Appendix I. Answer Key

Chapter I. Test Your Mind

Whimbey Analytical Skills Inventory (WASI)

1.   c

2.   c

3.   a

4.   c

5.   d

6.   c

7.   a

8.   O, N

9.   d

10.   c

11.   d

12.   d

13.   c

14.   87, 83

15.   e

16.   e

17.   d

18.   pardøn

19.   c

20.   c

21.   c

22.   d

23.   d

24.   a

25.   Q, Q, G

26.   d

27.   d

28.   b

29.   b

30.   d

31.   d

32.   b

33.   c

34.   stop

35.   c

36.   b

37.   c

38.   b

Chapter IV. Verbal Reasoning Problems

Additional Problems

1.   Sally is taller.

2.   John is fastest; Harvey is slowest.

3.   Fred is tallest; Hal is second tallest.

4.   Gladys is heaviest; Violet is lightest.

5.   more hatred

less hatred

6.   more


7.   deeper


8.   $570.00


Joan has 12 dresses.



A total of 57 houses was sold in the second quarter.

12.   Nancy

13.   Judy—Housewife; Celia—Math Teacher; Betty—Truck Driver

14.   Rose—Saleswoman; Hannah—Shipping Clerk; Geraldine—Cashier; Mary Jo—Stockgirl

15.   West

16.   Northwest

17.   5 hours and 45 minutes

18.   East-West

19.   Parallel

20.   Perpendicular








28. a. no

b.   no

29. a. no

b.   yes

30. a. no

b.   yes

31. a. No. The question mark shows we don’t know whether some usable things are paper.

b.   Yes. The shows that some paper is white and therefore not usable.

32.   fieplace

33.    circle the first word in this sentence.

34.   If deleting the first, thir fifth and seventh letters …

35.   Jonathn

36.   sactuary

37.   8 9 7 5 9 9 2 4 6

38.   98765432 1. Take the difference between the first number and the sixth number. Write the difference here 5. Now take the difference between the fifth number and the seventh number. Write it here 2. Finally, take the difference between these two differences and write it here 3.

39.   8 7 5 6 4534.

40.   c. 10

41.   gi ra

42.   c. ba si



Cardinals beat Tigers (Dean)


Cardinals beat Yankees


Yankees beat Cardinals


Cardinals beat Browns (aka Orioles)


Cardinals beat Red Sox (Slaughter)


Cardinals beat Yankees


Cardinals beat Red Sox


Tigers beat Cardinals (Lolich)


Cardinals beat Brewers

Chapter VI. Analogies

Analogy Problems

1.   a

2.   c

3.   b

4.   c

5.   b

6.   c

7.   b

8.   c

9.   a

10.   a

11.   b

12.   a

13.   b

14.   b

15.   c

16.   b

17.   c

18.   b

19.   a

20.   c

21.   a

22.   b

23.   a

24.   b

Chapter VII. Writing Relationship Sentences Samples of Acceptable Relationship Sentences

for Relationship Problems

1.   _____ is the opposite of _____

2.   _____ are kept in a _____.

3.   A _____ was used before a(n) _____, but for the same purpose.

4.   A _____ controls the action of a(n) _____.

5.   A(n) _____ gives birth to a _____.

6.   _____ energizes a _____.

7.   An _____ needs _____.

8.   The _____ provide(s) nutrition for a(n) _____.

9.   The _____ is at the end of the limb which is attached to the body by the _____.

10.   A _____ is a type of _____.

11.   A _____ is given by a _____.

12.   A _____ hunts a _____.

13.   _____ is three times _____.

14.   _____ is 30 less than _____.

15.   _____ is ? of _____.

16.   _____ is 30 more than _____.

17.   _____ is 2½ times _____.

18.   (A) _____ are at the base of a _____.

19.   The _____ revolves around the _____.

20.   _____ travel together in a _____.

21.   A _____ is used to produce _____.

22.   _____ is a mild form of _____.

23.   _____ is the extreme of _____.

24.   The purpose of a(n) _____ is to counter _____.

25.   A _____ is a three-dimensional _____.

26.   A _____ is a signal before a _____.

27.   A(n) _____ is the outline of a _____.

28.   _____ can be used to _____.

29.   A _____ extends into the _____.

30.   A(n) _____ is the origin of a(n) _____.

31.   A _____ may be the light source of a _____.

32.   _____ is an inactive state of a(n) _____.

33.   _____ means _____.

Chapter VIII. How to Form Analogies

Chapter VIII. Analogy Problems

Chapter IX. Analysis of Trends and Patterns

Problems in Identifying Patterns

1. 42 47 50

Pattern description:

Alternately add 5 and 3.


Each number is 8 more than two numbers before it.

2. A B B

Pattern description:

A single A alternates with alternately one or two Bs.

3. g

Pattern description:

Numbers running backwards alternate with letters that go up the alphabet skipping a letter each time.

4. 17 20 19

Pattern description:

Alternately add 3 and subtract 1.


Each number is 2 more than two numbers before it.

5. J I L

Pattern description:

Go down one letter, then up three letters, repeated.


Letters go up the alphabet in sets of two, with the two letters within each set in reverse order.

6. Q L Q

Pattern description:

Qs alternate with Ls. With the Qs there are alternately 2 or 4. With the Ls there are alternately 1 or 3.

7. 7 4 2

Pattern description:

Alternately subtract 3 and subtract 2.


Each new number is 5 less than two numbers before it.

8. W E V

Pattern description:

Letters going up the alphabet alternate with letters going down the alphabet.

9. 18 20 15

Pattern description:

Alternately subtract 5 and add 2.


Each new number is 3 less than two numbers before it.

10. 121212 1212121

Pattern description:

Each set becomes longer by alternately adding 1 or 2.

11. 43 52 62

Pattern description:

Each time add 1 more than was previously added.

12. 129 126 119

Pattern description:

Subtract 3, subtract 7, add 4, then repeat.


Each number is 6 less than three numbers before it.

13. T I R

Pattern description:

There are two alternating series of letters. One series skips a letter going up the alphabet. The other series skips a letter coming down the alphabet.

14. P 5 M

Pattern description:

The letters J, P, and M alternate with the numbers 3, 5, and 8.

15. 5 1 2 CP

Pattern description:

Each letter is followed by a number showing its position in the alphabet.

16. 320 640 1280

Pattern description:

Each new number is twice the previous number.

17. 38H 46F

Pattern description:

Numbers alternate with letters. Each new number is obtained by adding 1 more than was added in getting the previous number. The letters run backwards in the alphabet, each time skipping a letter.

18. 85 75 64

Pattern description:

Each new number is obtained by subtracting 1 more than was subtracted in getting the previous number.

19. B 2 A B

Pattern description:

Groups of letters alternate with groups of numbers.

The letters are A B C B A. The numbers are 12 3 2 1.

20. M M 13 B M

Pattern description:

Groups of letters alternate with groups of numbers.

The letters are B M M M B. The numbers are 2 13 14 13 2.

21. 486 1458

Pattern description:

Each new number is three times the previous number.

22. 3F F4 3E G2

Pattern description:

Each entry consists of a letter and a number and begins alternately with one or the other. The numbers are 2343234323 etc. The letters start with A and go up one letter, repeat that letter, then go down one letter. Next jump up two letters, go up one letter, repeat that letter, go down one letter. Next jump up two letters, etc.

23. K P P

Pattern description:

Each letter is repeated once; then the next letter is obtained by going up the alphabet one more letter than the last time.

24. I K I

Pattern description:

Up 2 letters, up 2 letters, down 2 letters, repeated.

25. 2 1 ½ ¼

Pattern description:

Each new number is one-half the previous number.

26. 11 K 11 1 A A

Pattern description:

Sets of numbers alternate with sets of letters. The numbers are 1 11 20 11 1. The letters are A K T K A.


Pattern description:

Starting with the letters ACEG, each successive entry has the letter from the back of the previous entry moved to the front.

28. 000X0X0 0000X0X

Pattern description:

In each entry the Xs are one position to the right compared to the previous entry.

29. 34 33 66

Pattern description:

Alternately multiply by 2 and subtract 1.

30. 28 21 13

Pattern description:

Starting with the number 49, first 1 is subtracted, then 2 is subtracted, then 3 is subtracted, and in each case 1 more is subtracted than was subtracted last.

31. 4 13 3

Pattern description:

Starting with 8, first 1 is added, then 2 is subtracted, then 3 is added, and this pattern of alternately adding and subtracting 1 more number is continued.

32. 38 76 78

Pattern description:

Alternately add 2 and multiply by 2.

33. 24FP 26GV

Pattern description:

Each entry has a number and two letters. The numbers are obtained by alternately adding 2 and 5. The first letter in each entry is one letter higher in the alphabet than the first letter in the previous entry. The second letter in each entry is obtained by skipping one more letter than was skipped in getting the second letter of the previous entry.

34. T W V

Pattern description:

Up 3 letters, down 1 letter, up 2 letters, repeated.

35. 720 40,320

Pattern description:

Each entry is multiplied by 1 more than the previous entry was multiplied by.

36. 17 21

Pattern description:

The third number in each set is the sum of the first two numbers.

37. 9 10 21

Pattern description:

The third number in each set is the sum of the first two numbers.

38. 34 55 89

Pattern description:

Each number is the sum of the two previous numbers.

39. 68 125 230

Pattern description:

Each number is the sum of the three previous numbers.

40. 8700 8600 9600

Pattern description:

Alternately add 1000 and subtract 100.

41. 31 36 38

Pattern description:

Add 5, add 2, subtract 1, then repeat.

42. 70 80 87

Pattern description:

Add 10, add 7, add 5, then repeat.

43. 18 19 38

Pattern description:

Subtract 4, add 1, multiply by 2, then repeat.

44. g g

Pattern Description:

Single letters alternate with double letters. The single letters simply go up the alphabet. The double letters go up the alphabet but skip a letter each time.

45. f 1

Pattern Description:

Three independent series of letters alternate. The first series begins with c and simply goes up the alphabet: c d e f. The second series begins with i and simply goes up the alphabet: i j k l.

46. g p

Pattern Description:

Three series of letters alternate. The first series begins with d and goes up the alphabet. The second series begins with g and skips two letters each time as it goes up the alphabet.

47. l e

Pattern Description:

Three series of letters alternate. The first series begins with u and goes backwards through the alphabet. The second series begins with n and goes backwards through the alphabet.

Chapter X. Deductive and Hypothetical Thinking

Days of the Week Problems

Part I.

1.   Monday

2.   Sunday

3.    a. Friday

b.   Monday

Part II.

1.   Sunday

2.   Thursday

3.    a. Saturday

b.   Tuesday

Part III.

1.   Sunday

1.   Friday

3.   Sunday

4.   Thursday

Part IV.

1.   Sunday

2.   Tuesday

3.   Saturday

4.   Thursday

5.   Wednesday

6.   Monday

7.   a. Tuesday

b.   Sunday

Part V.

1.   d.  Wednesday

2.   d.  Thursday

3.   d.  Monday

      e.  Sunday

4.   d.  Monday

       e.  Tuesday

       f.  Wednesday

Part VI.

1.   g.  Thursday

2.   g.  Tuesday

3.   Sunday

4.   Sunday

5.   Wednesday

6.   Wednesday

Part VII.

1.   n

2.   second

3.   20th

4.   13

5.   3 days

6.   d.

7.   Friday

8.   Saturday

9.   Sunday

10.   Wednesday

Extra Practice Problems

1.   Friday

2.   Tuesday

3.   Saturday

4.   Wednesday

5.   Thursday

6.   $438

7.   $300

8.   image

Chapter XI. Solving Mathematical Word Problems

Additional Problems

1.   450 mi

2.   25 ft

3.   a. 5




4.   27

5.   44 in

6.   60 in

7.   12½ min

8.   $170.00

9.   $60.00

10.   $50.00

11.   $225.00

12.   $170.00

13.   12

14.   4

15.   Heaviest–Bill


16.   8

17.   13

18.   a. 16

        b. 2

18.   19

20.   200 ft

21.   ft

22.   90 mi

23.   even

24.   odd

25.   odd

26.   either

27.   even

28.   either

29.   10

30.   a. 3 sq mi

        b. 2.2 mi

31.   2.25 sq mi

        b. 6 mi

32.   60 mi

33.   .3 mi

34.   12/18 or 2/3

35.   9/36 or 1/4

36.   .088

37.   a. $2800.00

        b. $1200.00

38.   a. $120.00

        b. $420.00

39.   $1750.00

40.   C and D

41.   a. V and W

        b. X and Y

42.   a. a

         b. b

43.   a. 1/10

         b. 1/30

         c. 5

         d. 1/5

         e. 1

         f. 1/42

44.   a. less

         b. less

         c. $100.00

45.   a. 6

         b. 216 sq in

46.   a. 12

         b. 288 sq in

47.   a. 24

         b. 360 sq in

48.   $78.00

49.   30

50.   624

51.   $238

52   a.

         130 mi

53.   550 sq mi

54.   a.

         b. 96 mi

55.   460 sq mi

56.   $125.00

57.   $160.00

58.   $380.00

59.   $2420.00

60.   (2, 2) (4, −4)

61.   9

62.   −8

63.   −5

64.   image

65.   x

Chapter XII. The Post-WASI Test

1.   C

2.   C

3.   south

4.   B

5.   D

6.   A

7.   sa

8.   N K

9.   accountant

10.   160

11.   B

12.   C

13.   B

14.   10, 5, 1

15.   B

16.   B

17.   $320

18.   B

19.   D

20.   DITION

21.   B

22.   C

23.   8

24.   C

25.   sQ, uN, wO

26.   D

27.   D

28.   B

29.   C

30.   C

31.   C

32.   B

33.   D

34.   Tuesday

35.   C

36.   17

37.   C

38.   C

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