Profiling Python code using IPython's %timeit function

Often, when we are working in the Python REPL, we would like to be able to quickly and easily benchmark a line of code or a function. IPython makes this possible through a magic function called timeit.

How to do it…

Perform the following set of steps to try out %timeit to profile the code:

  1. Open up a new terminal and change to the direction of the source code.
  2. Fire up IPython by typing the following:
  3. Let's see how fast or slow the built-in square root function is, as follows:
    In [1]: import math
    In [2]: %timeit math.sqrt(10000)
  4. This should produce output similar to the following:
    10000000 loops, best of 3: 166 ns per loop
  5. We see that %timeit, due to the rapid execution of the math.sqrt() method, tested the function execution 10,000,000 times to get a more accurate measurement.
  6. Next, we will use %timeit to test the main loop of the asa code calculation. For this, we must first import the relevant functions:
    In [2]: from asa import *
    In [3]: import math
    In [4]: from vector3d import pos_distance, Vector3d, pos_distance_sq
    In [5]:  import molecule
  7. We then create the variables that are required to call the calculate_asa function:
    In [13]: mol = molecule.Molecule('1R0R.pdb')
    In [14]: atoms = mol.atoms()
    In [15]: molecule.add_radii(atoms)
    In [16]: n_sphere = 960 
  8. We then use the magic %timeit command to profile the function in question:
    In [18]: %timeit asas = calculate_asa(atoms, 1.4, n_sphere)
  9. This produces the output that agrees relatively well with the simple Unix time command:
    1 loops, best of 3: 52.5 s per loop

Notice that there appears to be a bit of an overhead added to the execution time using %timeit.

How it works…

The %timeit magic function is a bit smarter than the previously mentioned profiling tools in that it will run the specified code multiple times to get a better estimate of the code's true execution time. If the code takes longer to run, it will reduce the number of repetitions performed for benchmarking.

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