The Collaborator


The Internet is a reliable system composed of loosely connected and imperfect parts that works because nobody is in control.


Quick Quiz

To connect to Part VI, answer each of the following statements by checking the Agree or Disagree column. The answers are shared in the Part VI Summary.




There is no such thing as an Agile contract.



If a contract starts out as fixed price, fixed scope, fixed time, there is no way to change it.



Governance “just is,” and we must deal with it. It’s not up for discussion.



All governance is defined and decided upon outside the reach of Scrum Teams.



Contracts can be described in ways that promote Agile behavior and agility.



Finance stakeholders are not interested in emerging or changing backlogs. They want a fixed plan that doesn’t change for the next four quarters.



One way to look at the budget is through the perspectives of market and product strategy.



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