RAD (rapid application development), Migrating to Visual Studio 2008, Roundtripping
Range operator, Conversion Operators, Filtering Operator
rapid application development (RAD), Migrating to Visual Studio 2008, Roundtripping
RCW (Runtime Callable Wrapper), Unsafe Code
readonly keyword, Keywords
readonly modifier, Member Attributes
read-only properties, Read-only and write-only properties
ReadOnlyCollection class, System.Array
record indexes (RIDs), Metadata
ref keyword, Keywords
ref modifier, Function parameters, Pointer Parameters and Pointer Return Values
reference counting, Memory Management
reference types, Main Entry Point, Main Entry Point, Main Entry Point, Types, Types, this Object, Function Return, Function parameters, Function Overloading, Equivalence versus Identity, Cross-Language Inheritance, Casting, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Array Conversion, Constraints, Reference Type Constraints, Unsafe Code
arrays as, Arrays and Collections, Array Conversion
CLR support, Unsafe Code
constants as, this Object
constraints, Constraints, Reference Type Constraints
defined, Types
equivalence vs. identity, Equivalence versus Identity
initializing, Main Entry Point
interfaces as, Main Entry Point, Types, Casting
local variables, Main Entry Point, Function Overloading
passing by reference, Function parameters
passing by value, Function Return
System.Object, Cross-Language Inheritance
references, Project Types, Project Types, Creating a Delegate, Generics and Delegates, Weak Reference
adding, Project Types
function, Creating a Delegate, Generics and Delegates
weak, Weak Reference
References element, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements
reflection, The Exceptions Dialog Box, Metadata and Reflection, Metadata and Reflection, ILDASM, ILDASM, Obtaining a Type Object, Loading Assemblies, Loading Assemblies, Browsing Type Information, Browsing Type Information, Type Creation, Type Creation, Late Binding Delegates, Late Binding Delegates, Reflection Security, Attributes and Reflection
(see also )
attributes and, Attributes and Reflection
browsing type information, Loading Assemblies
diagramming assemblies, Obtaining a Type Object
dynamic invocation, Browsing Type Information
function call performance, Late Binding Delegates
functionality, The Exceptions Dialog Box, Metadata and Reflection, ILDASM
generics, Late Binding Delegates
late binding delegates, Browsing Type Information, Type Creation
loading assemblies, Loading Assemblies
security considerations, Reflection Security
type creation, Type Creation
Type object, ILDASM
ReflectionPermission flags, Reflection Security
region directives, Pragma directives, Pragma directives, Pragma directives, Pragma directives, Default Snippets
#endregion directive, Pragma directives
overview, Pragma directives
#region directive, Pragma directives, Default Snippets
registers, Memory Window, Memory Management
relational databases, Introduction to LINQ, Introduction to LINQ, XML Query Expressions, Entity Classes, Metadata
LINQ to SQL, Introduction to LINQ, XML Query Expressions
metadata support, Metadata
query expressions, Entity Classes
relational operators, Operator True and Operator False, Operator Overloading Internals
Reliability and Performance Monitor, Advanced Debugging, Debuggers, Finalization, Finalization
countered supported, Finalization
functionality, Advanced Debugging
Performance Monitor, Debuggers
ReliabilityContractAttribute class, Constrained Execution Region
remote exceptions, Remote Exceptions
resurrection, Finalizers and virtual functions
rethrowing exceptions, Catch Statements, Application Exceptions
return statement, Keywords, Keywords, Functions, Yield Statement
keyword defined, Keywords
overview, Functions
yield statement, Yield Statement
return types, Function Overloading, Visibility, Constructors, Implementation, Delegates and Events, Creating a Delegate, Anonymous Methods, Anonymous Methods
anonymous methods, Anonymous Methods
constructors, Constructors
covariance, Creating a Delegate
delegates, Delegates and Events
function overloading, Function Overloading
methods and, Visibility
operator methods, Implementation
return values, Casting, Casting, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Pointer Parameters and Pointer Return Values
arrays as, Arrays and Collections
base classes as, Casting
interfaces as, Casting
pointers, Pointer Parameters and Pointer Return Values
reverse iteration, Dual iteration
ReverseReader class, Redundant Dispose Method, Thread-Safe Dispose Method
Richter, Jeffrey, Object.Equals Method
RIDs (record indexes), Metadata
RightShift operator, Increment and Decrement Operators
rooted objects, Object graph, Garbage Collection Overview
Rotor (Shared Source CLI), Miscellaneous Operations
roundtripping, MSIL Programming, Process Execution
RTTI (run-time type information), Obtaining a Type Object
Runtime Callable Wrapper (RCW), Unsafe Code
run-time type information (RTTI), Obtaining a Type Object
RuntimeHelpers class, Constrained Execution Region
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