the program will run a mini web server and serve HTTP requests. Once the RESTful server requests sensor data, this node will send it. To simplify this demo, the program will generate a random value for sensor data.

You can see the project structure in Figure 6-46. You can create a folder, called websense. We put some files in it, such as Makefile, project-conf.h, and websense.c. For web server implementation, we use the httpd-simple module from Contiki-NG.
Figure 6-46

Project structure for WebSense node

The application will serve requests for sensor data. This task will be handled in websense.c in generate_routes() function. You can write this code as follows:

PT_THREAD(generate_routes(struct httpd_state *s))
  char buff[15];
  int temperature = 15 + rand() % 25;
  sprintf(buff,"{"temp":%u}", temperature);
  printf("send json to requester ");
  SEND_STRING(&s->sout, buff);

We also need to modify httpd-simple.c in order to cover JSON requests. We declare http_content_type_json for JSON content. Then, we pass it into the HTTP header as follows:

const char http_content_type_json[] = "Content-type: application/json ";
PT_THREAD(send_headers(struct httpd_state *s, const char *statushdr))
  /* char *ptr; */
  SEND_STRING(&s->sout, statushdr);
  SEND_STRING(&s->sout, http_content_type_json);

Writing a Program for RESTful Server

A RESTful server will run a web server on top of Node.js. We build the project structure that is shown in Figure 6-47. To visualize sensor data, we apply jQuery ( https://jquery.com ) and Flot ( http://www.flotcharts.org ) libraries for JavaScript. Download those files. Then, you can put those files into the <project>/public/js folder.
Figure 6-47

Project structure for RESTful server

The application runs with the Node.js runtime. Make sure you have already installed it. Next, we install required the libraries for the RESTful server. We will use Express ( http://expressjs.com ) for the web framework and Socket.io ( https://socket.io ) for WebSocket implementation for Node.js.

First, create a package.json file inside the project folder. You can type these scripts:

  "name": "sensor",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "visualizing real-time sensor",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1"
  "author": "Agus Kurniawan",
  "dependencies": {
    "express": "^4.15.2",
    "socket.io": "^2.0.4",
    "request": "latest"

If done, save this file. Now, you can install all required libraries. You can type this command in the project folder. Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet:

$ npm install

Now you can write index.js for the application. This program will open a port 3000 to listen for HTTP requests. The program also requests sensor data from the WebSense node every three seconds. You can type these scripts for index.js:

var express = require('express');
var request = require('request');
var app = express();
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('socket.io')(http);
app.get('/', function(req, res){
    res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
    var dataPusher = setInterval(function () {
            var obj = JSON.parse(body);
            socket.broadcast.emit('data', obj.temp);
    }, 3000);
    socket.on('disconnect', function() {
http.listen(3000, function(){
    console.log('listening on *:3000');

You should change the IPv6 address of the WebSense node.

Next, we create index.html in the <project>/public folder. This program will communicate with the RESTful server though JSON communication. If the program receives sensor data, it will be stored into an array.

Then, the program will create a graphic for visualizing sensor data. You can type theses scripts for index.html:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <title>Visualizing Real-Time Sensor Data</title>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery-3.2.1.js"></script>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.flot.js"></script>
    <script src="/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        var socket = io.connect();
        var items = [];
        var counter = 0;
        socket.on('data', function (data) {
            items.push([counter, data]);
            counter = counter + 1;
            if (items.length > 20)
            $.plot($("#placeholder"), [items]);
<h1>Real-Time Sensor Data Visualization</h1>
<div id="placeholder" style="width:600px;height:300px;"></div>

Testing the Demo

Ensure the programs for the motes are already deployed. Now you can run the RESTful server by typing this command:

$ node index.js
Firstly, we open a browser and navigate to the IPv6 address of the 6LoWPAN router. You should see the IPv6 addresses from the motes as shown in Figure 6-48.
Figure 6-48

Accessing web server from RPL border router mote

After the RESTful server is running, you can test it by opening a browser. Navigate to the RESTful server’s IP address with port 3000. For instance, you can open a browser on your local server and navigate to http://localhost:3000. You should see sensor data visualization. You can see this in Figure 6-49.
Figure 6-49

Accessing WebSense application using a browser

What’s next?

You can create more sensor sources in different sensor types from several motes. Then, you can modify sensor data visualization to cover multiple sensor types.


We have explored Contiki-NG networking. We have learned about routing models in Contiki-NG. Furthermore, we have worked with IPv6 multicast. We also implemented 6LoWPAN on physical motes and COOJA simulations. Last, we build sensor data visualization in real-time from a physical mote.

In the next chapter, we will learn to work with storage management in Contiki-NG.

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