About the Authors

Image Peter Lubbers is the senior director of technical communication at Kaazing. An HTML5 and WebSockets enthusiast, Peter is a frequent speaker at international events and teaches HTML5 training courses worldwide. Prior to joining Kaazing, Peter worked for almost ten years as an information architect at Oracle, where he wrote award-winning books and developed patent-pending software solutions. A native of the Netherlands, Peter served as a Special Forces commando in the Royal Dutch Green Berets. Peter lives on the edge of the Tahoe National Forest in California, and in his spare time, he bungee jumps and runs ultramarathons. And, yes, he owns the original HTML5 license plate. You can follow Peter on Twitter (@peterlubbers).

Image Brian Albers is the vice president of research and development at Kaazing. His career in web development spans a decade and a half, including his most recent position as a senior development manager at Oracle. Brian is a regular speaker at conferences, such as Web 2.0 Expo, AJAXWorld Expo, and JavaOne, where he focuses on Web and user interface technologies. A native Texan and current California resident, Brian spends as much time as possible escaping to Hawaii. When he cannot relax on the beach, Brian can be found frequenting a variety of virtual worlds in his spare time.

Image Frank Salim is one of the original engineers at Kaazing who helped craft the WebSockets gateway and client strategy. Frank is a San Diego native currently residing in Mountain View, California. He holds a degree in computer science from Pomona College. When he is not programming, Frank enjoys reading, painting, and inline skating.

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