Chapter 8. Working with Social Graphs (Python)

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Preparing to work with social networks in Python
  • Importing networks
  • Exploring subgraphs within a heroic network
  • Finding strong ties
  • Finding key players
  • Exploring characteristics of entire networks
  • Clustering and community detection in social networks
  • Visualizing graphs


Social networks have become a fixture of modern life, thanks to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Social networks themselves are not new, however. The study of such networks dates back to the early twentieth century, particularly in the fields of sociology and anthropology. It is their prevalence in mainstream applications that has moved these types of studies to the purview of data science.

It turns out that social networks are extremely interesting as models for human behavior. Human civilization stems from tribal societies, and as a result, Dunbar's number—a hypothesis that at any given time we can only have 150 people in our extended social network—has famously been proven through the analysis of the most active networks. Latent social networks exist everywhere, not just in popular Web 2.0 applications. We manage our lives through connections to various networks, and, because of that, we generate a lot of related, rich data that can be used to make predictions about ourselves and our relationships.

Networks, like the ones we'll discuss in this chapter, take a relationship-centered view of the world. By leveraging an existing data structure of people-to-people relationships (a social network), we can produce analyses about the larger network with clustering techniques to discover communities, reveal insights into the role of important members of the graph, and even generate behavioral predictions through relational inference. These analyses have a number of practical applications from law enforcement to election prediction and recommendations to application optimization.

The mathematical underpinnings of these analyses stem from graph theory. Therefore, the techniques for the analyses in this chapter will focus on the cardinality, traversal, and clustering of graphs. To introduce these techniques, we will make use of an excellent Python graph library, NetworkX. We'll go through several analyses at various levels of the network, such as pairwise comparisons at the individual level, community detection at the group level, and cohesion analyses at the network level. Finally, we'll look at visualizing and drawing our graphs and subgraphs with various tools.

Understanding graphs and networks

The basis for the analyses in this chapter comes from graph theory—the mathematical study of the application and properties of graphs, originally motivated by the study of games of chance. Generally speaking, this involves the study of network encoding and measuring properties of a graph. Graph theory can be traced back to Euler's work on the Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem in the year 1735. However, in recent decades, the rise of the social network has influenced the discipline, particularly with computer science graph data structures and databases.

Let's start with a point of contention. What is the difference between a network and a graph? The term graph can be used to imply visual representations of variables and functions, the mathematical concept of a set of nodes and edges, or the data structure based on that concept. Similarly, the term network has multiple definitions; it can be an interconnected system or a specialized type of mathematical graph. Therefore, either term, social network or social graph, is appropriate in this case, particularly as we are referring to the mathematical concept and data structure.

A graph is a symbolic representation of a network that is composed of a set of vertices (nodes) and their connections (relationships or edges). More formally, a graph can be defined as: G = (V, E), an entity consisting of a finite set of nodes denoted by V (vertices) or V(G) and a collection E (edges) or E(G) of unordered pairs {u, v} where u, v ∈ V. A visual example, as shown in the following figure, should be familiar to the reader:

Understanding graphs and networks

Graphs can be either directed or undirected. Directed graphs have ordered relationships; undirected graphs can be seen as bidirectional directed graphs. A directed graph in a social network tends to have directional semantic relationships, for example, "friends", where Abe might be friends with Jane, but Jane might not reciprocate. Undirected social networks have more general semantic relationships, for example, "knows". Any directed graph can easily be converted to the more general undirected graph. In this case, the adjacency matrix becomes symmetric; every relationship is reciprocal.

Adjacency matrices are two-dimensional graph representations, where each cell or element (i, j) is 1 if the ith node and jth node are connected; it is 0 otherwise. This is certainly not the most compact manner of storing information about graphs; a byte must be stored for every pair of nodes, even if the majority of nodes do not share an edge with most other nodes. However, this representation is computationally effective and is used for many graph algorithms. Consider that a node can be represented in this scheme as a vector of its edges. An example of a small adjacency matrix for an undirected graph with four nodes is shown in the following figure:

Understanding graphs and networks

A few final terms will help us in our discussion. The cardinality of vertices is called the order of the graph, whereas the cardinality of the edges is called the size. In the graph pictured in the preceding figure, the order is 7 and the size is 10. Two nodes are adjacent if they share an edge; if this is true, they are also called neighbors. The neighborhood of a vertex is the set of all vertices that the vertex is connected to. The degree of a vertex is the size of its neighborhood, the number of nodes that share an edge with the vertex.

With this in mind, graph problems generally fall into a few categories. Existence problems attempt to determine if a node, path, or subgraph exists, particularly if there is a constraint. Construction problems focus on the construction of a graph, given a set of nodes and paths, within given constraints. Enumeration problems attempt to determine the list of vertices and relationships within a set of constraints. Finally, optimization problems determine the shortest path between two nodes.

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