The Experimenter


The one test of innovation is the value it brings us, the result. Anything else is just . . . showing off.


Quick Quiz

To connect to Part IV, answer each of the following statements by checking the Agree or Disagree column. The answers are shared in the Part IV Summary.




New business models are always emerging as others fall out of fashion, never to be heard of again.



Experimentation is the only way to discover if your business model innovation is going to work.



Successful scaling of product development is achieved by applying a proven framework such as Nexus or LeSS.



A company is either innovative, or it isn’t. A Product Owner can use little to no influence to promote innovation.



Making decisions around bundling or unbundling products is the responsibility of a Product Owner.



Product management responsibilities and tasks should be performed solely by the Product Owner.



The team of Developers should include skills such as sales, marketing, business analysis, design, and product management if required for the product.



The main question to be answered when it comes to scaling is, How do we organize all our people into teams?



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