MATT RANLETT, a SQL Server MVP, has been a fixture of the Atlanta .NET developer community for many years. A founding member of the Atlanta Dot Net Regular Guys (www.devcow.com), Matt has formed and leads several area user groups. Despite spending dozens of hours after work on local and national community activities such as the SharePoint 1, 2, 3! series (www.sharepoint123.com), organizing three Atlanta Code Camps, working on the INETA Board of Directors as the Vice President of Technology, and appearing in several Pod Casts such as .Net Rocks and the ASP.Net Pod Cast, Matt recently found the time to get married to a wonderful woman named Kim, who he helps to raise three monstrous dogs. Matt currently works as a Senior Consultant with Intellinet and is part of the team committed to helping people succeed by delivering innovative solutions that create business value.

KANWAL KHIPPLE is an independent consultant and Microsoft SharePoint MVP working with enterprise clients in America and Canada. Kanwal strives to build SharePoint solutions that make life easier for Information Workers. His passion lies with Information Architecture, Governance, Business Process Automation, and Branding. Kanwal is an integral part of the global SharePoint Community, contributing through his blog www.sharepointbuzz.com. He can be reached at .

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