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J. MeyerProgramming 101https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8194-9_8

8. Combining Videos, Images, and Graphics

Jeanine Meyer1  
Mt Kisco, NY, USA


This chapter features a family collage sketch. The critical programming concepts are playing a video clip and handling video together with images and rectangles. The rectangles represent the category of graphics. The distinct types of items are defined using classes and subclasses.

In addition to introducing the use of video, this chapter and its example can be viewed as another lesson on classes. You can go back to Chapter 4 and review the bouncing things example. The code for repositioning of the pieces by mouse actions has some similarities to creating a line and then moving an image on the line example in Chapter 4.

The source code material includes an extra example, a demonstration of using line drawing on canvas or an image or a video for directions for an origami model. Illustrations are given as a teaser.

Programming Concepts

This section provides general background on video and the notions of shallow vs. deep copying. I then move to the details of how video is handled in Processing and more on classes and subclasses.


Digital video files come in a variety of formats, just like images. It should be easy to accept that a considerable amount of data is involved, potentially a full image for every frame of the video. Some formats perform compression across frames as well as within frames. The term codec is used for the software or hardware device used for encoding and decompressing video. There are trade-offs to make between quality of the video and size of the file. There also are differences in the speed of going from the stored, digital format to presentation on the screen. It also can be important to ask if the video is to be streamed or acquired all at once. Regarding quality of the image, you might need to think about whether this video is to be viewed on a small screen, like a phone; a typical computer monitor; a high-definition TV; or projected on a large screen for viewing by a big audience.

Copying a Video

A general concept in computing is shallow copying vs. deep copying. It relates to the issue of whether your code is dealing with a value or a reference to a value. These issues arise in all programming languages and are not confined to working with videos or images. If your code copies the reference, it will be to the same value. In my first version of the collage, my duplicate method of the class I named MovieItem copied the reference to the Movie object. Therefore, the method produced two items in the window playing the same movie, frame by frame. I decided that I wanted the duplicate operation to produce a new, distinct copy of the video. With this approach, Annika does a round with herself. We can think of the movies being at different points in the reel. I did this by implementing a deep copy. You can examine the code in the “Program” section.

Processing Programming Features

The critical Processing programming features are video and more on classes and subclasses.


Processing provides a library for handling videos. We need to go to the toolbar and click Sketch/Add Library… and select Video. This will put the following line into your code:
import processing.video.*;
The main class in this library is called Movie. A Movie object is created using the new operator and the Movie constructor. A typical setting of a Movie variable would look something like the following:
myMovie = new Movie(this, "snowman.mov");

where snowman.mov is a file that has been placed in the data folder of the sketch. The this term refers to the PApplet defined for the sketch and is one of the few situations in which we need to think about the Java program being created. When you get to the “Implementing the Family Collage Sketch” section, you will see the Movie constructor in use.

The methods I use for the family collage in addition to the constructor, Movie, are loop, pause, stop, and jump. In addition, I must include the following function in my sketch:
void movieEvent(Movie m) {
This is invoked whenever a Movie object has a new frame available. Think of the Movie as running in a parallel thread and letting my Processing sketch know when there is something happening. This is exactly like our providing a body for setup, draw, mouseClicked, and so on. Finally—and it is important to realize that I have not gotten to it yet—the current frame of the video needs to be displayed in the Processing window. I define a class I named MovieItem as a subclass of a class named Item. (There also is an ImageItem subclass.) Each of these classes has a display method. Object variables include variables for specifying the horizontal and vertical coordinates and the width and the height. The display of the Movie is done using the image function:
void display() {
    image(imovie, xpos, ypos,iwidth,iheight);

where the video is displayed and the dimensions of the display are dependent on the variables (xpos, ypos, iwidth, and iheight) set and maintained by my code.

You can use what you learned in previous chapters to access a video on the Web or ask the user to identify a video on the local computer. Do keep in mind that videos can be quite large, so you do need to make sure the video is fully loaded before attempting to use it. Do also read about obtaining streaming video, including video from webcams and other cameras.

Now what I have written about the use of the Movie class has a lot of detail. I hope you can appreciate that most of the implementation of video is done for us within the code of the Library.

Classes and Subclasses

My initial objectives for my family collage are to be able to move each item by dragging with the mouse, duplicate an item, and delete an item. I then realized that sometimes items get under other items, so I wanted a way to move an item to the top. I also decided that I wanted to be able to pause and restart a video. As I have written, I also decided to treat a duplicate of a video as a distinct entity. My implementation has the Item class and the ImageItem and MovieItem subclasses. I use a tab to hold all the class definitions. I name the tab definitions, which means that the sketch folder has a PDE file named Definitions.pde. The Item class is simply a rectangle. All the items are stored in an array.

In addition to the constructor methods, the methods are isOver, removeIt, display, move, duplicate, restart, and pauseMovie. Because of how I invoke the methods, which you will see in the code, I need to define all methods in the parent class. The restart and pauseMovie methods in the Item class are empty.

The example demonstrates the power of classes and subclasses to share the coding that is alike across classes and supply distinct coding when required.

Under the Covers

Reinforcing what has been said, videos are large, complex entities, and Processing (Java) handles them as such, playing each video independently of everything else in its own thread. The image function used for static images is used to display the current frame of a video. The function movieEvent is invoked by the underlying Java program in the same way that mousePressed, mouseReleased, mouseDragged, and keyPressed are invoked. The parameter to movieEvent indicates which Movie object had the event, so the call in the body of movieEvent to m.read(); responds to the event by updating the Movie with the available frame. If the event was something other than the arrival of a new frame, the last frame would be reread. Note that the one function handles all Movie objects.

Because videos are large, it can be critical to make sure that videos no longer in use are treated in such a way that garbage collection can reclaim the space. For the family collage sketch, this meant that I wrote code to assign the value null to the variable referencing the video when the user chose to delete it.

Family Collage Operation Overview

The use of the family collage to reposition, create new items, and remove items is suggested in Figure 8-1, showing the initial look of the collage, and Figure 8-2, which shows the window after some changes have been made. The user clicks and drags to move an item around the screen. To fully appreciate the sketch, you need to run the code to see the videos playing and to observe dragging items, duplicating (copying) items, and deleting items. As already mentioned, video can be paused and restarted from the beginning.

5 images. Image a is a bright rectangular box. Image b shows a child sitting at a table. Image c shows 1 child and 3 adults. Image d shows a child climbing a wall. Image d is a bright rectangular box. A label on the top reads c for copy comma d for delete comma t for move to top comma p for pause video comma r for restart.

Figure 8-1

Opening window for family collage

The image with the little girl at the table is a frame of a video clip that is being played. This frame was captured when I used the Grab utility to get the screenshot. The collage starts off with the video clip, two static images, and two rectangles. Each of the items can be repositioned. It also is possible to copy any item, move the copy around, and delete any item. The video clip can be paused and restarted.

Figure 8-2 shows a screen after I, as the user, made some modifications. There are two different copies of the same movie (Annika singing the snowman song from Frozen) that started at different times and, therefore, are at different places.

8 images. 1 has 2 bright rectangular boxes. 2, a child sitting at a table with both hands raised. 3, a child sitting at a table. 4 and 5, 1 child and 3 adults. 6, a child climbing a wall. 7 and 8, are bright rectangular boxes. A label on the top reads c for copy comma d for delete comma t for move to top comma p for pause video comma r for restart.

Figure 8-2

Collage after some manipulation

You also should take note of the two rectangles at the upper left corner, as one is slightly offset from the other. My duplicate method creates the second item slightly offset from the position of the original.

Implementing the Family Collage Sketch

Once you understand how videos work, I claim that the implementation is straightforward and based on what you already know about classes and subclasses and mouse events for dragging.


I decided to have the different types of items in my collage implemented as subclasses of an Item class and to store all Item objects in an array. Because I was providing a way to move items around, I needed to erase the window and redisplay everything: all the items and the instructions. Methods to display an item would be present in each class. Processing provides the ArrayList construct, which you read about in the snake example in Chapter 5, with its own remove method. However, I chose to use a standard array to hold all the Item objects, mainly to show that it was possible to write a function for removing an element, which I did in the removeFromItemsArray, using two for-loops.

Each Item has object variables indicating the horizontal and vertical coordinates. The move method performs an incremental move. The change amounts are calculated using mouseX-pmouseX and mouseY-pmouseY.

The inclusion of video items meant that I needed to design a MovieItem class, which would contain a Movie variable. Table 8-1 shows the functions defined in the collage6 tab. Some of these functions do invoke methods of the classes defined in the definitions tab. Note that I use the modifier appropriate for those methods that are overridden in the subclass definitions. The move, isOver, and the move method defined in the Item class (the parent class) are not overridden.
Table 8-1

Function Table for collage6 Tab


Invoked by



Underlying Java program

Item, ImageItem, MovieItem


Underlying Java program

Appropriate display method





Underlying Java program

overWhich, swapThem,

appropriate duplicate, removeIt, restart, pauseMovie








Underlying Java program



Underlying Java program



Underlying Java program



Underlying Java program

The read method for a Movie

Programming the Family Collage Sketch

Table 8-2 lists the code and descriptions for the definitions tab, which is the class definitions for Item, ImageItem, and MovieItem. Table 8-3 lists the code for the main program, which is held in the collage6 tab. Note that the Item class serves as the class definition for the rectangles and also as the parent class for ImageItem and MovieItem. I do realize that these might seem long, but the individual functions are fairly short. Remember that you do not have to and should not read it from start to finish but move around, using the function relationship table (Table 8-1) to guide you. You also can download and use the online source code and just return here when you have a question.
Table 8-2

Code for Class definitions

class Item {

Header for Item

float xpos;

Horizontal coordinate can change


Vertical coordinate can change

float iwidth;


float iheight;


int cred;


int cgreen;


int cblue;


Item(float x,float y,float w,float h,int red,int green, int blue) {

Header for Item constructor

xpos = x;

Sets initial horizontal coordinate

ypos = y;

Sets initial vertical coordinate

iwidth = w;

Sets width

iheight = h;

Sets height

cred = red;

Sets redness

cgreen = green;

Sets greenness

cblue =blue;

Sets blueness


Closes constructor

Boolean isOver(float x,float y) {

Header for isOver method

return ((x>xpos)&&(y>ypos)&&(x<(xpos+iwidth))&&(y<(ypos+iheight)));

Returns the result of calculation against four sides


Closes isOver

void removeIt(int i) {

Header for removeIt


Removes from the Items array


Closes removeIt

void display() {

Header for display


Sets the color


Draws rectangle


Closes display

void move(float dx,float dy) {

Header for move

xpos +=dx;

Incrementally adjusts xpos

ypos +=dy;

Incrementally adjusts ypos


Closes move

void duplicate() {

Header for duplicate

Item copy;

For the copy

copy = new Item(xpos+10, ypos+10,iwidth,iheight,cred,cgreen,cblue);

Creates new Item, offset position

items = (Item[]) append(items,copy);

Adds to Items array


Closes duplicate

void restart() {

Header for restart


Closes empty method

void pauseMovie() {

Header for pauseMovie


Closes empty method


Closes Item class definition

class MovieItem extendsItem{

Header for MovieItem subclass of Item

Movie imovie;

iMovie references the Movie object

String movieFileName;

Holds movie file name, used by duplicate

PApplet paref;

Holds reference to the PApplet, used by duplicate

MovieItem (float x,float y,float w,float h,String mfn, PApplet par ) {


super(x,y,w,h,255,255,255);//sets up white rectangle

Calls parent constructor to set base variables

imovie = new Movie(par,mfn);

Sets reference to the Movie

movieFileName = mfn;

Sets the name of file

paref =par;

Sets reference to PApplet


Starts the movie


Closes constructor

void removeIt(int i) {

Header for removeIt


Stops the movie

imovie = null;

Extra precaution to remove the link to movie, for garbage collection


Calls parent method


Closes removeIt

void duplicate() {

Header for duplicate


Will hold the copy

copy = new MovieItem(xpos+10, ypos+10,iwidth,iheight,movieFileName,paref);

Creates the MovieItem; this will start the new Movie. Note reference to the paref

items = (Item[]) append(items,copy);

Adds to items


Closes duplicate

void display() {

Header for display

image(imovie, xpos, ypos,iwidth,iheight);

Draws in window the current frame


Closes display

void restart() {

Header for restart


Goes to first frame


Starts movie


Closes restart

void pauseMovie() {

Header for pauseMovie


Pause (uses the method of Movie object)


Closes pauseMovie


Closes MovieItem class definition

class ImageItem extends Item {

Header for ImageItem

PImage myImage;

Reference to PImage

String filename;

File name, used by duplicate

ImageItem (float x,float y,float w,float h, String imagefilename) {

Header constructor

super(x,y,w,h,255,255,255);//sets up white rectangle

Calls parent constructor to set base variables

filename =imagefilename;

Saves file name

myImage = loadImage(imagefilename);

Sets PImage


Closes constructor

void duplicate() {

Header for duplicate

Item copy;

For copy

copy = new ImageItem(xpos+10, ypos+10,iwidth,iheight,filename);

Creates new ImageItem, offset

items = (Item[]) append(items,copy);

Adds to Items array


Closes duplicate

void display() {

Header for display

image(myImage, xpos, ypos,iwidth,iheight);

Draws image


Closes display


Closes class definition

As noted earlier, Table 8-3 shows the code for the main tab, labeled collage6. I kept the name so I could let you know that my program went through several revisions.
Table 8-3

Code for collage6

import processing.video.*;

Imports video library

MovieItem myMovieItem;

Used by setup

Item[] items = {};

Will hold all the items, starts out empty

Item curItem = null;

Will hold the item being dragged

void setup() {

Header for setup

size(1000, 1000);

Sets window

Item myItem1 = new Item(10,30,100,200,250,0,200);

Creates rectangle item

items = (Item[]) append(items,myItem1);

Adds to items

Item myItem2 = new Item(500,800,200,100,0,100,100);

Second rectangle

items = (Item[]) append(items,myItem2);

Adds to items

myMovieItem = new


Creates MovieItem, including creating Movie, starting Movie. This refers to the PApplet

items= (Item[]) append(items,myMovieItem);

Adds to items

ImageItem myImage = new ImageItem(10,500,205,154,"pigtails1.JPG");

Creates first ImageItem

items = (Item[]) append(items,myImage);

Adds to items

myImage = new ImageItem(600,300,300,400,"climbing.jpg");

Creates second ImageItem

items = (Item[]) append(items,myImage);

Adds to items


Closes setup

void draw() {

Header for draw


Erases window

text("c for copy, d for delete, t for move to top, p for pause video,

r for restart.",


Outputs the instructions

for (int i=0; i<items.length;i++){

Loop through items

items[i].display();//use appropriate method

Displays each item


Closes for-loop


Closes draw

int overWhich() {

Header for overWhich. The function determines the first item the mouse is over

for (int i=0; i<items.length;i++) {

Loop through items

if (items[i].isOver(mouseX,mouseY)){

Is it over the item

return i;

Returns the index (exit function)


Closes if true clause


Closes the for-loop

return -1;

Did not exit function in the for-loop, so return -1


Closes overWhich

void keyPressed() {

Header for keyPressed

int i;

Will hold the return value of overWhich

i = overWhich();

Invokes overWhich

if (i < 0) {

If negative, means not over any item


Return; no action


Closes if true clause

else {


switch(key) {

Switch depending on letter pressed

case 'c':



Copies item at ith position and adds to items array


Leaves switch

case 'd':



Deletes ith element from items array


Leaves switch

case 't':



Swaps the item with the last; that is, the topmost


Leaves switch

case 'r':



Restarts the item


Leaves switch

case 'p':



Pauses the item


Leaves switch



println("invalid key pressed");

Shows up on console


Leaves switch (not strictly necessary because this is the last)


Closes switch


Closes else clause


Closes keyPressed

void swapThem(int j,int k) {

Header for swapThem; general function, although only used to swap with the topmost item


Needs a placeholder

temp = items[j];

Sets item at j

items[j] = items[k];

Swaps in item at k

items[k] = temp;

Sets item at k


Closes swapThem

void removeFromItemsArray(int i) {

Header for removeFromItemsArray

Item[] tempitems = new Item[items.length-1];

Creates new array, size one less than the size of current Items array

for (int k = 0; k<i;k++) {

For loop up to item to remove

tempitems[k] = items[k];

Copy over kth item


Closes loop

for (int k=i+1;k<items.length;k++) {

For loop starting after item to remove

tempitems[k-1] = items[k];

Copy over kth item


Closes loop

items =tempitems;

Sets items to the array just created and populated


Closes removeFromItemsArray

void mousePressed() {

Header for mousePressed

int i;

Will hold the index of item

i = overWhich();

Find out if on any item

if (i>=0) {

If this is a valid item

curItem = items[i];

Sets curItem


Closes if true clause


Closes mousePressed

void mouseDragged() {

Header for mouseDragged

float dx;

Will hold incremental x amount


Will hold incremental y amount

if (curItem!=null) {

Only do this if curItem is set

dx = mouseX- pmouseX;

Calculates horizontal change

dy = mouseY- pmouseY;

Calculates vertical change


Sets curItem to move these amounts


Closes if clause


Closes mouseDragged

void mouseReleased(){

Header for mouseReleased

curItem = null;

Sets curItem to null, which means no more dragging


Closes mouseReleased

void movieEvent(Movie m) {

Header for movieEvent


Reads the next frame for the specified Movie


Closes movieEvent

Things to Look Up

You can and should read the documentation on the use of video. This would include a video in a file and videos captured from cameras. If you have a webcam on your computer, you can investigate how to include it in a sketch.

How to Make This Your Own

Add other types of items, including drawings, perhaps what you made for Chapter 1.

Inspired and instructed by the last two chapters, incorporate ways for collage makers to access image files and video files on their own computers or on websites.

The collage example given here, by allowing multiple copies of the one video, results in Annika singing a round with herself. If you decide to allow more than one movie, either by uploading the video file(s) to the data folder or providing the capability of the collage maker adding videos dynamically, you might want to address the issue of too much sound. One approach I took for a program using JavaScript was to specify a sound level for each video. However, there now are policies involving autoplay of video on the Web that made me opt for muting audio on my collage program.

You can incorporate video controls. Perhaps you want the restart operation to continue playing where the video was paused.

Here is an extra example from me. I have included in the code section a sketch that shows directions for folding an origami model, the kissy fish. This came about when I was working in a different language, JavaScript, and new features were added to incorporate line drawings and video. It occurred to me that origami directions consist of a sequence of steps and there may a different format that is best for each distinct step. Most of the steps in my example are shown as line drawings, each constructed dynamically, in the style of standard origami diagrams. For example, see Figure 8-3, which uses a dashed line and an arrow to indicate the next fold. The skinny, solid lines indicate the crease lines made by past folds.

The image shows an inverted triangle. It has an arrow from right to left outside, and 3 lines inside the triangle. Below the triangle reads, fold in half to the left. 2 labels below read go back and next step.

Figure 8-3

Step in making kissy fish

Certain steps are shown as photographs, because I thought photographs were best at communicating what was going on in the folding procedure. Figure 8-4 shows the model before a step I call throat surgery.

The image shows an open diamond-like shape. The text below reads, stick your finger in its mouth and move the inner folded material to one side. 2 ovals below read, go back and next step.

Figure 8-4

Step before throat surgery

Figure 8-5 shows the model after throat surgery.

The image shows an open diamond-like shape. The text below reads, throat fixed. 2 ovals below read, go back and next step.

Figure 8-5

Model after throat surgery

Finally, there are two steps that I decided needed to be shown using video. Figure 8-6 shows a frame from one of the two videos, showing how to operate the model.

The image shows a fish-like object held by hands. The text below reads talking fish. 2 ovals below read, go back and next step.

Figure 8-6

Video showing kissy fish in operation

Thus, the sketch demonstrates the use of graphics, image, and video. The reason I omitted extensive coverage of this example was not because I felt the programming was too difficult, but because of the complexity of the algebra and trigonometry required for the line drawings and origami is my interest and, possibly, not yours. You are welcome to try it out and examine the coding. The origami directions sketch might inspire you to think about a process you know that consists of steps where you can decide what the best way is to convey each individual step: a drawing made dynamically, an image, a video, or perhaps an audio file or something else.

Review previous examples and think about incorporating video clips, perhaps as an initial, splash type of opening screen, or as a response to some action. Perhaps you can make your chicken fly off if hit by the slingshot.

What You Learned

This chapter introduces incorporating video into your sketches. The Movie object, or, more precisely, a reference to the Movie object, was a variable in a class. The use of classes and subclasses demonstrated the object-oriented approach that provides a way to be consistent about what code can be shared and what must be different in dealing with a set of things.

What’s Next

The next chapter describes the implementation of the paper-and-pencil game, Hangman. I provide two approaches. In one, the player enters letters by typing keys on the keyboard. In the other, a button is provided for each letter. My intention is to encourage you to realize that there generally are multiple ways to implement something even as simple and familiar as this game. For my sketch, I make use of a very small word list provided as a CSV file in the data folder. I use some of my favorite words and discuss scaling up.

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