XII.  The Post-WASI Test


If you have diligently worked through all the exercises in this book, your analytical reading and reasoning skills should be appreciably sharper. You have probably noticed this already while reading technical material or solving problems. The test on the following pages is similar to the one you took at the beginning of the book. You will probably find, as do most people, that you can now deal with these questions more effectively and attain a higher score.

1.   Which word is different from the other 3 words?

a.   water

b.   ice

c.   frozen

d.   steam

2.   Which letter is as far away from P in the alphabet as M is from H?

a.   J

b.   T

c.   U

d.   V

3.   If you are facing north and turn right, then make an about-face and turn right again, which direction is behind you?

4.   Which pair of words fits best in the blanks?

Bracelet is to wrist as _____ is to _____.

a.   neck : necklace

b.   painting : wall

c.   hair : ribbon

d.   jewelry : decoration

5.   3 is related to 2 as 60 is related to _____.

a.   50

b.   20

c.   30

d.   40

6.   Which set of letters is different from the other 3 sets?

a.   JKJI

b.   GFGH

c.   POPQ

d.   NMNO

7.   In a different language peg bo means “green book,” sa bo mai means “green old house,” and ja mai means “old man.” What is the word for house in this language?

8.   Write the 2 letters which should appear next in the series.


9.   Marcia is taller than Phil but shorter than Jack. Regarding the occupations in which these people are engaged, the electrician is the shortest, the cashier is the tallest, and the accountant is intermediate. What is Marcia’s occupation?

10.   A car ran out of gas one-third of the way through the second fifth of a 600-mile trip. How far had it traveled before running out of gas?

11.   Which number in the following series is incorrect?


a.   11

b.   17

c.   18

d.   14

12.   The first figure is related to the second figure in the same way that the third figure is related to one of the answer choices. Pick the answer.

13.   Which pair of words best fits the meaning of the sentence?
The man was angry, _____ he was _____ with the child.

a.   but—rough

b.   but—gentle

c.   so—gentle

d.   nevertheless—rough

14.   Write the 3 numbers which should appear next in the series.


15.   A cardiologist is a _____ specialist.

a.   brain

b.   heart

c.   ear and throat

d.   lung

e.   bone

16.   Calligraphy pertains to:

a.   minerals

b.   penmanship

c.   supernatural

d.   Egypt

17.   Pat makes $30.00 less than Jim and Mike combined. Pat makes $500.00 and Mike makes $210.00. How much does Jim make?

18.   Which letter is in the same position in the alphabet as the letter s is in comprehension?

a.   c

b.   j

c.   a

d.   i

e.   none of the above

19.   A tower always has _____.

a.   doors

b.   windows

c.   metal

d.   width

20.   Circle the letter before the letter in the word diction which occupies the same position in the word as it does in the name of the 9th month.

21.   Which pair of words is different from the other 3 pairs?

a.   talk—fast

b.   smile—laugh

c.   eat—heartily

d.   look—carefully

22.   The top 4 figures form a series which changes in a systematic manner according to some rule. Try to discover the rule and choose from among the alternatives the figure which should occur next in the series.

23.   Which number is repeated first in the following series?


24.   Which pair of words fits best in the blanks?
Room is to door as _____ is to _____.

a.   entrance : exit

b.   stairs : building

c.   bottle : cap

d.   rug : floor

25.   Write the 3 pairs of letters which should come next.


26.   One-half is related to 8 as 5 is related to ____.

a.   20

b.   10

c.   75

d.   80

27.   Forest is to tree as _____ is to _____.

a.   family : parents

b.   plant : roots

c.   tree : leaves

d.   tribe : Indian

28.   Which word means the opposite of ostracize?

a.   expel

b.   welcome

c.   point

d.   relevant

29.   Which set of letters is different from the other 3 sets?

a.   AJKC

b.   LPQN

c.   GBCH

d.   SIJU

30.   Umbrella is to wet as _____ is to _____.

a.   sunshine : rain

b.   coat : warm

c.   napkin : dirty

d.   boots : feet

31.   A car travels 30 miles in the time a boat travels 20 miles. How far does the car travel when the boat travels 90 miles?

a.   60

b.   100

c.   135

d.   125

32.   Alloy is to iron _____ as is to _____.

a.   metal : steel

b.   chord : middle C

c.   B flat : C sharp

d.   copper : bronze

33.   How many fifths are there in 45/3?

a.   3

b.   1

c.   60

d.   75

34.   If 3 days before tomorrow is Friday, what is the day after tomorrow? _____

35.   Which word is different from the other 3 words?

a.   pernicious

b.   noxious

c.   palliative

d.   detrimental

36.   5 9 3 8 4 1 2 6. If the fourth number is larger than the seventh number, add the second number to the fifth number; otherwise add the first number of the eighth number. Either way, add the second number to your sum unless the seventh number is smaller than the third number. In that case add the fifth number. Write your answer here.

37.   Select the answer which is most nearly equivalent in meaning to the following statement.
Wise men learn more from fools than fools from the wise.

a.   Knaves and fools divide the world.

b.   It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves.

c.   He gains wisdom in a happy way, who gains it by another’s experience.

d.   Accuracy of statement is one of the elements of truth; inaccuracy is a near kin to falsehood.

38.   Mostalgia is to anticipation _____ as is to _____.

a.   present : past

b.   future : past

c.   past : future

d.   future : present

After you have completed the test and checked your answers, you may want to go back and rework problems in the book which are similar to any that you missed.

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